Mother of 2 Fatally Overdosed on Fentanyl Delivers Heartrending Testimony at House Hearing on Border Crisis: This is a war! Act like it! Do Something

Like they're not a mess now. Open season is not practical since most of your suppliers are out of this country and dealers are a dime a dozen. Take one out, two more will take their place. But take the profiteering and violence (largely) out of the equation, that will start making a difference.
Wow, that approach sure made a difference in San Francisco.

I don't use the term 'drug overdose' because this was not an overdose. This was murder

These young men chose to purchase drugs from a drug dealer. They wanted to buy Percocet; it was actually fentanyl. They died. Who is to blame? The drug dealer? The parents? Biden's open border? Nah, it's on them. They were of age (18 and 20). Their poor choices did them in.
These young men chose to purchase drugs from a drug dealer. They wanted to buy Percocet; it was actually fentanyl. They died. Who is to blame? The drug dealer? The parents? Biden's open border? Nah, it's on them. They were of age (18 and 20). Their poor choices did them in.
Chlorine in the gene pool? That's harsh, but I can't dispute the logic. Buy aspirin instead of illegal pain meds, duh.

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