MSM: Trump Desecrates MLK Memorial by Showing Up!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, Trump cannot possibly please the Commie Media. He could cure cancer and the MSM would accuse him of putting doctors out of work!

Trump goes to MLK memorial and agrees with MLK's speech.

Trump: Recommit to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream of Equality and Justice

Democrats and MSM condemn Trump agreeing with MLK!

Dem Rep. Bennie Thompson: 'It's an Insult' Trump Only Spent 2 Minutes at MLK Statue | Breitbart

Thompson said, “He’s talked about women. He’s talked about minorities. He’s talked about every group of people you can imagine. You have to set a higher standard. And so, for him to go to Martin Luther King’s statue today, for 2 minutes — and my understanding is that’s all he had on his schedule today — 2 minutes, on a national holiday, for a man, so great, who gave his life for this country, to make it a better place. I think it’s an insult.”...

Lol, Trump cannot possibly please the Commie Media. He could cure cancer and the MSM would accuse him of putting doctors out of work!

Trump goes to MLK memorial and agrees with MLK's speech.

Trump: Recommit to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream of Equality and Justice

Democrats and MSM condemn Trump agreeing with MLK!

Dem Rep. Bennie Thompson: 'It's an Insult' Trump Only Spent 2 Minutes at MLK Statue | Breitbart

Thompson said, “He’s talked about women. He’s talked about minorities. He’s talked about every group of people you can imagine. You have to set a higher standard. And so, for him to go to Martin Luther King’s statue today, for 2 minutes — and my understanding is that’s all he had on his schedule today — 2 minutes, on a national holiday, for a man, so great, who gave his life for this country, to make it a better place. I think it’s an insult.”...

Great, so quote CNN positing Trump desecrated the MLK memorial by showing up...
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I agree with Thompson. One and a half minutes, and you might as well have not shown up. Two minutes isn't enough. Two and a half minutes, and you're overstaying your welcome. It's a delicate process.
Does the 'Memorial' also have a mural recreating all the girls he banged while running around giving these 'great speeches n stuff"? lol sure, a 'great man ' indeed ... he was just the Kennedy's house boy. The Media puffed him up per the DNC's request. Malcolm X and Medgar Evers were the only truly impressive advocates for black people in that era, the rest were just corrupt weasels in the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton mode, selling their own out at every opportunity, especially under Nixon.
Their 'ethnic cleansing' agenda isn't going well; they've pretty much tapped out that vote, and many of those ;Latinos they hoped to unleash on uppity white proles turn out to not give a shit about what the DNC expects of them.
if anyone is racist, it's Obama
Trump has lot's of $$$$
and gets lots of sex
is white
truly evil--the left hate this
So what should have Trump done? You have the current President, and Vice President attending the memorial. How much longer should they have stayed? If they hadn't gone at all the Media would also be criticizing him.
Lol, Trump cannot possibly please the Commie Media. He could cure cancer and the MSM would accuse him of putting doctors out of work!
If such a thing were to happen, he could then say, "You make it sound like cancer is the only life threatening disease out there. Thank you for letting me know how far your brain train truly doesn't travel."

God bless you and our leader always!!!

Does the 'Memorial' also have a mural recreating all the girls he banged while running around giving these 'great speeches n stuff"? lol sure, a 'great man ' indeed ... he was just the Kennedy's house boy. The Media puffed him up per the DNC's request. Malcolm X and Medgar Evers were the only truly impressive advocates for black people in that era, the rest were just corrupt weasels in the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton mode, selling their own out at every opportunity, especially under Nixon.
Barbara Jordan was also an impressive mind as well.
Lol, Trump cannot possibly please the Commie Media. He could cure cancer and the MSM would accuse him of putting doctors out of work!

Trump goes to MLK memorial and agrees with MLK's speech.

Trump: Recommit to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream of Equality and Justice

Democrats and MSM condemn Trump agreeing with MLK!

Dem Rep. Bennie Thompson: 'It's an Insult' Trump Only Spent 2 Minutes at MLK Statue | Breitbart

Thompson said, “He’s talked about women. He’s talked about minorities. He’s talked about every group of people you can imagine. You have to set a higher standard. And so, for him to go to Martin Luther King’s statue today, for 2 minutes — and my understanding is that’s all he had on his schedule today — 2 minutes, on a national holiday, for a man, so great, who gave his life for this country, to make it a better place. I think it’s an insult.”...

This type of thing exposes how little Trump cares. His handlers try to force him to do the most basic things expected of a President, and he can’t.
Aw Are the Democrats mad because Trump went and they couldn't say he ignored the great drunk
Does the 'Memorial' also have a mural recreating all the girls he banged while running around giving these 'great speeches n stuff"? lol sure, a 'great man ' indeed ... he was just the Kennedy's house boy. The Media puffed him up per the DNC's request. Malcolm X and Medgar Evers were the only truly impressive advocates for black people in that era, the rest were just corrupt weasels in the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton mode, selling their own out at every opportunity, especially under Nixon.
Barbara Jordan was also an impressive mind as well.

Yes indeed, thanks for mentioning her. I assume most people outside of Texas never heard of her, but she was Presidential material herself. She wasn't assassinated, though. Despite the strikes against her, she would have been an exception and served the office well.
So what should have Trump done? You have the current President, and Vice President attending the memorial. How much longer should they have stayed? If they hadn't gone at all the Media would also be criticizing him.

Just mock these gimps; they're nothing but trolls, traitors, deviants, and fake news peddlers. Nothing they say can be taken as serious or relevant.

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