Multiple People Stabbed In NY Synagogue Saturday Night

You can't say guns aren't the answer if you are unwilling to lock up the bad guys and put them in prison whilst pursuing bail reform. It merely demonstrates that the state is unwilling and unable to protect the citizens. People should not have to be willing victims.
You can't say guns aren't the answer if you are unwilling to lock up the bad guys and put them in prison whilst pursuing bail reform. It merely demonstrates that the state is unwilling and unable to protect the citizens. People should not have to be willing victims.

How have more guns reduced deaths from gun violence?

I don't see this as a simple guns vs no guns issue. But at some point there has to be a need for reasonable gun control - which is shot down every time there a mass shooting, by pro-gun advocates. Where is the rationale middle here?

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

Gun related fatalities were at their highest in the 70's.

IN 2017 - while not as high as the 70's, they've reached their highest (per capita) number in decades.

What's different?
The ONLY insanity is that any argument could lead to someone pulling out a gun, because of a hot temper.

While, I support guns in a well regulated militia, for hunters, locked up in safes, and in the hands of security & police.

I don't really care for a bunch of guns in the street.

So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.

No, it's not. It's a recipe to screw with your fascist Hope's and dreams, that's for sure, but an armed society, is a polite society.

Like Dodge City in the Wild Wild West?
They had a 165 out of 100,000 murder rate.

Higher than the highest murder rates in the World like El Salvador, Honduras, Paracas, Cuidad Juarez or East Saint Loius.

Yes, the western cities had far less crime than their eastern counterparts. There is an excellent scholarly book called "Gunfighters Highwaymen, and Vigilantes" that compares the rates of violent and non violent crimes.

You should read it.

I'm going to call bs on that.

The homicide rate of California was out of sight in the 1800's.

Los Angels had about a 200 out of 100,000 murder rate in 1850.
twice as high as the highest city in America today of East Saint Louis.

New York had a homicide rate of more like 5 out of 100,000 in 1850.

Plantation counties in Georgia more like 10 out of 100,000 in 1850.
The ONLY insanity is that any argument could lead to someone pulling out a gun, because of a hot temper.

While, I support guns in a well regulated militia, for hunters, locked up in safes, and in the hands of security & police.

I don't really care for a bunch of guns in the street.

So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.
Look, don't try to comment on American affairs if you aren't from here or don't live here. Just sayin.

I'm an American by birthright & I live in America.

Although I'm Catholic, a lot of us don't really care for guns.

Protestants want to bring back the Wild Wild West, truly a bunch of knuckleheads.
Strange way to put it. I take it you were born elsewhere by the way you couch your statement.

Me, I am a native American. Born on American soil to parents who also were born on American soil.

I classify myself as an American. No hyphen needed.

So, you're a Native American Indian?

Oh so pointing out that I'm Catholic is somehow a hyphen?

We should all assimilate to your inferior Protestant Chimp race.

Maybe you Protestant knuckle draggers need to assimilate.

You tend to hate the French just because they're Catholic, carrying on not American values, but Protestant ones.

Because French helped make America.

But, then there go you Chimpo thickos flying the Confederate flag of traitors, and watching the traitorous British royalty on TV.

Its time you guys assimilate.
Yep, it appears little Augie West is dim beyond help or hope.
Hey Augusta...HERE is your Robert Bower...a non affiliated nut job that is white!

Robert Bowers has been named as the man accused in the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue. That has a lot of people wondering about his politics, and whether Robert Bowers is a Republican or Democrat, a Donald Trump supporter or not.

Such questions were bound to arise fast because the accused package bomber, Cesar Sayoc, was an avid supporter of the president. In the case of Robert Bowers, though, his writings on social media indicate he wrote that he did not vote for Trump and held some animosity toward the president because he saw him as a “globalist” who was not doing enough against Jewish people

need I remind some of you:

Jews will not replace us.
As an agnosti . I hope not!....But the jews dont keep threatening to kill AMERICA...You dumb bitch!

What are white supremacist anti, everything.
Murder is inexcusable, not matter what the excuse. These people were attending Sunday services and trying to do good things with their lives. Murdering people in church is a craven thing to do. Political activism is not the same thing as worship. Those who perpetrated the murdering spree should not be let go because they're sorry their party lost (or won), or that they're full of hatred and payback against people who have been dead over a hundred years who acted unseemly toward other people who lived and died over a hundred years ago. In the meantime, there have been 40 acres and a mule programs, free housing, free food stamps, free shows, free education and freedom itself.

It's time to grow up and be part of society, not remove society because people are different from the path you freely chose.

So you chose to be a gangsta? Fine. Go to gangsta prison if you freely decided to drop out of school and commit crimes of the gangstas. If you don't like the country, fine. Leave it and go someplace else you'd like to live, and request repatriation papers there. But if you even mention organizing murder, you're going down fast there.

We do enough killings in the ME and Africa (I believe this is considered a Christian nation, so I imagine most of the military are Christians-get it. Churches should check for weapons, that is the way it should be and also schools or anywhere people gather. Since freaks love the 2nd amendment so much, every $10 dollar that goes for guns should be made to fund metal detectors and even X-rays. A percentage of the NRA should also go for protection.

I want to be safe and I don't want a crazy 2nd amendment freak by me.
Hey Augusta...HERE is your Robert Bower...a non affiliated nut job that is white!

Robert Bowers has been named as the man accused in the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue. That has a lot of people wondering about his politics, and whether Robert Bowers is a Republican or Democrat, a Donald Trump supporter or not.

Such questions were bound to arise fast because the accused package bomber, Cesar Sayoc, was an avid supporter of the president. In the case of Robert Bowers, though, his writings on social media indicate he wrote that he did not vote for Trump and held some animosity toward the president because he saw him as a “globalist” who was not doing enough against Jewish people

need I remind some of you:

Jews will not replace us.
As an agnosti . I hope not!....But the jews dont keep threatening to kill AMERICA...You dumb bitch!

What are white supremacist anti, everything.
Murder is inexcusable, not matter what the excuse. These people were attending Sunday services and trying to do good things with their lives. Murdering people in church is a craven thing to do. Political activism is not the same thing as worship. Those who perpetrated the murdering spree should not be let go because they're sorry their party lost (or won), or that they're full of hatred and payback against people who have been dead over a hundred years who acted unseemly toward other people who lived and died over a hundred years ago. In the meantime, there have been 40 acres and a mule programs, free housing, free food stamps, free shows, free education and freedom itself.

It's time to grow up and be part of society, not remove society because people are different from the path you freely chose.

So you chose to be a gangsta? Fine. Go to gangsta prison if you freely decided to drop out of school and commit crimes of the gangstas. If you don't like the country, fine. Leave it and go someplace else you'd like to live, and request repatriation papers there. But if you even mention organizing murder, you're going down fast there.

We do enough killings in the ME and Africa (I believe this is considered a Christian nation, so I imagine most of the military are Christian. Churches should check for weapons, that is the way it should be and also schools or anywhere people gather. Since freaks love the 2nd amendment so much, every $10 dollar that goes for guns should be made to fund metal detectors and even X-rays. A percentage of the NRA should also go for protection.

I want to be safe and I don't want a crazy 2nd amendment freak by me.
Move to S omalia!
Yep, it appears little Augie West is dim beyond help or hope.
Hey Augusta...HERE is your Robert Bower...a non affiliated nut job that is white!

Robert Bowers has been named as the man accused in the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue. That has a lot of people wondering about his politics, and whether Robert Bowers is a Republican or Democrat, a Donald Trump supporter or not.

Such questions were bound to arise fast because the accused package bomber, Cesar Sayoc, was an avid supporter of the president. In the case of Robert Bowers, though, his writings on social media indicate he wrote that he did not vote for Trump and held some animosity toward the president because he saw him as a “globalist” who was not doing enough against Jewish people

need I remind some of you:

Jews will not replace us.
As an agnosti . I hope not!....But the jews dont keep threatening to kill AMERICA...You dumb bitch!

What are white supremacist anti, everything.
No such mix it up with muslim supremacists!

I don't mix anything up, Christians kill and so do Muslims.
need I remind some of you:

Jews will not replace us.
As an agnosti . I hope not!....But the jews dont keep threatening to kill AMERICA...You dumb bitch!

What are white supremacist anti, everything.
Murder is inexcusable, not matter what the excuse. These people were attending Sunday services and trying to do good things with their lives. Murdering people in church is a craven thing to do. Political activism is not the same thing as worship. Those who perpetrated the murdering spree should not be let go because they're sorry their party lost (or won), or that they're full of hatred and payback against people who have been dead over a hundred years who acted unseemly toward other people who lived and died over a hundred years ago. In the meantime, there have been 40 acres and a mule programs, free housing, free food stamps, free shows, free education and freedom itself.

It's time to grow up and be part of society, not remove society because people are different from the path you freely chose.

So you chose to be a gangsta? Fine. Go to gangsta prison if you freely decided to drop out of school and commit crimes of the gangstas. If you don't like the country, fine. Leave it and go someplace else you'd like to live, and request repatriation papers there. But if you even mention organizing murder, you're going down fast there.

We do enough killings in the ME and Africa (I believe this is considered a Christian nation, so I imagine most of the military are Christian. Churches should check for weapons, that is the way it should be and also schools or anywhere people gather. Since freaks love the 2nd amendment so much, every $10 dollar that goes for guns should be made to fund metal detectors and even X-rays. A percentage of the NRA should also go for protection.

I want to be safe and I don't want a crazy 2nd amendment freak by me.
Move to S omalia!

You move.
As an agnosti . I hope not!....But the jews dont keep threatening to kill AMERICA...You dumb bitch!

What are white supremacist anti, everything.
Murder is inexcusable, not matter what the excuse. These people were attending Sunday services and trying to do good things with their lives. Murdering people in church is a craven thing to do. Political activism is not the same thing as worship. Those who perpetrated the murdering spree should not be let go because they're sorry their party lost (or won), or that they're full of hatred and payback against people who have been dead over a hundred years who acted unseemly toward other people who lived and died over a hundred years ago. In the meantime, there have been 40 acres and a mule programs, free housing, free food stamps, free shows, free education and freedom itself.

It's time to grow up and be part of society, not remove society because people are different from the path you freely chose.

So you chose to be a gangsta? Fine. Go to gangsta prison if you freely decided to drop out of school and commit crimes of the gangstas. If you don't like the country, fine. Leave it and go someplace else you'd like to live, and request repatriation papers there. But if you even mention organizing murder, you're going down fast there.

We do enough killings in the ME and Africa (I believe this is considered a Christian nation, so I imagine most of the military are Christian. Churches should check for weapons, that is the way it should be and also schools or anywhere people gather. Since freaks love the 2nd amendment so much, every $10 dollar that goes for guns should be made to fund metal detectors and even X-rays. A percentage of the NRA should also go for protection.

I want to be safe and I don't want a crazy 2nd amendment freak by me.
Move to S omalia!

You move.
I am not afraid of the second amendment moron.
So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.
Look, don't try to comment on American affairs if you aren't from here or don't live here. Just sayin.

I'm an American by birthright & I live in America.

Although I'm Catholic, a lot of us don't really care for guns.

Protestants want to bring back the Wild Wild West, truly a bunch of knuckleheads.
Strange way to put it. I take it you were born elsewhere by the way you couch your statement.

Me, I am a native American. Born on American soil to parents who also were born on American soil.

I classify myself as an American. No hyphen needed.

So, you're a Native American Indian?

Oh so pointing out that I'm Catholic is somehow a hyphen?

We should all assimilate to your inferior Protestant Chimp race.

Maybe you Protestant knuckle draggers need to assimilate.

You tend to hate the French just because they're Catholic, carrying on not American values, but Protestant ones.

Because French helped make America.

But, then there go you Chimpo thickos flying the Confederate flag of traitors, and watching the traitorous British royalty on TV.

Its time you guys assimilate.
So easy.

I am a native American. I was born in the USA.

No one cares what your religion is. Try being an American.

I am NOT a Protestant. Sucks to be you.

I don't hate the French. They just happen to be wrong right now.

I don't live in the South and I don't own a Confederate flag.

Here is the whole point you seemed to fail to understand.

I DO NOT need to assimilate. I AM and American.
So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.

No, it's not. It's a recipe to screw with your fascist Hope's and dreams, that's for sure, but an armed society, is a polite society.

Like Dodge City in the Wild Wild West?
They had a 165 out of 100,000 murder rate.

Higher than the highest murder rates in the World like El Salvador, Honduras, Paracas, Cuidad Juarez or East Saint Loius.

Yes, the western cities had far less crime than their eastern counterparts. There is an excellent scholarly book called "Gunfighters Highwaymen, and Vigilantes" that compares the rates of violent and non violent crimes.

You should read it.

I'm going to call bs on that.

The homicide rate of California was out of sight in the 1800's.

Los Angels had about a 200 out of 100,000 murder rate in 1850.
twice as high as the highest city in America today of East Saint Louis.

New York had a homicide rate of more like 5 out of 100,000 in 1850.

Plantation counties in Georgia more like 10 out of 100,000 in 1850.

Read the book.
Hey Augusta...HERE is your Robert Bower...a non affiliated nut job that is white!

Robert Bowers has been named as the man accused in the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue. That has a lot of people wondering about his politics, and whether Robert Bowers is a Republican or Democrat, a Donald Trump supporter or not.

Such questions were bound to arise fast because the accused package bomber, Cesar Sayoc, was an avid supporter of the president. In the case of Robert Bowers, though, his writings on social media indicate he wrote that he did not vote for Trump and held some animosity toward the president because he saw him as a “globalist” who was not doing enough against Jewish people

need I remind some of you:

Jews will not replace us.
As an agnosti . I hope not!....But the jews dont keep threatening to kill AMERICA...You dumb bitch!

What are white supremacist anti, everything.
No such mix it up with muslim supremacists!
You’re all the same.
No we aren't here is an apparent black guy today killing 2 at church and 1 critical was live feed captured

Two people have been killed, and on critically injured after a shooting took place at the West Freeway Church of Christ located in Texas.

MedStar spokeswoman Macara Trusty confirmed that one person died at the scene of the shooting, and one person died en route to a hospital. A third victim was transported to a hospital in critical condition.

The Church of Christ was live-streaming their Sunday services on their YouTube channel, and while the motive remains unclear, a man is seen running in a firing off shots while church-goers ducked under their seats in fear, as reported by the New York Daily News. The video has since been removed from the church’s YouTube channel.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.
Look, don't try to comment on American affairs if you aren't from here or don't live here. Just sayin.

I'm an American by birthright & I live in America.

Although I'm Catholic, a lot of us don't really care for guns.

Protestants want to bring back the Wild Wild West, truly a bunch of knuckleheads.
Strange way to put it. I take it you were born elsewhere by the way you couch your statement.

Me, I am a native American. Born on American soil to parents who also were born on American soil.

I classify myself as an American. No hyphen needed.

So, you're a Native American Indian?

Oh so pointing out that I'm Catholic is somehow a hyphen?

We should all assimilate to your inferior Protestant Chimp race.

Maybe you Protestant knuckle draggers need to assimilate.

You tend to hate the French just because they're Catholic, carrying on not American values, but Protestant ones.

Because French helped make America.

But, then there go you Chimpo thickos flying the Confederate flag of traitors, and watching the traitorous British royalty on TV.

Its time you guys assimilate.
So easy.

I am a native American. I was born in the USA.

No one cares what your religion is. Try being an American.

I am NOT a Protestant. Sucks to be you.

I don't hate the French. They just happen to be wrong right now.

I don't live in the South and I don't own a Confederate flag.

Here is the whole point you seemed to fail to understand.

I DO NOT need to assimilate. I AM and American.

There's no such thing as an "American"

Basically just an inferior version of Europe.
Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.

No, it's not. It's a recipe to screw with your fascist Hope's and dreams, that's for sure, but an armed society, is a polite society.

Like Dodge City in the Wild Wild West?
They had a 165 out of 100,000 murder rate.

Higher than the highest murder rates in the World like El Salvador, Honduras, Paracas, Cuidad Juarez or East Saint Loius.

Yes, the western cities had far less crime than their eastern counterparts. There is an excellent scholarly book called "Gunfighters Highwaymen, and Vigilantes" that compares the rates of violent and non violent crimes.

You should read it.

I'm going to call bs on that.

The homicide rate of California was out of sight in the 1800's.

Los Angels had about a 200 out of 100,000 murder rate in 1850.
twice as high as the highest city in America today of East Saint Louis.

New York had a homicide rate of more like 5 out of 100,000 in 1850.

Plantation counties in Georgia more like 10 out of 100,000 in 1850.

Read the book.

The data points to the Old West having rather high murder rates.
Closest 'sequence' of photos I could against the wall are preparing to give out communion plates...he's on the far right gun concealed under his coat...takes aim at the one or two of those next to him, the "hero' takes him down....



No, it's not. It's a recipe to screw with your fascist Hope's and dreams, that's for sure, but an armed society, is a polite society.

Like Dodge City in the Wild Wild West?
They had a 165 out of 100,000 murder rate.

Higher than the highest murder rates in the World like El Salvador, Honduras, Paracas, Cuidad Juarez or East Saint Loius.

Yes, the western cities had far less crime than their eastern counterparts. There is an excellent scholarly book called "Gunfighters Highwaymen, and Vigilantes" that compares the rates of violent and non violent crimes.

You should read it.

I'm going to call bs on that.

The homicide rate of California was out of sight in the 1800's.

Los Angels had about a 200 out of 100,000 murder rate in 1850.
twice as high as the highest city in America today of East Saint Louis.

New York had a homicide rate of more like 5 out of 100,000 in 1850.

Plantation counties in Georgia more like 10 out of 100,000 in 1850.

Read the book.

The data points to the Old West having rather high murder rates.

Bodie California, and Aurora California were two of the most violent towns on Earth. However, the people being killed were bad guys. It was bad guys killing bad guys so no one cared.

In all the years of violence there were only two innocent victims. Two. The perps were promptly hung by the vigilantes who formed after the crimes had been committed. and who just as quickly disbanded.

The rest of the crime story is where it gets interesting.

The only burglaries were the theft of firewood piled on the sides of the homes.

The eastern cities on the other hand were just as crime ridden as they are today.
You can't say guns aren't the answer if you are unwilling to lock up the bad guys and put them in prison whilst pursuing bail reform. It merely demonstrates that the state is unwilling and unable to protect the citizens. People should not have to be willing victims.

How have more guns reduced deaths from gun violence?

I don't see this as a simple guns vs no guns issue. But at some point there has to be a need for reasonable gun control - which is shot down every time there a mass shooting, by pro-gun advocates. Where is the rationale middle here?

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

Gun related fatalities were at their highest in the 70's.

IN 2017 - while not as high as the 70's, they've reached their highest (per capita) number in decades.

What's different?

It isn't a simple gun v no gun issue. It's a series of really damn bad decisions leading to repercussions that will reverberate through this country for a very long time. Criminal justice is by and large left to the states.

We are currently at our highest level of mass shootings.

You have to watch the media really close. They say stupid shit like, nationwide gun violence is down but there are still pockets. They are the same damn pockets that existed before. If they didn't, there would be no lovely suburbs or quaint little towns. Hell, there might not be any white flight.

There are multiple things at play here. Clearly bail reform is a problem. Gun charges are being released. Right away. Those with murder charges are being placed on supervised release with ankle monitors. People like to talk about those that have information regarding a crime don't want to come forward because they will be shot--and they are. But, the individuals committing the crimes are released anyway-where they escape by cutting off the monitor. If you are using a private company and the individual doesn't pay for the supervision, then the company stops monitoring them. Changes in sentencing laws and parole boards that are fixated on releasing rather than public safety. There is a massive push to erase people's criminal history. There already is a way dependent on the charge.

Do you want someone with say a prior carjacking charge or armed robbery or......domestic violence to just have that erased? How about a sex offense?

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is hell bent on making sure that no juveniles are detained nationwide. They like to give a good shpeil about how people are focused on gut reactions and the (new) risk assessment to remove all emotion. But, if the facts were to speak for themselves the little pilot sites have massive problems that they don't discuss because other people might have some type of emotional reaction to that. But, they flash some cash and you know how that plays out.

Every Tom, Dick and Harry has bought into new types of risk assessments to replace what was in use. Prisons included. People should begin to scrutinize that accuracy. Heavily. There is actually a group of people out there that is saying that without those risk assessments........judges are flying by the seat of their pants. Why, they can't make a decision without them. Really.

Basically, we are at a point where there are no repercussions for criminal activity.

By and large the guns on the streets are obtained illegally. If there are no repercussions for crimes then what sense does it make for those that legally own guns to get rid of them? None. Wrong target.
Last edited:
You can't say guns aren't the answer if you are unwilling to lock up the bad guys and put them in prison whilst pursuing bail reform. It merely demonstrates that the state is unwilling and unable to protect the citizens. People should not have to be willing victims.

How have more guns reduced deaths from gun violence?

I don't see this as a simple guns vs no guns issue. But at some point there has to be a need for reasonable gun control - which is shot down every time there a mass shooting, by pro-gun advocates. Where is the rationale middle here?

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

Gun related fatalities were at their highest in the 70's.

IN 2017 - while not as high as the 70's, they've reached their highest (per capita) number in decades.

What's different?
What's different ? The do-gooder liberals, and their PC hands off bullcrap is what's different. Their jumping to protect the criminals as if they aren't criminals by their own accord, but rather that it must be everyone elses fault that they have become what they've become in their lives. Look it's time for the bullcrap to end, and not one more good citizen to lose any of their rights, wealth or 2nd amendment rights over something the left has caused over time.
need I remind some of you:

Jews will not replace us.
As an agnosti . I hope not!....But the jews dont keep threatening to kill AMERICA...You dumb bitch!

What are white supremacist anti, everything.
No such mix it up with muslim supremacists!
You’re all the same.
No we aren't here is an apparent black guy today killing 2 at church and 1 critical was live feed captured

Two people have been killed, and on critically injured after a shooting took place at the West Freeway Church of Christ located in Texas.

MedStar spokeswoman Macara Trusty confirmed that one person died at the scene of the shooting, and one person died en route to a hospital. A third victim was transported to a hospital in critical condition.

The Church of Christ was live-streaming their Sunday services on their YouTube channel, and while the motive remains unclear, a man is seen running in a firing off shots while church-goers ducked under their seats in fear, as reported by the New York Daily News. The video has since been removed from the church’s YouTube channel.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

I see two shooters in that picture. One on the left, and one top right. One has a pistol, the other a shotgun.
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate

No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

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