Multiple People Stabbed In NY Synagogue Saturday Night

Second Amendment...some should have carried guns inside that synagogue protect the people inside...

The 2nd Amendment speaks of a well regulated militia.

Not Jamal, Jose, and Billy Bob walking the streets with weapons.

:cuckoo: ^^^

Gun regulations are important.

When I was 13, my own friend, who was also 13 years of age of Italian - Irish heritage took out a gun on me, and robbed me.

Guess where he got the gun?
It was laying in his parents dresser drawer.

He since died, but that's a different story of drug abuse.
That's terrible to have a friend betray you and threaten your life. I'm sorry.

Drugs are horrible things, and he didn't start using the day he died, did he.
I had a friend of mine pull a knife on me. I was carrying a 12 gauge shot gun at the time.
nuff said.

So 13 year olds should be carrying shot guns around, gotcha.
Second Amendment...some should have carried guns inside that synagogue protect the people inside...

The state of NY is a really screwed up place to try to get a concealed weapon permit. It takes a minimum of four months from the time of application until a license is either granted or denied you have to have a legally recognized reason for wanting to possess or carry a firearm, you have to have character references, and In New York City, Nassau County and most of Suffolk County, you have to apply to the police commissioner.

Then there are the rules and regulation about what type of firearms, ammunition, magazine capacity, and other BS.

I would not want to live in that commie state. All I had to do here was send in a copy of my DD-214 military separation papers, and a check for $50.

Hmm, and yet New York has one of the lowest murder rates among Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites in the entire nation.
That's usually what happens when former crimes become legal.

Hmm, so NY legalized murder?

No, because Stop & Frisk & a larger police force in NYC dropped murder rates by nearly 90% since 1990.
Not to mention the some of worst hoods got gentrified.
The crimes just don't get reported. If assault can be a no bail offense anything is possible

So the murder rate is false?
Even after the dead bodies?
Second Amendment...some should have carried guns inside that synagogue protect the people inside...

The 2nd Amendment speaks of a well regulated militia.

Not Jamal, Jose, and Billy Bob walking the streets with weapons.

:cuckoo: ^^^

The ONLY insanity is that any argument could lead to someone pulling out a gun, because of a hot temper.

While, I support guns in a well regulated militia, for hunters, locked up in safes, and in the hands of security & police.

I don't really care for a bunch of guns in the street.

So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

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Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.
Black guy with machete...

"According to reports, a black male entered Rabbi Rottenburg’s Shul, located in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, and pulled out a machete. He pulled off the cover and stabbed at least 3 people. One of the victims was stabbed in the chest.

The perpetrator then ran out and escaped in a vehicle. His plates were spotted before he left, and the police are currently searching for him..."

MONSEY STABBING: Multiple People Stabbed In Synagogue Saturday Night - Vos Iz Neias
Yep, if they were white all news media would be blaming trump and calling it White supremacy .. They were sure doing that for Pittsburgh , non stop coverage. But not these attacks. Just watched Cuomo last news conferience. He was low keying blaming trump but couldnt. I want to punch him in the face.
These politicians are some sick human beings, and the bad part is, is that they are using us like we can't begin to imagine. Getting filthy rich in the process. They have no shame.
Second Amendment...some should have carried guns inside that synagogue protect the people inside...

The 2nd Amendment speaks of a well regulated militia.

Not Jamal, Jose, and Billy Bob walking the streets with weapons.

:cuckoo: ^^^

The ONLY insanity is that any argument could lead to someone pulling out a gun, because of a hot temper.

While, I support guns in a well regulated militia, for hunters, locked up in safes, and in the hands of security & police.

I don't really care for a bunch of guns in the street.

So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.
Look, don't try to comment on American affairs if you aren't from here or don't live here. Just sayin.
The 2nd Amendment speaks of a well regulated militia.

Not Jamal, Jose, and Billy Bob walking the streets with weapons.

:cuckoo: ^^^

The ONLY insanity is that any argument could lead to someone pulling out a gun, because of a hot temper.

While, I support guns in a well regulated militia, for hunters, locked up in safes, and in the hands of security & police.

I don't really care for a bunch of guns in the street.

So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.
Look, don't try to comment on American affairs if you aren't from here or don't live here. Just sayin.

I'm an American by birthright & I live in America.

Although I'm Catholic, a lot of us don't really care for guns.

Protestants want to bring back the Wild Wild West, truly a bunch of knuckleheads.
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
Whataboutism isn't an argument.

Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The Jewish people in New York need to start fighting back against the black savages.
This is what libtards do. Muslim crime talk about the Christians. Black crime talk about white people. Any fucking thing to deflect.
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
In his first book, Dreams from My Father, Obama responded to criticisms of his refusal to condemn anti semitic rants from Nation of Islam. Even as a community organizer he had been heavily criticized for his tolerance of anti semitism, and in his book he said, since he was working with black people and good relations with Black Muslims might be useful to him, he saw no reason why he should jeopardize his relations with the rabidly anti semitic Nation of Islam for the sake of the Jews. We saw the same attitude when he was president, and without question, the rise in anti semitism is the legacy of of the clearly biased Obama administration.

This was of course compounded by Pelosi placing anti semitic freshman representatives, Omar, Tlaib and AOC, in high profile committee assignments so they could become the face of the Democratic Party and then showing tolerance of their anti semitism when they also became the voice of the Democratic Party and enjoyed the protection of the Congressional Black Caucus. There is no need to search for exotic black cults to blame for the rise in anti semitism. Obama and Pelosi made anti semitism mainstream American politics.
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The Jewish people in New York need to start fighting back against the black savages.
Jews in New York are under systematic attack by blacks on an almost daily basis with judges inclined to release the perpetrators.
This is what libtards do. Muslim crime talk about the Christians. Black crime talk about white people. Any fucking thing to deselect.

This is what libtards do. Muslim crime talk about the Christians. Black crime talk about white people. Any fucking thing to deflect.
When was the last time one of you Ku Kluxxers posted a hate crime committed by a white guy? There was dead silence here when one of your goons shot up a Walmart.
Second Amendment...some should have carried guns inside that synagogue protect the people inside...

The 2nd Amendment speaks of a well regulated militia.

Not Jamal, Jose, and Billy Bob walking the streets with weapons.

:cuckoo: ^^^

The ONLY insanity is that any argument could lead to someone pulling out a gun, because of a hot temper.

While, I support guns in a well regulated militia, for hunters, locked up in safes, and in the hands of security & police.

I don't really care for a bunch of guns in the street.

So when a bad guy robs you or carjack you you’ll be lucky if you make it alive. If you were armed or someone around you was then you’d be ok. Bad guys don’t play by the rules. The sooner you learn that the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Having everybody carry guns, is a recipe for disaster.

Especially given all the low IQ, impulsive, hot tempered savages in this country, like Jamal, Jose & Billy Bob.

It looks like Stop & Frisk is the real thing that deters crime.

No, it's not. It's a recipe to screw with your fascist Hope's and dreams, that's for sure, but an armed society, is a polite society.

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