Most important story of 2017 is that the global poverty rate reached its lowest level ever


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
This will probably be the most important story of 2018 also. Happy New Year.

Thank you President Trump!
This will probably be the most important story of 2018 also. Happy New Year.

Thank you President Trump!
What the hell is this?? Is that supposed to be an excuse for an OP? No real commentary? No documentation? Just an oversimplified dumbed down statement . A what the hell does T-Rump have to do with it? You can't be serious with the hog wash! This sort of OP just drags down the quality and integrity of the USMB . The mods should take note Now here are some facts:

Two Trends in Global Poverty

While the overall prevalence of poverty is in retreat, the global poverty landscape is changing. This transformation is captured by two distinct trends: poor people are increasingly found in middle-income countries and in fragile states. Both trends – and their intersection – present important new questions for how the international community tackles global poverty reduction.


Laurence Chandy
Former Brookings Expert
Twitter @laurencechandy

Geoffrey Gertz
Post-Doctoral Fellow - Global Economy and Development

Twitter @geoffreygertz
The increased prevalence of poverty in middle-income countries is in many ways a trend of success. Over the past decade, the number of countries classified as low-income has fallen by two fifths, from 66 to 40, while the number of middle-income countries has ballooned to over 100. This means 26 poor countries have grown sufficiently rich to surpass the middle-income threshold. Among those countries that have recently made the leap into middle-income status are a group of countries – India, Nigeria and Pakistan – containing large populations of poor people. It is their “graduation” which has brought about the apparent shift in poverty from the low-income to middle-income country category.

Yet shouldn’t developing countries have escaped poverty by the time they reach middle-income status? A quick review of past experiences suggests otherwise. Take three very different countries: Guyana, China and the Republic of Congo. Each of these countries graduated out of low-income status between 1995 and 2005. However, they did so with very different rates of poverty: Guyana, 9 percent; China, 36 percent; and Republic of Congo, 54 percent.

Jeeeezus fucking Christ! can't you do better that this?
This will probably be the most important story of 2018 also. Happy New Year.

Thank you President Trump!
Giving any credit to Trump, Obama or any other politician is ridiculous. From what I've read the global "extreme" poverty rate in 1990 was 35%. In 2015 it was under 13%. Every economist I've heard speak to this points to one fact, the Chinese have adopted more market based reforms, they entered the world of capitalism.

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