MSNBC: If teachers have guns they'll shoot black and brown kids

WOW!!!! That’s among the silliest things I’ve read in a long time. They can teach immensely complex subjects to skills full of mush but they can’t be trusted to do basic manual manipulations related to carrying a gun or to control their emotions enough not to shoot minority’s students over disciplinary issues.

Somehow I think my father, mother, and the slew of other teachers I know would readily disagree.
It’s been well documented that black students get harsher punishments for the same actions .
It’s been well documented that black students get harsher punishments for the same actions .
Quit falling down the well

Your political correctness makes you look like a pussy whipped bitch
just as i thought

just like more blacks are arrested crap!!!!
NO NO NO there is no proof at all in your link that supports what you said
it gives ONE --only one example and does not go into detail on that
or please specify the NUMEROUS examples/statistics/etc of blacks studentS --meaning many of blacks getting harsher punishments
that's just as bad as the MSM bullshit lies
....please specify in your link the statistics showing blacks getting harsher treatment for the SAME actions...the scientific study/math/stats--
NOT what people:
could be
Why are blue cities the most racist....if your article is taken at face value........and the color of the other kids that they don't see, why is it assumed to be white

Name some “red cities “ and we will compare .
just as i thought

just like more blacks are arrested crap!!!!
NO NO NO there is no proof at all in your link that supports what you said
it gives ONE --only one example and does not go into detail on that
or please specify the NUMEROUS examples/statistics/etc of blacks studentS --meaning many of blacks getting harsher punishments
that's just as bad as the MSM bullshit lies
....please specify in your link the statistics showing blacks getting harsher treatment for the SAME actions...the scientific study/math/stats--
NOT what people:
could be

Oh yeah . I forgot that law enforcement is not bias .

Until they look at Trump. Then it’s all a deep state conspiracy!
.....teachers that I know that work at the black schools say it IS worse--they are more violent/get in the teachers face/etc
blacks commit more murders/rape/crime/etc and you say they would NOT be more of a problem in schools!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????!!!!!!!!
here Timmy are REAL stats
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
the BOJustice used to be able to say the same thing--but they stopped publishing FACTS--you know why, don't you???!!! it was the truth about blacks!!!!!!!!!
e; although only 13 percent1 of the U.S. population is black, about one-half of homicide victims are black

here it is-- MUCH--MUCH information on black offenders!!!
many pages/stats!!!but not any more--we can't offend anyone with the TRUTH
just as i thought

just like more blacks are arrested crap!!!!
NO NO NO there is no proof at all in your link that supports what you said
it gives ONE --only one example and does not go into detail on that
or please specify the NUMEROUS examples/statistics/etc of blacks studentS --meaning many of blacks getting harsher punishments
that's just as bad as the MSM bullshit lies
....please specify in your link the statistics showing blacks getting harsher treatment for the SAME actions...the scientific study/math/stats--
NOT what people:
could be

Oh yeah . I forgot that law enforcement is not bias .

Until they look at Trump. Then it’s all a deep state conspiracy!
I'm waiting for the quotes/stats/etc from YOUR link that proves your statement
If a teacher was given a small bonus like 10 thousand to have a weapon plus the training we might get some to do this.
If a teacher was given a small bonus like 10 thousand to have a weapon plus the training we might get some to do this.
the $$$$ won't change a human
it takes continuous training/etc--especially continuous marksmanship training --
....for a lot of people, it is very hard to hit a bullsyeye at even 5 yards--at a stationary, non-human target without adrenaline pumping--without kids screaming all over the place/etc

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