More EPIC Obama fail? UN to allow Iran to inspect some of its own nuclear facilities...

Its either this deal or war.

The nonsensical gibbering of a manipulated mind.
Hey, billy! Although it will surprise you to know, I do NOT remember this...but...I have read of a similar situation in our history, in Wilson's effort to get a 'League of Nations' up and running back in 1918. The fact that the predicted follow-up war didn't occur immediately did not give lie to the prognosis of doom we ignored back then. Everybody had a 'darn good' reason to reject the proposal. Most called it a breech of sovereignty. We just took a 25 year break is all, but renewed hostility was inevitable according to many in the day. So I am not quite ready to ignore the doomsayers of the Iranian negotiations yet. BTW, who inspects our nuclear facilities?
We will have to use violent means to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons WITHOUT Obama's deal. We will have to use violent means to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons WITH Obama's deal. It is inevitable either way. Ergo, 'tis better to tighten the screws now and slow their progress as much as possible.

And under those circumstances, I'd prefer not to give the Nobel Committee another opportunity to embarrass themselves by presenting John Kerry with their heavily-tarnished award.

BTW, who inspects our nuclear facilities?

Russia on occasion, and that's dependent upon political circumstances.

We are not among equals here if that is your point, and it is a fallacy to think that we are.
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Its either this deal or war.

If you are for war then get your rifle, sign the paper, and ship out. Or send your son. That should be the requirement for every person in Congress that votes against this deal.

Don't like it? Good, get on the chopper.
this is the worst kind of stupid argument. Noting in politics is either/or. Is Iran stupid enough to go to war they are going to loose? They are batchit crazay, but not stupid

So try to follow.

If no deal then they will continue on and complete a bomb, which everyone understands they are months away from.

So what will the options be at that point? ... uh huh

The options will be the same when they blatantly continue AFTER the "deal".
Clinton once made a deal with North Korea, and what happened? They completely disregarded it. This "deal" is a damn joke and almost ensures Iran gets a bomb. We all know it to be true, even if you guys on the left lie to yourselves about it...

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The North Koreans were treated like lepers by Bush and they told him the U.S. wasn't living up to its part of the treaty and they were moving ahead with development.

Bush's response? He held a military exercise near North Korea.

And then did nothing for the next 8 years. Pretty much what Republicans think will work again. Why is it cons never learn anything from their mistakes? Its a bizarre brain fault.
They resumed work before Clinton left office. It has nothing to do with Bush or repubs. It has to do with the fact that they're some nations that can't be trusted to stick to the deal. Sanctions and possible force are the best solutions.

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Its either this deal or war.

The nonsensical gibbering of a manipulated mind.

People like you see the world through and angry fearful filter. You are quite ignorant of reality.

Iran isn't a threat to anyone, especially not the U.S. But conservatives have this never ending NEED to find evil-doers out to harm them in every corner of life. Its like you people have a gene that craves being afraid.

Fine, you're scared, of nothing. You are entitled to cower in your basement and wait for 'doomsday'. And its always a new doomsday. It used to be the Russians, then it was Al Qaeda, then Isis, now Iran.

The only entity that WAS a threat was Russia, and we stood toe to toe with them and faced down that threat. The rest of them are mice who's tiny meek little squeak TERRIFIES you people.

Fine, we get it, you are terrified of nothing. go hide.
Its either this deal or war.

The nonsensical gibbering of a manipulated mind.

People like you see the world through and angry fearful filter. You are quite ignorant of reality.

Iran isn't a threat to anyone, especially not the U.S. But conservatives have this never ending NEED to find evil-doers out to harm them in every corner of life. Its like you people have a gene that craves being afraid.

Fine, you're scared, of nothing. You are entitled to cower in your basement and wait for 'doomsday'. And its always a new doomsday. It used to be the Russians, then it was Al Qaeda, then Isis, now Iran.

The only entity that WAS a threat was Russia, and we stood toe to toe with them and faced down that threat. The rest of them are mice who's tiny meek little squeak TERRIFIES you people.

Fine, we get it, you are terrified of nothing. go hide.
Isaac, are you referring to me or to Billy Kinetta? I ask because I am for the negotiated deal with Iran, and my friend billy is against it. And he filters every event thru the 'Red Scare' atmosphere of his childhood. We are always at opposites, with the exception of parenting, and I like him. But it looks like you 'see' him clearly from the gitgo.
Its either this deal or war.

The nonsensical gibbering of a manipulated mind.

People like you see the world through and angry fearful filter. You are quite ignorant of reality.

Iran isn't a threat to anyone, especially not the U.S. But conservatives have this never ending NEED to find evil-doers out to harm them in every corner of life. Its like you people have a gene that craves being afraid.

Fine, you're scared, of nothing. You are entitled to cower in your basement and wait for 'doomsday'. And its always a new doomsday. It used to be the Russians, then it was Al Qaeda, then Isis, now Iran.

The only entity that WAS a threat was Russia, and we stood toe to toe with them and faced down that threat. The rest of them are mice who's tiny meek little squeak TERRIFIES you people.

Fine, we get it, you are terrified of nothing. go hide.
Isaac, are you referring to me or to Billy Kinetta? I ask because I am for the negotiated deal with Iran, and my friend billy is against it. And he filters every event thru the 'Red Scare' atmosphere of his childhood. We are always at opposites, with the exception of parenting, and I like him. But it looks like you 'see' him clearly from the gitgo.

Yeah sorry, I quoted the wrong post.

Its these cons that are scared of ants. They drag fear around with them like a 5 year old drags around their blanky.

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