More Evidence That Covid Is A Scam

So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
With the fake news media and thousands of scumbags such as yourself purposefully and knowingly lying by falsely claiming that the POTUS said COVID 19 is a hoax, it's no wonder so many people believe it's a hoax.

You're a scumbag. If you died from COVID 19 that would be poetic justice for the dangerous lies, that you know damn well are lies, that you spread. I hope karma gets you.
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With the fake news media and thousands of scumbags such as yourself purposefully lying by falsely claiming that the POTUS said COVID 19 is a hoax, it's no wonder so many people think it's a hoax. You're a scumbag.[/QUOTE]
Sure, I'll take the blame for your behaviors. I'm well aware of your dependence on victimology.

Doesn't matter to me.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
Here's a better explanation:

COVID 19 can cause abnormal blood clotting. When a blood clot clogs one of your coronary arteries, thus starving the heart muscle of oxygen, that's called a myocardial infarction, aka a heart attack in layman's terms.

Letlow was likely undergoing a procedure (either a coronary angioplasty or bypass surgery) to remove a blood clot in one of his coronary arteries and they either failed, there were complications or they were just too late.
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All the same Q garbage in garbage out. Denial of a deadly virus as people died and denial of an election as people came out in droves to not vote for Biden but to vote AGAINST the sociopathic grifter. Twitler's death and denial Reichwing cult is the quintessential example of the dumbing-down of America.

The Mentality That Explains Trump’s Dead-Enders
All of us try to resolve cognitive dissonance, but the Trump movement has been a years-long exercise in it. Election denial is its latest manifestation. But before that came COVID denial, science denial, climate denial, ‘alternative facts,’ the inability of Trump’s most devoted fans to see him for the obvious con man that he is, and, at the movement’s very core, denial of the social and demographic changes that are transforming America.
The Mentality That Explains Trump’s Dead-Enders (
The Mentality That Explains Trump’s Dead-Enders

"sociopathic grifter."

You can't go wrong counting on Leftist fools getting it backwards.

View attachment 435875
According to Trump, he was worth 3 billion before the election, as he so stated. One year later in front of the UN, he bragged about being worth 10 billion dollars--after only ONE year. His words.
I heard him and so did you if you were listening. The guy is a grifter.

View attachment 436316
You (and the rest of the Rump Klown Posse) have been "had"... sold down the river by a fragile con-man...

And, of course, none of this makes the very real Covid-19 pandemic go away...
...Watch this:...

...I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack...
Please do.

...Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies...
Rump's lying to the American Public about the nature of the pandemic is anti-American.

Rump's damaging of American economic and military alliances are anti-American.

Rump's public labeling of a free press as 'enemies of the people' is anti-American.

Rump's public suggestion that he take-on a Chinese -style Presidency-for-Life is anti-American.

Rump's attempts to sic the Department of Justice on his opponent and his family on the eve of a general election is anti-American.

...and on and on and on...

...And when you can't...
Your prediction failed, as did your Failed Orange Baboon-God Messiah with the tiny hands. :laugh: will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters. It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.
Fortunately for me, I'm no Leftist; nor are a great many others online here who know your dictator-wannabe Baboon-God for what he is and who oppose him.
Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
An interesting mixture of truth with bull$hit propagandist interpretations, never mind questioning the so-called 'anti-Americanism' of many of those bullet points.


Oh, and, by the way...

By virtue of the speed with which you were (supposedly) prepared to 'pounce', the split-second that an answer was served-up...

We may safely surmise that you are a hopeless political shill, with your nose so far up the Baboon God's a$$ that if he ever came to a sudden stop, you would suffer a smashed, gooey, smelly, brown nose, and spend a week q-tipping $hit out of your nostrils...

What an a$$-ki$$er you are... you are scum...


Let's see you defend your Orange Baboon-God's failure to properly lead the United States throughout the course of the pandemic...

You know... the REAL reason why the POS lost...

Oh, sure... he gets the credit for launching Warp Speed...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

But that doesn't excuse his arrogance and ignorance and his infection of thousands of followers, including members of his own family...

Fortunately, the Republic can shove your POS off to the side after January 20th to some hole or another where he can't do any more damage in an official capacity.
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First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

The hoax is that the coronavirus is only deadly to the elderly or people with underlying health conditions.

This is a healthy 41 year old white male, who died from the coronavirus. As explained, one of the manifestations of COVID-19 that they found from the autopsies is that it causes blood clots.

Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died of COVID-19 complications, was operated on for a blood clot before he succumbed to a heart attack, according to a new report.

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus, the Monroe News-Star reported.

The second operation appeared to be successful on Tuesday but he died later that day from a heart attack at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport, the paper reported.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

The hoax is that the coronavirus is only deadly to the elderly or people with underlying health conditions.

This is a healthy 41 year old white male, who died from the coronavirus. As explained, one of the manifestations of COVID-19 that they found from the autopsies is that it causes blood clots.

Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died of COVID-19 complications, was operated on for a blood clot before he succumbed to a heart attack, according to a new report.

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus, the Monroe News-Star reported.

The second operation appeared to be successful on Tuesday but he died later that day from a heart attack at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport, the paper reported.

You altered my post to change the meaning.

Get lost, low-life scum.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
What's his face died from a heart attack. A heart attack suffered during heart surgery to remove a covid caused blood clot.

Take your crazy conspiracy theories to the proper forum please.

What did the Liberal Slate headline say he died of?
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
What's his face died from a heart attack. A heart attack suffered during heart surgery to remove a covid caused blood clot.

Take your crazy conspiracy theories to the proper forum please.

What did the Liberal Slate headline say he died of?
The facts that he died of covid-19 is indisputable.

Take your conspiracy theory crap to the proper forum.
You altered my post to change the meaning.

Get lost, low-life scum.

I reposted your quote without changing a word. All I did was cut off your run-on rants.

First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

The hoax is that the coronavirus is only deadly to the elderly or people with underlying health conditions.

This is a healthy 41 year old white male, who died from the coronavirus. As explained, one of the manifestations of COVID-19 that they found from the autopsies is that it causes blood clots.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
What's his face died from a heart attack. A heart attack suffered during heart surgery to remove a covid caused blood clot.

Take your crazy conspiracy theories to the proper forum please.

What did the Liberal Slate headline say he died of?
The facts that he died of covid-19 is indisputable.fa

Take your conspiracy theory crap to the proper forum.

What did the Liberal Slate headline say he died of?

Seems you're afraid to answer, and face the truth.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
You try so hard to come across as smart and sophisticated but often you cross to stupidity.

Why dont you visit hospitals and see for your own eyes? Or ask ICU nurses and doctors?
Oh, sure... he gets the credit for launching Warp Speed...

Yeah..............Trump ass kissers (not saying you, just responding to your note) are going to give Trump the credit for launching Warp Speed. Only trouble is, Trump promised to have 20 million people vaccinated by the beginning of the New Year. Only problem is, there have only been about 2 million vaccinated. Trump's "Warp Speed" is more like a turtle crawl. And, he's not taking responsibility for his poor management, he's trying to blame the states for not doing it quicker. Trump and all of his policies are failed, just like the Orange Cheeto is.
The virus is real. I think the question is how deadly is it really? More than flu or pnumonia?

How deadly is it really? Might wanna go talk to those in the hospitals (doctors and nurses) who have been trying to save those who have been infected. Trump said that at the most, it would be only around 200,000 to 250,000. Sadly, his estimate of deaths was woefully underrated, and it's getting worse by the day.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
You try so hard to come across as smart and sophisticated but often you cross to stupidity.

Why dont you visit hospitals and see for your own eyes? Or ask ICU nurses and doctors?

"smart and sophisticated "....the least of it. Add brilliant.

What the heck....add stunning.

Now.....the education you so sorely need: the majority of those who died already had DNRs.

"Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

DNR patients had higher hazard ratios for risk of death and lower survival outcomes compared to non-DNR patients. The association between DNR status and poor clinical outcomes remained independently significant after adjustment for important clinical factors, including age, gender, COVID-19 symptoms at the time of admission and comorbidities.

"This study is notable because it indicates that many patients who died in these hospitals were quite ill to begin with. If this trend held in larger samples of the national population, at least one prediction made by Imperial College researcher Neil Ferguson may bear out. When he revised his statistics, he told officials in the U.K. that a significant portion of COVID-19 deaths in the country would likely have happened within the next six to twelve months without the virus"

This is where you say 'duhhhhhh.....'
The virus is real. I think the question is how deadly is it really? More than flu or pnumonia?

And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

Yet it served as the Democrat's reason to destroy the economy.
The virus is real. I think the question is how deadly is it really? More than flu or pnumonia?

How deadly is it really? Might wanna go talk to those in the hospitals (doctors and nurses) who have been trying to save those who have been infected. Trump said that at the most, it would be only around 200,000 to 250,000. Sadly, his estimate of deaths was woefully underrated, and it's getting worse by the day.

And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

Yet it served as the Democrat's reason to destroy the economy.

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