MUELLER should recuse himself IMMEDIATELY, but who will investigate the Russia Uranium SCANDAL?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Who investigates the investigator?

Clinton’s collusion: Who will investigate the new Russia scandal?

After more than a year of lying denials, Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee now stand exposed as the funders of that salacious dossier alleging years of collusion between the Kremlin and Donald Trump.

The FBI stands exposed, too — as having agreed to keep paying for the same research after Trump was elected.

All of which raises lots of disturbing questions, plus the possibility that if anyone colluded with Moscow, it was Team Hillary.

The Washington Post reported that Clinton and the DNC paid millions to a DC law firm, Perkins Coie, which in turn hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump.

Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer who compiled the 35-page dossier containing information he claimed came from Russian government and intel officials.

But Fusion has its own Kremlin ties, having done paid work to try to reverse the sanctions imposed in the Magnitsky Act, named for a Russian whistleblower tortured and killed in Moscow — work that allegedly included smear campaigns against Magnitsky and Bill Browder, his top champion in the West.

Little wonder Fusion GPS has been stonewalling Congress’ efforts to get to the bottom of this, with company officials taking the Fifth Amendment.

And why the FBI has been resisting congressional subpoenas for information on its role in the whole matter.

What we had here wasn’t a leak from intelligence sources, but a piece of opposition research — contracted and paid for by President Trump’s opponents and prepared by a firm with a record of Russian-linked smears — which the FBI glommed onto.

Indeed, it looks very much like the whole Trump “collusion” probe was prompted by the Democrat-commissioned hit job. The same dossier seems to have been the FBI’s pretext for FISA warrants on Trump officials.

Meanwhile, the latest disclosures about the FBI, the Clintons and the Russian uranium scheme raise big questions about former FBI chief Robert Mueller — who’s now the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 race. Who investigates the investigator?
Time for the TRUMP DOJ to get to work.



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Russian Uranium Scandal = something that never happened because it was impossible.

Mueller will do just fine - so would any third grader on the planet who understands what impossible means.

Idiot F'n RW's damn sure don't.
There was no collusion between the Russians and Clinton. Yes the Clint n campaign paid millions for opposition research. That's what goes on during campaigns. But hey let me get out the way of a good ol right wing wet dream.
There was no collusion between the Russians and Clinton. Yes the Clint n campaign paid millions for opposition research. That's what goes on during campaigns. But hey let me get out the way of a good ol right wing wet dream.

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There was no collusion between the Russians and Clinton. Yes the Clint n campaign paid millions for opposition research. That's what goes on during campaigns. But hey let me get out the way of a good ol right wing wet dream.

Then what made it an impeachable offense for Trump? No way you shake it looks good for team obama. Your messiah is getting his legacy shot on. No statue for him. Except for maybe in Nigeria. Or Kenya.

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