More Gun Safety In Washington State

Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

What kind of gun safety laws?

I'll bet you can't answer cherently.

I don't know what the laws are in Texas.

I'm hopeful that they pass some good gun safety laws.

Which is what I said in the post you replied to.

Like what?

Why do you libtards speak out and then can never justify anything except your own stupidity?

I will ask again, what is a good gun safety law?
Under this bill...

1. Gun owners can now be CRIMINALLY charged if someone else takes their gun without permission.

2. Enhanced background checks and longer waiting periods, holds of up to 30 days, creation of a state background check system. The burden for this bureaucratic nightmare falls on local law enforcement to process, no funding for it shocker.

3. You must now be age 21 to purchase a semiautomatic rifle. The bill claims "the brain is not fully mature until age 21", seriously the bill says that.

4. You must now have a concealed carry permit to purchase a handgun, more road blocks to our 2nd amendment rights.

5. Vague gun storage laws that make gun owners subject to CRIMINAL prosecution if they do not store guns in their home as government dictates.

6. Gathers massive amounts of documentation about the gun purchaser, in triplicate.

Yes and it's now law in my state.

I'm doing my happy dance along with millions of other sane people in my state.

The people voted for it by a large margin. It passed with 60% approval.

When you take the decision out of the hands of bribed politicians, the people pass good gun safety laws.

I voted with the majority.

Another good law that was on the ballot this year was proper training for police so they will have more ways to stop shooting innocent people. More training to resolve situations without the use of guns. The use of deadly force will decrease and it will be much easier to prosecute police for killing an innocent person in Washington now. That initiative easily passed too with 60% of the people voting for it. I voted for it.

It shows that the people are sick and tired of police not being prosecuted when they kill an innocent person and that we're sick and tired of no proper gun safety laws. We enacted it ourselves so the nra couldn't bribe any politician to stop it.

Initiative 940, modifying law regulating police use of deadly force, passes with strong support

What is a proper gun safety law? Why can't you answer the question?
Yes the state is diverse, you have the traffic, congestion, the rude drivers, the hurried lifestyle and rain in the Puget Sound and then you have the beautiful eastern part of the state with little traffic, more sun, slower lifestyle and friendlier people.

Stay out of Puget Sound, the liberals spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of their untreated filth sewer waste into the sound. Stay away from Seattle, 40 mile long traffic jams daily.

No worries there, I left in 2007, I couldn't take long commutes, angry people and dreary weather. I have relatives that live there and when I visit them it reminds me of why I left. My relatives come visit me and guess where they are going to retire to?

The one thing I will say, on a sunny day, the Seattle area can be one of the most beautiful places in the country.

Seattle liberals think I can't punish them, they are wrong! I'm packing up and leaving, taking my income and wealth with me so they will get $0.00 from me going forward.
Yes the state is diverse, you have the traffic, congestion, the rude drivers, the hurried lifestyle and rain in the Puget Sound and then you have the beautiful eastern part of the state with little traffic, more sun, slower lifestyle and friendlier people.

Stay out of Puget Sound, the liberals spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of their untreated filth sewer waste into the sound. Stay away from Seattle, 40 mile long traffic jams daily.

No worries there, I left in 2007, I couldn't take long commutes, angry people and dreary weather. I have relatives that live there and when I visit them it reminds me of why I left. My relatives come visit me and guess where they are going to retire to?

The one thing I will say, on a sunny day, the Seattle area can be one of the most beautiful places in the country.

Seattle liberals think I can't punish them, they are wrong! I'm packing up and leaving, taking my income and wealth with me so they will get $0.00 from me going forward.

Where you heading to?

I'm considering several red states, WY, TX, TN, maybe MI, IN, VA.

VA is no longer red. It a reddish tinge of purple and getting deeper ever election.

Our population is very diverse.

However I was born and raised in Seattle. So were most of everyone I know. Others are from other parts of the state. I know people from other states, New York, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho and other states. Mostly people who said they escaped the crazy people of the red states they left. All saying they're much happier in a state with a majority of sane and mature adults.

The people of my state spoke and we spoke loudly this year.

Gun safety laws are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Thats GREAT news!!!
Now criminals will find it much easier to kill liberals!!!

Brilliant! I actually never thought about it like that.

Take away the firearms from law abiding citizens and then only the crooks will have the fire power. Higher population density on the commie side of Washington State so more Liberal fatalities.
Strange. Our homicide rate is 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control. You need to rethink.
Other countries do not have the right to firearm ownership, hell they don’t even have the right to freedom of speech you dumbass motherfucker
I’m aware you choose guns over life.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
This is how fragile the people up in washington have become.

No, millions of freaks from California invaded Washington, now does it make sense now why Washington is screwed up?


Our population is very diverse.

However I was born and raised in Seattle. So were most of everyone I know. Others are from other parts of the state. I know people from other states, New York, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho and other states. Mostly people who said they escaped the crazy people of the red states they left. All saying they're much happier in a state with a majority of sane and mature adults.

The people of my state spoke and we spoke loudly this year.

Gun safety laws are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Thats GREAT news!!!
Now criminals will find it much easier to kill liberals!!!

Brilliant! I actually never thought about it like that.

Take away the firearms from law abiding citizens and then only the crooks will have the fire power. Higher population density on the commie side of Washington State so more Liberal fatalities.
Strange. Our homicide rate is 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control. You need to rethink.

Gun control does not lower the murder rate
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business and certainly none of the federal government’s business
If they would stop killing people that would be true, but they won’t. That last mass killer even had concealed carry. Time for strict gun laws.

No Moon Bat you are confused.

It is not time to put restrictions on law abiding people just because a few assholes do dumb things. The same asshole that would do the same thing if we had the laws or not.

It is time to adhere to the Bill of Rights instead of Rule of the Mindless Mob.

It is time for you filthy ass Liberals to stop taking away the hard fought Liberties of the American people.
We have few restrictions now. Our homicide rate is 4-5X greater than countries with strong restrictions. We are the only country who regularly suffers from mass shootings. Our police are shot and killed weekly. Yeah, time to put lives ahead of guns.
Other countries don’t have the right to own firearms, hell they don’t have the right to freedom of speech... You need to mind your own business
Some of us put lives ahead of guns.
I put my life ahead of yours and sure as shit ahead of any piece of shit criminal
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

If it is a state issue as you claim it is, then why do you care what another state's citizens do?

Also what proof do you have that it will make us any safer?

Because I care about innocent people.

It's not a blue or red situation with me. It's an American thing with me. I want all of my fellow Americans to be safe from being mowed down by some crazy person with a gun.

It's a simple as that.

Look at the state of Massachusetts. They have some of the most strict gun safety laws in the nation. They also have the lowest rate of gun deaths in the nation. I give mitt Romney credit, he signed legislation to ban assault weapons in Massachusetts when he was the governor in 2004. I wouldn't be surprised if you supported him. They've taken several other steps in gun safety that have obviously worked.

Are Massachusetts Gun Laws a Model for the Country?

Now, tell me how people aren't safer with good gun safety laws.

Look at NH they have some of the most lax gun laws in the country and they have the lowest murder rate in the country

where CA has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and their murder rate is 4 times higher than NH

Gun laws have no effect on the murder rate
Under this bill...

1. Gun owners can now be CRIMINALLY charged if someone else takes their gun without permission.

2. Enhanced background checks and longer waiting periods, holds of up to 30 days, creation of a state background check system. The burden for this bureaucratic nightmare falls on local law enforcement to process, no funding for it shocker.

3. You must now be age 21 to purchase a semiautomatic rifle. The bill claims "the brain is not fully mature until age 21", seriously the bill says that.

4. You must now have a concealed carry permit to purchase a handgun, more road blocks to our 2nd amendment rights.

5. Vague gun storage laws that make gun owners subject to CRIMINAL prosecution if they do not store guns in their home as government dictates.

6. Gathers massive amounts of documentation about the gun purchaser, in triplicate.

This is how fragile the people up in washington have become.

No, millions of freaks from California invaded Washington, now does it make sense now why Washington is screwed up?


Our population is very diverse.

However I was born and raised in Seattle. So were most of everyone I know. Others are from other parts of the state. I know people from other states, New York, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho and other states. Mostly people who said they escaped the crazy people of the red states they left. All saying they're much happier in a state with a majority of sane and mature adults.

The people of my state spoke and we spoke loudly this year.

Gun safety laws are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Yes the state is diverse, you have the traffic, congestion, the rude drivers, the hurried lifestyle and rain in the Puget Sound and then you have the beautiful eastern part of the state with little traffic, more sun, slower lifestyle and friendlier people.

We also have most of the population on the west side of the state.

The population on the west side supports the east side. They don't have enough people to properly support themselves. For example, until the 1990s the east side didn't have a full and proper 9-11 system. So we on the west side voted to increase our own taxes to pay to establish and provide that very much needed service. We pay for their roads to be paved and for their children to be educated. Along with much more.

We voted to increase our gas tax, establish new taxes on property and car tabs for ourselves to build a new light rail system, enlarge our other mass transit systems and for improvements on our existing roads. We know that the large influx of people has caused our roads to be clogged with traffic.

We're also doing something about it. We aren't forcing anyone outside our area of Washington to pay for it either. We're doing that ourselves. Just as we always do.

If you don't like Washington. Don't live here. It's as simple as that. Meanwhile we in Washington have again voted for more good gun safety laws.

Deal with it.

Hey you're proud of being a sheep good for you.

SOme of us don't need to be led around by the nose and told what to do

Gun control does not lower the murder rate


We see this in California this morning with the shooting in a state with the most stringent statewide gun control laws in the country. None of those stupid laws did a damn thing to stop the shooter but it prevented the victims from having the means to protect themselves.

Let me guess what those stupid Moon Bats in Commie California will do next in response to the shooting. They enact even more stupid gun control laws that will continued to be ignored by the crooks.

I wonder if the supporters of those conservative politicians will all of a sudden change their tune and support gun safety. Or will they turn on those politicians calling them traitors or rinos?

The latter. I refused to vote for Rick Scott because as his last act as governor he infringed on the 2nd Amendment.

I hated what Scott did. I even wrote him and told him he was an asshole for signing that stupid bill.

However, there was such a big disparity between him and that idiot Nelson that I held my nose and voted for him.
The population on the west side supports the east side. They don't have enough people to properly support themselves.

^^^ don't listen to this liberal puke's lies, Eastern Washington state is an agricultural powerhouse and guess where liberal puke Western Washington gets its cheap hydroelectric power...yeah Eastern Washington, we flip the switch to OFF and those snowflakes would come unglued.
Stay out of Puget Sound, the liberals spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of their untreated filth sewer waste into the sound. Stay away from Seattle, 40 mile long traffic jams daily.

No worries there, I left in 2007, I couldn't take long commutes, angry people and dreary weather. I have relatives that live there and when I visit them it reminds me of why I left. My relatives come visit me and guess where they are going to retire to?

The one thing I will say, on a sunny day, the Seattle area can be one of the most beautiful places in the country.

Seattle liberals think I can't punish them, they are wrong! I'm packing up and leaving, taking my income and wealth with me so they will get $0.00 from me going forward.
Stay out of Puget Sound, the liberals spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of their untreated filth sewer waste into the sound. Stay away from Seattle, 40 mile long traffic jams daily.

No worries there, I left in 2007, I couldn't take long commutes, angry people and dreary weather. I have relatives that live there and when I visit them it reminds me of why I left. My relatives come visit me and guess where they are going to retire to?

The one thing I will say, on a sunny day, the Seattle area can be one of the most beautiful places in the country.

Seattle liberals think I can't punish them, they are wrong! I'm packing up and leaving, taking my income and wealth with me so they will get $0.00 from me going forward.

Where you heading to?

I'm considering several red states, WY, TX, TN, maybe MI, IN, VA.

VA is no longer red. It a reddish tinge of purple and getting deeper ever election.

Yes I know, the Dem plague has been spreading in VA.
The population on the west side supports the east side. They don't have enough people to properly support themselves.

^^^ don't listen to this liberal puke's lies, Eastern Washington state is an agricultural powerhouse and guess where liberal puke Western Washington gets its cheap hydroelectric power...yeah Eastern Washington, we flip the switch to OFF and those snowflakes would come unglued.

She is wrong, the tunnel which is several years late is funded by the state. A tunnel that most people in central, and western Washington will never use and if they do they will have to pay a toll.

You have the light rail project and the federal government has pitched in and they federal government has also promised 1.2 billion more to have the light rail run up to Lynnwood.

So her claim that the Seattle area supports its self and the Central and East side of the state is more arrogance and lies.
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

What kind of gun safety laws?

I'll bet you can't answer cherently.

I don't know what the laws are in Texas.

I'm hopeful that they pass some good gun safety laws.

Which is what I said in the post you replied to.

Like what?

Why do you libtards speak out and then can never justify anything except your own stupidity?

I will ask again, what is a good gun safety law?

Ok I'm hopeful that they pass safety laws like the ones in my state.

If you don't know what they are, do a search. I've already listed six things they can do to have more gun safety laws. Just because you chose to ignore it doesn't mean that I didn't post it.
Under this bill...

1. Gun owners can now be CRIMINALLY charged if someone else takes their gun without permission.

2. Enhanced background checks and longer waiting periods, holds of up to 30 days, creation of a state background check system. The burden for this bureaucratic nightmare falls on local law enforcement to process, no funding for it shocker.

3. You must now be age 21 to purchase a semiautomatic rifle. The bill claims "the brain is not fully mature until age 21", seriously the bill says that.

4. You must now have a concealed carry permit to purchase a handgun, more road blocks to our 2nd amendment rights.

5. Vague gun storage laws that make gun owners subject to CRIMINAL prosecution if they do not store guns in their home as government dictates.

6. Gathers massive amounts of documentation about the gun purchaser, in triplicate.

Yes and it's now law in my state.

I'm doing my happy dance along with millions of other sane people in my state.

The people voted for it by a large margin. It passed with 60% approval.

When you take the decision out of the hands of bribed politicians, the people pass good gun safety laws.

I voted with the majority.

Another good law that was on the ballot this year was proper training for police so they will have more ways to stop shooting innocent people. More training to resolve situations without the use of guns. The use of deadly force will decrease and it will be much easier to prosecute police for killing an innocent person in Washington now. That initiative easily passed too with 60% of the people voting for it. I voted for it.

It shows that the people are sick and tired of police not being prosecuted when they kill an innocent person and that we're sick and tired of no proper gun safety laws. We enacted it ourselves so the nra couldn't bribe any politician to stop it.

Initiative 940, modifying law regulating police use of deadly force, passes with strong support

What is a proper gun safety law? Why can't you answer the question?

I already did. Just because you ignore it doesn't mean I didn't post it.

What about what I posted won't help with gun safety?
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

What kind of gun safety laws?

I'll bet you can't answer cherently.

I don't know what the laws are in Texas.

I'm hopeful that they pass some good gun safety laws.

Which is what I said in the post you replied to.

Like what?

Why do you libtards speak out and then can never justify anything except your own stupidity?

I will ask again, what is a good gun safety law?

Ok I'm hopeful that they pass safety laws like the ones in my state.

If you don't know what they are, do a search. I've already listed six things they can do to have more gun safety laws. Just because you chose to ignore it doesn't mean that I didn't post it.

So you have no clue and are a parrot. Thanks.
The population on the west side supports the east side. They don't have enough people to properly support themselves.

^^^ don't listen to this liberal puke's lies, Eastern Washington state is an agricultural powerhouse and guess where liberal puke Western Washington gets its cheap hydroelectric power...yeah Eastern Washington, we flip the switch to OFF and those snowflakes would come unglued.

She is wrong, the tunnel which is several years late is funded by the state. A tunnel that most people in central, and western Washington will never use and if they do they will have to pay a toll.

You have the light rail project and the federal government has pitched in and they federal government has also promised 1.2 billion more to have the light rail run up to Lynnwood.

So her claim that the Seattle area supports its self and the Central and East side of the state is more arrogance and lies.

Portland has spent BILLIONS on its failed light rail system, meanwhile its a 20 mile traffic jam in all directions daily.
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

What kind of gun safety laws?

I'll bet you can't answer cherently.

I don't know what the laws are in Texas.

I'm hopeful that they pass some good gun safety laws.

Which is what I said in the post you replied to.

Like what?

Why do you libtards speak out and then can never justify anything except your own stupidity?

I will ask again, what is a good gun safety law?

Ok I'm hopeful that they pass safety laws like the ones in my state.

If you don't know what they are, do a search. I've already listed six things they can do to have more gun safety laws. Just because you chose to ignore it doesn't mean that I didn't post it.

You haven't listed any gun safety laws. Perhaps that is the problem. You see an infringement of the 2nd Amendment as safety.

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