Musk decides to terminate his Twitter deal

You did not say 'it would work'.
You said 'to blow up the anti-free speech woke platform. It worked too .. lol'

So...where is the evidence of this platform that has been blown up?

I am no fan of twitter.
But I see zero evidence that it has been 'blown up'?
It's likened to a mustard seed, where as it has now been planted. You know about a mustard seed right ?
I think Mr. Musk reviewed the number of people who quit when he announced he wanted Twitter to be fair, and realized there is more than meets the eye to the left's tendency to abuse easy-going conservatives who have their eye on making the world a better place which doesn't command much respect in the revenge community that the Demmies have been lately. Like Putin, they are ambitious for power over all other human beings on the planet. That doesn't show any trace of peace on earth.
They hoped the deal would pass or go down in order to try and drag him through hell as he attempted to clean up the woke platform. Well he teased them with his attempt, saw what their idiotic perverse reaction to it was, and backed back off of the gangplank just before the sword's came out. He tested the meter of wokeness in order to gauge the level of it on the platform, and didn't like what he saw so he backed off wisely.

I hope twitter withers upon the vine, while other more representative platforms to American's thrive along the vine. They have reaped what they have sown now, and when wokeism fails completely, then they will soon fail completely with it.
He is so emotionally tied to his ego and that is really destructive.
Geniuses usually do have Ego's that are well deserved. They earned them, and they can use them as a defense mechanism against those who are highly jealous of them. Sucks to be you ... lol
Not the conservatives that I know. They solve problems and complete assignments. They save for a rainy day and actually wait till the rainy day occurs before spending as sparingly as possible, because they do not care to burden others with their needs. They serve the community, church, libraries, symphonies, art galleries, hospital stores, school needs, and local government as needed. They tend to have children who also benefit their communities, jobs, and play bagpipes. They're hard workers and entrepreneurs at small businesses that make a city a better place to live. If ranchers or farmers, they work hard, mend a lot of fences, and are good neighbors who will hustle a neighbor to the hospital when needed. The credo amongst most conservatives is "Honesty is the best policy." They believe there is wisdom in the bible and work for salvation in a nice way. I just described the best conservative I ever met, my late husband. He was a winner, and he used his influence and his sense of humor to improve others as well as save other people's lives.

You seem comfortable in shoes that do not fit.

Solving problems like forcing 10-Girls to carry a baby is the product rape and/or incest...yeah right. Solving problem by Voter Suppression. Solving problem by taking children away from their parent at gun poing. Solving problems Insurrection. Keep lying to yourself.
Solving problems like forcing 10-Girls to carry a baby is the product rape and/or incest...yeah right. Solving problem by Voter Suppression. Solving problem by taking children away from their parent at gun poing. Solving problems Insurrection. Keep lying to yourself.
Don't get people started on the bull crap that the leftist/liberal/Democrat have already done or they still are currently doing and/or they are still supporting.

It won't be good.
He's baaaaaaaack with a new offer or rather the same offer.. lol
So again, aside from the fact that just a few short months ago he was your champion of free speech poised to right the wrongs....he turns out to just be in it for the money. :)
Again, you Alt-Right Nation lemmings will believe ANYTHING.

You cult fucks are literally retarded.
This is what I posted about Musk buying Twitter back in May:

'You fucking, low IQ morons who actually believed that Musk would buy twitter and 'save it'.
You MAGA morons are SO gullible and/or fucking uneducated/stupid that it is laughable.
You must be a used car salesman's dream.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:'

Back a few months ago you were rubbing your hands together in a collective frenzy that finally, justice would be served and Musk would let your savior back on Twitter.
Musk was your champion of free speech....until you found out he was just a flaky corporatist. Who by rights should get his ass spectacularly fined by the SEC. :)

Now I KNOW Musk did the right thing if Jack is against it! Twitter is a dump, it is falling apart losing members left and right. Good thing he came to his senses.

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