Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

I suggest you look at all of the Dem partisans on Mueller's team, bub.

Can we help it if all the good lawyers swing democratic?

"Good" "lawyers"?

In this case, the asshole who is tearing this country apart rather than admitting that he has NOTHING..
Flynn - felony conviction
Papadapoulos - felony confiction
Gates - felony conviction
Pinedo - felony conviction

Nothing to see here.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

Trump is going down. It's only a matter of time.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
We can’t be rid of Trump too soon.
What was Flynn's crime?

What he was indicted for, or what he pleaded guilty to?

I'm not privy to the sealed indictment which might have charged everything from violation of FARA to Logan, to conspiracy against the US.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
We can’t be rid of Trump too soon.

So much for elections.

Democracy was cool, until it was a problem for libs.
What was Flynn's crime?

What he was indicted for, or what he pleaded guilty to?

I'm not privy to the sealed indictment which might have charged everything from violation of FARA to Logan, to conspiracy against the US.

All those leaks and they didn't leak was the crime was?

LOL! So, it's bullshit.

Railroading innocent people for bullshit is nothing to be proud of.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
We can’t be rid of Trump too soon.

So much for elections.

Democracy was cool, until it was a problem for libs.

President for life? Trump says 'maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day'

WASHINGTON — President Trump spoke in approving terms of his Chinese counterpart's consolidation of power Saturday, telling campaign donors in Florida that maybe the United States should follow suit.

Calling Chinese President Xi Jinping "a great gentleman" and "the most powerful president in 100 years," Trump suggested that he'd like to follow Xi's example and abolish term limits.

"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day."

It was not clear whether the comment was made in jest.

You were saying.
What do you think will happen when they put Trump under oath?

FOr what? They gave up on Collusion. THey filed on the Trolls. YOu're not getting anything more, unless you love perjury trap bullshit.

Remember Clinton had to testify because of Paula Jones. Trump will have to testify because of Stormy Daniels. History is repeating itself.

Paula Jones was back when we first thought that sexual harassment was serious.

Then we learned it was not.

Now, you libs are trying to pretend you care about it again.

I'm not buying it.
Neither side should be celebrating or worried.

This is simply part of the investigation that is needed...

It can prove or disprove whether the Trump Team conspired to collude.....

If Trump and team are innocent as claimed, this is the physical evidence that can confirm he is telling the truth.
Trump sycophants and the partisan right are worried that the investigations in of themselves is causing irreparable political damage that will prevent Trump from a winning a second term, regardless of the outcome of the investigations.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
We can’t be rid of Trump too soon.

So much for elections.

Democracy was cool, until it was a problem for libs.

President for life? Trump says 'maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day'

WASHINGTON — President Trump spoke in approving terms of his Chinese counterpart's consolidation of power Saturday, telling campaign donors in Florida that maybe the United States should follow suit.

Calling Chinese President Xi Jinping "a great gentleman" and "the most powerful president in 100 years," Trump suggested that he'd like to follow Xi's example and abolish term limits.

"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day."

It was not clear whether the comment was made in jest.

You were saying.

Trump is a blowhard. EVERYONE knows that.

You libs are obviously serious about this coup thing. Deadly serious.
I'm not privy to the sealed indictment which might have charged everything from violation of FARA to Logan, to conspiracy against the US.

All those leaks and they didn't leak was the crime was?.

Mueller doesn't leak. We didn't know about half the things Mueller did, until weeks or months after he did them. The only "leaks" are coming from witnesses who are free to tell the press what they were questioned about, and then an inference drawn. But as far as what Mueller is doing or has done, it's sealed tighter than a drum.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
We can’t be rid of Trump too soon.

So much for elections.

Democracy was cool, until it was a problem for libs.

President for life? Trump says 'maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day'

WASHINGTON — President Trump spoke in approving terms of his Chinese counterpart's consolidation of power Saturday, telling campaign donors in Florida that maybe the United States should follow suit.

Calling Chinese President Xi Jinping "a great gentleman" and "the most powerful president in 100 years," Trump suggested that he'd like to follow Xi's example and abolish term limits.

"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day."

It was not clear whether the comment was made in jest.

You were saying.

Trump is a blowhard. EVERYONE knows that.

You libs are obviously serious about this coup thing. Deadly serious.

We're deadly serious that that is what the GOP et al intends. Absolutely. There's about a million signs that indicate exactly that.

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