Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

Look up the word facetious. However for a few days there was talk about women being offended by that comment...that is not facetious.

You should know a lot about offending women. You can't debate LGS so you call her Cumslinger...:cool: Classy....

Really? can't debate? I call Warrior a gay biker too....because he's always talking about buttfucking and gay oral sex. LGS isn't interested in debate....she's a better than a few on the left who do the same damned thing.....remember when Truthmatters went on a ten page tirade about the GOP not respecting the troops in Afghanistan or something like that? I do....not only did I not defend her...but took the opposing viewpoint...

And as far as I recall....this board's policy is....if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. I've been called names....had my nickname butchered, been called a baby killer, communist, and a host of other bullshit....never once been offended that I had to cry in my pillow at night.


I don't need to defend LGS. She can clean your clock on her worst day. My point was your lack of class by calling a woman a Cumslinger instead of making your point since you seem to pride yourself on your "debating skills". :cool:

:) Xactly.. those names never bother me anyhow.. Leftists are nasty by nature so I don't expect anything different. :) Whenever they lose an argument which is ALL THE TIME, they alwaysr revert to insults, rage.. Look at that poor Senator's son who was brutally attacked by a leftist. Look at all the threats to kill Mitt Romney if he wins and to riot. Leftists are like caged animals caught and living in their own defecation.
Ohhh OOOPSIE.. US Military SpecOps Led Afghanistan Invasion on Horses – Monument at WTC: Bayonets Still in Use: Biden Failed Status of Forces Agreement | Maggie's Notebook

In October 2011, a monument to Special Forces who led the Afghanistan invasion on horses was preparing for the final touches before finding it’s resting place across from the World Trade Center site. The Unit, known as the “Horse Soldiers” were awed by what they were doing on that day. ✔Obama isn’t known to spend much time at the 9/11/01 Memorial.

So now the ASSCLOWN doesn't even know we still use horses as well???????????????????????????

Bwhahahahaha I LOVE IT!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You are cracking me up with your meltdown.....
Our Military still uses horses to charge into battle? I must have missed that part of my basic training.

Looks like you absolutely did..

Let's Not Forget The Reasons Why The Military Still Has Horses (And Bayonets) - Business Insider


Most notably horses saw use in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when Special Operations soldiers rode them into combat with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban


That is why we have as many horses today as we did in 1916
Our Military still uses horses to charge into battle? I must have missed that part of my basic training.

Looks like you absolutely did..

Let's Not Forget The Reasons Why The Military Still Has Horses (And Bayonets) - Business Insider


Most notably horses saw use in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when Special Operations soldiers rode them into combat with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban


That is why we have as many horses today as we did in 1916

What's it like to be the 21% of the populace who has to make constant excuses, lies, and carry the stank bathwater of a man who isn't fit to tie a Marine's shoe much less be his Commander? Being down on your knee's for that long must be leavin marks by now.. LOL Carry on..
Really? can't debate? I call Warrior a gay biker too....because he's always talking about buttfucking and gay oral sex. LGS isn't interested in debate....she's a better than a few on the left who do the same damned thing.....remember when Truthmatters went on a ten page tirade about the GOP not respecting the troops in Afghanistan or something like that? I do....not only did I not defend her...but took the opposing viewpoint...

And as far as I recall....this board's policy is....if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. I've been called names....had my nickname butchered, been called a baby killer, communist, and a host of other bullshit....never once been offended that I had to cry in my pillow at night.


I don't need to defend LGS. She can clean your clock on her worst day. My point was your lack of class by calling a woman a Cumslinger instead of making your point since you seem to pride yourself on your "debating skills". :cool:

:) Xactly.. those names never bother me anyhow.. Leftists are nasty by nature so I don't expect anything different. :) Whenever they lose an argument which is ALL THE TIME, they alwaysr revert to insults, rage.. Look at that poor Senator's son who was brutally attacked by a leftist. Look at all the threats to kill Mitt Romney if he wins and to riot. Leftists are like caged animals caught and living in their own defecation.

more bullshit craziness from the Cumslinger.....Attacks on what she calls "leftists"=A-OK! Return fire is not allowed, and if it happens...they're "caged animals caught and living in their own defecation".

I find it amusing that in the Truthmatters thread that I mentioned, you were one of the ones that took great pleasure in being nasty and hateful...I actually took you guy's side on that topic and she was ranting and raving....just like you were this morning....but somehow, it's perfectly fine when you do it. But then again....pretty much in any thread where someone disagrees with you, you are a fucking, thought I'd give a little back.
Looks like you absolutely did..

Let's Not Forget The Reasons Why The Military Still Has Horses (And Bayonets) - Business Insider


Most notably horses saw use in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when Special Operations soldiers rode them into combat with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban


That is why we have as many horses today as we did in 1916

What's it like to be the 21% of the populace who has to make constant excuses, lies, and carry the stank bathwater of a man who isn't fit to tie a Marine's shoe much less be his Commander? Being down on your knee's for that long must be leavin marks by now.. LOL Carry on..

Are you making reference to our Commander in Chief?

Winner of the Iraq war
Slayer of terrorists
Nobel Prize winner
Scourge of Somali Pirates
World renowned bin Laden slayer
Looks like you absolutely did..

Let's Not Forget The Reasons Why The Military Still Has Horses (And Bayonets) - Business Insider


Most notably horses saw use in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when Special Operations soldiers rode them into combat with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban


That is why we have as many horses today as we did in 1916

What's it like to be the 21% of the populace who has to make constant excuses, lies, and carry the stank bathwater of a man who isn't fit to tie a Marine's shoe much less be his Commander? Being down on your knee's for that long must be leavin marks by now.. LOL Carry on..

I rest my fucking case...
Our Military still uses horses to charge into battle? I must have missed that part of my basic training.

Looks like you absolutely did..

Let's Not Forget The Reasons Why The Military Still Has Horses (And Bayonets) - Business Insider


Most notably horses saw use in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, when Special Operations soldiers rode them into combat with the Northern Alliance, against the Taliban

So do you agree or disagree with the president that we now have fewer horses in service??????
I'm watching the replay right now...he said fewer horses and bayonets.
Anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong.

He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed.

You failed. Unless you can provide the exact quote when and where the President said that the military doesn't use bayonets or horses. The Army's basic training no long includes bayonets.

Face it Mr. Sketch tried to smack the Preisdent, and just got stomped.

Is that why The One lied about the year Romney was counting from?
I'm watching the replay right now...he said fewer horses and bayonets.
Anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong.

He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed.

So the president's actual words show hold less weight than what the anti-Obama people on the internet would like to believe he said?

Let me ask you. How many ships do you think we should have, based on your opinion that we don't need any government at all?


His exact words?

Bob, I just need to comment on this. First of all, the sequester is not something that I proposed. It’s something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen. The budget that we’re talking about is not reducing our military spending. It’s maintaining it. But I think Governor Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You — you mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets — (laughter) — because the nature of our military’s changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.
And so the question is not a game of Battleship where we’re counting ships. It’s — it’s what are our capabilities.
And so when I sit down with the secretary of the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we determine how are we going to be best able to meet all of our defense needs in a way that also keeps faith with our troops, that also makes sure that our veterans have the kind of support that they need when they come home. And that is not reflected in the kind of budget that you’re putting forward, because it just don’t work.
Gee, look at that, I was right, he was trying to portray Romney as not understanding how the military works today. In the process he lied about the fact that sequestration was proposed by the White House, not Congress, he lied about the year Romney is using as a baseline, and he lied about the fact that the Navy specifically thinks it needs more ships than we have.

Want to try and tell me about Obama's exact words and how I am misrepresenting his intention again?
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Our Military still uses horses to charge into battle? I must have missed that part of my basic training.

Here is a picture of US Army forces in 2001.

Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets - Marines - Fox Nation

How frightening that the CINC doesn't even know what kind of weapons his very troops use??! More proof this plastic President is TOTALLY CLUELESS!

You are such a dumb ****.

Your President: "You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets."

He never said that they don't use them AT ALL.

Still, it's a moot issue, Romney lost anyway. Your nitpicking things like this is solid proof.

EVERY Marine still trains and uses a BAYONET.. no amount of spin from the Zombie NUTS can change that MORON's words..


Take a look at this.....

the logo for the mairne corps martial arts program..... oh...look at that...a bayonet.
Also... take a look at the training pics.... oh my...what is that.... bayonet training.....

damn... the link helps..
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EVERY Marine still trains and uses a BAYONET.. no amount of spin from the Zombie NUTS can change that MORON's words..


Take a look at this.....

the logo for the mairne corps martial arts program..... oh...look at that...a bayonet.
Also... take a look at the training pics.... oh my...what is that.... bayonet training.....

FEWER: To mean less.

NONE: Absent, nothing.

Are you able to see the difference?

This one is going too far. I no longer think the right wing is just wrong. Now, they've proven that their fucking MORONIC.

That is why we have as many horses today as we did in 1916

What's it like to be the 21% of the populace who has to make constant excuses, lies, and carry the stank bathwater of a man who isn't fit to tie a Marine's shoe much less be his Commander? Being down on your knee's for that long must be leavin marks by now.. LOL Carry on..

Are you making reference to our Commander in Chief?

Winner of the Iraq war
Slayer of terrorists
Nobel Prize winner
Scourge of Somali Pirates
World renowned bin Laden slayer

Leader of failure of Bengazi and the death of four US citizens :clap2:
Should we get factcheck involved and find out how many bayonets were issued in the military in 1916 and compare it to 2012? Seriously, the importance of this is unlike anything we have ever seen before.

Serious issue is serious. This is a matter of the utmost importance, women and children can't sleep because they are not sure if Obama was telling the truth about how many bayonets are in our military.

People are hanging themselves over this, we must act now!

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