Most amazing fact about Republican Party politics these days


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
We all know the Republicans have been lying for years. And you would think, with so much practice, they'd taking lying to a whole other level. But what is so amazing about this, they've actually gone the other way.

As one can see in the Romney/Ryan campaign...
what distinguishes this crowd is a lazy mendacity in which there’s not even an attempt to make their falsehoods plausible
They say the most ridiculous shit, without any attempt to prove them true.

Here's one example:
Mitt Romney lie:
"I will champion free trade and restore it as a critical element of our strategy, both in the Middle East and across the world. The president has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years. I will reverse that failure."
The truth is, Obama has signed three trade agreements -- with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Here's another one:
Paul Ryan lie:
what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy, which is making the world more — more chaotic and us less safe.
But he never says exactly what that "unraveling" is and his Fox minions just nod their heads in approvel.
I posted this response on another thread but since you folks won't give up I'll do it again. The operative word is NEW trade agreements. The three agreements that were finalized by your dear leader Maobama were iniatiated in the Bush admin. Congress asked for some tweeks which were finalized after the NEW admin took office. So Romney's statement was factually accurate, Maobama has not negoiatied any NEW agreements.

If our interest being attacked in 23 different countries in the period of a week is not a unraveling of foreign policy, please bless us with your explination of what it is.
What good would new trade agreements do? What countries can afford to buy our shit? Are those countries buying our shit?

Please... By all means take this as a knock against both the Repubs and Dems for talking about an issue that means pretty much nothing.

How about getting one or both of those stupid fucks to talk about removing "aid" to countries that we can't afford to give them.

I mean hey... I'm all for helping my fellow man out... But if I have to take out a loan to loan someone else money... Yeah... Not smart. Downright fucking stupid. Retarded. Idiotic.

A few clowns short of a circus.
A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
A few beers short of a six-pack.
Dumber than a box of hair.
A few peas short of a casserole.
Doesn't have all his / her cornflakes in one box.
The wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead.
One Fruit Loop shy of a full bowl.
One taco short of a combination plate.
A few feathers short of a whole duck.
All foam, no beer.
The cheese slid off his / her cracker.
Body by Fisher, brains by Mattel.
Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
S/he fell out of the Stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
An intellect rivaled only by garden tools.
As smart as bait.
Chimney's clogged.
Doesn't have all his / her dogs on one leash.
Doesn't know much but leads the league in nostril hair.
Elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
Forgot to pay his / her brain bill.
His / her sewing machine's out of thread.
His / her antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
His / her belt doesn't go through all the loops.
If s/he had another brain, it would be lonely.
Missing a few buttons on his / her remote control.
No grain in the silo.
Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
Receiver is off the hook.
Several nuts short of a full pouch.
Skylight leaks a little.
Slinky's kinked.
Surfing in Saskatchewan.
Too much yardage between the goal posts.
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
The lights are on, but nobody's home.
Twenty-four cents short of a quarter.

Is it possible that I didn't get this across?
The democrats lieing is starting to kill our people on the ground. Democrats don't value the truth, so who the hell are they to judge the republicans?

Republican lies killed over 7000 Americans and sent another 30 thousand plus back home crippled.
Negged for being an imbecile.

We all know the Republicans have been lying for years. And you would think, with so much practice, they'd taking lying to a whole other level. But what is so amazing about this, they've actually gone the other way.

As one can see in the Romney/Ryan campaign...
what distinguishes this crowd is a lazy mendacity in which there’s not even an attempt to make their falsehoods plausible
They say the most ridiculous shit, without any attempt to prove them true.

Here's one example:
Mitt Romney lie:
"I will champion free trade and restore it as a critical element of our strategy, both in the Middle East and across the world. The president has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years. I will reverse that failure."
The truth is, Obama has signed three trade agreements -- with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Here's another one:
Paul Ryan lie:
what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy, which is making the world more — more chaotic and us less safe.
But he never says exactly what that "unraveling" is and his Fox minions just nod their heads in approvel.
The democrats lieing is starting to kill our people on the ground. Democrats don't value the truth, so who the hell are they to judge the republicans?

Republican lies killed over 7000 Americans and sent another 30 thousand plus back home crippled.

Democrat lies killed over 59,000 Americans and sent over 100,000 plus back home crippled.
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.

Has nothing to do with race....just his worthless policies that havent accomplished even the smallest semblance of a country moving forward. And then there are the numerous scandals in which people have been murdered.
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.
Point of order: Saying something liberals disagree with is not lying.

But, that's what you've been programmed with.
Negged for being an imbecile.

We all know the Republicans have been lying for years. And you would think, with so much practice, they'd taking lying to a whole other level. But what is so amazing about this, they've actually gone the other way.

As one can see in the Romney/Ryan campaign...
what distinguishes this crowd is a lazy mendacity in which there’s not even an attempt to make their falsehoods plausible
They say the most ridiculous shit, without any attempt to prove them true.

Here's one example:
The truth is, Obama has signed three trade agreements -- with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Here's another one:
Paul Ryan lie:
what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy, which is making the world more — more chaotic and us less safe.
But he never says exactly what that "unraveling" is and his Fox minions just nod their heads in approvel.

The difference between you and I is that while I supported those two wars, hindsight is very clear that they were a mistake. I can admit that, but you can't. Those wars were unfunded and they killed thousands of our men and women. But you're such a fucking moron that you apparently can't comprehend that. Neg me as much as you want. Neg reps from the biggest idiots in this forum are just so crushing to me, lol.
The democrats lieing is starting to kill our people on the ground. Democrats don't value the truth, so who the hell are they to judge the republicans?

Republican lies killed over 7000 Americans and sent another 30 thousand plus back home crippled.

Obama killed 2000 of those Americans, moron.

No, he didn't. He did not start those wars. He pulled us out of one and is working on pulling us out of the other. He was not the one pushing us to go to war in the first place. While many on both sides did support us going to war, much of the premise for doing so was based on a lie. The bottom line is that we now know that these wars were huge mistakes. Just because you can't admit that doesn't make it not so.

BTW, you shouldn't throw the word moron around so much being that you are one of the biggest ones on USMB.
We all know the Republicans have been lying for years. And you would think, with so much practice, they'd taking lying to a whole other level. But what is so amazing about this, they've actually gone the other way.

As one can see in the Romney/Ryan campaign...
what distinguishes this crowd is a lazy mendacity in which there’s not even an attempt to make their falsehoods plausible
They say the most ridiculous shit, without any attempt to prove them true.

Here's one example:
Mitt Romney lie:
"I will champion free trade and restore it as a critical element of our strategy, both in the Middle East and across the world. The president has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years. I will reverse that failure."
The truth is, Obama has signed three trade agreements -- with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Here's another one:
Paul Ryan lie:
what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy, which is making the world more — more chaotic and us less safe.
But he never says exactly what that "unraveling" is and his Fox minions just nod their heads in approvel.


NewGOPers still lying!

True story!
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.

here we go again....hey Old Timing Man.....can someone be against Obama maybe because they dont like what he is doing without assholes like you saying its only because he is black?.....
The Republican's can lie so unashamedly because they believer their followers are dolts who are so scared of Obama that they won't care.

And, they're right. After 4 years of an unrelenting stream of lies told about Obama, lies designed to frighten people of him, lies which have flooded the internet and our in-boxes without let up, the GOP's supporters are frightened out of their wits and will go along with anything just to get rid of that scary black guy in the White House.

here we go again....hey Old Timing Man.....can someone be against Obama maybe because they dont like what he is doing without assholes like you saying its only because he is black?.....

I dont think they can. I was accused of, being a racist last month at a little italian restaurant in salida, colorado last month for refusing to vote for O. I just got up and walked away. Life is too short for these type insults.
We all know the Republicans have been lying for years. And you would think, with so much practice, they'd taking lying to a whole other level. But what is so amazing about this, they've actually gone the other way.

As one can see in the Romney/Ryan campaign...
what distinguishes this crowd is a lazy mendacity in which there’s not even an attempt to make their falsehoods plausible
They say the most ridiculous shit, without any attempt to prove them true.

Here's one example:
Mitt Romney lie:
"I will champion free trade and restore it as a critical element of our strategy, both in the Middle East and across the world. The president has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years. I will reverse that failure."
The truth is, Obama has signed three trade agreements -- with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Here's another one:
Paul Ryan lie:
what we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy, which is making the world more — more chaotic and us less safe.
But he never says exactly what that "unraveling" is and his Fox minions just nod their heads in approvel.

Romney is practicing the ancient republican tradition of telling a lie often enough in the hope it’s perceived as true.
Anyone watching the news knows what the "unraveling" of Obama's foreign policy is. Perhaps some are just amazed that people don't need every little thing explained to them.

I guess it's okay with some that Obama and others in his administration lied their asses off over the Libyan attacks. How can people not question things that they've seen and heard themselves? Amazing that Obama can come up with a new story each day and his followers instantly forget what he said and did yesterday.

There is a reason why Obama doesn't address the people and explain things. Domestic disasters, like Solyndra, and foreign disasters, like Libya, are never questioned by the left.

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