The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Exactly why did Mueller, and Comey after him ENFORCE what is arguably AN ILLEGAL Gag Order on The Uranium One Informant to stop him from disclosing what he knew about Russia's Bribery and Extortion Scheme directed at US Congressmen, Clinton, Obama and members of the committee that approved the deal?

And why did Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe conceal the fact that they had evidence of Massive Bribes directed at The US Congress and The Committee members Colluding with Russia, and said and did nothing to stop THE URANIUM ONE DEAL?

Why is Mueller, who was complicit in allowing Russian Collusion with Hillary Clinton Barak Obama, and Uranium One, investigating Russian Collusion in the Trump Administration, and falling flat on his face to find even a shred of it, completely ignoring Russian Collusion with Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Fusion GPS and The Uranium One Deal?

Why aren't people who approved The Uranium One Deal being asked about The Bribery scandal?

People like John McCain, Mitch McConnel, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and others? You can include Susan Rice, and Loretta Lynch who also knew about The Bribes, but chose not to do anything about it either.

It is estimated that Russia and Uranium One Associates spent nearly $200 Million Dollars to buy influence to get The Uranium One Deal Approved, and many of our representatives, especially Hillary Clinton, took this money.

So why isn't anyone.....anyone at all looking in to this? This is a threat to not only our National Security, but against our Democracy itself, and NO ONE WANTS TO DO ONE FUCKING THING ABOUT IT!!!!!!
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Now the talking point answer will be...9 agencies signed off on the deal.

What is always left out is the heads of those 9 agencies all worked for
and were appointed by President Zero. They were told how to vote.

(Or he would have had super-delegates also have a say in confirming the
Now the talking point answer will be...9 agencies signed off on the deal.

What is always left out is the heads of those 9 agencies all worked for
and were appointed by President Zero. They were told how to vote.

(Or he would have had super-delegates also have a say in confirming the

The fact Mueller and Comey kept this gag order in place for so long, as did the DOJ run by Holder, and then Lynch, and even Rosenstein & McCabe allowed the gag order to stay in place, is the most INTERESTING FACT that has come out in the past two years.

They have piles of EVIDENCE to Prove Russian Collusion with members of Congress, Clinton & Obama, yet they STIFLED IT!

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