Much Needed Genetic Diversity


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast

New kittens in the Santa Monica Mountains.

"It’s always good news to discover a new litter of kittens, but biologists are hopeful for another reason: the presumed father, male mountain lion P-63, may have just brought something that is much needed into the Santa Monica Mountains – genetic diversity."

Are they wild? How did they get the photos if so?

Ha ha ha ha ... GREAT question ...

It's extremely dangerous to get that close to wild cubs ... most likely this is a stock image from a sanctuary ...
Wildlife biologists tracking with GPS and discovered and tagged.

"After Park Service biologists discovered P-54’s litter, they weighed and examined the trio and determined that all appeared healthy. Each kitten was given an ear tag to help identify them in the future, samples were taken for genetic testing, and all were returned to the den. P-54’s kittens were estimated to be 19 days old at the time of tagging."

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