Munchausen by Proxy


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Lost Article - Did a N.Y. Mother Poison Her Son With Salt?

I have a friend that has munchausen. I think it started off as By Proxy at first, but she gave her child up when it got too difficult for her to deal with him and his illness. After he was safely in someone elses home, she swapped from By Proxy to just flat out Munchausen on herself.

Sad illness. And not much one can do about it. And worse when it is By Proxy because someone else gets the worst results of it.

Authorities are now trying to prove whether Spears suffers from Munchausen by proxy -when parents harm their children in search of attention or sympathy for themselves.
Last edited: Article - Did a N.Y. Mother Poison Her Son With Salt?

I have a friend that has munchausen. I think it started off as By Proxy at first, but she gave her child up when it got too difficult for her to deal with him and his illness. After he was safely in someone elses home, she swapped from By Proxy to just flat out Munchausen on herself.

Sad illness. And not much one can do about it. And worse when it is By Proxy because someone else gets the mosten results of it.

Authorities are now trying to prove whether Spears suffers from Munchausen by proxy -when parents harm their children in search of attention or sympathy for themselves.

I don't think it's as sad as it is disgusting.
My friend M has it bad. Every time she came to visit, I had to call every hospital within a 45 mile range and let them know she was here and to be on the lookout if she tried to admit herself for some wild claim of pain. She was "on the list" of them all. Most of the docs too, but I couldn't reach ALL of them.

I have not seen her in years but we still talk on the phone now and then. She moved to Florida. ALLLL the way on the other side of me. I am thankful. She was a handful, that's for sure.
My friend M has it bad. Every time she came to visit, I had to call every hospital within a 45 mile range and let them know she was here and to be on the lookout if she tried to admit herself for some wild claim of pain. She was "on the list" of them all. Most of the docs too, but I couldn't reach ALL of them.

I have not seen her in years but we still talk on the phone now and then. She moved to Florida. ALLLL the way on the other side of me. I am thankful. She was a handful, that's for sure.
That's hypochondria.
My friend M has it bad. Every time she came to visit, I had to call every hospital within a 45 mile range and let them know she was here and to be on the lookout if she tried to admit herself for some wild claim of pain. She was "on the list" of them all. Most of the docs too, but I couldn't reach ALL of them.

I have not seen her in years but we still talk on the phone now and then. She moved to Florida. ALLLL the way on the other side of me. I am thankful. She was a handful, that's for sure.
That's hypochondria.

Münchausen syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Article - Did a N.Y. Mother Poison Her Son With Salt?

I have a friend that has munchausen. I think it started off as By Proxy at first, but she gave her child up when it got too difficult for her to deal with him and his illness. After he was safely in someone elses home, she swapped from By Proxy to just flat out Munchausen on herself.

Sad illness. And not much one can do about it. And worse when it is By Proxy because someone else gets the worst results of it.

Authorities are now trying to prove whether Spears suffers from Munchausen by proxy -when parents harm their children in search of attention or sympathy for themselves.

Here is more about this woman, she made up a lot of details about her life to even include her sons father was a cop who died on the job, but he never existed. Her sons father is alive, well and was never a cop.

Chestnut Ridge boy's mom tells two stories of child's father
Let's identify who on the Board is Munchausen by self.

Three candidates come to mind quickly.
My friend M has it bad. Every time she came to visit, I had to call every hospital within a 45 mile range and let them know she was here and to be on the lookout if she tried to admit herself for some wild claim of pain. She was "on the list" of them all. Most of the docs too, but I couldn't reach ALL of them.

I have not seen her in years but we still talk on the phone now and then. She moved to Florida. ALLLL the way on the other side of me. I am thankful. She was a handful, that's for sure.
That's hypochondria.

Another word for attention seeking, I always thought.
That's hypochondria.
You are clueless, as usual.

A hypochondriac thinks they are sick. Munchausen knows they aren't.

True - but its attention seeking, right?

A hypochondriac doesn't want attention or the illness. The illness terrifies them. It has more of an OCD vibe, like the people who stop their cars every block to check under it for bodies, scared that they've run over someone.

Munchausen is when you know you aren't sick but are compelled to make people feel sorry for you. Their made up stories are about tragedies rather than any accomplishments. They seek attention, yes, but specifically sympathy and pity. Munchausen by Proxy is making someone else (usually your child) sick in order to get sympathy or pity. They play the martyr, so to speak.
Most hypochondriacs are not concerned with attention..and mostly stay hidden in their homes due to fear of "getting sick" with something. They fear illness and any ache or pain or sniffle means they have something "horrible" and are scared shitless. My sister is one. Seeking attention is the furthest of what she wants. She is just totally scared to death for any reason when it comes to her health. She never used to be that way...until she witnessed my dad collapsing and dying from a brain aneurysm. He died on the kitchen floor.
She is now 64 years old and lives at the doctors office when not hunkered at home with fear.

Munchausen is nothing like that. People with Munchausen actively seek attention, knowing nothing is physically wrong with them. And sometimes they even hurt themselves so something IS wrong with them.
Straight from the horses mouth, I got a close up view of what Munchausen is and does. M said she loved the care shown to her by nurses who fluffed her pillow, strangers who would say Awwww when she would eagerly tell them why she was in the emergency room, the concern on the faces of doctors, etc.
Until she got sent home. When sent home, the attention was gone. So she resorted to hurting herself and saying she fell down, or accidentally drank bleach thinking it water, etc etc etc.
She mimic'd pain in the uterus that she read up about, then complained she needed a hysterectomy...and got one. She had her teeth done to the tune of 23,000.00 and a week later she deliberately damaged them so they had to go in and redo the teeth that were connected to the bone. These are just examples of things she has done to herself. It was also great excuses to get drugs, to which she became addicted to for the pain (especially during what I call The Teeth Episode). So now not only did she have munchausen...she was also an adict.
Her shrink talked to me at length because I was closest to her, didn't take advantage of her (she is very VERY wealthy), and most of the time she was here at my house where I "took care of her best interests" whereas nobody else would.
M also gave money away to anyone and everyone. This, too, was a form of her munchausen disease. Her shrink told me hers was a difficult case because not only was she full swing munchausen, she also was an addict as well.

She was a chore. Indeed she was. She eventually married some guy and now he has to deal with it.
That's hypochondria.
You are clueless, as usual.

A hypochondriac thinks they are sick. Munchausen knows they aren't.

True - but its attention seeking, right?

Munchausens has the added bonus of ridiculous life experiences, like the "schoolgirl" that claimed to be in honors classes, 1st violin the school band, on the track team and the volleyball team, a cheerleader, a competitive dancer, a model, and she was in a rock band. At age 12.

In reality it's a woman in her late 30s. Once she was outed some members did some research and found that she'd polluted over a hundred boards with her crap.

After she was outed she kept on going with her stories. She went to a new board claiming to be a highly overachieving 15-year-old boy that lived with his granddad and attended a religious private school. And he was in a rock band. And ran track. And acted in local commercials.
Those with Munchausen are very VERY good at researching...then using that info to get sympathy and attention. M was either at the library (no net then) or always on google hunting info (once she discovered webtv).
You are clueless, as usual.

A hypochondriac thinks they are sick. Munchausen knows they aren't.

True - but its attention seeking, right?

Munchausens has the added bonus of ridiculous life experiences, like the "schoolgirl" that claimed to be in honors classes, 1st violin the school band, on the track team and the volleyball team, a cheerleader, a competitive dancer, a model, and she was in a rock band. At age 12.

In reality it's a woman in her late 30s. Once she was outed some members did some research and found that she'd polluted over a hundred boards with her crap.

After she was outed she kept on going with her stories. She went to a new board claiming to be a highly overachieving 15-year-old boy that lived with his granddad and attended a religious private school. And he was in a rock band. And ran track. And acted in local commercials.

There are different forms of it. Some do it by living a life that is empty so they pretend they did things or worked places they never stepped foot in. Some do it for the medical aspect of it. Sometimes...both.

Outting someone does not help the person. Enabling them, does. I was M's enabler...and I thought her lawyers (who dole out the monthly money from her inheritance) wanted her committed so they could get their mitts on it. That is when I finally asked her shrink to TALK TO ME. I needed to know. I was the one taking care of her..not them. They gave her her allowance. They did not hold her hand when she came home again with stitches and get phone calls from doctors asking me to come get this woman out of their office. So I was finally told and longer enabled her. So she found a new schmuck. And married him. He is happy with their marriage. He can sit on his lazy ass all day, get free rent, free insurance, free car, free vacations to the bahamas and jamaica, etc etc etc. And he doesn't give a damn if she swapped from drugs finally and is now a drunk. No way in hell will he ever leave her. He would lose his free ride.

Outting someone does not help the person. ...

There were those that tried very hard to help her, as well as help other munchausens that roam the internet and wound up on our board. They refuse to be helped and nothing can be done unless they move on to "by proxy" and harm someone else. Then they can be forced into psychiatric care and away from the general public.
Some people just can't be helped. Online, they will continue to have shitloads of jobs they never had, embroil themselves on boards claiming this and that, say they are dying or ill and sometimes they even fake their own death, then come back as a sock just to see the remarks after the sock stated so and so died. Seen it happen before at another board I was at.

Some, in real life and NOT online, are like M.
I kinda miss her. When she was not in that phase, anyway. We had such fun when we were in Hawaii snorkeling, seeing the sights. In fact, the last time I was in Maui was with her and hubby. She lives in Florida now..and I will never see Maui again. One, because I can no longer afford it, two, because M not being there with us would be....weird.

Yes. I do miss her. A lot. Didn't realize how much until I just posted about Maui. But I am too old to handle her ailment now. That is her hubbys job.

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