American Horse
AKA "Mustang"
As suggested by his large number of press conferences since taking office it appears we are going to see a lot of Obama. And yet, his press conferences are the most controlled ever; only one question deviated from the topic of healthcare; none about Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, N. Korea, as if nothing is happening in those areas of interest. The problematic question was from Lynn Sweet, of the Chicago, Sun Times, which he save for last. She said if he had called her earlier she had planned to ask a healthcare question too.
At these we get a chance to see what he really thinks when he goes off the cuff like when asked about the arrest of Professor Gates. He also made an imprudent comment about Doctors opting for surgery when less profitable treatments are available. (Obama: he "may look at the reimbursement system, and say to himself 'you know what? I make a lot more money taking this kid's tonsils out.' ")
Apparently Obama believes he is good in such situations showing him at his most charismatic self. This also appeals to his true believers. But they likely occupy less than about 20 percent of the public who right now would fall under the label of Liberal. What about the rest of the public, the 38 percent who are Conservatives and the 39 percent who style themselves as Moderates? Are they as vulnerable to his silver tongued charms?
Some larger percentage will find his comments on any number of subjects as pedagogic. As a one time College Professor, and more recently one whose experience might be called indoctrination aimed to a like minded audience as a community organizer, he is going to wear thin and get into trouble with listeners capable of being "critical thinkers."
He could take some advice from Eric Hoffer, who said in his little book on human nature The Passionate State of Mind:
To spell out the obvious, is to sometimes call it in question
Hes sure to create more little flaps as he speaks in events, telling us what he really thinks. I don't think he can help himself, so what the public cant get with the help of the MSM it will get from Obama himself.
At these we get a chance to see what he really thinks when he goes off the cuff like when asked about the arrest of Professor Gates. He also made an imprudent comment about Doctors opting for surgery when less profitable treatments are available. (Obama: he "may look at the reimbursement system, and say to himself 'you know what? I make a lot more money taking this kid's tonsils out.' ")
Apparently Obama believes he is good in such situations showing him at his most charismatic self. This also appeals to his true believers. But they likely occupy less than about 20 percent of the public who right now would fall under the label of Liberal. What about the rest of the public, the 38 percent who are Conservatives and the 39 percent who style themselves as Moderates? Are they as vulnerable to his silver tongued charms?
Some larger percentage will find his comments on any number of subjects as pedagogic. As a one time College Professor, and more recently one whose experience might be called indoctrination aimed to a like minded audience as a community organizer, he is going to wear thin and get into trouble with listeners capable of being "critical thinkers."
He could take some advice from Eric Hoffer, who said in his little book on human nature The Passionate State of Mind:
To spell out the obvious, is to sometimes call it in question
Hes sure to create more little flaps as he speaks in events, telling us what he really thinks. I don't think he can help himself, so what the public cant get with the help of the MSM it will get from Obama himself.