mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone announces major DC protest against COVID vaccine mandates

I listened to Joe Rogan's podcast with Dr. Robert Malone. What I found interesting was Dr. Robert Malone said he infact got his first and 2nd shot of the
Vaccine for COVID and he also had a previous COVID infection. If he got 2 shots of the Vaccine he must of not been that concerned too much about the side effects and thought it was safe, otherwise he would of never gotten it in the first place. If the Doc himself has taken the vaccine then it is safe enough for anyone to take :)

You totally misunderstand.
The danger of the vaccine being greater than the danger of covid, only happens with those under 40.
Dr. Robert Malone is much older than that.
And the problems with the mRNA vaccines are just a one time danger, but the fact it only stimulates antibodies temporarily, means herd immunity is prevented, but there can be no vaccine immunity either, so you would have to take another jab every 6 months, forever.
A real vaccine would be a much better solution.
I am not going to argue if a god exists or not even though I am a Christian.

However if a society believes in a god and an afterlife for the good people in a better place44 and Hell for the bad people — then a religion can help keep that society more lawful and far less corrupt.

Most people feel they can get away with committing a few crimes or a little corruption because the police will never catch them. However if they believe a god is watching everything they do they are less likely to engage in corruption or crime.

Therefore it takes more police to keep a godless society in line than a religious society.

I disagree because those who believe in a specific religion, tend to hate those who do not, and end up committing the worst hate crimes.
The inquisitions, witch burnings, heretics, Pope approved slavery, Crusades, etc.
For example, we would NEVER have invaded a Christian country over WMD lies like did with Iraq, because Iraq is Moslem.
What did i say about Malone that wasn't factually correct? I'll wait

no one takes a vaccine as a treatment unless they're a complete idiot. Malone took it because his superior natural immunity wasnt good enough and he ended up with long haul symptoms. he was scared shitless so he took the vaccine so he could protect himself from getting another infection that not only might kill him, but at the very least may repeat his first experience with covid.

That is the point, the mRNA injections are NOT at all vaccines.
They produce absolutely NO immunity memory.
They can't.
Immunity memory requires being able to identify the pathogen.
Since the mRNA injections only start your own body growing generic spike proteins, they can not possibly work to identify any pathogen.
Our own exosomes have to use the exact same spike proteins because they have to use them to open the same ACE2 receptors.
So these mRNA injections can not possibly work as a vaccine, and are only good for a temporary 6 month treatment.
You totally misunderstand.
The danger of the vaccine being greater than the danger of covid, only happens with those under 40.
Dr. Robert Malone is much older than that.
And the problems with the mRNA vaccines are just a one time danger, but the fact it only stimulates antibodies temporarily, means herd immunity is prevented, but there can be no vaccine immunity either, so you would have to take another jab every 6 months, forever.
A real vaccine would be a much better solution.

I don't think so, we need a flu vaccine shot every year. The nature of Coronaviruses is different then other viruses you need the shots more often. Even with natural infection, immunity wanes from COVID after like 3 months . I know people who refused vaccine who got COVID then got reinfected a few months later and then again twice a few months after that and it seems very common in the people I know who had COVID before. With this virus you will either A need to get reinfected every few months or B get the vaccine every few months, just the nature of COVID :)

Danger with those under 40? Bahh Horse feathers. I know a local high school in my area where most of the student body got vaccinated and no one to my knowledge had these serious problems you describe. So that means this is just horse shit. I know a shitload of kids who got the vaccine and had no serious effects. Your more likely to get in a serious car accident lol :)
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I don't think so, we need a flu vaccine shot every year. The nature of Coronaviruses is different then other viruses you need the shots more often. Even with natural infection, immunity wanes from COVID after like 3 months . I know people who refused vaccine who got COVID then got reinfected a few months later and then again twice a few months after that and it seems very common in the people I know who had COVID before. With this virus you will either A need to get reinfected every few months or B get the vaccine every few months, just the nature of COVID :)

Danger with those under 40? Bahh Horse feathers. I know a local high school in my area where most of the student body got vaccinated and no one to my knowledge had these serious problems you describe. So that means this is just horse shit. I know a shitload of kids who got the vaccine and had no serious effects. Your more likely to get in a serious car accident lol :)

Sorry, but totally wrong.
You do NOT need a flu shot every year.
There no immunity that is so short.
The reason you get different flu shot every year is that there are hundreds of DIFFERENT viruses what we tend to call flu, when in reality they are totally different.
Flu vaccines can not and do not wane.

Nor does natural immunity from covid recover wane either.
The reason you can get reinfected is because the virus hides out in air passages, that the immune system has no way of monitoring. Once it does detect it, then it does provide an immune response to it, that lasts a life time.
No one who got infected and recovered, is dying.

You also are totally wrong about the vaccine risks.
I took the Moderna shots, and the 2nd one nearly killed me.
I was sick for 3 months.
The mRNA is so small, that it does not have to stay in the arm muscle.
And if it travels someplace delicate, like the heart or brain, before being found by the immune system, you die.
There are also many amputations, etc.

They are giving kids much smaller shots, but there is ZERO reason to do that. Kids are essentially immune inherently already, and do not need anything.
Yep....the hundreds of millions to the point of billions that have been vaccinated and boostered.

Apparently they had no debilitating effects and dodged getting sick...
the huge volume of people who are permanently disabled or dead from Covid or a Covid related disease. Which is in the millions at this point.
Yep....the hundreds of millions to the point of billions that have been vaccinated and boostered.

Apparently they had no debilitating effects and dodged getting sick...
the huge volume of people who are permanently disabled or dead from Covid or a Covid related disease. Which is in the millions at this point.
Not the point. Vaxing children who have zero risk of suffering harmful illness or death is dumb.
Not the point. Vaxing children who have zero risk of suffering harmful illness or death is dumb.
Do you know what Dengue Fever does or the virus behind it....the long term effects?
Statistics do not bear that out.

Sure they do.
The death rate for those under 40 is 400 times lower than those over 70.
For example, we now have about 1 million dead, but fewer than 1 thousand under 18 have died from covid.
That is a factor of over 1000 lower for the young.
Do you know what Dengue Fever does or the virus behind it....the long term effects?

The virus is not relevant, since the covid virus harms no one at all.
The only danger is the immune system over reaction, and unlike viruses, we can easily treat immune system over reactions.
Yep....the hundreds of millions to the point of billions that have been vaccinated and boostered.

Apparently they had no debilitating effects and dodged getting sick...
the huge volume of people who are permanently disabled or dead from Covid or a Covid related disease. Which is in the millions at this point.

The total of those killed by covid is about a million now, but that is 0.3% of the population, and is NOT "huge volumes".
And the whole reason even that many are dying, is we are deliberately preventing herd immunity by "flattening the curve".
We could have and should have ended this after only a month or 2 at most, if we had not "flattened the curve".
I disagree because those who believe in a specific religion, tend to hate those who do not, and end up committing the worst hate crimes.
The inquisitions, witch burnings, heretics, Pope approved slavery, Crusades, etc.
For example, we would NEVER have invaded a Christian country over WMD lies like did with Iraq, because Iraq is Moslem.
You present solid arguments for a tribe that has advanced to a nation.

My thoughts deal more with a developing tribe of people and crimes such as theft and murder. A tribe not of just several families but several thousand people. Such a tribe would need more police to enforce its laws than if its people believed in a god that would punish misbehavior even if nobody witnessed it.

I should have made that clear.
You present solid arguments for a tribe that has advanced to a nation.

My thoughts deal more with a developing tribe of people and crimes such as theft and murder. A tribe not of just several families but several thousand people. Such a tribe would need more police to enforce its laws than if its people believed in a god that would punish misbehavior even if nobody witnessed it.

I should have made that clear.

There certainly can be some advantages of people believing in higher values than greed.
But I still take exception to the idea police are useful to ensure compliance with any principles.
I think police are inherently corrupt and do what the wealthy who sign their paychecks demand.
They essentially did not exist in significant number before 1900, and I think that was vastly superior.
There certainly can be some advantages of people believing in higher values than greed.
But I still take exception to the idea police are useful to ensure compliance with any principles.
I think police are inherently corrupt and do what the wealthy who sign their paychecks demand.
They essentially did not exist in significant number before 1900, and I think that was vastly superior.

Police corruption is definitely a problem and has been for generations. I can’t argue with you on that point. To be fair corruption is a big problem all throughout our government.

I might argue that the reason there were not more police before 1900 is that our nation was far more religious before than after 1900. The problem is it is hard to find data for that time frame. ,

I did find this graph for homicide rates that indicates things went downhill after 1900. That might have caused a demand for police.


It does seem those who agree with you are having a chance to defund the police in our nation. It’s an interesting experiment but doesn’t seem to be working well at this point.

I found this first link to be fair and basically unbiased on the subject.

Well it exactly is the point that you are deliberately ignoring.

The incidence of birth defects from this pandemic are going to be very high especially with the virus focusing on a person's endocrine system.

Sure you will most likely survive the virus...but that doesn't mean a thing concerning the generational diseases this virus is going to cause.

My FIL is a prime example of a healthy person who now has lost not only half his lung capacity but also his immune system and now has an autoimmune disorder.

He's alive but now on long term disability.

It's not about's about getting back to normal...and that doesn't happen for those who have been infected. Around 25% of those infected will be permanently disabled in some capacity from this virus.
I know you don't like that statistic...
25% of those vaccinated or boostered do not become disabled.

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