*More Speaker Ryan House Changes


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Key Chairmen Could Be Booted From Steering Committee

It appears that Ryan is keeping his word about opening up the House. Will this make real changes that could finally get things moving in the house?

The goal is to create a more inclusive culture in the House Republican Conference that Ryan, R-Wis., has promised to promote.

As part of a broad overhaul of conference rules, Republicans are poised to vote next week on a proposal to change the configuration of the Steering Committee, which assigns members to most House committees.

Read more @ Key Chairmen Could be Booted From Steering Committee=
He's another traitor.

Good for Ryan and too bad for the far right if they can't take they are the joke.
Well libtard, If you can't figure out typos like that, then you truly are a dumb fuck. I do that a few times, and I don't care. It only affects pissy pant cry baby assholes like you.

cry baby 3.jpg
I don't listen to Rush, tardo. Why do you libtards always have to throw some right wing talking head at someone in a lame attempt make them look foolish? I don't listen to any of those people because I have better things to do then to get my opinion made for me like some libtard asshole.
I don't listen to Rush, tardo. Why do you libtards always have throw some right wing talking head at someone in a lame attempt make them look foolish? I don't listen to any of those people because I have better things to do then to get my opinion made for me like some libtard asshole.
Says the far right foxbot!
We'll see what impact this has. It's liable to lead to even more favor trading within the ranks.

Have to see how this one plays out. Not optimistic though, Ryan hasn't gone out of his way to show he's any different than the feckless Boehner thus far.
The far righties are fearing the impending Trump melt down.

We've been hearing about that impending meltdown for a while. I didn't think he'd last as long as he has, but he has. Might happen yet, but it's looking more and more like he's got staying power. Which frankly scares the morons in the RNC even more than the DNC, and they're terrified of seeing Hillary on a stage with him.
The far righties are fearing the impending Trump melt down.

We've been hearing about that impending meltdown for a while. I didn't think he'd last as long as he has, but he has. Might happen yet, but it's looking more and more like he's got staying power. Which frankly scares the morons in the RNC even more than the DNC, and they're terrified of seeing Hillary on a stage with him.
The mistake was to pay attention to polls in the first place, particularly the idiocy that because Trump has the support of only a third of republicans he's 'in the lead'; two thirds of republicans don't support Trump, Trump has no organization at the state level heading into the primaries, where Trump will suffer the same fate as McCain in 2000.
The mistake was to pay attention to polls in the first place, particularly the idiocy that because Trump has the support of only a third of republicans he's 'in the lead'; two thirds of republicans don't support Trump, Trump has no organization at the state level heading into the primaries, where Trump will suffer the same fate as McCain in 2000.

Talked to all of them have you?

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