Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

Why did The Deep state and DemNazi Party kill Seth Rich? Why is Julian Assange deprived of his Civil Liberties? Why have you sold your soul to The Pit of Hell and come here lying every day?
Why do you come on here & post nonsense day after day after day? Don't they have any street coners where you live so you're free to bellow your rants & conspiracy theories?
Why do you come on here & post nonsense day after day after day? Don't they have any street coners where you live so you're free to bellow your rants & conspiracy theories?
I did NAZI that coming. Why are you a DemNazi and why do you hate God, America, Jews, Israel and Apple Pie?
Why do you eat the green turd Earth Worshiping Sandwich that The Globalist Church of The Holy Melting Gender Bending Iceberg sells you?
I did NAZI that coming. Why are you a DemNazi and why do you hate God, America, Jews, Israel and Apple Pie?
Why do you eat the green turd Earth Worshiping Sandwich that The Globalist Church of The Holy Melting Gender Bending Iceberg sells you?
That's quite the word salad, mouth breather.
The only reason why the D's are supporting Zelenskyy so fervently now is because Zelenskyy refused to investigate Hunter's illegal activities in Ukraine.

There is no reason why Putin really shouldn't share what he knows.
Biden did bribe the Ukraine by withholding a billion dollars in aid until they fired the Prosecutor investigating all this monkey business. Lots of smoke hiding the fire. Then there's the Russian Mayor's cash contribution.
I did NAZI that coming. Why are you a DemNazi and why do you hate God, America, Jews, Israel and Apple Pie?
Why do you eat the green turd Earth Worshiping Sandwich that The Globalist Church of The Holy Melting Gender Bending Iceberg sells you?
Well put. So what is the largest religion in the world today?

Social Media and I don't mean the internet, but our youths total addiction to Social Media.
You are supporting Nazis.
Lol, Jewish naxos. Hilarious lie by the minute. I rejoice in bad shit happening to kgb Putin and Trump big time. Could ya see the fire created in your home land by Ukraine helicopter blowing your depot? To bad you putin and Trump did not go up with it. The Russian military has been good for laughs though. The look like the key stone cops.
He has corrected that. Extortionists are intimidating.


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