More liberal lunacy as british woman gives birth to her own GRANDSON!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Think this kid has any chance of growing up normal with relatives like this?

British woman gives birth to her own grandson acting as surrogate mother for her gay son News LifeSite

March 11, 2015 A British woman has given birth to her own grandson, acting as a surrogate mother for her homosexual son.

Kyle Casson's 46-year-old mother, Anne-Marie Casson, 46, of Doncaster, South Yorkshire, carried a donated egg fertilized with her son's sperm.

The UK's 2008 Human Fertilization and Embryology Act, which governs surrogacy arrangements, generally discourages surrogate mothers from acting on behalf of a single parent. Under the law it is illegal to hand over a child to only the biological father. Instead, the child must be given to a couple "in an enduring family relationship."

However, in this case a judge ruled that while Anne-Marie Casson and her husband are the legal parents of the child, Kyle can legally adopt the baby boy, because the newborn and his father are brothers.

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