More Clinton emails to be labeled 'top secret,' lawmaker says


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
More Clinton emails to be labeled 'top secret,' lawmaker says 02/03/16 03:55 PM EST

A Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee warned on Wednesday that the Obama administration will declare that additional emails from Hillary Clinton’s personal server during her time as secretary of State have been classified at the highest level.

“The press has reporting there’s been 22 emails. There’s actually more than that," Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) said on Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom” on Wednesday.

“They do reveal classified methods. They do reveal classified sources and they do reveal human assets,” he added. “I can't imagine how anyone could be familiar with these emails, whether they’re sending them or receiving them, and not realize that these are highly classified.”

Clinton and her allies have been dismissive of the concern, chalking it up to politically motivated leaks and“over-classification run amok.”

Kirby on Wednesday did not address Stewart’s allegations about the emails, but appeared to refute aFox News reportclaiming that the messages contained “operational” information that would put “sources, methods and lives” at risk.

Many of the emails were not sent by Clinton, but originated from an aide sending her information.

More Clinton emails to be labeled 'top secret,' lawmaker says

People are getting tired of the threads about new emails found to be illegally sent on Hillary’s server? It just keeps on coming.
Who decides what's "top secret "? What are the standards ?
Who decides what's "top secret "? What are the standards ?

National Security Information

National security information is marked to alert recipients about its sensitivity. Despite its importance, marking is often considered to be a nuisance. However, once you understand the basic principles and the goals of marking, you will find that marking is just a matter of common sense.

Classifiers (original and derivative) are responsible for assuring that information is properly marked.

Storage of Classified Material

Classified information must be protected or stored in a locked security container when not under control or when not located in an area approved for open storage.

Only GSA approved security containers or approved open storage areas are authorized for storage of classified information.

Automated Information System

(AIS) Equipment Classified information may only be processed on accredited AIS equipment or office equipment (i.e., typewriters, copiers, etc.) that has been approved for processing classified information.

Throughout NIMA, AIS equipment and office equipment has been marked to indicate the level of information authorized to be processed.

Original Classfication:

The initial determination that information requires, in the interest of national security, protection against unauthorized disclosure. It is the act of deciding that information never classified before meets the criteria to be designated as classified information.

Although the process of making original classification decisions can be complex and difficult, it consists basically of six steps (see chart):

1. Already Classified: The first question you should ask yourself is “has the information been previously classified.” If you use classified information from other sources then your document needs derivative classification. If you determine that the information has never been classified then your next step is determining the eligibility of the document to be classified. Contact your classification manager if you are unsure.

2. Eligibility for Classification: a. Is the information official? Official information is any knowledge that is owned by, produced by or produced for, and is under the control of the United States Government. b. The following are not reasons to classify information: (1) In no case shall information be classified in order to: (a) Conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (b) Prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (c) Restrain competition; or (d) Prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of national security. (2) Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the national security may not be classified.

(3) Information may not be reclassified after it has been declassified and released to the public under proper authority.

(4) Information that has not previously been disclosed to the public under proper authority may be classified or reclassified after an agency has received a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act or the Privacy Act of 1974, or the mandatory review provisions of EO 12958 section 3.6 only if such classification meets the requirements of this order and is accomplished on a document by document basis with the personal participation or under the direction of the agency head, the deputy agency head, or the senior agency official designated under EO 12958 section 5.6.

(5) Compilation of items of information which are individually unclassified may be classified if the compiled information reveals an additional association or relationship that: (a) meets the standards for classification under EO 12958; and (b) is not otherwise revealed in the individual items of information. As used in this order, "compilation" means an aggregation of pre-existing unclassified items of information

c. Information may be considered for classification only if it falls within one of the following categories:

(1) military plans, weapons systems, or operations

(2) foreign government information

(3) intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology

(4) foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources (

5) scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to the national security (

6) United States Government programs for safeguarding nuclear material or facilities

(7) vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects or plans relating to the national security.

3. Damage Caused by Unauthorized Disclosure: The decision to apply classification involves two sub-elements, both of which require the application of reasoned judgment on the part of the classifier. a. A determination that the unauthorized disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security of the United States, and that the damage can be identified or described. It is not necessary for the original classifier to produce a written description of the damage at the time of classification, but the classifier must be prepared to do so if the information becomes the subject of a classification challenge, a request for mandatory review for declassification, or a request for release under the Freedom of Information Act. b. A determination of the probable operations, technological and resource impact of classification

Just a bit about Top Secret. Check out SAP also. From my understanding, the president gives the final clearance for someone to see TS documents. The people have to go through investigations as well.
I'm shocked. A repube house member said something bad about Hillary, with nothing to prove the claim. I'm sure we have never seen that before.
I'm shocked. A repube house member said something bad about Hillary, with nothing to prove the claim. I'm sure we have never seen that before.
I would go along with your sarcasm except these "leaks?" have been substantiated in the past.
I'm shocked. A repube house member said something bad about Hillary, with nothing to prove the claim. I'm sure we have never seen that before.
I would go along with your sarcasm except these "leaks?" have been substantiated in the past.

False claims have been thrown at her since the 90s. Not a single one has been found to be true. If they had been true, she would have been caught long ago.
Why are they bothering?
Nothing is going to happen to her...
I'm sure this has already been decided by the higher ups.
I'm shocked. A repube house member said something bad about Hillary, with nothing to prove the claim. I'm sure we have never seen that before.
I would go along with your sarcasm except these "leaks?" have been substantiated in the past.

False claims have been thrown at her since the 90s. Not a single one has been found to be true. If they had been true, she would have been caught long ago.
What has been reported the past year that wasn't true? Are you saying the "E Mail problem" isn't real? She has admitted using private server (illegal) and the intelligence community have have admitted that TS material was on it. (illegal) Clinton is saying it was a "mistake,"
How can any Secretary of State function and do their jobs, if the only govt system the sec of State is given by the gvt to use with all employees and 'higher ups' is the .gov, UNCLASSIFIED system? The dot/gov server, that Sec of States are suppose to use is no more secure than Hillary's private secure server....they are BOTH considered unclassified systems.... so even if Hillary had a dot-gov email account, these things in her email would still be classified things on a dot-gov UNCLASSIFIED email account as well....

So the issue is not really her using her own email server, because as said, the dot gov email server is an unclassified system too.

Seems like the State department needs a classified system to work off of....instead of this unclassified system???
Who decides what's "top secret "? What are the standards ?

The agency initiating the information determines the level of security whether it be confidential, secret, top secret, top secret SCI or SAP.

Additionally, they can label it eyes only - which means read only access

So, if the CIA,DIA, NSA, NRO, or any of the other alphabet agencies send out ANY correspondence, it MUST be labeled with (1) the level of security and (2) whether it is readable only or if copying is allowed.

When the beast received the Emails on her bathroom server it was marked - regardless of what the liar says.
How can any Secretary of State function and do their jobs, if the only govt system the sec of State is given by the gvt to use with all employees and 'higher ups' is the .gov, UNCLASSIFIED system? The dot/gov server, that Sec of States are suppose to use is no more secure than Hillary's private secure server....they are BOTH considered unclassified systems.... so even if Hillary had a dot-gov email account, these things in her email would still be classified things on a dot-gov UNCLASSIFIED email account as well....

So the issue is not really her using her own email server, because as said, the dot gov email server is an unclassified system too.

Seems like the State department needs a classified system to work off of....instead of this unclassified system???
Very interesting./ Do you have a link for that?
I'm shocked. A repube house member said something bad about Hillary, with nothing to prove the claim. I'm sure we have never seen that before.
I would go along with your sarcasm except these "leaks?" have been substantiated in the past.

False claims have been thrown at her since the 90s. Not a single one has been found to be true. If they had been true, she would have been caught long ago.
What has been reported the past year that wasn't true? Are you saying the "E Mail problem" isn't real? She has admitted using private server (illegal) and the intelligence community have have admitted that TS material was on it. (illegal) Clinton is saying it was a "mistake,"

After 9 or 10 (so many I lost track) separate investigations, many of them republican run, and all the previous republican leaks that said she was guilty of everything from issuing a stand down order, to claiming she somehow wanted the people to die, none of those claims have been found to be true. What makes you think the latest so called leaks are any different? You really should get a grown up to read "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf" to you.
More Clinton emails to be labeled 'top secret,' Republican says

On Fox News.
Who decides what's "top secret "? What are the standards ?

The agency initiating the information determines the level of security whether it be confidential, secret, top secret, top secret SCI or SAP.

Additionally, they can label it eyes only - which means read only access

So, if the CIA,DIA, NSA, NRO, or any of the other alphabet agencies send out ANY correspondence, it MUST be labeled with (1) the level of security and (2) whether it is readable only or if copying is allowed.

When the beast received the Emails on her bathroom server it was marked - regardless of what the liar says.
Storage of Classified Material

Classified information must be protected or stored in a locked security container when not under control or when not located in an area approved for open storage.
Only GSA approved security containers or approved open storage areas are authorized for storage of classified information.

Automated Information System
(AIS) Equipment Classified information may only be processed on accredited AIS equipment or office equipment (i.e., typewriters, copiers, etc.) that has been approved for processing classified information. Throughout NIMA, AIS equipment and office equipment has been marked to indicate the level of information authorized to be processed.

This is what I have referenced.

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