Murphy, a term-limited Democrat with an eye on national politics, in State of the State, looks to 'build the next New Jersey' but pokes at DeSantis


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Some national sweep was expected, Murphy is head of the National Governors Association and the Democratic Governors Association — perches others have used to run for a higher office. Murphy used the speech to elbow Florida and its Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, saying New Jersey’s economic growth was outpacing Florida and “many of the so-called ‘business friendly’ states.”

“Some governors boast that their state is ‘where woke goes to die.’ I’m not even sure I know what that means,” Murphy said, referencing a phrase DeSantis often uses when describing his state.

But Murphy’s speech was not as nationally calibrated as DeSantis’ was in his inaugural address last week.
Murphy also praised Utah’s Republican governor, Spencer Cox, who is vice chair of the NGA.

Murphy, a former ambassador to Germany who remains interested in foreign policy, opened the speech talking about the war in Ukraine. He praised “the bravery and strength of the people of Ukraine in fighting back against Russia’s barbaric aggression,” including four Ukrainian soldiers who were in the Assembly chamber for the speech as invited guests.

Despite the pokes at national politics and international affairs sections, parochial issues largely ruled the day in the constitutionally required annual address that marks the beginning of the legislative session.

Murphy leaned heavily on talking points about “affordability,” making New Jersey “stronger” and “fairer” as well as efforts his administration has made to lower property taxes. This year, the governor added “safety” to his message, emphasizing his support for law enforcement and desire to combat crime as well as an aspiration to “build the next New Jersey” and make it “cool to be from New Jersey again.”

One of the longer sections of the speech was the governor’s plan to overhaul the state’s nearly century-old liquor law system. The new plan, first reported Tuesday morning in POLITICO’s New Jersey Playbook, would lift an existing cap on the number of licenses and allow municipalities to tack on their own local fees.

The governor also announced a deadline extension for his touted ANCHOR Property Tax Relief program allowing eligible residents to continue applying through Feb. 28. The program was one of the centerpieces of his 2022 agenda, but reports show only about half the state’s expected two million eligible residents have applied.

He also announced a plan, dubbed the Boardwalk Fund, to spend money to upgrade areas along the Jersey Shore. Murphy said he would unveil details of he plan during his budget address next month.
Murphy also promised to sign legislation to deal with car thefts, a crime that has become a major issue in the state and which he now calls a top priority.

The state will also roll out what the governor described as a “nation-leading” plan to make the life-saving drug naloxone available free and anonymously to anyone who walks into a pharmacy. The drug can treat an opioid overdose. The plan is to offer “anonymous and free access” to the drug, also known by the brand name Narcan, and could save countless lives, he said.

All of these issues will be batted around during an election year in which all 120 members of the Legislature will be on the ballot.


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