MTG - "Yes, They Can Control the Weather"

The Republican Party has become filled with the biggest blowhards they could draw out of the trailer parks. Is this the best we can do? These people deserve to lose.

Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that improves a cloud's ability to produce rain or snow by introducing tiny ice nuclei into certain types of subfreezing clouds. These nuclei provide a base for snowflakes to form.
I think we would be doing great if we cut the population in half. We're at 8 billion now. We were at 4 billion in 1970. If we could just go back to 1970 population we would be fine.

I was watching a movie Eternals. They plant Celestial seeds inside planets where the energy from large populations allows new Celestials to be born. So overpopulation is necessary for Celestials to be born.

The Blip (also known as the Decimation and the Snap) is a fictional major event and period of time depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Blip began in 2018 when Thanos, wielding all six Infinity Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet, exterminated half of all living things in the universe, chosen at random, with the snap of his fingers.

We need a blip.
Mass murder is always the first choice of demented Marxist ASSHOLES.
The insults we fling at others is a reflection of our own insecurities. Thanks for telling us who you are.

Anyone celebrating the election of Donald Trump is a most definitely a fool who believes his shit.
when it comes to politicians you can say the same about anyone who believes their shit....
when it comes to politicians you can say the same about anyone who believes their shit....
Nonsense. Let me give you an example. Democrats/Biden did a great job the last 4 years. Anyone who doesn't understand that has been duped by the corporate media. By Republicans. And you can't even figure it out. When Obama or Biden is in office and we say "have you seen the stock market" you say yea but. But when Trump is in you say "have you seen the stock market?" You guys are total flip floppers.

Low unemployment, supporting unions, infrastructure spending, lowering prescription drug prices, I could go on and on Harry. You fucked up voting for Republicans. We didn't fuck up. YOU did.
Nonsense. Let me give you an example. Democrats/Biden did a great job the last 4 years. Anyone who doesn't understand that has been duped by the corporate media. By Republicans. And you can't even figure it out. When Obama or Biden is in office and we say "have you seen the stock market" you say yea but. But when Trump is in you say "have you seen the stock market?" You guys are total flip floppers.

Low unemployment, supporting unions, infrastructure spending, lowering prescription drug prices, I could go on and on Harry. You fucked up voting for Republicans. We didn't fuck up. YOU did.

Trump claims credit for record-high stock market under Biden​

The Hill › homenews › 4435862-trump-claim...

Jan 29, 2024 — Former President Trump, who has predicted economic doom if he's not elected back to the White House, said Monday he should get credit for ...

Trump blames Harris, Biden for stock market meltdown​

CNBC › 2024/08/05 › trump-harris-bid...

Aug 5, 2024 — Donald Trump in January said the stock market reached record highs because investors thought he would win against President Joe Biden.
Nonsense. Let me give you an example. Democrats/Biden did a great job the last 4 years. Anyone who doesn't understand that has been duped by the corporate media. By Republicans. And you can't even figure it out. When Obama or Biden is in office and we say "have you seen the stock market" you say yea but. But when Trump is in you say "have you seen the stock market?" You guys are total flip floppers.

Low unemployment, supporting unions, infrastructure spending, lowering prescription drug prices, I could go on and on Harry. You fucked up voting for Republicans. We didn't fuck up. YOU did.
lol...bobo if you believe politicians you have a lot learn yet....
You first.

Liberals need to stick around. What surprises me is how Trump won after murdering so many of his supporters when he hid from them how deadly the virus was going to be. And invited them to super spreader rallies. Trump didn't even need them. He duped an entirely new subset of Americans. Uneducated blue collar deplorable garbage who usually don't vote because they have always believed "both sides suck".

People who don't realize how much Democrats have done for them. They don't appreciate it because they are struggling. But they don't realize it's because of Republican policies that they are struggling.

They're about to find out. When Musk Republicans go up against Bannon Republicans, the Bannon's lose. Because paying uneducated blue collar workers more is the last thing Musk Republicans want.
The Republican Party has become filled with the biggest blowhards they could draw out of the trailer parks. Is this the best we can do? These people deserve to lose.

We can't control the weather but Republicans can control minds. They can convince people an election was stolen when it wasn't. They can be convinced Trump dindu nuthin wrong. They can be convinced man made climate change isn't real. Evolution isn't real.

I blame religion.

I've made no claim the Earth is overpopulated.
Well it is. In 1970 we had 4 billion people now we have 8.

Earth Overshoot Day in 2024 was on August 1

Earth Overshoot Day in 2025 will most likely be Thursday, July 24

If you don't know what that is, you're stupid and probably shouldn't be weighing in on this Dukey.

That's like saying your 3 bedroom home isn't overpopulated because your family of 10 somehow makes it work. Sure, but you still have too many people living in a 3 bedroom dukey.
Well it is. In 1970 we had 4 billion people now we have 8.

Earth Overshoot Day in 2024 was on August 1

Earth Overshoot Day in 2025 will most likely be Thursday, July 24

If you don't know what that is, you're stupid and probably shouldn't be weighing in on this Dukey.

That's like saying your 3 bedroom home isn't overpopulated because your family of 10 somehow makes it work. Sure, but you still have too many people living in a 3 bedroom dukey.


You can believe that if you wish, but that doesn't make it true.

Ever been in a plane?
They don't.

And they shouldn't. We are already overpopulated. According to science and evidence, logic, facts. Why would you think we aren't? And please don't say because we could fit every human on the planet into Texas. So what? Do you want to live that way?

You know, a lot of you Republican idiots live in small towns. You HATE big cities. Do you want your town to become a big city? Keep over populating the planet.

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