More economic good news....292,000 jobs added in December


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Now....before you ask
Those were not just seasonal jobs, numbers were seasonally adjusted
They were not "burger flipping jobs" Businesses added 275,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, healthcare and construction..

Payroll surge: Employers added 292,000 jobs in Dec.

Now...let the complaints about labor participation rate begin....
But while business investment has suffered, American consumers have been buoyed by rising home prices, strong job growth, cheap gasoline and reduce household debt. And since consumer spending makes up more than two thirds of economic activity, it, along with the recovering housing market, underpinned last year's sturdy job growth. Besides the strong gains by construction companies and eateries, professional and business services added 73,000 jobs last month; healthcare, 39,000; and transportation and warehousing, 23,000.

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Now...let the complaints about labor participation rate begin....
Ok. Did you notice the participation rate changed? Sneaky, huh? If we used the participation rate from November, then the REAL unemployment rate is 4.8%. Why is Obummer lyiNg??????????

Lying about what?

That the unemployment rate is 5% ?
Now...let the complaints about labor participation rate begin....
Ok. Did you notice the participation rate changed? Sneaky, huh? If we used the participation rate from November, then the REAL unemployment rate is 4.8%. Why is Obummer lyiNg??????????

Lying about what?

That the unemployment rate is 5% ?
Yep. And if we use the labor force participation rate from 1947, we find that teh REAL unemployment rate is NEGATIVE 2.1%. Obviously the books are cooked to make it look like it's 5%.

(do I need an emoticon or emoji to indicate that I'm lampooning those who criticize the numbers?)
President Obama has added 9.3 million jobs since taking office

Over TWICE what both Bush's combined (4 million) could manage
The U.S. economy added 292,000 jobs in December, well ahead of expectations, capping off the second best year of gains since 1999.
The 5.75 million jobs created in the past two years represent the best streak for the labor market since the late 1990s.
The economy has added jobs for 63 straight months and appears on track to maintain that momentum in 2016, with some economists expecting that full employment will be reached by mid-year.
Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, said the annual average unemployment rate has seen its fastest two-year decline in 30 years.
Furman noted that the private sector has added 14.1 million jobs over 70 straight months, extending the longest streak on record.

From the GOP:

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said that “while this report is better than expected, millions of more Americans would be working today if the Obama administration had spent less time growing Washington and more time growing our local economy.”

"If President Obama wants to make a real difference during his last year in office, he’ll use his final State of the Union address to propose new ways to break down barriers to job creation and encourage economic growth,” he said.

Economy adds 292K jobs in December

Republicans held both houses and the majority of the Supreme Court for nearly 5 years under Bush and that's what those *holes say? What have they done to help the president. People who vote those goons into office get what they deserve. Why punish the rest of us?
The U.S. economy added 292,000 jobs in December, well ahead of expectations, capping off the second best year of gains since 1999.
The 5.75 million jobs created in the past two years represent the best streak for the labor market since the late 1990s.
The economy has added jobs for 63 straight months and appears on track to maintain that momentum in 2016, with some economists expecting that full employment will be reached by mid-year.
Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, said the annual average unemployment rate has seen its fastest two-year decline in 30 years.
Furman noted that the private sector has added 14.1 million jobs over 70 straight months, extending the longest streak on record.

From the GOP:

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said that “while this report is better than expected, millions of more Americans would be working today if the Obama administration had spent less time growing Washington and more time growing our local economy.”

"If President Obama wants to make a real difference during his last year in office, he’ll use his final State of the Union address to propose new ways to break down barriers to job creation and encourage economic growth,” he said.

Economy adds 292K jobs in December

Republicans held both houses and the majority of the Supreme Court for nearly 5 years under Bush and that's what those *holes say? What have they done to help the president. People who vote those goons into office get what they deserve. Why punish the rest of us?

Republicans have been sitting on the Obama Jobs Bill that provides billions for infrastructure improvement for five years now

They are more interested in repealing Obamacare
The US economy charges ahead even in the face of massive global headwinds.The labor force participation ticked up. Our economy has now added more jobs over the past two years than in any two-year period since 1998-2000. In fact, the annual average unemployment rate has seen its fastest two-year decline in thirty years. Most importantly, wages have risen faster over the past year than at any time since the recovery began. Our businesses have now added 14.1 million jobs over 70 straight months, extending the longest streak on record.

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