Movie Review: Eli (Netflix)


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
Lots of bad reviews on Rotten Tomatoes; however I was entertained the entire time I was watching the movie. The movie has some very unexpected plot twists which makes it difficult to review the plot without giving spoilers. I recommend not reading beyond this post if you plan on watching the movie as knowing the plot twist in advance will spoil the movie IMO. Eli, is billed as a horror movie so I rate the scare/horror factor as average. The plot of the movie starts with a mom and dad taking their 11 year old boy for treatment to cure an autoimmune disease, and then the plot thickens as the treatments don't go well. The plot twist can of makes the movie Twilight Zoney at the end

Bottom Line for me, the movie entertained me. I was not tempted to fast forward to the end like I do with some movies, For me, it was worth the watch.
Let the spoilers begin:

The movie starts with mom and dad taking Eli to a remote facility, an old house made into a clean house, so that a specialist can give Eli treatments to cure him of his autoimmune disease. Eli is 11 years old and he started showing symptoms of the autoimmune disease around age 7 (so we are led to believe). He now lives like bubble boy, living in a plastic tent (bubble) at home and wearing a hazmat suit whenever he leaves home to go somewhere.

At the end of the movie there is a major plot twist. We learn that Eli never had an autoimmune disease. He is actually the son of Satan who mom had a fling with. The treatment was all a ruse so that 3 nuns, masquerading as a doctor and nurses, could perform some kind of exorcism on him. Dad, and the 3 nuns try to give Eli the final treatment/exorcism which will kill him, but they are hoping it will purify his soul to go to heaven. Eli discovers how to use his devil magic and kills dad (not his real dad) and the nuns. He does not kill mom.

Eli and mom leave the house and meet up with Eli's half sister (daughter of Satan) and leave. It seems that Satan gets around and has lots of sons and daughters.

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