"Mummy my tummy hurts" - How guns keep you safe.

The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.

The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.
Norway 51k
Denmark 43k
Germany 48k

Again it doesn't tell the whole story, most Europeans have better quality life than Americans. Thry rank better than Americans in education, health, happiness, life expectancy, etc...

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up. Houses in Tennessee and Ohio that go for 40 to 50k where most people live. As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Norway 51k

How much of their GDP is state owned oil?

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up.

Lots of brand new homes in Norway, Denmark and Germany?

How does square footage compare?

As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Plus, gas is what, triple what we pay? More?
One of the biggest positives is that you can go to the shops without being shot and send your kids to school without them being slaughtered.

You focus on the material and that seems to be a conservative trait. Quality of life cannot be measured by just one metric.
Not in majority Muslim areas and remind us having your head hacked off is better then being shot.
Yes , the whole European experience can be summed up by one awful incident a decade ago. Can you dress yourself in the morning you fuckwit ?
one incident I guess all the attacks in France and Belgium and Germany never happened right? No no go zones in all European Countries right boob?
Name these no go zones ? I used to work in one that fox news described as such. The fact is that all of the countries you named are safer than the US. Stats dont lie but gun nuts do.

No, actually, they are not.......outside of democrat party controlled cities, the U.S. is as safe or safer than European countries, and the European countries are growing more and more dangerous each year.....as the 3rd world immigrants take control of organized crime.......

For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

And when you talk about gun violence, the majority of gun murder victims...over 70-80% of the victims, are not normal Americans.....they are criminals, murdered by other criminals in democrat party controlled cities.....and of the rest, the vast majority of gun murder victims are the friends and family...and sadly children, of career criminals and gang members murdered when they are caught in the murder attempt on the actual criminal....

As John Nolte puts it over at Breitbart....in MAGA country, we have guns, we just don't have gun crime....but in blue states and blue cities, they have almost all of the gun murder.....

You don't understand America Tommy, and you will understand gun violence, it is coming to Britain and the rest of Europe...
I'm so glad I didn't grow up as a kid in thr US, we had 0 fear of getting kidnapped, shot or molested unlike most American kids....you won't know what I'm talking about, you grew up in a very Hostile and tough environment, that you need a gun to feel safe.

2015, there were 13 723 nonfatal and 2762 fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.1 Deaths from firearms now rank among the top 3 causes of death in the pediatric population.13 In previous research, it has been identified that male sex, nonwhite race, low median income, and older adolescent age are risk factors for sustaining both fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries2,410; these data, however, are largely driven by firearm assaults in urban settings. In 2 previous studies, it has been demonstrated that fatality rates due to firearms for urban and rural counties are essentially equivalent both in the overall population and specifically in children and adolescents.11,12 Rural and urban differences have been noted regarding the cause of injury or death, with suicide and unintentional firearm deaths occurring at a higher rate in rural counties and deaths from firearm homicide occurring at a higher rate in urban counties.11,12

See.......that link you have is bullshit....do you know why it is bullshit....?

This little bit right here....

fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.

At what point is a 15 year old gang member a regular child?

At what point is a 17,18,19 year old considered a "Child?"

They use the <20 because so few actual children die from accidental and gun murder....they have to use "under 20" so they can roll in the 15 year old gang members who are shooting each other on the orders of their gangs as part of that number.....you dumb asshole......

What is it with you gun grabbers...you always have to lie to push your agenda....

From Wisqars...the actual CDC data for children <1 to 14...I use this age range to exclude 15 year old gang members...of course, there are younger gang members shooting people, but this is a good start...

Out of 72 million children in the U.S....how many actual innocent children are murdered with guns?

For 2019....


So tell us.....doofus....how does 269 out of 72 million children make guns a leading cause of death...?

Then we have accidental gun deaths of children by gun.....


Again...how does 51 accidental gun deaths out of 72 million equal a leading cause of death...

You anti-gunners lie every time you post data because the actual data doesn't support anything you believe...

100 children a year die on their bicycles.........51 from gun accidents....

300 children die drowning......51 from gun accidents...

You are an idiot....
Lol thr whole entire US and thr world know that we have a gun issue, we thr ones that lived outside and the US tell you that, stats tell you that, the daily news tell you that but you are still in denial.

Just this past week along multiple mass shootings and dead people, criminals or not. Way too many dead people. .

You don't know what you are talking about...our issue isn't guns....since our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns...

What you assholes don't understand is that the democrat party and it's policies drive our gun murder rate...the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep releasing violent gun offenders.....you idiot.
You don't know better. You are accustomed to fear, guns, paranoia you have 0 clue about how safe it is without the culture of gun it is in most countries. Dude kids in preschools have to do drills about an active shooter And you blaming the democrats ? Seriously?
Funny how the murder rate in the county I live has been ZERO for the past 10 years.

And like I said you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun if that .003% chance scares you then you really have a problem
Since I remember us overseas always shook our heads in disbelief about the amount of gun violence fast forward still the same tragedy...and we always said "they are idiots out there they still think is the wild wide west" I guess that saying is true and you don't care as long as its far from where you live.
I really don't care what other countries or the people who live in other countries think about the US.

And people in other countries don't seem to realize the wild west wasn't so wild and that most Americans have only ever seen a cowboy on a TV or movie screen.

And I'll admit that I really don't care about the crime in other places because unlike you I;m honest about it.

People that own guns legally are not the problem
I agree gun owners are not the problem, unless if there is a road rage, family, dispute, neighbour dispute, work dispute, school shootings and so much more. Most countries people don't get killed as easy because there are no guns or is super hard to get one.

1.1 million times a year Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders.

In other countries, those victims just have to sit there and endure the rapes, robberies and murders.....

10,235 gun murders in U.S. in 2019.

0ver 70-80% of our gun murder victims aren't normal Americans...they are criminals engaged in criminal activity, in democrat party controlled cities and voting districts.

Of the rest of the victims, the majority are friends and family of the criminals who are hit when their criminal friend or family member is targeted for murder, in democrat party cities and voting districts.

So we don't have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem.

1.1 million rapes, robberies and murders are avoided with guns........... versus 10,235 gun murders, the majority of which are criminals......

If you aren't a criminal...

If you aren't the friend, family member or associate of a criminal

If you don't live with that criminal in a democrat party controlled city or voting district

Then the odds of you ever experiencing gun crime or murder are smaller than in Europe.....

We have lots of guns in MAGA states and cities...we just don't use them to commit murder or crime.

As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

These charts exclude suicides, for which data are not available on a congressional district basis, so it only breaks down the fraction of gun violence that is accidental or confrontational.

A distinct pattern emerged: In Democratic regions of the country, which tend to be cities, people are more likely to be murdered with a gun than they are to shoot themselves to death.

In regions of the country won by Republicans, which tend to be rural areas and small towns, the opposite is true — people are more likely to shoot themselves to death than they are to be murdered with a gun.

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.

Keep convincing yourself.
With guns America has one of the highest rates of rape, theft, homicides, mass shootings.
You are numb to it all because you've lived in a Hostile aggressive culture, you don't know better.
9 lives were easily taken because even the weakest MOFO out there can kill as many as he wishes. It doesn't happen in most countries simply because people can't obtain guns.

Keep the body count.

Did you know that Australia with its restrictive gun laws has a higher rape rate than the US?

Guns don't cause rape.
Did you know that the US has 100s of millions of guns but yet have one of the highest rates of rape and thousands of gun deaths ?
So what?

Guns don't cause crime

People do
Guns make criminals and no criminals more lethal, hence more fatalities.
And not all people are criminals.

Do you want any of your rights taken away because someone else commits a crime?

I don't see why it's so hard for you to understand that you don't punish everyone for the crimes of a fraction of a percent of the population.
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.
You're not free to protect yourself with the best tool for self defense.

But maybe you like the idea of being punished for the crimes other people commit.
And yet not one politician or party has ever advocated for a wild west society like the US. Why would that be ?

Because they don't want you to be able to stop them.

Your governments handed over your citizens to the German Socialists, who then murdered them..........

More people were murdered by European governments in that 15 year period....12 million innocent men, women and children......innocent people who had committed no crime.....than all of the victims of gun murder in the U.S. in 87 years.......and the victims of gun murder in the U.S. are over 70-80% all criminals........people who chose to be criminals and were murdered by other criminals engaging in criminal activity...

And of the rest of the gun murder victims in the U.S., the majority of them are friends, family and associates of criminals......hit by mistake when the criminal they knew was the target....in democrat party controlled voting districts...

In the U.S....

If you aren't a criminal...

If you are not the friend, family member or associate of a criminal....

If you don't live in a democrat party voting district....

Your odds of getting shot, shot and murdered are almost 0.

Meanwhile.....European crimnals are now getting and using guns, more and more....so your ability to look down your nose at us is coming to an end........fully automatic military rifles and grenades are the weapon of choice among European criminals....and they don't fear or respect your police....
Not one politician in any party at any time wants the country to look like the killing fields of America. We look at you with pity.
I always looked at the US violence in pity. Most Americans are accustomed to it and became numb.

I've been to countries where one shooting (non fatal) made the headlines for weeks.
That's because those people like you are afraid of guns and being murdered.

I'm not afraid of guns and I don't worry about being murdered. And I have the choice to protect myself instead of waiting for the fucking police to show up.
Someone from your family, workplace , road rage, theater can take your life before you can blink...many countries don't have to worry about that happening.
I don't worry about it and never have because unlike you I realize that the odds are practically ZERO of that happening
The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.

The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.
Norway 51k
Denmark 43k
Germany 48k

Again it doesn't tell the whole story, most Europeans have better quality life than Americans. Thry rank better than Americans in education, health, happiness, life expectancy, etc...

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up. Houses in Tennessee and Ohio that go for 40 to 50k where most people live. As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Norway 51k

How much of their GDP is state owned oil?

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up.

Lots of brand new homes in Norway, Denmark and Germany?

How does square footage compare?

As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Plus, gas is what, triple what we pay? More?
One of the biggest positives is that you can go to the shops without being shot and send your kids to school without them being slaughtered.

You focus on the material and that seems to be a conservative trait. Quality of life cannot be measured by just one metric.
Not in majority Muslim areas and remind us having your head hacked off is better then being shot.
Yes , the whole European experience can be summed up by one awful incident a decade ago. Can you dress yourself in the morning you fuckwit ?
one incident I guess all the attacks in France and Belgium and Germany never happened right? No no go zones in all European Countries right boob?
Name these no go zones ? I used to work in one that fox news described as such. The fact is that all of the countries you named are safer than the US. Stats dont lie but gun nuts do.

No, actually, they are not.......outside of democrat party controlled cities, the U.S. is as safe or safer than European countries, and the European countries are growing more and more dangerous each year.....as the 3rd world immigrants take control of organized crime.......

For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

And when you talk about gun violence, the majority of gun murder victims...over 70-80% of the victims, are not normal Americans.....they are criminals, murdered by other criminals in democrat party controlled cities.....and of the rest, the vast majority of gun murder victims are the friends and family...and sadly children, of career criminals and gang members murdered when they are caught in the murder attempt on the actual criminal....

As John Nolte puts it over at Breitbart....in MAGA country, we have guns, we just don't have gun crime....but in blue states and blue cities, they have almost all of the gun murder.....

You don't understand America Tommy, and you will understand gun violence, it is coming to Britain and the rest of Europe...
I'm so glad I didn't grow up as a kid in thr US, we had 0 fear of getting kidnapped, shot or molested unlike most American kids....you won't know what I'm talking about, you grew up in a very Hostile and tough environment, that you need a gun to feel safe.

2015, there were 13 723 nonfatal and 2762 fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.1 Deaths from firearms now rank among the top 3 causes of death in the pediatric population.13 In previous research, it has been identified that male sex, nonwhite race, low median income, and older adolescent age are risk factors for sustaining both fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries2,410; these data, however, are largely driven by firearm assaults in urban settings. In 2 previous studies, it has been demonstrated that fatality rates due to firearms for urban and rural counties are essentially equivalent both in the overall population and specifically in children and adolescents.11,12 Rural and urban differences have been noted regarding the cause of injury or death, with suicide and unintentional firearm deaths occurring at a higher rate in rural counties and deaths from firearm homicide occurring at a higher rate in urban counties.11,12

See.......that link you have is bullshit....do you know why it is bullshit....?

This little bit right here....

fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.

At what point is a 15 year old gang member a regular child?

At what point is a 17,18,19 year old considered a "Child?"

They use the <20 because so few actual children die from accidental and gun murder....they have to use "under 20" so they can roll in the 15 year old gang members who are shooting each other on the orders of their gangs as part of that number.....you dumb asshole......

What is it with you gun grabbers...you always have to lie to push your agenda....

From Wisqars...the actual CDC data for children <1 to 14...I use this age range to exclude 15 year old gang members...of course, there are younger gang members shooting people, but this is a good start...

Out of 72 million children in the U.S....how many actual innocent children are murdered with guns?

For 2019....


So tell us.....doofus....how does 269 out of 72 million children make guns a leading cause of death...?

Then we have accidental gun deaths of children by gun.....


Again...how does 51 accidental gun deaths out of 72 million equal a leading cause of death...

You anti-gunners lie every time you post data because the actual data doesn't support anything you believe...

100 children a year die on their bicycles.........51 from gun accidents....

300 children die drowning......51 from gun accidents...

You are an idiot....
Lol thr whole entire US and thr world know that we have a gun issue, we thr ones that lived outside and the US tell you that, stats tell you that, the daily news tell you that but you are still in denial.

Just this past week along multiple mass shootings and dead people, criminals or not. Way too many dead people. .

You don't know what you are talking about...our issue isn't guns....since our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns...

What you assholes don't understand is that the democrat party and it's policies drive our gun murder rate...the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep releasing violent gun offenders.....you idiot.
You don't know better. You are accustomed to fear, guns, paranoia you have 0 clue about how safe it is without the culture of gun it is in most countries. Dude kids in preschools have to do drills about an active shooter And you blaming the democrats ? Seriously?
Funny how the murder rate in the county I live has been ZERO for the past 10 years.

And like I said you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun if that .003% chance scares you then you really have a problem
Since I remember us overseas always shook our heads in disbelief about the amount of gun violence fast forward still the same tragedy...and we always said "they are idiots out there they still think is the wild wide west" I guess that saying is true and you don't care as long as its far from where you live.
I really don't care what other countries or the people who live in other countries think about the US.

And people in other countries don't seem to realize the wild west wasn't so wild and that most Americans have only ever seen a cowboy on a TV or movie screen.

And I'll admit that I really don't care about the crime in other places because unlike you I;m honest about it.

People that own guns legally are not the problem
I agree gun owners are not the problem, unless if there is a road rage, family, dispute, neighbour dispute, work dispute, school shootings and so much more. Most countries people don't get killed as easy because there are no guns or is super hard to get one.

1.1 million times a year Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders.

In other countries, those victims just have to sit there and endure the rapes, robberies and murders.....

10,235 gun murders in U.S. in 2019.

0ver 70-80% of our gun murder victims aren't normal Americans...they are criminals engaged in criminal activity, in democrat party controlled cities and voting districts.

Of the rest of the victims, the majority are friends and family of the criminals who are hit when their criminal friend or family member is targeted for murder, in democrat party cities and voting districts.

So we don't have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem.

1.1 million rapes, robberies and murders are avoided with guns........... versus 10,235 gun murders, the majority of which are criminals......

If you aren't a criminal...

If you aren't the friend, family member or associate of a criminal

If you don't live with that criminal in a democrat party controlled city or voting district

Then the odds of you ever experiencing gun crime or murder are smaller than in Europe.....

We have lots of guns in MAGA states and cities...we just don't use them to commit murder or crime.

As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

These charts exclude suicides, for which data are not available on a congressional district basis, so it only breaks down the fraction of gun violence that is accidental or confrontational.

A distinct pattern emerged: In Democratic regions of the country, which tend to be cities, people are more likely to be murdered with a gun than they are to shoot themselves to death.

In regions of the country won by Republicans, which tend to be rural areas and small towns, the opposite is true — people are more likely to shoot themselves to death than they are to be murdered with a gun.

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.

Keep convincing yourself.
With guns America has one of the highest rates of rape, theft, homicides, mass shootings.
You are numb to it all because you've lived in a Hostile aggressive culture, you don't know better.
9 lives were easily taken because even the weakest MOFO out there can kill as many as he wishes. It doesn't happen in most countries simply because people can't obtain guns.

Keep the body count.

Did you know that Australia with its restrictive gun laws has a higher rape rate than the US?

Guns don't cause rape.
Did you know that the US has 100s of millions of guns but yet have one of the highest rates of rape and thousands of gun deaths ?
And did you know that as the number of guns in America went UP, the violence went DOWN?
Thousands die still. Even police couldn't defend themselves against the Las Vegas shooter.
If you read the responses on here it is clear that they live in fear and there whole society is based on that fear. Its the fear that causes them to cling on to their guns.
Yeap, spot on. They are paranoid as hell.
says the hysterical scared little sheep who thinks a .003% chance of getting murdered by a person with a gun is a terrifying proposition
This is why you always have your children carry an AR-15 so they can shoot back and bullet proof your car.
I don't own an Ar 15 because I have no use for a small caliber varmint rifle.

And I drive a stock Ford F 150 that doesn't have a rifle rack in the rear window.

I don't own cowboy boots and have never ridden a horse.

Oh and I don;t have kids
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.
Given that the Civil War in America was over 150 years ago and we still have people alive who lived through WWII, and Germany tried to conquer Europe twice in a handful of years, why would you think that?
The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.

The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.
Norway 51k
Denmark 43k
Germany 48k

Again it doesn't tell the whole story, most Europeans have better quality life than Americans. Thry rank better than Americans in education, health, happiness, life expectancy, etc...

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up. Houses in Tennessee and Ohio that go for 40 to 50k where most people live. As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Norway 51k

How much of their GDP is state owned oil?

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up.

Lots of brand new homes in Norway, Denmark and Germany?

How does square footage compare?

As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Plus, gas is what, triple what we pay? More?
One of the biggest positives is that you can go to the shops without being shot and send your kids to school without them being slaughtered.

You focus on the material and that seems to be a conservative trait. Quality of life cannot be measured by just one metric.
Not in majority Muslim areas and remind us having your head hacked off is better then being shot.
Yes , the whole European experience can be summed up by one awful incident a decade ago. Can you dress yourself in the morning you fuckwit ?
one incident I guess all the attacks in France and Belgium and Germany never happened right? No no go zones in all European Countries right boob?
Name these no go zones ? I used to work in one that fox news described as such. The fact is that all of the countries you named are safer than the US. Stats dont lie but gun nuts do.

No, actually, they are not.......outside of democrat party controlled cities, the U.S. is as safe or safer than European countries, and the European countries are growing more and more dangerous each year.....as the 3rd world immigrants take control of organized crime.......

For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

And when you talk about gun violence, the majority of gun murder victims...over 70-80% of the victims, are not normal Americans.....they are criminals, murdered by other criminals in democrat party controlled cities.....and of the rest, the vast majority of gun murder victims are the friends and family...and sadly children, of career criminals and gang members murdered when they are caught in the murder attempt on the actual criminal....

As John Nolte puts it over at Breitbart....in MAGA country, we have guns, we just don't have gun crime....but in blue states and blue cities, they have almost all of the gun murder.....

You don't understand America Tommy, and you will understand gun violence, it is coming to Britain and the rest of Europe...
I'm so glad I didn't grow up as a kid in thr US, we had 0 fear of getting kidnapped, shot or molested unlike most American kids....you won't know what I'm talking about, you grew up in a very Hostile and tough environment, that you need a gun to feel safe.

2015, there were 13 723 nonfatal and 2762 fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.1 Deaths from firearms now rank among the top 3 causes of death in the pediatric population.13 In previous research, it has been identified that male sex, nonwhite race, low median income, and older adolescent age are risk factors for sustaining both fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries2,410; these data, however, are largely driven by firearm assaults in urban settings. In 2 previous studies, it has been demonstrated that fatality rates due to firearms for urban and rural counties are essentially equivalent both in the overall population and specifically in children and adolescents.11,12 Rural and urban differences have been noted regarding the cause of injury or death, with suicide and unintentional firearm deaths occurring at a higher rate in rural counties and deaths from firearm homicide occurring at a higher rate in urban counties.11,12

See.......that link you have is bullshit....do you know why it is bullshit....?

This little bit right here....

fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.

At what point is a 15 year old gang member a regular child?

At what point is a 17,18,19 year old considered a "Child?"

They use the <20 because so few actual children die from accidental and gun murder....they have to use "under 20" so they can roll in the 15 year old gang members who are shooting each other on the orders of their gangs as part of that number.....you dumb asshole......

What is it with you gun grabbers...you always have to lie to push your agenda....

From Wisqars...the actual CDC data for children <1 to 14...I use this age range to exclude 15 year old gang members...of course, there are younger gang members shooting people, but this is a good start...

Out of 72 million children in the U.S....how many actual innocent children are murdered with guns?

For 2019....


So tell us.....doofus....how does 269 out of 72 million children make guns a leading cause of death...?

Then we have accidental gun deaths of children by gun.....


Again...how does 51 accidental gun deaths out of 72 million equal a leading cause of death...

You anti-gunners lie every time you post data because the actual data doesn't support anything you believe...

100 children a year die on their bicycles.........51 from gun accidents....

300 children die drowning......51 from gun accidents...

You are an idiot....
Lol thr whole entire US and thr world know that we have a gun issue, we thr ones that lived outside and the US tell you that, stats tell you that, the daily news tell you that but you are still in denial.

Just this past week along multiple mass shootings and dead people, criminals or not. Way too many dead people. .

You don't know what you are talking about...our issue isn't guns....since our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns...

What you assholes don't understand is that the democrat party and it's policies drive our gun murder rate...the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep releasing violent gun offenders.....you idiot.
You don't know better. You are accustomed to fear, guns, paranoia you have 0 clue about how safe it is without the culture of gun it is in most countries. Dude kids in preschools have to do drills about an active shooter And you blaming the democrats ? Seriously?
Funny how the murder rate in the county I live has been ZERO for the past 10 years.

And like I said you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun if that .003% chance scares you then you really have a problem
Since I remember us overseas always shook our heads in disbelief about the amount of gun violence fast forward still the same tragedy...and we always said "they are idiots out there they still think is the wild wide west" I guess that saying is true and you don't care as long as its far from where you live.
I really don't care what other countries or the people who live in other countries think about the US.

And people in other countries don't seem to realize the wild west wasn't so wild and that most Americans have only ever seen a cowboy on a TV or movie screen.

And I'll admit that I really don't care about the crime in other places because unlike you I;m honest about it.

People that own guns legally are not the problem
I agree gun owners are not the problem, unless if there is a road rage, family, dispute, neighbour dispute, work dispute, school shootings and so much more. Most countries people don't get killed as easy because there are no guns or is super hard to get one.

1.1 million times a year Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders.

In other countries, those victims just have to sit there and endure the rapes, robberies and murders.....

10,235 gun murders in U.S. in 2019.

0ver 70-80% of our gun murder victims aren't normal Americans...they are criminals engaged in criminal activity, in democrat party controlled cities and voting districts.

Of the rest of the victims, the majority are friends and family of the criminals who are hit when their criminal friend or family member is targeted for murder, in democrat party cities and voting districts.

So we don't have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem.

1.1 million rapes, robberies and murders are avoided with guns........... versus 10,235 gun murders, the majority of which are criminals......

If you aren't a criminal...

If you aren't the friend, family member or associate of a criminal

If you don't live with that criminal in a democrat party controlled city or voting district

Then the odds of you ever experiencing gun crime or murder are smaller than in Europe.....

We have lots of guns in MAGA states and cities...we just don't use them to commit murder or crime.

As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

These charts exclude suicides, for which data are not available on a congressional district basis, so it only breaks down the fraction of gun violence that is accidental or confrontational.

A distinct pattern emerged: In Democratic regions of the country, which tend to be cities, people are more likely to be murdered with a gun than they are to shoot themselves to death.

In regions of the country won by Republicans, which tend to be rural areas and small towns, the opposite is true — people are more likely to shoot themselves to death than they are to be murdered with a gun.

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.

Keep convincing yourself.
With guns America has one of the highest rates of rape, theft, homicides, mass shootings.
You are numb to it all because you've lived in a Hostile aggressive culture, you don't know better.
9 lives were easily taken because even the weakest MOFO out there can kill as many as he wishes. It doesn't happen in most countries simply because people can't obtain guns.

Keep the body count.

Did you know that Australia with its restrictive gun laws has a higher rape rate than the US?

Guns don't cause rape.
Did you know that the US has 100s of millions of guns but yet have one of the highest rates of rape and thousands of gun deaths ?
So what?

Guns don't cause crime

People do
Guns make criminals and no criminals more lethal, hence more fatalities.
And not all people are criminals.

Do you want any of your rights taken away because someone else commits a crime?

I don't see why it's so hard for you to understand that you don't punish everyone for the crimes of a fraction of a percent of the population.
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.
You're not free to protect yourself with the best tool for self defense.

But maybe you like the idea of being punished for the crimes other people commit.
And yet not one politician or party has ever advocated for a wild west society like the US. Why would that be ?

Because they don't want you to be able to stop them.

Your governments handed over your citizens to the German Socialists, who then murdered them..........

More people were murdered by European governments in that 15 year period....12 million innocent men, women and children......innocent people who had committed no crime.....than all of the victims of gun murder in the U.S. in 87 years.......and the victims of gun murder in the U.S. are over 70-80% all criminals........people who chose to be criminals and were murdered by other criminals engaging in criminal activity...

And of the rest of the gun murder victims in the U.S., the majority of them are friends, family and associates of criminals......hit by mistake when the criminal they knew was the target....in democrat party controlled voting districts...

In the U.S....

If you aren't a criminal...

If you are not the friend, family member or associate of a criminal....

If you don't live in a democrat party voting district....

Your odds of getting shot, shot and murdered are almost 0.

Meanwhile.....European crimnals are now getting and using guns, more and more....so your ability to look down your nose at us is coming to an end........fully automatic military rifles and grenades are the weapon of choice among European criminals....and they don't fear or respect your police....
Not one politician in any party at any time wants the country to look like the killing fields of America. We look at you with pity.
I always looked at the US violence in pity. Most Americans are accustomed to it and became numb.

I've been to countries where one shooting (non fatal) made the headlines for weeks.
That's because those people like you are afraid of guns and being murdered.

I'm not afraid of guns and I don't worry about being murdered. And I have the choice to protect myself instead of waiting for the fucking police to show up.
Someone from your family, workplace , road rage, theater can take your life before you can blink...many countries don't have to worry about that happening.

Tell that to the people at the people at the rock concert in Paris......Jewish synagogues all across Europe use security armed to the teeth......you don't know what you are talking about.

Criminals in Europe are increasing their use of guns and hand grenades.......all countries have to worry about this as their criminals become wealthier, and more sophisticated.......Sweden, of all places, has gangs that use fully automatic rifles and grenades now.........in France, the prefered weapon of the criminals is the fully automatic military rifle......

You don't know what you are talkiing about
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.

Not According to French military leaders...
The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.

The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.
Norway 51k
Denmark 43k
Germany 48k

Again it doesn't tell the whole story, most Europeans have better quality life than Americans. Thry rank better than Americans in education, health, happiness, life expectancy, etc...

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up. Houses in Tennessee and Ohio that go for 40 to 50k where most people live. As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Norway 51k

How much of their GDP is state owned oil?

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up.

Lots of brand new homes in Norway, Denmark and Germany?

How does square footage compare?

As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Plus, gas is what, triple what we pay? More?
One of the biggest positives is that you can go to the shops without being shot and send your kids to school without them being slaughtered.

You focus on the material and that seems to be a conservative trait. Quality of life cannot be measured by just one metric.
Not in majority Muslim areas and remind us having your head hacked off is better then being shot.
Yes , the whole European experience can be summed up by one awful incident a decade ago. Can you dress yourself in the morning you fuckwit ?
one incident I guess all the attacks in France and Belgium and Germany never happened right? No no go zones in all European Countries right boob?
Name these no go zones ? I used to work in one that fox news described as such. The fact is that all of the countries you named are safer than the US. Stats dont lie but gun nuts do.

No, actually, they are not.......outside of democrat party controlled cities, the U.S. is as safe or safer than European countries, and the European countries are growing more and more dangerous each year.....as the 3rd world immigrants take control of organized crime.......

For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

And when you talk about gun violence, the majority of gun murder victims...over 70-80% of the victims, are not normal Americans.....they are criminals, murdered by other criminals in democrat party controlled cities.....and of the rest, the vast majority of gun murder victims are the friends and family...and sadly children, of career criminals and gang members murdered when they are caught in the murder attempt on the actual criminal....

As John Nolte puts it over at Breitbart....in MAGA country, we have guns, we just don't have gun crime....but in blue states and blue cities, they have almost all of the gun murder.....

You don't understand America Tommy, and you will understand gun violence, it is coming to Britain and the rest of Europe...
I'm so glad I didn't grow up as a kid in thr US, we had 0 fear of getting kidnapped, shot or molested unlike most American kids....you won't know what I'm talking about, you grew up in a very Hostile and tough environment, that you need a gun to feel safe.

2015, there were 13 723 nonfatal and 2762 fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.1 Deaths from firearms now rank among the top 3 causes of death in the pediatric population.13 In previous research, it has been identified that male sex, nonwhite race, low median income, and older adolescent age are risk factors for sustaining both fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries2,410; these data, however, are largely driven by firearm assaults in urban settings. In 2 previous studies, it has been demonstrated that fatality rates due to firearms for urban and rural counties are essentially equivalent both in the overall population and specifically in children and adolescents.11,12 Rural and urban differences have been noted regarding the cause of injury or death, with suicide and unintentional firearm deaths occurring at a higher rate in rural counties and deaths from firearm homicide occurring at a higher rate in urban counties.11,12

See.......that link you have is bullshit....do you know why it is bullshit....?

This little bit right here....

fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.

At what point is a 15 year old gang member a regular child?

At what point is a 17,18,19 year old considered a "Child?"

They use the <20 because so few actual children die from accidental and gun murder....they have to use "under 20" so they can roll in the 15 year old gang members who are shooting each other on the orders of their gangs as part of that number.....you dumb asshole......

What is it with you gun grabbers...you always have to lie to push your agenda....

From Wisqars...the actual CDC data for children <1 to 14...I use this age range to exclude 15 year old gang members...of course, there are younger gang members shooting people, but this is a good start...

Out of 72 million children in the U.S....how many actual innocent children are murdered with guns?

For 2019....


So tell us.....doofus....how does 269 out of 72 million children make guns a leading cause of death...?

Then we have accidental gun deaths of children by gun.....


Again...how does 51 accidental gun deaths out of 72 million equal a leading cause of death...

You anti-gunners lie every time you post data because the actual data doesn't support anything you believe...

100 children a year die on their bicycles.........51 from gun accidents....

300 children die drowning......51 from gun accidents...

You are an idiot....
Lol thr whole entire US and thr world know that we have a gun issue, we thr ones that lived outside and the US tell you that, stats tell you that, the daily news tell you that but you are still in denial.

Just this past week along multiple mass shootings and dead people, criminals or not. Way too many dead people. .

You don't know what you are talking about...our issue isn't guns....since our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns...

What you assholes don't understand is that the democrat party and it's policies drive our gun murder rate...the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep releasing violent gun offenders.....you idiot.
You don't know better. You are accustomed to fear, guns, paranoia you have 0 clue about how safe it is without the culture of gun it is in most countries. Dude kids in preschools have to do drills about an active shooter And you blaming the democrats ? Seriously?
Funny how the murder rate in the county I live has been ZERO for the past 10 years.

And like I said you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun if that .003% chance scares you then you really have a problem
Since I remember us overseas always shook our heads in disbelief about the amount of gun violence fast forward still the same tragedy...and we always said "they are idiots out there they still think is the wild wide west" I guess that saying is true and you don't care as long as its far from where you live.
I really don't care what other countries or the people who live in other countries think about the US.

And people in other countries don't seem to realize the wild west wasn't so wild and that most Americans have only ever seen a cowboy on a TV or movie screen.

And I'll admit that I really don't care about the crime in other places because unlike you I;m honest about it.

People that own guns legally are not the problem
I agree gun owners are not the problem, unless if there is a road rage, family, dispute, neighbour dispute, work dispute, school shootings and so much more. Most countries people don't get killed as easy because there are no guns or is super hard to get one.

1.1 million times a year Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders.

In other countries, those victims just have to sit there and endure the rapes, robberies and murders.....

10,235 gun murders in U.S. in 2019.

0ver 70-80% of our gun murder victims aren't normal Americans...they are criminals engaged in criminal activity, in democrat party controlled cities and voting districts.

Of the rest of the victims, the majority are friends and family of the criminals who are hit when their criminal friend or family member is targeted for murder, in democrat party cities and voting districts.

So we don't have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem.

1.1 million rapes, robberies and murders are avoided with guns........... versus 10,235 gun murders, the majority of which are criminals......

If you aren't a criminal...

If you aren't the friend, family member or associate of a criminal

If you don't live with that criminal in a democrat party controlled city or voting district

Then the odds of you ever experiencing gun crime or murder are smaller than in Europe.....

We have lots of guns in MAGA states and cities...we just don't use them to commit murder or crime.

As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

These charts exclude suicides, for which data are not available on a congressional district basis, so it only breaks down the fraction of gun violence that is accidental or confrontational.

A distinct pattern emerged: In Democratic regions of the country, which tend to be cities, people are more likely to be murdered with a gun than they are to shoot themselves to death.

In regions of the country won by Republicans, which tend to be rural areas and small towns, the opposite is true — people are more likely to shoot themselves to death than they are to be murdered with a gun.

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.

Keep convincing yourself.
With guns America has one of the highest rates of rape, theft, homicides, mass shootings.
You are numb to it all because you've lived in a Hostile aggressive culture, you don't know better.
9 lives were easily taken because even the weakest MOFO out there can kill as many as he wishes. It doesn't happen in most countries simply because people can't obtain guns.

Keep the body count.

Did you know that Australia with its restrictive gun laws has a higher rape rate than the US?

Guns don't cause rape.
Did you know that the US has 100s of millions of guns but yet have one of the highest rates of rape and thousands of gun deaths ?
And did you know that as the number of guns in America went UP, the violence went DOWN?
Thousands die still. Even police couldn't defend themselves against the Las Vegas shooter.

Are you this stupid in real life or just when you post....?

The police had to wait outside the guys hotel room because they thought he set up bombs...you idiot...you don't know what you are talking about...
When he was shooting from the hotel you idiot. They were helpless with their guns.

No, moron, they were outside the door of his hotel room and failed to breach it immediately because he set up fake bombs to keep them from just going through the door....

Are you this stupid in real life or just when you post...

The mass shooting occurred between 10:05 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. on October 1, 2017,
. At 10:12 p.m., two officers on the 31st floor reported the sounds of gunfire on the floor above them.[35] When officers arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered Campos a minute later, he directed them to Paddock's room and helped others evacuate. Campos was then directed to seek medical attention for himself.[23]

Between 10:26 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., eight additional officers arrived at the 32nd floor

Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.
Given that the Civil War in America was over 150 years ago and we still have people alive who lived through WWII, and Germany tried to conquer Europe twice in a handful of years, why would you think that?

If we didn't have troops in all of the European countries, they would have been killing each other decades ago.......
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.
Given that the Civil War in America was over 150 years ago and we still have people alive who lived through WWII, and Germany tried to conquer Europe twice in a handful of years, why would you think that?

If we didn't have troops in all of the European countries, they would have been killing each other decades ago.......
It boggles the mind that so many completely ignore both world wars when the second one is in living memory. They seem to think that history started yesterday and that all the European nations would just live in peace and harmony if we weren't heavily subsidizing their defense.
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.
Given that the Civil War in America was over 150 years ago and we still have people alive who lived through WWII, and Germany tried to conquer Europe twice in a handful of years, why would you think that?

If we didn't have troops in all of the European countries, they would have been killing each other decades ago.......
It boggles the mind that so many completely ignore both world wars when the second one is in living memory. They seem to think that history started yesterday and that all the European nations would just live in peace and harmony if we weren't heavily subsidizing their defense.

Some conservative thinkers have pointed out that for leftists/democrats, history begins the moment they wake up in the morning.....everything else didn't happen ........
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.
Given that the Civil War in America was over 150 years ago and we still have people alive who lived through WWII, and Germany tried to conquer Europe twice in a handful of years, why would you think that?

If we didn't have troops in all of the European countries, they would have been killing each other decades ago.......
It boggles the mind that so many completely ignore both world wars when the second one is in living memory. They seem to think that history started yesterday and that all the European nations would just live in peace and harmony if we weren't heavily subsidizing their defense.
If we pulled our military out of Europe (and we should) all those democratic/socialist utopias would collapse under their own weight
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.
Given that the Civil War in America was over 150 years ago and we still have people alive who lived through WWII, and Germany tried to conquer Europe twice in a handful of years, why would you think that?

If we didn't have troops in all of the European countries, they would have been killing each other decades ago.......
It boggles the mind that so many completely ignore both world wars when the second one is in living memory. They seem to think that history started yesterday and that all the European nations would just live in peace and harmony if we weren't heavily subsidizing their defense.

Some conservative thinkers have pointed out that for leftists/democrats, history begins the moment they wake up in the morning.....everything else didn't happen ........
It does seem that way. Of course, anything a Republican might have done decades ago is right there, front and center, every moment of every day.
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.

And yet when you chose to move out of your country, you didn't go to any of those other wonderful safe countries, you decided to come here.

We may have faults, but this is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing that could make it better is if we could rid this country of liberals that want to turn this great country into one of the many others.
Why can't i ? I'm free man that likes to go wherever I want...after all it's God's planet for humans

The US is great for making money but it's thr greatest country. Greatest country for me doesn't exist. Greatness of any country should be measured by how happy it's people are. I've visited countries where people are poor by American standards but are healthier and happier than most Americans.

Their happiness is based on living off of the protection of the United States and allowing the United States to provide them with medical and technological advances......without us, they wouldn't be able to afford their welfare states...

Europe is the millenial living in the basement of the U.S. and bitching about how the parents provide their food and X-box games...you idiot.
Yup, if we pulled our military presence out of Europe, it would not be long before European countries sharply ramped up their military spending. Does anyone really believe the French trust the Germans?
There will be a civil war in the US before the Germans and the French have one.
Given that the Civil War in America was over 150 years ago and we still have people alive who lived through WWII, and Germany tried to conquer Europe twice in a handful of years, why would you think that?

If we didn't have troops in all of the European countries, they would have been killing each other decades ago.......
It boggles the mind that so many completely ignore both world wars when the second one is in living memory. They seem to think that history started yesterday and that all the European nations would just live in peace and harmony if we weren't heavily subsidizing their defense.
If we pulled our military out of Europe (and we should) all those democratic/socialist utopias would collapse under their own weight

They would also be speaking Russian and calling Putin, President.
The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.

The US was liberated by thr help of France. If they didn't enter world War 2 you would also be speaking German now.

The French were the difference between the Allies winning and losing?
The French entered WWII? On what date?

Dude I love this country and I would fight for it, but most Americans live worse than their counter parts in many industrial countries.

Cool story!
Can you show our median income vs. the median income of your "many industrial countries"?

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.
We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.
We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not entirely fair since income does not matter that much if you have things like free public heath care, reasonable housing, subsidized food, etc.

Unless the government is somehow creating those things out of thin air, you're paying for them out of your income via taxes.

We likely have more homelessness, unemployment, etc., than most countries.

Homelessness......maybe. Ending institutionalization wasn't such a good idea.
Unemployment...... what are you talking about?

We for sure have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.

What are we supposed to do with our criminals?
Letting them run free wouldn't help most Americans live better.

We are not even very good at literacy, infant mortality, or life span.

Not like Cuba, eh?
You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France. Very happy population hardly any homeless, healthy individuals, great infrastructure, 5 to 6 weeks vacation a year, easy and cheaper access to higher education, no one goes bankrupt if they have to go to the hospital,

Dude the minute you exit the airport you see the contrast.

You probably haven't visited thr likes of Norway, Denmark, Germany, Japan and even France.

So what are their median incomes?
Maybe their after-tax incomes?

Very happy population

Smaller homes, fewer, smaller cars, lower standards of living.
Norway 51k
Denmark 43k
Germany 48k

Again it doesn't tell the whole story, most Europeans have better quality life than Americans. Thry rank better than Americans in education, health, happiness, life expectancy, etc...

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up. Houses in Tennessee and Ohio that go for 40 to 50k where most people live. As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Norway 51k

How much of their GDP is state owned oil?

Dude apart from some nice areas in big cities most homes in the US are old and beat up.

Lots of brand new homes in Norway, Denmark and Germany?

How does square footage compare?

As far as cars, you don't need it in Europe they have a good transportation systems.

Plus, gas is what, triple what we pay? More?
One of the biggest positives is that you can go to the shops without being shot and send your kids to school without them being slaughtered.

You focus on the material and that seems to be a conservative trait. Quality of life cannot be measured by just one metric.
Not in majority Muslim areas and remind us having your head hacked off is better then being shot.
Yes , the whole European experience can be summed up by one awful incident a decade ago. Can you dress yourself in the morning you fuckwit ?
one incident I guess all the attacks in France and Belgium and Germany never happened right? No no go zones in all European Countries right boob?
Name these no go zones ? I used to work in one that fox news described as such. The fact is that all of the countries you named are safer than the US. Stats dont lie but gun nuts do.

No, actually, they are not.......outside of democrat party controlled cities, the U.S. is as safe or safer than European countries, and the European countries are growing more and more dangerous each year.....as the 3rd world immigrants take control of organized crime.......

For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

And when you talk about gun violence, the majority of gun murder victims...over 70-80% of the victims, are not normal Americans.....they are criminals, murdered by other criminals in democrat party controlled cities.....and of the rest, the vast majority of gun murder victims are the friends and family...and sadly children, of career criminals and gang members murdered when they are caught in the murder attempt on the actual criminal....

As John Nolte puts it over at Breitbart....in MAGA country, we have guns, we just don't have gun crime....but in blue states and blue cities, they have almost all of the gun murder.....

You don't understand America Tommy, and you will understand gun violence, it is coming to Britain and the rest of Europe...
I'm so glad I didn't grow up as a kid in thr US, we had 0 fear of getting kidnapped, shot or molested unlike most American kids....you won't know what I'm talking about, you grew up in a very Hostile and tough environment, that you need a gun to feel safe.

2015, there were 13 723 nonfatal and 2762 fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.1 Deaths from firearms now rank among the top 3 causes of death in the pediatric population.13 In previous research, it has been identified that male sex, nonwhite race, low median income, and older adolescent age are risk factors for sustaining both fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries2,410; these data, however, are largely driven by firearm assaults in urban settings. In 2 previous studies, it has been demonstrated that fatality rates due to firearms for urban and rural counties are essentially equivalent both in the overall population and specifically in children and adolescents.11,12 Rural and urban differences have been noted regarding the cause of injury or death, with suicide and unintentional firearm deaths occurring at a higher rate in rural counties and deaths from firearm homicide occurring at a higher rate in urban counties.11,12

See.......that link you have is bullshit....do you know why it is bullshit....?

This little bit right here....

fatal firearm injuries in children and adolescents <20 years of age in the United States.

At what point is a 15 year old gang member a regular child?

At what point is a 17,18,19 year old considered a "Child?"

They use the <20 because so few actual children die from accidental and gun murder....they have to use "under 20" so they can roll in the 15 year old gang members who are shooting each other on the orders of their gangs as part of that number.....you dumb asshole......

What is it with you gun grabbers...you always have to lie to push your agenda....

From Wisqars...the actual CDC data for children <1 to 14...I use this age range to exclude 15 year old gang members...of course, there are younger gang members shooting people, but this is a good start...

Out of 72 million children in the U.S....how many actual innocent children are murdered with guns?

For 2019....


So tell us.....doofus....how does 269 out of 72 million children make guns a leading cause of death...?

Then we have accidental gun deaths of children by gun.....


Again...how does 51 accidental gun deaths out of 72 million equal a leading cause of death...

You anti-gunners lie every time you post data because the actual data doesn't support anything you believe...

100 children a year die on their bicycles.........51 from gun accidents....

300 children die drowning......51 from gun accidents...

You are an idiot....
Lol thr whole entire US and thr world know that we have a gun issue, we thr ones that lived outside and the US tell you that, stats tell you that, the daily news tell you that but you are still in denial.

Just this past week along multiple mass shootings and dead people, criminals or not. Way too many dead people. .

You don't know what you are talking about...our issue isn't guns....since our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun crime rate went down 75% as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns...

What you assholes don't understand is that the democrat party and it's policies drive our gun murder rate...the democrat party judges and prosecutors keep releasing violent gun offenders.....you idiot.
You don't know better. You are accustomed to fear, guns, paranoia you have 0 clue about how safe it is without the culture of gun it is in most countries. Dude kids in preschools have to do drills about an active shooter And you blaming the democrats ? Seriously?
Funny how the murder rate in the county I live has been ZERO for the past 10 years.

And like I said you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun if that .003% chance scares you then you really have a problem
Since I remember us overseas always shook our heads in disbelief about the amount of gun violence fast forward still the same tragedy...and we always said "they are idiots out there they still think is the wild wide west" I guess that saying is true and you don't care as long as its far from where you live.
I really don't care what other countries or the people who live in other countries think about the US.

And people in other countries don't seem to realize the wild west wasn't so wild and that most Americans have only ever seen a cowboy on a TV or movie screen.

And I'll admit that I really don't care about the crime in other places because unlike you I;m honest about it.

People that own guns legally are not the problem
I agree gun owners are not the problem, unless if there is a road rage, family, dispute, neighbour dispute, work dispute, school shootings and so much more. Most countries people don't get killed as easy because there are no guns or is super hard to get one.

1.1 million times a year Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders.

In other countries, those victims just have to sit there and endure the rapes, robberies and murders.....

10,235 gun murders in U.S. in 2019.

0ver 70-80% of our gun murder victims aren't normal Americans...they are criminals engaged in criminal activity, in democrat party controlled cities and voting districts.

Of the rest of the victims, the majority are friends and family of the criminals who are hit when their criminal friend or family member is targeted for murder, in democrat party cities and voting districts.

So we don't have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem.

1.1 million rapes, robberies and murders are avoided with guns........... versus 10,235 gun murders, the majority of which are criminals......

If you aren't a criminal...

If you aren't the friend, family member or associate of a criminal

If you don't live with that criminal in a democrat party controlled city or voting district

Then the odds of you ever experiencing gun crime or murder are smaller than in Europe.....

We have lots of guns in MAGA states and cities...we just don't use them to commit murder or crime.

As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

These charts exclude suicides, for which data are not available on a congressional district basis, so it only breaks down the fraction of gun violence that is accidental or confrontational.

A distinct pattern emerged: In Democratic regions of the country, which tend to be cities, people are more likely to be murdered with a gun than they are to shoot themselves to death.

In regions of the country won by Republicans, which tend to be rural areas and small towns, the opposite is true — people are more likely to shoot themselves to death than they are to be murdered with a gun.

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.

Keep convincing yourself.
With guns America has one of the highest rates of rape, theft, homicides, mass shootings.
You are numb to it all because you've lived in a Hostile aggressive culture, you don't know better.
9 lives were easily taken because even the weakest MOFO out there can kill as many as he wishes. It doesn't happen in most countries simply because people can't obtain guns.

Keep the body count.

Did you know that Australia with its restrictive gun laws has a higher rape rate than the US?

Guns don't cause rape.
Did you know that the US has 100s of millions of guns but yet have one of the highest rates of rape and thousands of gun deaths ?
So what?

Guns don't cause crime

People do
Guns make criminals and no criminals more lethal, hence more fatalities.
And not all people are criminals.

Do you want any of your rights taken away because someone else commits a crime?

I don't see why it's so hard for you to understand that you don't punish everyone for the crimes of a fraction of a percent of the population.
Rights? Lol have you ever isited or lived in gun free countries? Not only people aren't dying by thousands like here, but guess what ? They are free too.
You're not free to protect yourself with the best tool for self defense.

But maybe you like the idea of being punished for the crimes other people commit.
And yet not one politician or party has ever advocated for a wild west society like the US. Why would that be ?
Most Americans were lied to that they are free and they live the best life out there.
So, you think you are free in whatever inbred Islamic hell hole you infest?
Yeap. Your "elections" were stolen and you couldn't do jackshit. Free country my ass.
You should go back to the shit hole from which you were spawned.

You know -- that place where everybody is fucking their cousins and murdering women for "honor" ?

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