Why Aren't BLM, Antifa, & Those Calling Conservatives/GOP 'Racists' Attacking Dems/Obama Over WHITE MLK Jr Carved By The CCP?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:


Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue?


Wouldn't you time be better spent writing your congressperson regarding your 2A rights or something?

No, pointing out snowflake / Democrat hypocrisy and stupidity is NOT time wasted, especially when the truth triggers a few of them.

Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue?


I guess there are no sculptors capable of this kind of work in the US? Dems and POC are always clamoring that they are not given credit where credit is due and then they go to China to produce a monument to an American on the National Mall.
Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue?


He doesnt look white to me. Must be the weak genetics in your eyes that make him appear white to you.
Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue?


White marble looks nothing like pale, sickly caucasoid skin. It looks nice.
Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue?


White marble looks nothing like pale, sickly caucasoid skin. It looks nice.
This statue is made out of Pink Marble ... the ChiComs threw in the slanted eyes for free.

Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue?


White marble looks nothing like pale, sickly caucasoid skin. It looks nice.
This statue is made out of Pink Marble ... the ChiComs threw in the slanted eyes for free.

They just gave him Khoi San eyes since his ancestors are from Africa. The eyes from the oldest people on the planet.
Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue?


The quick and short answer to your question Sleazy, is that all of this “woke” and “cancel culture” bullshit is something you folks made up and keep pushing.

The left is busy trying to save the right to vote and democracy. They don’t have time for your stupid culture wars.
Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

amazing how you far with come up with nonsense what conspiracy theorist did you get this crap from here are the actual facts ...Completed in 2017, Smyre stated that the final cost for the project was $300,000. The cost was covered by funding from the Georgia Building Authority, The Coca-Cola Company, the Atlanta Apartment Association, and the Department of Community Affairs’ Martin Luther King Jr. Advisory Council.
So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue? the taxpayer didn't pay one dime for it ... another republican lying g to get some sort of rise out of their fellow morons that believe what they are told ...that ri g in these republicans noses are there for a reason ... that's the only way you can get their attention ...did you honestely think we wouldn't look it up ... we do reserch not like you republicans where you go to your local conspiracy theorist Site thinking ya got something then we pull the trigger on you reality switch ...
Standing 29 Feet Tall, carved out of 159 pieces of pink granite, and costing tax payers $129 Million dollars, the Martin Luther King Jr sculpture was hailed as a a cultural and racial triumph by Democrats who authored and passed the legislation to have the statue carved and erected and by the President - the 1st Black President - in the united States....

.....and not one of them - no one, not the Black Caucus, not 1 single Democrat on the committee, not one single Democrat who helped author and pass the legislation, not even the 1st Black President of the United States - noticed what they had just done, the racist, CCP-supporting, slavery-supporting bastards:

View attachment 506542

Damn, that sure is one Big, WHITE martin Luther King, Jr, ain't it?!

Yeah, the Democrats - everyone from the Black Caucus members to the committee members who came up with the plan to President Obama who signed it - came up with the idea to have carved a MLK Jr status carved out of WHITE marble....resulting in a WHITE MLK,. Jr. The racists Democrats imposed their will on the project, celebrating the 'uppitty negro' (LBJ quote) by creating a statue in which he is depicted forever is WHITE. :p

I mean the obvious choice, if they wanted to use Marble, was to use BLACK marble....but we are supposed to believe not 1 Democrat of Black Caucus member was smart enough to think of BLACK marble....and there wasn't at least 1 'WOKE' black or white Democrats who was offended by a WHITE MLK Jr?!

'Woke' had NOTHING to do with this statue's creation - its color was not the only thing wrong with this disaster:

MLK Jr stood against racism and slavery and was instead a proponent of EQUALITY....

So what did the Democrats decide to do have this VERY WHITE MLK Jr created?

1. MADE IN CHINA: The US govt chose China - the CCP, communist who have enslaved people, not to mention who is an adversary of the US - to sculpt the statue. 'They went with Lei Yixin, who "hails from a country that oppresses ethnic minorities, exploits its workers, and jails human-rights activists and the attorneys who try to defend them." To top it off many say MLK Jr's head / expression looks Asian.
- I guess they could not find any talented American / Black American sculptors to do the Job. Once in the US, Chinese workers assembled the statue.

2. Made by Unpaid Chinese Workers The fact that the monument's Chinese workers weren't paid anything "would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King's principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws."

3. Resembles Totalitarian Art The King memorial was actually reworked back in 2008 because it appeared too "confrontational" and similar to political art in totalitarian states.

4. MLK Jr appears WHITE due to the stone chosen.

5. Quote Misattribution: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" is the main quote carved into the statue...except it is not a MLK Jr quote - it's one from 'Theodore Parker, a Bostonian abolitionist and Unitarian minister who died in 1860'

6. Quote Selection and Organization: There are 14 MLK Jr quotes are on the statue; however, critics say they are in no specific order and undistinguishable "rather than illuminating how King "consciously rooted civil rights in the American story."

amazing how you far with come up with nonsense what conspiracy theorist did you get this crap from here are the actual facts ...Completed in 2017, Smyre stated that the final cost for the project was $300,000. The cost was covered by funding from the Georgia Building Authority, The Coca-Cola Company, the Atlanta Apartment Association, and the Department of Community Affairs’ Martin Luther King Jr. Advisory Council.
So where is the racial / woke outrage at Democrats - and Obama, the 1st black President - responsible for a WHITE, Asian-looking, CCP-carved MLK Jr statue? the taxpayer didn't pay one dime for it ... another republican lying g to get some sort of rise out of their fellow morons that believe what they are told ...that ri g in these republicans noses are there for a reason ... that's the only way you can get their attention ...did you honestely think we wouldn't look it up ... we do reserch not like you republicans where you go to your local conspiracy theorist Site thinking ya got something then we pull the trigger on you reality switch ...
129 million dollars of taxpayers money, I'm still laughing at you stupidity...

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