Mueller now has the inside scoop on the Comrade's Russia connection

"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?

More assumptions and speculation, no one knows what's actually going on. Flyinn just might have reached a plea bargain on his own troubles relating to Turkey. But hey, what ever helps you make it through the day.


And as part of that plea agreement, they are required not to share info with Trump's lawyers? How would you explain that, if itbwere merely a plea deal to shorten his own sentence?

Ever heard of a gag order, they many have other targets in mind regarding Turkey that Flynn might be helping with. No one knows were Mueller is going, but it's fun to pretend, right?


Hmm, I dont know about that explanation. Plausible, yes. But this isn't the Turkey investigation. Mueller's going right up the ladder, it appears.

"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?

More assumptions and speculation, no one knows what's actually going on. Flyinn just might have reached a plea bargain on his own troubles relating to Turkey. But hey, what ever helps you make it through the day.


And as part of that plea agreement, they are required not to share info with Trump's lawyers? How would you explain that, if itbwere merely a plea deal to shorten his own sentence?

Ever heard of a gag order, they many have other targets in mind regarding Turkey that Flynn might be helping with. No one knows were Mueller is going, but it's fun to pretend, right?


Hmm, I dont know about that explanation. Plausible, yes. But this isn't the Turkey investigation. Mueller's going right up the ladder, it appears.

Not a Ukraine investigation either, but that didn't seem to matter on Manafort. I know political intrigue is popular, but like I said, no one knows where this is going.


Flynn Lawyers cut ties with Trump Lawyers....the topic of the thread / issue being FLYNN, not Trump.

Once again snowflakes, and Mueller, are grasping at straws, hoping someone will give them what they do not already have - any evidence of wrongdoing against Trump.

The desperate, pathetic witch hunt continues....
no....what they're trying to do is get someone to perjure themselves in court against Trump.

No....Mueller us methodically working up the ladder to the Comrade. Think about it. Who would be over the former national security adviser? Why would Mueller cut a deal with Flynn unless he can get to his superior. And that would be.....THE COMRADE! TA DAAAAAA
Mueller has NOTHING.

The latest leak from inside Mueller's team has revealed Mueller is looking at Flynn's documentary on the Turkish Cleric and the possibility of unreported Turkish money to Flynn...


The latest leaks reveal Mueller is looking into matters relating to ISRAEL and TURKEY, outside of his 'jurisdiction', which was / ks Russian interference and possible collusion.

These Israel / Turkey issues don't even have anything to do with TRUMP.


"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?

More assumptions and speculation, no one knows what's actually going on. Flyinn just might have reached a plea bargain on his own troubles relating to Turkey. But hey, what ever helps you make it through the day.


And as part of that plea agreement, they are required not to share info with Trump's lawyers? How would you explain that, if itbwere merely a plea deal to shorten his own sentence?

Ever heard of a gag order, they many have other targets in mind regarding Turkey that Flynn might be helping with. No one knows were Mueller is going, but it's fun to pretend, right?


Hmm, I dont know about that explanation. Plausible, yes. But this isn't the Turkey investigation. Mueller's going right up the ladder, it appears.

I love the way all you snowflakes get the vapors whenever anything from the sham Russia collusion witchhunt is in the news.

Flynn Lawyers cut ties with Trump Lawyers....the topic of the thread / issue being FLYNN, not Trump.

Once again snowflakes, and Mueller, are grasping at straws, hoping someone will give them what they do not already have - any evidence of wrongdoing against Trump.

The desperate, pathetic witch hunt continues....
no....what they're trying to do is get someone to perjure themselves in court against Trump.

No....Mueller us methodically working up the ladder to the Comrade. Think about it. Who would be over the former national security adviser? Why would Mueller cut a deal with Flynn unless he can get to his superior. And that would be.....THE COMRADE! TA DAAAAAA
Mueller has NOTHING.

The latest leak from inside Mueller's team has revealed Mueller is looking at Flynn's documentary on the Turkish Cleric and the possibility of unreported Turkish money to Flynn...


The latest leaks reveal Mueller is looking into matters relating to ISRAEL and TURKEY, outside of his 'jurisdiction', which was / ks Russian interference and possible collusion.

These Israel / Turkey issues don't even have anything to do with TRUMP.


That's what happens when you have 20 prosecutors who all have bills to pay all investigating a fake crime.

Flynn Lawyers cut ties with Trump Lawyers....the topic of the thread / issue being FLYNN, not Trump.

Once again snowflakes, and Mueller, are grasping at straws, hoping someone will give them what they do not already have - any evidence of wrongdoing against Trump.

The desperate, pathetic witch hunt continues....
no....what they're trying to do is get someone to perjure themselves in court against Trump.

No....Mueller us methodically working up the ladder to the Comrade. Think about it. Who would be over the former national security adviser? Why would Mueller cut a deal with Flynn unless he can get to his superior. And that would be.....THE COMRADE! TA DAAAAAA
Mueller has NOTHING.

The latest leak from inside Mueller's team has revealed Mueller is looking at Flynn's documentary on the Turkish Cleric and the possibility of unreported Turkish money to Flynn...


The latest leaks reveal Mueller is looking into matters relating to ISRAEL and TURKEY, outside of his 'jurisdiction', which was / ks Russian interference and possible collusion.

These Israel / Turkey issues don't even have anything to do with TRUMP.


Now, why would Mueller even meet with Flynn, unless Flynn has some dirt on a higher up. The Turkey charges are in a can. There is no reason for Mueller to deal on that. Charges are already coming with the Turkey thing.

Flynn Lawyers cut ties with Trump Lawyers....the topic of the thread / issue being FLYNN, not Trump.

Once again snowflakes, and Mueller, are grasping at straws, hoping someone will give them what they do not already have - any evidence of wrongdoing against Trump.

The desperate, pathetic witch hunt continues....
no....what they're trying to do is get someone to perjure themselves in court against Trump.

No....Mueller us methodically working up the ladder to the Comrade. Think about it. Who would be over the former national security adviser? Why would Mueller cut a deal with Flynn unless he can get to his superior. And that would be.....THE COMRADE! TA DAAAAAA
Mueller has NOTHING.

The latest leak from inside Mueller's team has revealed Mueller is looking at Flynn's documentary on the Turkish Cleric and the possibility of unreported Turkish money to Flynn...


The latest leaks reveal Mueller is looking into matters relating to ISRAEL and TURKEY, outside of his 'jurisdiction', which was / ks Russian interference and possible collusion.

These Israel / Turkey issues don't even have anything to do with TRUMP.


Now, why would Mueller even meet with Flynn, unless Flynn has some dirt on a higher up. The Turkey charges are in a can. There is no reason for Mueller to deal on that. Charges are already coming with the Turkey thing.
Yeah....why would he?

"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?
Look, it is a joke...They doesn't still has nothing on the President. They has been reaching into their bags of goodies since Pres.Trump became President. But they never pull out anything about him colluding with Russia. All that they do all day is stand in front of everybody and say, "Look what we has in our bags of goodies". But they will not pull it out at that moment. They'll wait three days later to pull it out. But it is always the same nothing burger that they has been pulling out since last year, but telling the public that this nothing burger is special this time. These people loves to see the look on everyone's faces when these cliffhangers turns out being nothing.


"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?

More assumptions and speculation, no one knows what's actually going on. Flyinn just might have reached a plea bargain on his own troubles relating to Turkey. But hey, what ever helps you make it through the day.


And as part of that plea agreement, they are required not to share info with Trump's lawyers? How would you explain that, if itbwere merely a plea deal to shorten his own sentence?

Ever heard of a gag order, they many have other targets in mind regarding Turkey that Flynn might be helping with. No one knows were Mueller is going, but it's fun to pretend, right?


Hmm, I dont know about that explanation. Plausible, yes. But this isn't the Turkey investigation. Mueller's going right up the ladder, it appears.

Not a Ukraine investigation either, but that didn't seem to matter on Manafort. I know political intrigue is popular, but like I said, no one knows where this is going.


"Not a Ukraine investigation either, but that didn't seem to matter on Manafort."

What an odd if you know whether or not Mueller is trying to extract information from Manafort...? I said "not a Turkey investigation", implying that the Flynn charges may rather be a way to get info from him...and this is the response? Huh?

"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?
You guys have been saying this for MONTHS

Aren't you tired of looking like fools?

You guys have been saying this for MONTHS

Aren't you tired of looking like fools?

In the future (so you don't come off sounding like a fucking fool)....try to remember that Mueller has been probing since a mere SEVEN MONTHS ago......while the Starr inquisition of the Clintons took OVER FOUR YEARS.......

"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?
You guys have been saying this for MONTHS

Aren't you tired of looking like fools?

Yeah noob?
More assumptions and speculation, no one knows what's actually going on. Flyinn just might have reached a plea bargain on his own troubles relating to Turkey. But hey, what ever helps you make it through the day.


And as part of that plea agreement, they are required not to share info with Trump's lawyers? How would you explain that, if itbwere merely a plea deal to shorten his own sentence?

Ever heard of a gag order, they many have other targets in mind regarding Turkey that Flynn might be helping with. No one knows were Mueller is going, but it's fun to pretend, right?


Hmm, I dont know about that explanation. Plausible, yes. But this isn't the Turkey investigation. Mueller's going right up the ladder, it appears.

Not a Ukraine investigation either, but that didn't seem to matter on Manafort. I know political intrigue is popular, but like I said, no one knows where this is going.


"Not a Ukraine investigation either, but that didn't seem to matter on Manafort."

What an odd if you know whether or not Mueller is trying to extract information from Manafort...? I said "not a Turkey investigation", implying that the Flynn charges may rather be a way to get info from him...and this is the response? Huh?

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

"Defense lawyers often share info during investigations but the practice is unethical when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still being probed, the paper reported."

Let's npt forget the BIG Thanksgving news. Who will Mueller flip next?
You guys have been saying this for MONTHS

Aren't you tired of looking like fools?

Yeah noob?

Well genius, "months" is not a very long time. So your post made me laugh.

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