Mulvaney Admits Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

While you’re laughing, you might want you to get used to saying “President Pence”.

You think Trump is a hard ass? I don't think you really want to see a Pence Presidency.

It will be a lame duck Presidency. The Republican Party won’t let Pence run for President.

I’d bet real money that a deal will be cut to let Pence serve out Trump’s term, but because of his participation in the Ukraine mess, not run for re-election.

This will keep Pence from being impeached with Trump, Barr, Pompeo and Guliani. And it will keep a Republican in the White House.

Make no mistake. This shit show of a Presidency is over. The Republican Party should NEVER have allowed a conman and a criminal such as Trump to run. They’ve gotten exactly what they deserve in enabling this clown and letting it happen.
If I were you I would not watch tonight‘s rally unless you have a box of Kleenex to cry with Lol..

I don't waste time watching Trump lie to his devout followers. The baseball playoffs are on, and the Grand Prix of Figure Skating is starting this weekend. Oh, yeah, and this being Canada, I'm helping my friends and neighbours in harvesting our pot plants for winter.

Bet you watched all your party scum lie to you on Tuesday, dinja?

No surprise you're a drug addict.
The acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted on Thursday that President Donald Trump withheld foreign aid in order to get Ukraine’s help in the U.S. election.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney responded when a reporter pointed out that withholding funding from Ukraine “unless the investigation into the Democrats’ server happens” is a “quid pro quo.”

“Get over it,” he added later. “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy. ... That is going to happen. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney Acknowledges Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

So, Mulvaney admits there was a quid pro quo. Get over it, he says. Sounds like he is trying to normalize criminal behavior.
Please give us a Link to Mulvaney's comments stating it was the Ukraine call, the link you give is not referring to the call your title falsely claims are his words and refrence.
Mulvaney is right about Qid Pro Quo being part of negotiations in many deals, it's called compromise and negotiations sometimes but it's
Qid Pro Quo, the context is in legal and illegal qid pro quo, neither was in that Ukraine call.
Perhaps you should worry about true problematic abuse of power qid pro quo like Mcabe giving CNN illegal leaked info in exchange for benefit in pay and air time being a CNN analyst and frequent guest.
Qid Pro Quo like Adam Schiff getting campaign money from Ukrainian born U.S. businessman in exchange for lobbying/ getting the gov't to give Ukraine money for arms and Ukraine uses that money to buy arms tech from that very same Schiff donor Igor Pasternak, the founder and CEO of Worldwide Aeros Corp.
Please tell me how can you allow a corrupt qid pro quo guilty politician like Schiff be in charge of an investigation that should be about him?-oops
You should stick to borrowing others political cartoons-like Biden steals speaches, Warren steals nationalities, and Schiff steals abuse charges.
Oh please.

Your desperation is palpable.
Just facts
Nope. Fantasies, not facts. You are stuck in an information black hole.
What’s not a fact in that link? Mic drop
Two words: Personal Gain.
Don’t pick her up to run for president and Trump wont investigate you
tRump and his cronies don't investigate, they fabricate.
The acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted on Thursday that President Donald Trump withheld foreign aid in order to get Ukraine’s help in the U.S. election.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney responded when a reporter pointed out that withholding funding from Ukraine “unless the investigation into the Democrats’ server happens” is a “quid pro quo.”

“Get over it,” he added later. “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy. ... That is going to happen. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney Acknowledges Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

So, Mulvaney admits there was a quid pro quo. Get over it, he says. Sounds like he is trying to normalize criminal behavior.

Update: Mulvaney clarified Thursday evening that there was never any “quid pro quo” with Ukraine, adding that no funding had been withheld for reasons related to a suspected Democratic National Committee communications server (that was said, at the time, to have been hacked by Russians, but was never handed to the FBI). Democrat-Controlled House Passed Bill with 'Quid Pro Quo' on Election Interference | Breitbart
Lol at "clarified".

He's not clarifying anything, he knows he stepped in it and he's trying to cover his ass.
Not at all....what I see is a typical progressive tactic...."putting words in people's mouths"....

It's no different than the lies you fucks made up about the president's had to invent entire dialog that fit your BullShit scenerio in order to make the conversation fit. Nevermind the fact that Democraps are guilty of doing exactly what they're accusing Trump of.
His words are clear.

Now he knows he's up the creek and is trying to find a paddle.
Only in your mind.
People are growing tired of your hoaxes and your tricks.
You will pay a heavy price for all of your lying and deceptions at the polls.
The American people will never go for Socialism.....and once you are forced out of your positions of power....we will clean all of your brainwashers out of our education system before you get a chance to totally destroy the minds of our kids.

But before that happens....the media will suffer a massive turnover and upheaval and they will find themselves in court having to answer for their fraudulent practices. They will be put out of business and their corruption will be swept out of New York.
Riiiight. That's why support for impeachment and removal is up again in the latest polls.
The acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted on Thursday that President Donald Trump withheld foreign aid in order to get Ukraine’s help in the U.S. election.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney responded when a reporter pointed out that withholding funding from Ukraine “unless the investigation into the Democrats’ server happens” is a “quid pro quo.”

“Get over it,” he added later. “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy. ... That is going to happen. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney Acknowledges Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

So, Mulvaney admits there was a quid pro quo. Get over it, he says. Sounds like he is trying to normalize criminal behavior.
#JOURNALISM: FAKE NEWS: Liberal Media Falsely Claims White House Admitted to Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine.

If you were watching CNN or other Fake News outlets, you might have heard the bizarre claim that the White House has admitted to a quid pro quo with Ukraine. CNN even had a breaking news banner saying as much:

This is fake news. What CNN and other liberal media outlets are editorializing about is Mick Mulvaney's statement during a press briefing about the withholding of military aid to Ukraine. “The money held up had absolutely nothing to do with Biden,” Mulvaney said. He pointed out that Trump wanted Ukraine's help with “an ongoing investigation into the 2016 election” involving the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's server, which was believed to have been hacked by Russian agents and ultimately ended up in Ukraine.

Did Mulvaney ever use the term quid pro quo or admit to one? Nope. Here's how CNBC described the exchange:

While Mulvaney did not himself use the term “quid pro quo,” when he was told by a reporter during a White House press conference that the situation of withholding aid to get Ukraine was in fact a quid pro quo, Mulvaney said, “We do that all the time.”

“You’re saying the president of the US can’t ask someone to help with an ongoing public investigation?” Mulvaney said.

During a July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky — at a time when the White House was withholding military aid from Zelensky’s country — Trump asked Zelensky to “get to the bottom” of questions about the 2016 election.
None of this is new information. We knew from the transcript that President Trump asked for Ukraine's help in the ongoing investigation into the 2016 election. We also know that Ukraine didn't even know that the military aid was being withheld until a month after Trump's call with President Zelensky.

“I have news for everybody," Mulvaney said. "Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy ... that’s going to happen. Elections have consequences.”

This is true. Obama threatened to cut off aid to Nigeria over anti-gay legislation in the country in 2011, and again in 2013 over corruption issues. Joe Biden and the entire media argue that his threat to withhold a billion-dollar loan to Ukraine unless they fired their head prosecutor was not a quid pro quo because, they say, the prosecutor was corrupt.
What Mulvaney actually said was that the Trump administration had initially withheld funding from Ukraine for ... suspicion of past corruption in Ukraine
Never once in Tramp's phone conversation with Zelensky did the word "CORRUPTION" ever pass the pathological liar's lips, not a single time.

You forget edtheliar, the TRANSCRIPT of the call has been released, we KNOW you are lying..

View attachment 285019

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
Interesting that you cannot show a sentence where Tramp says the word "CORRUPTION" anywhere.
Notice how the Right always try to bluff those to lazy to double check anything the Right posts! They post a link to the transcript as if it contradicts me, but cannot produce a pull quote from the transcript to contradict me.
Lies like that are PREMEDITATED and prove the Right to be worthless lying SCUM!
Sounds like Mulvaney is trying to normalize criminality.

Sound's like you're a fucking liar. Do you work for CNN?

Mulvaney told reporters that there had been no quid pro quo, as described by those pursuing his impeachment — that President Donald Trump had not withheld aid from Ukraine until it agreed to investigate his potential 2020 presidential rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.

What Mulvaney actually said was that the Trump administration had initially withheld funding from Ukraine for a variety of reasons, including the fact that Europe was not providing enough funding for military aid. Another reason, he said, was suspicion of past corruption in Ukraine — which included Ukraine’s possible role in interfering in the 2016 presidential election, including its possible possession of a Democratic National Committee server.

Mulvaney said: “The look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the things [President Trump] was worried about in corruption with that nation. That is absolutely appropriate.”

When a reporter said that was a “quid pro quo,” Mulvaney objected that it was routine for the U.S. to withhold funding from foreign nations all the time. He gave an example from this week: the U.S. had withheld aid from the “Northern Triangle” nations — El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala — until they agreed to help stop migration.

Mulvaney later added: “The money held up had absolutely nothing to do with Biden.”}

CNN Falsely Claims White House 'Admits to Quid Pro Quo' with Ukraine | Breitbart
Mick Mulvaney said Ukraine's disproven involvement with the 2016 DNC email hack played a role in why the U.S. withheld security aid for Ukraine.
Its in the first 10 seconds:

What Mulvaney actually said was that the Trump administration had initially withheld funding from Ukraine for a variety of reasons, including the fact that Europe was not providing enough funding for military aid. Another reason, he said, was suspicion of past corruption in Ukraine — which included Ukraine’s possible role in interfering in the 2016 presidential election, including its possible possession of a Democratic National Committee server.

It's in the first 10 seconds.

You lied, CNN lied.

Hey, you're Communists, it's what you do.

Yes, there were other reasons to withhold aid, but Mulvaney said that in
Sounds like Mulvaney is trying to normalize criminality.

Sound's like you're a fucking liar. Do you work for CNN?

Mulvaney told reporters that there had been no quid pro quo, as described by those pursuing his impeachment — that President Donald Trump had not withheld aid from Ukraine until it agreed to investigate his potential 2020 presidential rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.

What Mulvaney actually said was that the Trump administration had initially withheld funding from Ukraine for a variety of reasons, including the fact that Europe was not providing enough funding for military aid. Another reason, he said, was suspicion of past corruption in Ukraine — which included Ukraine’s possible role in interfering in the 2016 presidential election, including its possible possession of a Democratic National Committee server.

Mulvaney said: “The look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the things [President Trump] was worried about in corruption with that nation. That is absolutely appropriate.”

When a reporter said that was a “quid pro quo,” Mulvaney objected that it was routine for the U.S. to withhold funding from foreign nations all the time. He gave an example from this week: the U.S. had withheld aid from the “Northern Triangle” nations — El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala — until they agreed to help stop migration.

Mulvaney later added: “The money held up had absolutely nothing to do with Biden.”}

CNN Falsely Claims White House 'Admits to Quid Pro Quo' with Ukraine | Breitbart
Mick Mulvaney said Ukraine's disproven involvement with the 2016 DNC email hack played a role in why the U.S. withheld security aid for Ukraine.
Its in the first 10 seconds:

What Mulvaney actually said was that the Trump administration had initially withheld funding from Ukraine for a variety of reasons, including the fact that Europe was not providing enough funding for military aid. Another reason, he said, was suspicion of past corruption in Ukraine — which included Ukraine’s possible role in interfering in the 2016 presidential election, including its possible possession of a Democratic National Committee server.

It's in the first 10 seconds.

You lied, CNN lied.

Hey, you're Communists, it's what you do.

What Mulvaney described is a shakedown of Ukraine for the president's personal benefit, or at least political benefit. A previous solicitor general says its textbook impeachable.

Call it quid pro quo, but it might be better described as a shakedown. The transcripts show Biden being mentioned.

slam dunk impeachment.
We are under attack from the president.
Did Mulvaney ever use the term quid pro quo or admit to one? Nope.
Why yes, yes he did!

MULVANEY: Did [Trump] also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. no question about that. That's it, and that's why we held up the money.
Admittedly, I'm a little rusty on the topic as of late, but, where in the phone call did trump ask them to dig up dirt? Also, where in phone call did trump say he was going to hold up funding until they dig up dirt on biden?

I think people are taking events from different timelines and scrunching them all together to form a narrative, and doing a lot of assuming in order to float this whole idea.

What I read in the transcript is that trump was asking a favor in regards to the server and crowdstrike, and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for.

I dont recall anywhere in that transcript trump saying they would withold funds until that was taken care of, and I dont recall trump asking for dirt.

I'm not saying its not possible, it certainly is. However, dems have been after trump since day one.....literally, so you have to understand when repubs question motives and information from the left.

What I've seen is, dems have a lot of accusations, and stretched assumptions, but as of yet, there hasnt been any actual evidence of trump committing....any crime. Sure, you can point to something and say "see, there's a crime...", but if you're being truthful, most likely it's a narrative you're repeating from the MSM, because it's what they want you to believe, but nothing has actually been proven. So far, it's all assumption and speculation.
"and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for."

He wasn't just inquiring about the prosecutor being fired.... he asked him to look into it.
He referenced bidens son in reference to the allegation that he had the prosecution stopped. Trump said he wanted ukraine to look into that. In the previous paragraph, trump was saying how unfortunate it was that the prosecutor was fired as trump said he was a good prosecutor. It appears trump was wanting to get information on why, apparently, Biden had the prosecutor fired.

Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself. He doesnt even reference himself in that regard. He says "alot of people want to know about it".

All I'm saying is, it's going to be impossible to know why trump asked him to investigate the firing of the prosecutor. The only thing one can go on is assumption. Other than that, you'll never know what trump was thinking during that phone call.
"Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself."

There was no reason other than for himself to solicit a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of Trump's.
The acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted on Thursday that President Donald Trump withheld foreign aid in order to get Ukraine’s help in the U.S. election.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney responded when a reporter pointed out that withholding funding from Ukraine “unless the investigation into the Democrats’ server happens” is a “quid pro quo.”

“Get over it,” he added later. “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy. ... That is going to happen. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney Acknowledges Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

So, Mulvaney admits there was a quid pro quo. Get over it, he says. Sounds like he is trying to normalize criminal behavior.

Update: Mulvaney clarified Thursday evening that there was never any “quid pro quo” with Ukraine, adding that no funding had been withheld for reasons related to a suspected Democratic National Committee communications server (that was said, at the time, to have been hacked by Russians, but was never handed to the FBI). Democrat-Controlled House Passed Bill with 'Quid Pro Quo' on Election Interference | Breitbart

And by, "clarify," you mean he tried to take back his unwitted confession of Trump's quid pro quo.

Sorry, but there's no getting that toothpaste back into the tube.
Not according to our Constitution, laws, and treaties.
All that means nothing when McConnell ends the impeachment hearing without a conviction. Poor lib snowflakes.
That's going to require Senate Republicans to vote for dismissal. Many of whom are running for re-election in 13 months. And as of now, half the country wants Trump impeached AND convicted .... and that was before Trump's chief of staff confessed to quid pro quo. Good luck getting 50 votes for dismissal. :badgrin:
MULVANEY: Did [Trump] also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. no question about that. That's it, and that's why we held up the money.
Followed up with...

“Let me be clear, there was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election. The president never told me to withhold any money until the Ukrainians did anything related to the server. The only reasons we were holding the money was because of concern about lack of support from other nations and concerns over corruption.”
Admittedly, I'm a little rusty on the topic as of late, but, where in the phone call did trump ask them to dig up dirt? Also, where in phone call did trump say he was going to hold up funding until they dig up dirt on biden?

I think people are taking events from different timelines and scrunching them all together to form a narrative, and doing a lot of assuming in order to float this whole idea.

What I read in the transcript is that trump was asking a favor in regards to the server and crowdstrike, and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for.

I dont recall anywhere in that transcript trump saying they would withold funds until that was taken care of, and I dont recall trump asking for dirt.

I'm not saying its not possible, it certainly is. However, dems have been after trump since day one.....literally, so you have to understand when repubs question motives and information from the left.

What I've seen is, dems have a lot of accusations, and stretched assumptions, but as of yet, there hasnt been any actual evidence of trump committing....any crime. Sure, you can point to something and say "see, there's a crime...", but if you're being truthful, most likely it's a narrative you're repeating from the MSM, because it's what they want you to believe, but nothing has actually been proven. So far, it's all assumption and speculation.
"and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for."

He wasn't just inquiring about the prosecutor being fired.... he asked him to look into it.
He referenced bidens son in reference to the allegation that he had the prosecution stopped. Trump said he wanted ukraine to look into that. In the previous paragraph, trump was saying how unfortunate it was that the prosecutor was fired as trump said he was a good prosecutor. It appears trump was wanting to get information on why, apparently, Biden had the prosecutor fired.

Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself. He doesnt even reference himself in that regard. He says "alot of people want to know about it".

All I'm saying is, it's going to be impossible to know why trump asked him to investigate the firing of the prosecutor. The only thing one can go on is assumption. Other than that, you'll never know what trump was thinking during that phone call.

Nope. The chief of staff already admitted that the funding was pulled to get the Ukraine to open those corruption investigations.

So much for 'impossible'.
No, he said that they withold funds in matters of foreign policy all the time. What Mulvaney was responding to was in regards to the crowdstrike server issue, not burisma and biden.
And then we have Trump's phone call with Zelensky where he asks the Ukrainian president to look into the DNC server AND Biden.
Mulvaney never said the funds were withheld to dig up dirt on a political opponent. He was referencing the crowdstrike server issue, not biden and burisma.
The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it … It sounds horrible to me.” ~ Donald J. Trump

(emphasis mine)
The acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted on Thursday that President Donald Trump withheld foreign aid in order to get Ukraine’s help in the U.S. election.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney responded when a reporter pointed out that withholding funding from Ukraine “unless the investigation into the Democrats’ server happens” is a “quid pro quo.”

“Get over it,” he added later. “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy. ... That is going to happen. Elections have consequences.”

Mulvaney Acknowledges Quid Pro Quo In Trump Ukraine Call, Says ‘Get Over It’

So, Mulvaney admits there was a quid pro quo. Get over it, he says. Sounds like he is trying to normalize criminal behavior.

Update: Mulvaney clarified Thursday evening that there was never any “quid pro quo” with Ukraine, adding that no funding had been withheld for reasons related to a suspected Democratic National Committee communications server (that was said, at the time, to have been hacked by Russians, but was never handed to the FBI). Democrat-Controlled House Passed Bill with 'Quid Pro Quo' on Election Interference | Breitbart
Lol at "clarified".

He's not clarifying anything, he knows he stepped in it and he's trying to cover his ass.
Not at all....what I see is a typical progressive tactic...."putting words in people's mouths"....

It's no different than the lies you fucks made up about the president's had to invent entire dialog that fit your BullShit scenerio in order to make the conversation fit. Nevermind the fact that Democraps are guilty of doing exactly what they're accusing Trump of.
His words are clear.

Now he knows he's up the creek and is trying to find a paddle.
Of course he is. How do we know this...?

Mulvaney would never have had to come back out to "clarify" his earlier statement if he had not actually admitted to quid pro quo.
What Mulvaney actually said was that the Trump administration had initially withheld funding from Ukraine for ... suspicion of past corruption in Ukraine
Never once in Tramp's phone conversation with Zelensky did the word "CORRUPTION" ever pass the pathological liar's lips, not a single time.

You forget edtheliar, the TRANSCRIPT of the call has been released, we KNOW you are lying..

View attachment 285019

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document

Insane poster.... you just proved edthecynic correct. The word, "corruption," appears nowhere in that transcript.
What Mulvaney actually said was that the Trump administration had initially withheld funding from Ukraine for ... suspicion of past corruption in Ukraine
Never once in Tramp's phone conversation with Zelensky did the word "CORRUPTION" ever pass the pathological liar's lips, not a single time.

You forget edtheliar, the TRANSCRIPT of the call has been released, we KNOW you are lying..

View attachment 285019

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document

I read it when it was first released then again just now.

You are a liar.

trump doesn’t use the word corruption at all in that conversation.

Edthecynic isn’t the liar here.

You are.
Admittedly, I'm a little rusty on the topic as of late, but, where in the phone call did trump ask them to dig up dirt? Also, where in phone call did trump say he was going to hold up funding until they dig up dirt on biden?

I think people are taking events from different timelines and scrunching them all together to form a narrative, and doing a lot of assuming in order to float this whole idea.

What I read in the transcript is that trump was asking a favor in regards to the server and crowdstrike, and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for.

I dont recall anywhere in that transcript trump saying they would withold funds until that was taken care of, and I dont recall trump asking for dirt.

I'm not saying its not possible, it certainly is. However, dems have been after trump since day one.....literally, so you have to understand when repubs question motives and information from the left.

What I've seen is, dems have a lot of accusations, and stretched assumptions, but as of yet, there hasnt been any actual evidence of trump committing....any crime. Sure, you can point to something and say "see, there's a crime...", but if you're being truthful, most likely it's a narrative you're repeating from the MSM, because it's what they want you to believe, but nothing has actually been proven. So far, it's all assumption and speculation.
"and then he said "and the other thing...", maybe in relation to the favor asked, maybe not, but he was inquiring about the firing of a prosecutor who was allegedly investigating the company bidens son worked for."

He wasn't just inquiring about the prosecutor being fired.... he asked him to look into it.
He referenced bidens son in reference to the allegation that he had the prosecution stopped. Trump said he wanted ukraine to look into that. In the previous paragraph, trump was saying how unfortunate it was that the prosecutor was fired as trump said he was a good prosecutor. It appears trump was wanting to get information on why, apparently, Biden had the prosecutor fired.

Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself. He doesnt even reference himself in that regard. He says "alot of people want to know about it".

All I'm saying is, it's going to be impossible to know why trump asked him to investigate the firing of the prosecutor. The only thing one can go on is assumption. Other than that, you'll never know what trump was thinking during that phone call.
"Also, nowhere in that transcript does trump say that he wants that investigated for himself."

There was no reason other than for himself to solicit a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of Trump's.
Sure, but he even says " a lot of people want to know". Could this not also suggest that, perhaps, there was information floating around that there was nefarious reasons for that prosecutor being fired, none of which having to do with trump trying to get dirt on biden?

I'm not saying the allegation is wrong, as it very well could be, but if you are going to try to remove a president, you need some really good proof of his motives and actions. It shouldn't be done by assumptions.

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