Mueller's Decade+ Old Crime Trial Soon To Begin

collusion is not a crime, but that doesn't matter because there was no collusion, except by Crooked Hillary. LOCK HER UP!
collusion is not a crime, but that doesn't matter because there was no collusion, except by Crooked Hillary. LOCK HER UP!

Snowflakes like to speak despite not knowing what they are talking about. You brought up a great example:

'Trump is Guilty of Collusion With Russians'.
...except there is and never has been any evidence connecting / proving illegal collusion between the President and Russia.

'Kushner illegally colluded with the Russians because he met with the Russians.'
...except that meeting with someone to obtain opposition research is NOT illegal (despite the fact this is NOT what happened and that the only reason Putin's Lawyer was in the country is because Obama had to override his Immigration Department who had banned her from entering the US).

Hillary IS Guilty of Violating US Election Law (not 'collusion') because she not only 'colluded' with foreign spies and Russians, she PAID them for an unverified report that she used in a US election. Using foreign opposition research that was PAID for in a US election is a CRIME.

Oh, and let's not forget that Hillary's campaign paying for the Dossier and not reporting it violated Campaign Finance Law.

Watchdog Group: DNC & Clinton Campaign Broke The Law With Dossier Payments


collusion is not a crime, but that doesn't matter because there was no collusion, except by Crooked Hillary. LOCK HER UP!

Snowflakes like to speak despite not knowing what they are talking about. You brought up a great example:

'Trump is Guilty of Collusion With Russians'.
...except there is and never has been any evidence connecting / proving illegal collusion between the President and Russia.

'Kushner illegally colluded with the Russians because he met with the Russians.'
...except that meeting with someone to obtain opposition research is NOT illegal (despite the fact this is NOT what happened and that the only reason Putin's Lawyer was in the country is because Obama had to override his Immigration Department who had banned her from entering the US).

Hillary IS Guilty of Violating US Election Law (not 'collusion') because she not only 'colluded' with foreign spies and Russians, she PAID them for an unverified report that she used in a US election. Using foreign opposition research that was PAID for in a US election is a CRIME.

Oh, and let's not forget that Hillary's campaign paying for the Dossier and not reporting it violated Campaign Finance Law.

Watchdog Group: DNC & Clinton Campaign Broke The Law With Dossier Payments

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i am so furious my hands are shaking. how can Sessions let Crooked Hillary get away with murder?
The problem with your tirade? 1) The investigation is into Russian interference in our Election. That happened. 2) During the investigation into that crime, the investigators turned up evidence of other wrongdoing. Fortunately, the Special Counsel was empowered to 3) pursue any other crimes they encountered along the way.

1. There is and never was any evidence linking the President to illegal Collusion with the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election. There was no such crime and no such evidence of this crime that warranted an investigation let alone an appointment of a Special Counsel.

You're confused. The FBI was investigating Russian interference in our election. This occurred as a result of a staffer shooting his mouth off to an Australian diplomat. The Mueller Special Counsel investigation occurred because Trump fired Comey over the "Rusher thing"

Any investigation of Russian Interference - based on actual evidence of a crime - should have begun with President Barak Obama and his administration beginning in 2014, not with the current President. In 2014 evidence shows President Obama was made aware of an intense effort by Russia to hack senior govt officials' e-mails, to hack into the US Power Grid and to cause division and violence in the US through the use of a military-style Counter-Intelligence operation using social media. Evidence further shows, and his own ex-Cabinet members have admitted, that President Obama did next to nothing to stop it, that he never warned anyone the Russians were trying to hack their e-mails. Even though Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all illegal) containing TOP SECRET+ data he did nothing to shut it down / to get her to stop and thus facilitated the illegal acquisition of that classified data by 6 foreign entities.

The FBI investigation started in 2016, when Obama was president.

2. The investigators have completely 1) REFUSED to acknowledge that There is and never was any evidence linking the current President to any Interference engaged in by Russia and 2) REFUSED to acknowledge the massive wealth of evidence of crimes committed by DEMOCRATS - Hillary, Obama, his Cabinet, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, John and Tony Podesta, etc...

We don't know what evidence Robert Mueller has regarding Trump...And it doesn't matter. The investigation isn't about Trump. It's about Russian interference and whether or not they had American help.

3. Digging into the past of Manafort - going back 10 years, before Obama was even elected President, is nowhere near 'along the way' of investigating Russian Interference that began - as evidence shows - in 2014! As a Judge has already pointed out, going back 10 years to find a crime and only indicting 1/2 of the team that engaged in that crime (because the other half was connected to Hillary's election campaign) has nothing to do with Russian interference in the 2016 election. It is a massive flashing neon sign that says, 'I am specifically targeting the President, I have no evidence on him, but I am going to use his associates to try to get to him!'

Sure it is. They looked into his financial dealings and found malfeasance....recent malfeasance.
The problem with your tirade? 1) The investigation is into Russian interference in our Election. That happened. 2) During the investigation into that crime, the investigators turned up evidence of other wrongdoing. Fortunately, the Special Counsel was empowered to 3) pursue any other crimes they encountered along the way.

1. There is and never was any evidence linking the President to illegal Collusion with the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election. There was no such crime and no such evidence of this crime that warranted an investigation let alone an appointment of a Special Counsel.

You're confused. The FBI was investigating Russian interference in our election. This occurred as a result of a staffer shooting his mouth off to an Australian diplomat. The Mueller Special Counsel investigation occurred because Trump fired Comey over the "Rusher thing"

Any investigation of Russian Interference - based on actual evidence of a crime - should have begun with President Barak Obama and his administration beginning in 2014, not with the current President. In 2014 evidence shows President Obama was made aware of an intense effort by Russia to hack senior govt officials' e-mails, to hack into the US Power Grid and to cause division and violence in the US through the use of a military-style Counter-Intelligence operation using social media. Evidence further shows, and his own ex-Cabinet members have admitted, that President Obama did next to nothing to stop it, that he never warned anyone the Russians were trying to hack their e-mails. Even though Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all illegal) containing TOP SECRET+ data he did nothing to shut it down / to get her to stop and thus facilitated the illegal acquisition of that classified data by 6 foreign entities.

The FBI investigation started in 2016, when Obama was president.

2. The investigators have completely 1) REFUSED to acknowledge that There is and never was any evidence linking the current President to any Interference engaged in by Russia and 2) REFUSED to acknowledge the massive wealth of evidence of crimes committed by DEMOCRATS - Hillary, Obama, his Cabinet, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, John and Tony Podesta, etc...

We don't know what evidence Robert Mueller has regarding Trump...And it doesn't matter. The investigation isn't about Trump. It's about Russian interference and whether or not they had American help.

3. Digging into the past of Manafort - going back 10 years, before Obama was even elected President, is nowhere near 'along the way' of investigating Russian Interference that began - as evidence shows - in 2014! As a Judge has already pointed out, going back 10 years to find a crime and only indicting 1/2 of the team that engaged in that crime (because the other half was connected to Hillary's election campaign) has nothing to do with Russian interference in the 2016 election. It is a massive flashing neon sign that says, 'I am specifically targeting the President, I have no evidence on him, but I am going to use his associates to try to get to him!'

Sure it is. They looked into his financial dealings and found malfeasance....recent malfeasance.
Good God the ignorance......where to begin.

1. Evidence now shows that the informant that tipped the FBI off to the Papadopoulos meting with the Aussie ep WAS THE AUSSIE REP, who turned out to be a massive Hillary donor. (Can you say 'set-up'?)

2. The Investigation should have started in 2014, when evidence shows Obama learned of all the interference and chose to do nothing about it because he was too busy kissing Putin's ass to get his approval for him (Obama) to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria.

3. You don't know the evidence Mueller has because he doesn't have any. If he had any Trump would be on trail instead of Manafort, and Mueller would not be praying Manafort flips and gives him evidence he does not have. There has NEVER been any evidence of illegal Russian Collusion involving Trump. ZERO evidence of such a crime - none warranting an investigation of Trump and certainly none worthy of a appointing an obviously stacked, conflict of interest infested Special Counsel.

4. Investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election TO HELP TRUMP BEAT HILLARY did not require going back a DECADE because no one had a clue back then that the felon Hillary would be given the DNC nomination and run against Trump.

Charged with investigating possible illegal Trump collusion with Russians and / it Russian interference in the 2016 election. Special Counsel Robert Mueller instead went back more than a decade - to before Obama was elected - to find a crime.

While the country was rocked with tales of illegal collusion with Russians, the trial Mueller brings to court has nothing to do with President Trump, has nothing to do with 'illegal Russian collusion', and has nothing to do with the 2016 Presidential election.

Instead we are forced to endure a case whose purpose is to try to get the indicted to agree to give the Special Counsel something he has desperately looked for but does not have - EVIDENCE of anything he can use to take down the President.

Showdown in Virginia: Manafort fraud trial set to kick off in first Mueller probe prosecution

"Neither the Virginia trial nor Manafort's separate upcoming trial in Washington, D.C., directly relates to any alleged collusion between Trump officials and the Russian government, or purported Russian disinformation campaigns -- a fact that led to a tense courtroom showdown just months ago.

The judge in the case, T.S. Ellis III, harshly rebuked members of Mueller's team in a preliminary hearing in May, saying they were pursuing the case against the 69-year-old ex-Trump adviser only as a means to target the president."
I see where mueller has told witnesses not to even mention trumps name
That is really strange about an investigation that was supposed to be all about trump
And then look at this thread
Paul Manafort trial and the libs are already bananas about trump

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