MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace cheers for a recession, takes digs at female Trumps

Why are you including me in this response?
You are just part of the string showing what miketx wanted an example of, my reply was to miketx not you.
If something is true I always admit it.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?

You listen to Rush ?

Interesting that since I came to this messageboard and exposed Limbaugh for the worthless lying America-hating scum he is, the CON$ here suddenly deny ever listening to him.
Nothing suddenly about you lying skank! I've said many times in the past that I don't listen to him. Now, twist spin smoke and lie some more.
What I did in 2004 is really none of your fucking business.

I am not accountable to you.

You lost in 2016. The butthurt in you morons is beyond compare.

Suck on it.
Yep you voted for the wars. So stop lying that you were against them.

You are a left winger.

By definition you think you know everything when in fact you don't have a clue about anything.
Okay, pussy who won't even cop up to championing Dubya. Don't worry, millions of other cowards like yourself in your party.

Oh, I'm crushed by the loser left winger. He'll have to sit by and watch Trump stack the court hoping like hell Ginsburg does not croak in the next two years.

Sorry piss-for-brains-flag.

You lost.

Suck on it.
Trump stacking the court hurts you as much as it does me. If they come for you, stfu and take it.

Not worried at all.

You keep telling yourself that. Or you could consider crawling out of your mother's basement and looking around.
Social conservatives....maybe.

Not those of us who understood money and finance.

But, no...they didn't love W.

They just thought Gore and Kerry were terrible alternatives.
You guys called anybody that opposed him traitors and RINO’s. Your selective memory is pathetic.

I don't know who "you guys" are, but it does not include me and never has.

I was against the wars before they started.

But, I don't answer to you so, piss off.
Did you feel guilty at all, when you endorsed those wars by voting for Dubya a second time in '04?

What I did in 2004 is really none of your fucking business.

I am not accountable to you.

You lost in 2016. The butthurt in you morons is beyond compare.

Suck on it.
Yep you voted for the wars. So stop lying that you were against them.
If something is true I always admit it.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?
Well troll, like I have stated at least ten times here on USMB I DON'T LISTEN TO LIMBAUGH!
That has nothing to do with the fact that you asked for an example of GOP hate radio hoping for harm to come to the American people for political gain, and then saying you ALWAYS admit if something is true, which you have YET to do!!!!!

But thank you for proving what a lying hypocrite you really are!
Scumbag, I still haven't lied about anything. You freaks are out of control!
You lied about ALWAYS admitting the truth!!!!
How can I know what limbaugh does if I don't listen to him? Are you on drugs?
Why are you including me in this response?
You are just part of the string showing what miketx wanted an example of, my reply was to miketx not you.
If something is true I always admit it.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?

You listen to Rush ?

Interesting that since I came to this messageboard and exposed Limbaugh for the worthless lying America-hating scum he is, the CON$ here suddenly deny ever listening to him.

We are not accountable to you for anything.

If you listen to Rush, that is your business. I think you are stupid for doing so.

I don't know how worthless he is or how much he lies and I frankly don't care.
You are just part of the string showing what miketx wanted an example of, my reply was to miketx not you.
If something is true I always admit it.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?

You listen to Rush ?

Interesting that since I came to this messageboard and exposed Limbaugh for the worthless lying America-hating scum he is, the CON$ here suddenly deny ever listening to him.
Nothing suddenly about you lying skank! I've said many times in the past that I don't listen to him. Now, twist spin smoke and lie some more.

You don't own him anything.

He's just another butthurt left winger who is watching his beloved asswiping left wing judges on the SCOUTS become insignificant.
It took the rubes 6 years to realize Dubya was a disaster and we’re still paying for his mistakes today. If it takes that long with Trump we may never recover.
You are completely in left field. Put your crayons down and take a nap.
It's rare for you rubes to own your retarded past. Good for you.

...and millions that voted for a half black president, also voted for trump.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Elections have consequences. Karma is a bitch
Yes, karma is a bitch. Yours is coming due soon enough.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?
Well troll, like I have stated at least ten times here on USMB I DON'T LISTEN TO LIMBAUGH!
That has nothing to do with the fact that you asked for an example of GOP hate radio hoping for harm to come to the American people for political gain, and then saying you ALWAYS admit if something is true, which you have YET to do!!!!!

But thank you for proving what a lying hypocrite you really are!
Scumbag, I still haven't lied about anything. You freaks are out of control!
You lied about ALWAYS admitting the truth!!!!
How can I know what limbaugh does if I don't listen to him? Are you on drugs?
And STILL you have not admitted the truth, thus STILL proving you are a LIAR!
Well troll, like I have stated at least ten times here on USMB I DON'T LISTEN TO LIMBAUGH!
That has nothing to do with the fact that you asked for an example of GOP hate radio hoping for harm to come to the American people for political gain, and then saying you ALWAYS admit if something is true, which you have YET to do!!!!!

But thank you for proving what a lying hypocrite you really are!
Scumbag, I still haven't lied about anything. You freaks are out of control!
You lied about ALWAYS admitting the truth!!!!
How can I know what limbaugh does if I don't listen to him? Are you on drugs?
And STILL you have not admitted the truth, thus STILL proving you are a LIAR!
You can't seem to get it through you head that I don't know what Limbaugh says because I don't watch him. WTF is wrong with you moron?
If something is true I always admit it.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?

You listen to Rush ?

Interesting that since I came to this messageboard and exposed Limbaugh for the worthless lying America-hating scum he is, the CON$ here suddenly deny ever listening to him.
Nothing suddenly about you lying skank! I've said many times in the past that I don't listen to him. Now, twist spin smoke and lie some more.

You don't own him anything.

He's just another butthurt left winger who is watching his beloved asswiping left wing judges on the SCOUTS become insignificant.
There are no Left-wing judges on the SCOTUS! The stupid Dems keep appointing moderates while the GOP appoint the most radical extremists they can find.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?

You listen to Rush ?

Interesting that since I came to this messageboard and exposed Limbaugh for the worthless lying America-hating scum he is, the CON$ here suddenly deny ever listening to him.
Nothing suddenly about you lying skank! I've said many times in the past that I don't listen to him. Now, twist spin smoke and lie some more.

You don't own him anything.

He's just another butthurt left winger who is watching his beloved asswiping left wing judges on the SCOUTS become insignificant.
There are no Left-wing judges on the SCOTUS! The stupid Dems keep appointing moderates while the GOP appoint the most radical extremists they can find.

You better check the bottle you are drinking from.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?

You listen to Rush ?

Interesting that since I came to this messageboard and exposed Limbaugh for the worthless lying America-hating scum he is, the CON$ here suddenly deny ever listening to him.
Nothing suddenly about you lying skank! I've said many times in the past that I don't listen to him. Now, twist spin smoke and lie some more.

You don't own him anything.

He's just another butthurt left winger who is watching his beloved asswiping left wing judges on the SCOUTS become insignificant.
There are no Left-wing judges on the SCOTUS! The stupid Dems keep appointing moderates while the GOP appoint the most radical extremists they can find.
Is there no limit the amount of lies you can post in a day? There are 4 libstain judges on the court.
Is Limbaugh hoping average Americans lose their jobs in 6 months a valid example of GOP hate radio wishing harm on the American people for political gain, or not?

You listen to Rush ?

Interesting that since I came to this messageboard and exposed Limbaugh for the worthless lying America-hating scum he is, the CON$ here suddenly deny ever listening to him.
Nothing suddenly about you lying skank! I've said many times in the past that I don't listen to him. Now, twist spin smoke and lie some more.

You don't own him anything.

He's just another butthurt left winger who is watching his beloved asswiping left wing judges on the SCOUTS become insignificant.
There are no Left-wing judges on the SCOTUS! The stupid Dems keep appointing moderates while the GOP appoint the most radical extremists they can find.
That’s the rationale of a left winger who thinks he’s centered.
That has nothing to do with the fact that you asked for an example of GOP hate radio hoping for harm to come to the American people for political gain, and then saying you ALWAYS admit if something is true, which you have YET to do!!!!!

But thank you for proving what a lying hypocrite you really are!
Scumbag, I still haven't lied about anything. You freaks are out of control!
You lied about ALWAYS admitting the truth!!!!
How can I know what limbaugh does if I don't listen to him? Are you on drugs?
And STILL you have not admitted the truth, thus STILL proving you are a LIAR!
You can't seem to get it through you head that I don't know what Limbaugh says because I don't watch him. WTF is wrong with you moron?
Again you refuse to admit the truth. YOU asked for an example of GOP hate radio hoping for harm to come to the American people for political gain, and I gave you an example. You never specified it had to be a hate radio liar that you listen to.
But thank you again for proving you are a LIAR for saying you ALWAYS admit the truth.
Scumbag, I still haven't lied about anything. You freaks are out of control!
You lied about ALWAYS admitting the truth!!!!
How can I know what limbaugh does if I don't listen to him? Are you on drugs?
And STILL you have not admitted the truth, thus STILL proving you are a LIAR!
You can't seem to get it through you head that I don't know what Limbaugh says because I don't watch him. WTF is wrong with you moron?
Again you refuse to admit the truth. YOU asked for an example of GOP hate radio hoping for harm to come to the American people fro political gain, and I gave you an example. You never specified it had to be a hate radio liar that you listen to.
But thank you again for proving you are a LIAR for saying you ALWAYS admit the truth.
I guess I can only conclude that you are to stupid or on to many drugs to comprehend that I DON'T LISTEN TO THAT STUFF! What part of that does your stupid troll ass not get?

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