More Fake News from the AP

Yes I have. The only explanation for that idiot statement is what I gave you. The lie is that their secretaries pay more taxes than they do. It only works if you look only at income taxes and not at capital gains taxes.

How else can it be said? Capital gains taxes are one form of income taxes. I gave you the links; click on them.

What's the matter? Having trouble reading today? Are you aware of what the argument is about?
This is what I know:
  • Your claim that capital gains are not income is factually wrong, and it is factually wrong no matter what context that claim is made under.
  • Capital gains taxes are a form of income taxes. You are factually incorrect when you say they are not.
  • Not one person I have ever met, taught, studied with, worked with, hired, etc. who has even the barest amount of training in taxation would call capital gains taxes "corporate gains taxes."
  • And you know what else you are factually wrong about? CEOs not taking salaries. The overwhelming majority of CEOs receive a salary along with other forms of compensation.
So what I am coming to know more and more is that you are having this conversation and you don't actually know what are talking about as goes the matter of capital gains, income, and CEOs. And you can sit there and reply that you are "this and that" and you know so and so, but that's just empty words when placed against the clear factual errors you've made multiple times and that, were you to know what you are talking about, you would not have made at all.

Here's what I know:

1. You can't understand what you read or else you have an idea what you think I'm going to say and don't bother to read.
2. I never said it wasn't income, I said it wasn't taxed as income like a salary is.
3. Capital Gains are not subject to INCOME TAX. They are taxed separately as Capital Gains taxes.

Look at this:

It's true that many CEOs may not pay any (and pay close attention here you stupid lefties) INCOME taxes. What they pay are Corporate gains taxes

Capital gains are income. Income is taxed. Capital gains is, therefore, taxed as income. Nuff said.

The distinction you are trying inadequately to make is that of wages/salary versus capital gains And again, that you don't know that indicates you don't know what you are talking about. If you had clicked on the link I provided for you, you'd have seen that all of them -- wages/salaries, capital gains, retirement income, dividend income, interest income, etc. -- are income.
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I laugh that you don't see the irony in your calling someone else a drone whilst offusively euolgising your own bondange. You're brainless, heartless and spineless all at the same time, all you're missing is a pair of ruby slippers.

You're missing a frontal lobe. I have no idea what point you attempted to make with that gibberish, but it does nothing to further what I assume would be your argument that you should have the right to take other people's shit because you believe someone else deserves it more.

You're too stupid to understand me, it's okay I really should have realised from the moronic garbage you're pouring out.

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