More Economic Good News: Recovery Stronger than expected


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Economists say recovery looks stronger than expected -

The recovery is shaping up to be stronger than expected and there is little risk the economy will slip back into a recession, according to USA TODAY's quarterly survey of 46 leading economists.
Yet most still say the rebound will fall short of the sharp, V-shaped upturns that often follow severe slumps, and the 9.7% jobless rate will fall slowly.

As the Fed meets to assess the economy this week, seven in 10 economists say they're more optimistic than they were three months ago.

"I think we've gotten to a point where it's a self-sustaining recovery," says Standard & Poor's chief economist David Wyss.

The experts predict growth of 3% this year, up from forecasts of 2.8% in January. In V-shaped upswings, growth is often 7% or more.

None see a return to recession by next year, and those who see some risk say it's lessened markedly.

"I feel more confident ... there'll be no relapse," says Stuart Hoffman, chief economist of PNC Financial Services Group.

Yet while the economists say unemployment will fall steadily this year, their median estimates are for a 9.4% jobless rate at year's end and 8.5% at the end of 2011. More than 80% say the U.S. won't regain all jobs lost in the recession until 2013 or later.

Why the brighter outlook? Consumers are opening their wallets more widely than expected. Retail sales climbed at a 10.1% annualized rate the past three months, highest in four years. Economists cite rising incomes, a stock market rally that makes shoppers feel wealthier and abating fears of layoffs.

Also, manufacturers are feverishly replenishing stocks to meet growing demand. And exports are swelling company earnings.

Wyss, though, cites "big headwinds." Consumers, he says, are too burdened by high debt to
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Yet most still say the rebound will fall short of the sharp, V-shaped upturns that often follow severe slumps, and the 9.7% jobless rate will fall slowly.

Yet while the economists say unemployment will fall steadily this year, their median estimates are for a 9.4% jobless rate at year's end and 8.5% at the end of 2011. More than 80% say the U.S. won't regain all jobs lost in the recession until 2013 or later.

Gee, looks like the "good news" really isn't so good after all. Paint a happy face much?
Still sticking with your 7% unemployment rate by year end?
You know, if economists had any confidence in their predictive abilities they'd be bond traders and not economists.
Yet most still say the rebound will fall short of the sharp, V-shaped upturns that often follow severe slumps, and the 9.7% jobless rate will fall slowly.

Yet while the economists say unemployment will fall steadily this year, their median estimates are for a 9.4% jobless rate at year's end and 8.5% at the end of 2011. More than 80% say the U.S. won't regain all jobs lost in the recession until 2013 or later.

Gee, looks like the "good news" really isn't so good after all. Paint a happy face much?
Still sticking with your 7% unemployment rate by year end?

Good ole Rabbi defending his "Economy will fail" team

How much of a "V" recovery did we get after the Depression? This is the biggest economic collapse since the Depression and the recovery is well ahead of the heralded Reagan recovery in the early 80s

What has happend to your gloom and doom predictions of double dip recession and rampant stagflation? Still waiting

You know I don't do an update on predictions till the month is to you next week
Yet most still say the rebound will fall short of the sharp, V-shaped upturns that often follow severe slumps, and the 9.7% jobless rate will fall slowly.

Yet while the economists say unemployment will fall steadily this year, their median estimates are for a 9.4% jobless rate at year's end and 8.5% at the end of 2011. More than 80% say the U.S. won't regain all jobs lost in the recession until 2013 or later.

Gee, looks like the "good news" really isn't so good after all. Paint a happy face much?
Still sticking with your 7% unemployment rate by year end?

Good ole Rabbi defending his "Economy will fail" team

How much of a "V" recovery did we get after the Depression? This is the biggest economic collapse since the Depression and the recovery is well ahead of the heralded Reagan recovery in the early 80s

What has happend to your gloom and doom predictions of double dip recession and rampant stagflation? Still waiting

You know I don't do an update on predictions till the month is to you next week

Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in. I'm sure your Government and Union workers will be covered at the expense of the rest of us, Party Member, comrade. May the sacrifices of the Proletarian benefit your portfolio. ;););)
Yet most still say the rebound will fall short of the sharp, V-shaped upturns that often follow severe slumps, and the 9.7% jobless rate will fall slowly.

Yet while the economists say unemployment will fall steadily this year, their median estimates are for a 9.4% jobless rate at year's end and 8.5% at the end of 2011. More than 80% say the U.S. won't regain all jobs lost in the recession until 2013 or later.

Gee, looks like the "good news" really isn't so good after all. Paint a happy face much?
Still sticking with your 7% unemployment rate by year end?

Good ole Rabbi defending his "Economy will fail" team

How much of a "V" recovery did we get after the Depression? This is the biggest economic collapse since the Depression and the recovery is well ahead of the heralded Reagan recovery in the early 80s

What has happend to your gloom and doom predictions of double dip recession and rampant stagflation? Still waiting

You know I don't do an update on predictions till the month is to you next week

The comments in the very article you posted did not support the article's headline. I guess the truth won't do when a lie can be told?
We are well on the way to double dip and stagflation. Watch this week's treasury auction and then we'll talk.
The economy is recovereing much to the rights dismay.

Party first all the way huh guys?
Gee, looks like the "good news" really isn't so good after all. Paint a happy face much?
Still sticking with your 7% unemployment rate by year end?

Good ole Rabbi defending his "Economy will fail" team

How much of a "V" recovery did we get after the Depression? This is the biggest economic collapse since the Depression and the recovery is well ahead of the heralded Reagan recovery in the early 80s

What has happend to your gloom and doom predictions of double dip recession and rampant stagflation? Still waiting

You know I don't do an update on predictions till the month is to you next week

Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in. I'm sure your Government and Union workers will be covered at the expense of the rest of us, Party Member, comrade. May the sacrifices of the Proletarian benefit your portfolio. ;););)

Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in.

Do you mean when we return to the tax rates we had before Bush? Those tax cuts didn't seem to do much to help the economy for Bush did they? Only added $2.5 trillion to the deficit and did nothing to fend off a massive recession.

Right comrade?
More Economic Good News: Recovery Stronger than expected

If the expectations of these economists are so off the mark so often, what makes anyone think, other than blind luck via the law of averages, that they're right this time?

It's simple: If the economy is recovering it's because of Obama. If it's bad, its because of Bush.
That explains everything.
More Economic Good News: Recovery Stronger than expected

If the expectations of these economists are so off the mark so often, what makes anyone think, other than blind luck via the law of averages, that they're right this time?

Where is the rightwing in celebrating the economic recovery of our country?

Do they hate Obama so much that they still regret that economic indicators are reversing for the good?
Good ole Rabbi defending his "Economy will fail" team

How much of a "V" recovery did we get after the Depression? This is the biggest economic collapse since the Depression and the recovery is well ahead of the heralded Reagan recovery in the early 80s

What has happend to your gloom and doom predictions of double dip recession and rampant stagflation? Still waiting

You know I don't do an update on predictions till the month is to you next week

Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in. I'm sure your Government and Union workers will be covered at the expense of the rest of us, Party Member, comrade. May the sacrifices of the Proletarian benefit your portfolio. ;););)

Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in.

Do you mean when we return to the tax rates we had before Bush? Those tax cuts didn't seem to do much to help the economy for Bush did they? Only added $2.5 trillion to the deficit and did nothing to fend off a massive recession.

Right comrade?

Are you conveniently ignoring the second largest peacetime expansion in our economy from 2001 to 2007? Sure you are.
More Economic Good News: Recovery Stronger than expected

If the expectations of these economists are so off the mark so often, what makes anyone think, other than blind luck via the law of averages, that they're right this time?

But you know more than them even though you failed to see this economic failure coming when people like me and USC saw it coming years before.
Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in. I'm sure your Government and Union workers will be covered at the expense of the rest of us, Party Member, comrade. May the sacrifices of the Proletarian benefit your portfolio. ;););)

Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in.

Do you mean when we return to the tax rates we had before Bush? Those tax cuts didn't seem to do much to help the economy for Bush did they? Only added $2.5 trillion to the deficit and did nothing to fend off a massive recession.

Right comrade?

Are you conveniently ignoring the second largest peacetime expansion in our economy from 2001 to 2007? Sure you are.


based on a subprime market doomed to fail?
Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in. I'm sure your Government and Union workers will be covered at the expense of the rest of us, Party Member, comrade. May the sacrifices of the Proletarian benefit your portfolio. ;););)

Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in.

Do you mean when we return to the tax rates we had before Bush? Those tax cuts didn't seem to do much to help the economy for Bush did they? Only added $2.5 trillion to the deficit and did nothing to fend off a massive recession.

Right comrade?

Are you conveniently ignoring the second largest peacetime expansion in our economy from 2001 to 2007? Sure you are.

Is that the second largest expansion since Bill Clinton? God...I loved the 90s
More Economic Good News: Recovery Stronger than expected

If the expectations of these economists are so off the mark so often, what makes anyone think, other than blind luck via the law of averages, that they're right this time?

But you know more than them even though you failed to see this economic failure coming when people like me and USC saw it coming years before.
I know enough to know I don't know what 250+ million people are going to do with their money tomorrow...I further know that I can't be surprised because my expectation of what people I don't know did or didn't do with that money didn't pan out, because I had no expectation to begin with.

Or, I'm just barely smart enough to know that I don't know what I can't know and am unashamed to say so....Y'know?
Just wondering on your position after the delayed tax increases kick in.

Do you mean when we return to the tax rates we had before Bush? Those tax cuts didn't seem to do much to help the economy for Bush did they? Only added $2.5 trillion to the deficit and did nothing to fend off a massive recession.

Right comrade?

Are you conveniently ignoring the second largest peacetime expansion in our economy from 2001 to 2007? Sure you are.

Is that the second largest expansion since Bill Clinton? God...I loved the 90s

Based on the housing market? Government mandated gun at your head zero down home loans? based on the gutting on the US military? Yeah right.

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