MSNBC: We have a racist as a President


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
MSNBC: ‘We Have A Racist As A President”

“We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation—and I say this so strongly—true affection for each other,” Trump added."



Yeah this is real racist, you Trump hating MSM ass holes are morons karma is gonna find you pricks...
I have long held that the media is the biggest threat to freedom in this country.
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I have long held that the media is the biggest threat to freedom in this country.
They are that's what we keep trying to get across to the sheep man they are told lies latch onto it like leeches and can't see how the media is used to manipulate thinking and thoughts.

Public schools are doing it too.
The democrats were going to say the same thing no matter what Trump said. That's why it's easy to ignore them.
Senator Ted Cruz's statement on Charlottesville;

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

Now that is what the President should have stated. Instead he made a mealy mouthed statement so as not offend those that purposely created this situation. I disagree with Cruz on many issues, but on this he spoke for me and most Americans.
Hate brokers...nothing but hate brokers.
You are quite right on one thing. Many like myself that have read a good deal of history do hate those that espouse the Nazi doctrine. They destroyed Germany, and 50 million lives for the fantasies of a mad man. And would create that Fourth Reich in this nation if they ever assumed power. It can happen here, and all that love this nation have to do whatever is necessary to prevent that. And that includes meeting their violence with violence.
Senator Ted Cruz's statement on Charlottesville;

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

Now that is what the President should have stated. Instead he made a mealy mouthed statement so as not offend those that purposely created this situation. I disagree with Cruz on many issues, but on this he spoke for me and most Americans.
Add BLM and Antifa into the mix. What do you say about that. Would Cruz be your hero then?
This silence about these violent, Democrat approved orgs is disgusting.

Trump got it right the first time
I have long held that the media is the biggest threat to freedom in this country.
Just as did the Nazis in Germany in the late '20's and '30's. You are the same as them.
Yes and the Democrat party hates freedom. I don't agree with them, but they do have the right to peacefully protest. Liberals hate anything you disagree with. If your consistant, next you will have to take down civil rights monuments. Since you want to erase history, you won't have a choice.
"MSNBC: We have a racist as a President"

That is NOT news. trump has always put his racist nature on display.

It was made clear during the primaries, yet trump was still elected.

His base doesn't care how disgusting and racist he is.
It's funny how liberals overplay one issue and underplay another. I recently had a reminder, A young white gal was found murdered in her RINo apartment. Killed by a racist black man that wanted to kill whites so I understand, the story vanished and I can't find evidence it even happened.Like something out of Orwell. I remember years ago when a black man went on a rampage killing random white subway riders. It just sort fell through the cracks , these events never rose to the same level of consciousness as this Charlotte incident. I condemn that, but have to ponder why the focus on white hate crimes and downplay minority hate crimes? Something isn't right. Fair is fair.

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