Moscow on the Potomac: Putin wins


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This dog's breakfast in the middle east has to end. I have no idea why our leaders thought it would be a swell idea to turn over the ME to the MB.

I seriously do not understand this at all. But one would think that after the Egyptian debacle and Libya our leaders think they need to give another kick at the can in Syria.

My heavens what are we doing? Under us homicidal maniacs aka Islamic jihadists have risen to such power.

Because our guys don't like Assad. Oh boo hoo. We've gotten thousands killed. Who knows the injury count.

All because our guys don't like Assad. Are we fucking mental? I'm beginning to believe we are.

Go Russia! Kill the sons of bitches. End the nightmare that we assisted in unleashing on the poor Syrian people.
There are perks for Putin in doing this. For example, Halliburton will get no contracts to rebuild Syria (China has probably already been promised them!), if, and when this mess ends.
There are perks for Putin in doing this. For example, Halliburton will get no contracts to rebuild Syria (China has probably already been promised them!), if, and when this mess ends.

I shouldn't be laughing but that was funnier than hell.
China has troops on the way there I have heard. This has made the rounds in the alternative news community, I have attempted to pick a source most of us respect, but if you do a google search, you pick your own independent news source. Obviously, for free minds, the CFR media isn't going to cover this. :cool-45:

Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported transiting the Suez Canal
Blog: Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported transiting the Suez Canal
The Chinese are coming. A website linked to Israeli intelligence reports that a new Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser has passed through the Suez Canal. That fact cannot be hidden, so it is likely to be true.

The Chinese task force is heading for the Russian-controlled Mediterranean port of Tartus, to join Syria's Assad and Hezb'allah forces aiming to knock out the U.S.-supported Sunni rebels in Syria. Russia also now controls a Syrian air base.

The Russians and Chinese have limited force-projection capabilities, but put them both together, combined with Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezb'allah, and Assad's troops, and you get the kind of force projection only the U.S. has possessed in the past half-century.

This is a major surprise strategic move, coordinated by Putin while talking peace at the U.N.

Obama has been snookered again.

Putin is insisting that ISIS is his target. At the U.N. he (correctly) compared ISIS to Hitler's Nazis. But his real goal is a superpower play against the United States and its half-century of dominance in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. Pax Americana is gone.

A Chinese landing craft with 1,000 marines for Syria – reports
I'm coming from a time and place where we beat the bad guys. We didn't dance with them. We didn't say that bad guys were disenfranchised. Knuckle sandwich time.

I really truly and for those that might not know I'm currently residing in Canada but I am dual. I'm not just slagging Obama here. Harper's on the ropes up and coming. I slag Cameron Obama Angie Hollande all the same. And more.

Equal opportunity bitch slap here.
I'm coming from a time and place where we beat the bad guys. We didn't dance with them. We didn't say that bad guys were disenfranchised. Knuckle sandwich time.

I really truly and for those that might not know I'm currently residing in Canada but I am dual. I'm not just slagging Obama here. Harper's on the ropes up and coming. I slag Cameron Obama Angie Hollande all the same. And more.

Equal opportunity bitch slap here.

Their payback for supporting Russian sanctions over the Ukraine is.........wait for it........more muzzies.
China has troops on the way there I have heard. This has made the rounds in the alternative news community, I have attempted to pick a source most of us respect, but if you do a google search, you pick your own independent news source. Obviously, for free minds, the CFR media isn't going to cover this. :cool-45:

Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported transiting the Suez Canal
Blog: Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported transiting the Suez Canal
The Chinese are coming. A website linked to Israeli intelligence reports that a new Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser has passed through the Suez Canal. That fact cannot be hidden, so it is likely to be true.

The Chinese task force is heading for the Russian-controlled Mediterranean port of Tartus, to join Syria's Assad and Hezb'allah forces aiming to knock out the U.S.-supported Sunni rebels in Syria. Russia also now controls a Syrian air base.

The Russians and Chinese have limited force-projection capabilities, but put them both together, combined with Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezb'allah, and Assad's troops, and you get the kind of force projection only the U.S. has possessed in the past half-century.

This is a major surprise strategic move, coordinated by Putin while talking peace at the U.N.

Obama has been snookered again.

Putin is insisting that ISIS is his target. At the U.N. he (correctly) compared ISIS to Hitler's Nazis. But his real goal is a superpower play against the United States and its half-century of dominance in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. Pax Americana is gone.

A Chinese landing craft with 1,000 marines for Syria – reports
A Chinese landing craft with 1,000 marines for Syria – reports

Here's where I'm not getting "it". In this one article today I was reading where President Clinton and President Putin would leave everyone else "outside". And they'd go in and have an ECW moment.

They'd come out though shaking hands with mutual respect.

Obama's face in all the stills I have seen are Michelle's and his girls. He has the bitch face on.

We're talking the world stage here now. When other world leaders think that the President of the United States of America needs Midol that's not a good thing.
China has troops on the way there I have heard. This has made the rounds in the alternative news community, I have attempted to pick a source most of us respect, but if you do a google search, you pick your own independent news source. Obviously, for free minds, the CFR media isn't going to cover this. :cool-45:

Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported transiting the Suez Canal
Blog: Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported transiting the Suez Canal
The Chinese are coming. A website linked to Israeli intelligence reports that a new Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser has passed through the Suez Canal. That fact cannot be hidden, so it is likely to be true.

The Chinese task force is heading for the Russian-controlled Mediterranean port of Tartus, to join Syria's Assad and Hezb'allah forces aiming to knock out the U.S.-supported Sunni rebels in Syria. Russia also now controls a Syrian air base.

The Russians and Chinese have limited force-projection capabilities, but put them both together, combined with Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezb'allah, and Assad's troops, and you get the kind of force projection only the U.S. has possessed in the past half-century.

This is a major surprise strategic move, coordinated by Putin while talking peace at the U.N.

Obama has been snookered again.

Putin is insisting that ISIS is his target. At the U.N. he (correctly) compared ISIS to Hitler's Nazis. But his real goal is a superpower play against the United States and its half-century of dominance in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. Pax Americana is gone.

A Chinese landing craft with 1,000 marines for Syria – reports

Was this always a plan I wonder, get the people out and have war in Syria. Sure sounds like it.
It's one of two things. Either Obama is a bitch getting bitch slapped by Putin or he is trying to create a crisis to give him an excuse to suspend the election next year. In either case, he is proving what an inept POS he is.
This dog's breakfast in the middle east has to end. I have no idea why our leaders thought it would be a swell idea to turn over the ME to the MB.

I seriously do not understand this at all. But one would think that after the Egyptian debacle and Libya our leaders think they need to give another kick at the can in Syria.

My heavens what are we doing? Under us homicidal maniacs aka Islamic jihadists have risen to such power.

Because our guys don't like Assad. Oh boo hoo. We've gotten thousands killed. Who knows the injury count.

All because our guys don't like Assad. Are we fucking mental? I'm beginning to believe we are.

Go Russia! Kill the sons of bitches. End the nightmare that we assisted in unleashing on the poor Syrian people.
But how? The country has a crisis. Obama broke our economy =)))
Let the Yankees will show how to fight)
Be honest.
Someone knows what's going on in Syria?

It's one of two things. Either Obama is a bitch getting bitch slapped by Putin or he is trying to create a crisis to give him an excuse to suspend the election next year. In either case, he is proving what an inept POS he is.

I think this all goes back to his enablers. Where this President really really doesn't have a clue.

Who the hell goes into a United Nations forum. Over speaks for 25 minutes to cut Putin off. Obama did a 45 minute rant. Putin killed him in his measly 20 minutes.

But back to the basics? What kind of bohunk from motown pulls this shit?

And not only is Obama's pee pee slapped. That slap is now forever world wide. They gave the US ONE HOUR NOTICE.

Don't dare be flying when we are.

Moscow on the Potomac. Yuppers.
This dog's breakfast in the middle east has to end. I have no idea why our leaders thought it would be a swell idea to turn over the ME to the MB.

I seriously do not understand this at all. But one would think that after the Egyptian debacle and Libya our leaders think they need to give another kick at the can in Syria.

My heavens what are we doing? Under us homicidal maniacs aka Islamic jihadists have risen to such power.

Because our guys don't like Assad. Oh boo hoo. We've gotten thousands killed. Who knows the injury count.

All because our guys don't like Assad. Are we fucking mental? I'm beginning to believe we are.

Go Russia! Kill the sons of bitches. End the nightmare that we assisted in unleashing on the poor Syrian people.
But how? The country has a crisis. Obama broke our economy =)))
Let the Yankees will show how to fight)
Be honest.
Someone knows what's going on in Syria?

Actually yes. The day to day from the faux Arab Spring has been reported daily. Whether it is AJ (Qatars media hype) to the New York Times to Russia Today.
This dog's breakfast in the middle east has to end. I have no idea why our leaders thought it would be a swell idea to turn over the ME to the MB.

I seriously do not understand this at all. But one would think that after the Egyptian debacle and Libya our leaders think they need to give another kick at the can in Syria.

My heavens what are we doing? Under us homicidal maniacs aka Islamic jihadists have risen to such power.

Because our guys don't like Assad. Oh boo hoo. We've gotten thousands killed. Who knows the injury count.

All because our guys don't like Assad. Are we fucking mental? I'm beginning to believe we are.

Go Russia! Kill the sons of bitches. End the nightmare that we assisted in unleashing on the poor Syrian people.
But how? The country has a crisis. Obama broke our economy =)))
Let the Yankees will show how to fight)
Be honest.
Someone knows what's going on in Syria?
Actually yes. The day to day from the faux Arab Spring has been reported daily. Whether it is AJ (Qatars media hype) to the New York Times to Russia Today.
I'm confused by these Muslims. These sects. Sunnis Shiites ... ... radical Islam. not radical ...
Interesting. When the news will write "Chechens go to Syria."
This dog's breakfast in the middle east has to end. I have no idea why our leaders thought it would be a swell idea to turn over the ME to the MB.

I seriously do not understand this at all. But one would think that after the Egyptian debacle and Libya our leaders think they need to give another kick at the can in Syria.

My heavens what are we doing? Under us homicidal maniacs aka Islamic jihadists have risen to such power.

Because our guys don't like Assad. Oh boo hoo. We've gotten thousands killed. Who knows the injury count.

All because our guys don't like Assad. Are we fucking mental? I'm beginning to believe we are.

Go Russia! Kill the sons of bitches. End the nightmare that we assisted in unleashing on the poor Syrian people.
But how? The country has a crisis. Obama broke our economy =)))
Let the Yankees will show how to fight)
Be honest.
Someone knows what's going on in Syria?
Actually yes. The day to day from the faux Arab Spring has been reported daily. Whether it is AJ (Qatars media hype) to the New York Times to Russia Today.
I'm confused by these Muslims. These sects. Sunnis Shiites ... ... radical Islam. not radical ...
Interesting. When the news will write "Chechens go to Syria."

They are already there. As a matter of fact there's a dude called Abu Omar al Shishani. Top military commander for ISIS from Georgia.
This dog's breakfast in the middle east has to end. I have no idea why our leaders thought it would be a swell idea to turn over the ME to the MB.

I seriously do not understand this at all. But one would think that after the Egyptian debacle and Libya our leaders think they need to give another kick at the can in Syria.

My heavens what are we doing? Under us homicidal maniacs aka Islamic jihadists have risen to such power.

Because our guys don't like Assad. Oh boo hoo. We've gotten thousands killed. Who knows the injury count.

All because our guys don't like Assad. Are we fucking mental? I'm beginning to believe we are.

Go Russia! Kill the sons of bitches. End the nightmare that we assisted in unleashing on the poor Syrian people.
But how? The country has a crisis. Obama broke our economy =)))
Let the Yankees will show how to fight)
Be honest.
Someone knows what's going on in Syria?
Actually yes. The day to day from the faux Arab Spring has been reported daily. Whether it is AJ (Qatars media hype) to the New York Times to Russia Today.
I'm confused by these Muslims. These sects. Sunnis Shiites ... ... radical Islam. not radical ...
Interesting. When the news will write "Chechens go to Syria."
They are already there. As a matter of fact there's a dude called Abu Omar al Shishani. Top military commander for ISIS from Georgia.
That's funny.opened a wiki)
I quote...
A veteran of the 2008 Russo-Georgian War,
The war lasted five days. Veteran =))

If serious.
I meant the Chechens, who will fight on the side of Russia.

When the news will write "Chechens go to Syria.
We had to wait not long.

Кадыров готов отправить чеченских солдат в Сирию - BBC Русская служба

"I request that we were allowed to go there and to participate in these special operations"
The General Operating Principals for the Middle East are fairly clear:

1) Russia and Iran are about to get control of the Middle East.

2) Whoever controls the Middle East controls the price of oil.

3) Russia and Iran badly need the price of oil to be very High.

4) The United States needs it to be Low.

5) Obama is a Coward and a Pussy.

6) Nobody knows better how much of a Coward and a Pussy he is than Putin and the Ayatollah.

7) Buy Exxon Stock.

8) Hope your children or grandchildren don't have to fight World War III in a few years because America decided to elect a Fool to the Presidency for the sole reason that he loves to give out Free Stuff.

Wait'll you see what Putin has planned for NATO and Europe.
6) Nobody knows better how much of a Coward and a Pussy he is than Putin and the Ayatollah.
All people in Russia know it=)))
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