More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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I know I've seen people promoted due to affirmative action (Both race and gender) who didn't earn it. That's what causes resentment in white people. I know one place I recently worked, I and another white person were passed up for an AA hire. Then we ended up doing most of her work because she couldn't handle it.

That's a lie Joe. How do you know that person was promoted because of AA? It is against the law for an employer to give out that kind of information. So you guys must have assumed that. Whites have gotten AA since the country started. Yet you live in s delusion whereby everything whites get has been earned on merit.

So if the person who promoted that individual told you they did so because of AA, you should have filed a lawsuit.
Bullshit. So Joe tell me, when have whites been given ANYTHING based solely on merit?

I could argue my entire career has been on my merits.

I was the first member of my family to graduate from college. I did this by working two minimum wage jobs and serving in the National Guard.

I think went on to serve in the military full time. I was promoted several times and recognized for my accomplishments.

As for my 30 year post military career, I've worked hard, gained new skills, went back to school numerous times to get additional training and education. I've also made about half a dozen career mistakes... but I find that you learn far more from your failures than your successes.


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That's a lie Joe. How do you know that person was promoted because of AA? It is against the law for an employer to give out that kind of information. So you guys must have assumed that. Whites have gotten AA since the country started. Yet you live in s delusion whereby everything whites get has been earned on merit.

So if the person who promoted that individual told you they did so because of AA, you should have filed a lawsuit.

Why would I do that?

If I don't like the way a company is treating me... then I send out a resume and get a better job. I'm certainly not going to make them like me better by suing them.

I know this person was hired because of AA because she couldn't do her job! That means that someone looked at my Resume, the other fellow's resume (with both of us already proven records of working for this company), and no doubt dozens of other resumes and said, "This person is the best possible candidate!" There is simply no rational universe that would happen.
I could argue my entire career has been on my merits.

I was the first member of my family to graduate from college. I did this by working two minimum wage jobs and serving in the National Guard.

I think went on to serve in the military full time. I was promoted several times and recognized for my accomplishments.

As for my 30 year post military career, I've worked hard, gained new skills, went back to school numerous times to get additional training and education. I've also made about half a dozen career mistakes... but I find that you learn far more from your failures than your successes.
No you really can't argue that. Because you do not know if you were the best qualified and most white employers are not going to tell you that you were hired because they don't hire blacks.
No you really can't argue that. Because you do not know if you were the best qualified and most white employers are not going to tell you that you were hired because they don't hire blacks.

Again, your argument would be valid if Asians and Hispanics struggled just as much.

If racism was so prevalent, how do you explain how well Asians do?
Why would I do that?

If I don't like the way a company is treating me... then I send out a resume and get a better job. I'm certainly not going to make them like me better by suing them.

I know this person was hired because of AA because she couldn't do her job! That means that someone looked at my Resume, the other fellow's resume (with both of us already proven records of working for this company), and no doubt dozens of other resumes and said, "This person is the best possible candidate!" There is simply no rational universe that would happen.
Because it is illegal. The boss should not be telling employees that they prompted someone because of anything but their job performance. You do not know that person was hired because of affirmative action. You make the same racist claims about it as Lisa but you call yourself chastising her. I can respect Lisa, because at least she is honest and upfront about her racism. You assume AA hires are all unqualified or that admittees into college due to AA are all dumber than whites. I asked you when have whites earned ANYTHING based on merit. Try answering the question because this issue is not only about you.
Let’s say I am racist ?

You still get the job.
You still get the car.
You still get the house.
Your kids still get the college of their choice.

So how does me or any blk person being racist affect your life ?

Black ppl have done nothing to whites. You are assuming that we think like white ppl.

If we had a blk hospital and a white person needed treatment. We would treat that white person and we wouldn’t use whites as Guinea pigs in blk hospitals, the same way whites use blks as guinea pigs in white hospitals

We would not run around trying to prove how stupid and violent white ppl are. The same way white ppl r always running around trying to prove how stupid n violent blk ppl are

We would not allow a blk Police force to blow the Brains out of unarmed white ppl and walk free. The same way white pplallow a white police force to blow the brains out of blk ppl n walk free.

Black ppl could never treat white ppl. The way whites have treated blk ppl

God just didn’t make us that way. He just didn’t give us that heart.

Remember blk ppl don’t have that racial insecurity which would cause us to mistreat whites as a group. The way whites do with blks.
Black cops shoot black people. It’s insane for you to think every time a black person doesnt get something it is because of race. Not all white people get all those things either. Nobody tries to prove how violent blacks are. When you constantly post how whitey is the most violent, some whites show proof that it’s not true. You bring up shit that SOME whites did to blacks in the past, mostly before a lot of whites today were even born. Yes, you DO try to prove how violent white people are.
Again, your argument would be valid if Asians and Hispanics struggled just as much.

If racism was so prevalent, how do you explain how well Asians do?
But they do struggle as much. Asians as a group are propped up by a few high earning Indians who are beneficiaries of the H1B Visa program, while the vast majority are poor. Whites have labelled all Asians by just a few high earners and try using that as you are doing to deny racism. Hispanics are struggling too.

"The typical white American family has roughly 10 times as much wealth as the typical African American family and the typical Latino family. In other words, while the median white household has about $100,000-$200,000 net worth, Blacks and Latinos have $10,000-$20,000 net worth."

You guys have deluded yourselves into a belief that only blacks are complaining about race when in face white racism is a problem for every nonwhite population in. America. It's time you faced reality.

If you want to learn how Hispanics see racism, read the book, "Dog Whistle Politics" by Haney Lopez or "Racism without Racists" by Edward Bonilla-Silva. Dr. Mari Matsuda, Asian, is one of the founding formulators of Critical Race Theory. So my argument has merit, you are just unaware of things.
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You say dumbs blks are getting into universities with lower scores than whites

Ok. Show it. Show me FIRST HAND SOURCES FROM THE UNIVERSITY were they state that’s the case.
Remember white ppl had no problem with “Whites Only” signs so if they believe in something they show it. So show it.

First hand. You understand ? First hand
White privilege is getting to make a Black Death thread and it stays open while any thread challenging whites to do something about racism gets closed.
Because it is illegal. The boss should not be telling employees that they prompted someone because of anything but their job performance. You do not know that person was hired because of affirmative action. You make the same racist claims about it as Lisa but you call yourself chastising her.

Actually, I know it was AA because she was utterly fucking useless at her job. I mean, I made a joke about her having a picture of the CEO with a farm animal, but that is actually an unlikely scenario.

But even if you want to assume she somehow scammed her way through the hiring process, it should have become pretty obvious when she was working there how useless she was. No one on the team had any use for her, even the other black person on the team. (Who actually was pretty good at his job.) Yet she didn't get fired. She was still working there, last I checked.

I can respect Lisa, because at least she is honest and upfront about her racism.

Yes, being able to assume that all your problems are someone else's fault is the ultimate hall pass.

You assume AA hires are all unqualified or that admittees into college due to AA are all dumber than whites.

Not all.. but definitely some. Not that it matters, AA will be gone this years after SCOTUS gets through with it.

I asked you when have whites earned ANYTHING based on merit. Try answering the question because this issue is not only about you.
Last time I checked, I'm white.
I've worked damned hard for everything I have except some property my parents left me after they worked themselves into early graves. (And frankly, that's more of a liability than an asset, as I can't sell it and I have to pay more on it than I ever get to use it.)
Everything I have I earned on merit.
But they do struggle as much. Asians as a group are propped up by a few high earning Indians who are beneficiaries of the H1B Visa program, while the vast majority are poor. Whites have labelled all Asians by just a few high earners and try using that as you are doing to deny racism. Hispanics are struggling too.

Really? Hasn't been my experience. I've known a whole range of Asian Americans, and most of them have good jobs. I've honestly never had to wonder if an Asian-American was a AA hire. They've all been really good at their jobs, or if they started out, they grew into it.

I knew one fellow from the Philippines, who in addition to being a recent immigrant, also had a disability the required him to use crutches or a wheelchair. Yet despite all that, he worked hard and had a pretty good job. Another lady I knew from Japan, who actually could have done really well working for a Japanese company, but wanted to work for an American company because there were more opportunities for women.

White privilege is getting to make a Black Death thread and it stays open while any thread challenging whites to do something about racism gets closed.

THreads get closed all the time...
No you really can't argue that. Because you do not know if you were the best qualified and most white employers are not going to tell you that you were hired because they don't hire blacks.
At one point I wanted to be a CHP officer. I took the test and scored in the 99th percentile. I was in fourth place on the list. When I asked when I could expect to be called to go to the academy, I was told, we aren't hiring anything except minorities for the foreseeable future to meet court-ordered racial balance mandates. The CHP hired several hundred officers that year. I was never called.
At one point I wanted to be a CHP officer. I took the test and scored in the 99th percentile. I was in fourth place on the list. When I asked when I could expect to be called to go to the academy, I was told, we aren't hiring anything except minorities for the foreseeable future to meet court-ordered racial balance mandates. The CHP hired several hundred officers that year. I was never called.
Not sure what a CHP officer is, but I remember DECADES ago - I bet it’s been 30 years, at least - when the police put out an announcement that the goal was that at least 50% of new hires would be black. Two obvious problems with that:

1) In a county where only about 15% of residents were black, saying at least half of all new hires will be black means that a black was given almost a 3:1 advantage over a similarly qualified white. Racist right there.

2) That phrase “at least 50%” could also mean 60%, 70%, or every single new hire except for one token white. It was racist then, and this type of this is continuing and is every bit as racist now.
At one point I wanted to be a CHP officer. I took the test and scored in the 99th percentile. I was in fourth place on the list. When I asked when I could expect to be called to go to the academy, I was told, we aren't hiring anything except minorities for the foreseeable future to meet court-ordered racial balance mandates. The CHP hired several hundred officers that year. I was never called.
Do you know why they were ordered by the court?

Because they had been found in violation and were practicing racism in hiring. That is the ONLY reason why courts do that.
Not sure what a CHP officer is, but I remember DECADES ago - I bet it’s been 30 years, at least - when the police put out an announcement that the goal was that at least 50% of new hires would be black. Two obvious problems with that:

1) In a county where only about 15% of residents were black, saying at least half of all new hires will be black means that a black was given almost a 3:1 advantage over a similarly qualified white. Racist right there.

2) That phrase “at least 50%” could also mean 60%, 70%, or every single new hire except for one token white. It was racist then, and this type of this is continuing and is every bit as racist now.
That's because the county had been practicing racial discrimination.
Really? Hasn't been my experience. I've known a whole range of Asian Americans, and most of them have good jobs. I've honestly never had to wonder if an Asian-American was a AA hire. They've all been really good at their jobs, or if they started out, they grew into it.

I knew one fellow from the Philippines, who in addition to being a recent immigrant, also had a disability the required him to use crutches or a wheelchair. Yet despite all that, he worked hard and had a pretty good job. Another lady I knew from Japan, who actually could have done really well working for a Japanese company, but wanted to work for an American company because there were more opportunities for women.

THreads get closed all the time...
Again we are not talking about your narrow view. I've worked jobs where we had to carry unqualified whites who could not do the job, but this conversation is about the big picture and when you talk about Asians you are not talking about the majority. Asians have the widest wealth gap of any group and whites are real quick to use Asians in arguments about race to deny things. Asian scholars have consistently pointed out this error.

I just learned recently that a white man created the term “model minority” to describe Japanese Americans as a way of pitting them against Black Americans. Japanese Americans were terrified that they would be put in concentration camps again and thus went through life as quietly as they could. My ancestors had to go through hell and then pretend it didn’t happen. Now Asian Americans have to deal with this term unfairly and act a certain way (studious, quiet, smart, nerdy) or else they’re looked down upon. This term and its history must be publicized so that people can be educated that its purpose is to divide POC and pit us against each other when we should be banding together and uniting to fight our oppression.

It is often assumed that Asian Americans are one of the minority groups in the United States that is doing well economically. However, this statement too broadly categorizes all Asian subgroups. According to the official poverty rate from the U.S. Census in 2011, the Asian American poverty rate was actually 2.5% higher than that of Caucasians.

In fact, amongst poor Asian Americans, Southeast Asians face some of the highest poverty rates in the whole country. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles conducted a study on income sources, home foreclosures and housing burden. The study indicated that Southeast Asians in the United States have consistently relied on food stamps for many decades.

The poverty rate for Asian Americans is highest amongst Hmong, Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese. Hmong Americans have a startlingly high poverty rate at 37.8%, followed closely by Cambodian Americans at 29.3% and Laotian Americans at 18.5%.

Again we are not talking about your narrow view. I've worked jobs where we had to carry unqualified whites who could not do the job, but this conversation is about the big picture and when you talk about Asians you are not talking about the majority. Asians have the widest wealth gap of any group and whites are real quick to use Asians in arguments about race to deny things. Asian scholars have consistently pointed out this error.

Not really. Asians are comparable to non-Hispanic whites.


I just learned recently that a white man created the term “model minority” to describe Japanese Americans as a way of pitting them against Black Americans. Japanese Americans were terrified that they would be put in concentration camps again and thus went through life as quietly as they could.

Yeah, would this be the same place you learned that Police evolved from anti-slave patrols and some of the other nonsense you repeat here...

My ancestors had to go through hell and then pretend it didn’t happen. Now Asian Americans have to deal with this term unfairly and act a certain way (studious, quiet, smart, nerdy) or else they’re looked down upon. This term and its history must be publicized so that people can be educated that its purpose is to divide POC and pit us against each other when we should be banding together and uniting to fight our oppression.

My ancestors hardly had a great time of it, either... what's your point? My mother's side was poor Missouri dirt farmers who didn't have two nickels to rub together, and my father's side were German immigrants who came at a time when Germans weren't terribly popular.

Yes, it's absolutely horrible to be seen as studious and smart! Gasp. How awful.

In fact, amongst poor Asian Americans, Southeast Asians face some of the highest poverty rates in the whole country. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles conducted a study on income sources, home foreclosures and housing burden. The study indicated that Southeast Asians in the United States have consistently relied on food stamps for many decades.

See chart above. Asian poverty is on par with white poverty....
At one point I wanted to be a CHP officer. I took the test and scored in the 99th percentile. I was in fourth place on the list. When I asked when I could expect to be called to go to the academy, I was told, we aren't hiring anything except minorities for the foreseeable future to meet court-ordered racial balance mandates. The CHP hired several hundred officers that year. I was never called.

But this is an actual case where Affirmative Action actually kind of makes sense. If the community isn't represented in law enforcement, then there is a barrier between law enforcement and the community in general.

I think the biggest problem isn't necessarily with racism, it's with "cop culture". Where they see anyone who isn't a cop as a potential threat/perp.
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