More Biden Being Out Of Touch With Ordinary Americans

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
CNN's Erin Burnett asks Biden if he can turn the economy around in time for the November election and Biden says he's already turned it around while the truth is inflation is going higher and interest rates are not coming down. Americans can't afford to live now and it's more of Biden saying that everything's just fine. Then he goes on to complain about banks charges for bounced checks and late payment fees on credit cards. He doesn't even realize that if Americans could afford to live they wouldn't be bouncing checks or making late payments on credit cards or even having to charge groceries on their cards because prices are so high.

So I think most literate Americans understand the Big Picture on the economy.

(1) The economy was cooking along pretty nicely under Trump, largely because of his policies (taxes, trade, etc.).

(2) The Pandemic fucked up the economy - not going into the specific stupid policies, but just saying what it was.

(3) The Democrats decided to use the Pandemic to spend the country into perdition, then refused to scale it back after the Pandemic was over and the economy was starting to come back on its own.

(4) Government spending created inflation and higher interest rates, which harmed working class people seriously.

(5) Biden is trying to take credit for the return of the millions of jobs that were destroyed by the Pandemic - jobs which were coming back regardless. He had nothing to do with it.

Nobody is buying Biden's attempt to take credit for the recovery of the post-Pandemic economy.
So I think most literate Americans understand the Big Picture on the economy.

(1) The economy was cooking along pretty nicely under Trump, largely because of his policies (taxes, trade, etc.).

(2) The Pandemic fucked up the economy - not going into the specific stupid policies, but just saying what it was.

(3) The Democrats decided to use the Pandemic to spend the country into perdition, then refused to scale it back after the Pandemic was over and the economy was starting to come back on its own.

(4) Government spending created inflation and higher interest rates, which harmed working class people seriously.

(5) Biden is trying to take credit for the return of the millions of jobs that were destroyed by the Pandemic - jobs which were coming back regardless. He had nothing to do with it.

Nobody is buying Biden's attempt to take credit for the recovery of the post-Pandemic economy.
Literate Americans understand that Trump inherited the Obama/Biden economy. Trump spent during the pandemic. American government spending did not create the global inflation that existed. Biden has set job growth records above and beyond what were returned after the pandemic. These are the facts literate Americans understand. RWM users understand the fake mess you posted.
Biden and so many democrats have been gaslighting the American public about the economy for years.

They got away with it for a while but its getting way too expensive and Biden has gotten way too old.
You are the one being gaslit. Trump is old.
So I think most literate Americans understand the Big Picture on the economy.

(1) The economy was cooking along pretty nicely under Trump, largely because of his policies (taxes, trade, etc.).

(2) The Pandemic fucked up the economy - not going into the specific stupid policies, but just saying what it was.

(3) The Democrats decided to use the Pandemic to spend the country into perdition, then refused to scale it back after the Pandemic was over and the economy was starting to come back on its own.

(4) Government spending created inflation and higher interest rates, which harmed working class people seriously.

(5) Biden is trying to take credit for the return of the millions of jobs that were destroyed by the Pandemic - jobs which were coming back regardless. He had nothing to do with it.

Nobody is buying Biden's attempt to take credit for the recovery of the post-Pandemic economy.
Most literate Americans understand they can't make ends meet anymore.
Literate Americans understand that Trump inherited the Obama/Biden economy. Trump spent during the pandemic. American government spending did not create the global inflation that existed. Biden has set job growth records above and beyond what were returned after the pandemic. These are the facts literate Americans understand. RWM users understand the fake mess you posted.
Americans understand that under Trump they could afford things and under Biden they cannot. That's why Trump is ahead in every single swing state.
Americans understand that under Trump they could afford things and under Biden they cannot. That's why Trump is ahead in every single swing state.
I am an American and I can afford things just fine. Americans understand how and why things got real cheap during the pandemic and that if trump was president right now we'd be facng the same thing with a leader who would have no clue of how to fix them.

The farmers here in my state who filed bankruptcy thanks to Trumps China trade war, might tell you sonething different.

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