More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

Starting in 1980 the Republicans decided to roll back most of the programs that help poor people and expand opportunities for hard-working members of the middle class.. They also stopped investing in infrastructure and declared war on American education. They did this to make room for tax cuts for the wealthy. With the help of the Clinton Democrats they handed American health care to the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies. By divesting in education and handing healthcare to monopolies, America went from a world leader in these sectors to falling behind most advanced industrial nations.

Yep....imagine how many lives they could have saved....imagine the poor mentally ill people who went homeless after Reagan cut them loose, who either starved or froze to death in the streets.

Actually, though it happened partially during Reagan's presidency, the de-funding of the mental institutes and the tossing into the streets of the mentally ill was completely a progressive brainstorm. Conceived of and completed by liberals who maintained that crazy people needed to be mainstreamed, and Joe Public needed to just deal with them. So that money could be used for other pet projects....abortion, for example.

Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. Defund the crazies and toss them into the streets, so they die off...and use the money you save to abort the shit out of poor black women.

Well much like the right blames Clinton for NAFTA....he signed the bill.
Uh huh.

We were a leader until we went socialist.

Now we such shit, just like you guys do.

Study the economic growth during the 50s and 60s, during the height of new deal liberalism. America had strong labor unions and, as a result, the world's highest-paid middle class. Because wages and benefits were so high, the mother could afford to stay home and raise the kids. That is, the new deal, by protecting and expanding the wages of hard-working American families, ushered in the heyday of American conservativism. The Liberals protected the jobs of American families. However, there was corporate unrest because the wealthy wanted cheaper labor.

After Reagan freed capital to seek cheaper labor in Asia and the developing world, The profits of American corporations skyrocketed, but the wages of American workers remained flat or vanished. Corporations like Nike took advantage of the fact that they could have their sneakers made for pennies a day by workers living in freedom-hating nations beneath dictators. Walmart gets over 50% of its products made in Communist China. By helping corporations ship jobs to cheaper labor markets, Reagan helped corporations cut expensive middle class labor costs out of the loop.

Having lost jobs to China, The American middle-class went on a 30 year borrowing binge just to keep pace. [What else were American families going to do? They needed to provide for their children. So they went deeper and deeper into debt]

Under Reaganomics, credit cards and debt slowly replaced wages. The borrowing got so bad that Americans pawned the last thing they had left with any value: their homes.

Again, compare the thriving economy of the postwar years to the unstable economy of the post-Reagan era, when we had to constantly bailout capital.... and middle-class debt reached Toxic levels.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

You've been lied to.

Thank you... The Reagan Era brought in the unholy alliance between Corporate America and the US Government. Unfortunately... no one seems in a hurry to end that alliance.
I'm not fond of those who exploit and murder women and children...and I'm even less admiring of the armchair abortionists, who don't like to think about what's going on, but defend the sanctity of abortion with every breath they take.

I think they should be judged harshly, and punished severely.

But I pity them, too, because I know they will. If I'm harsh, it's because I'm fighting for your soul, you poor lost baby killer.

Finally....a decent post....I'll even excuse the baby killer part at the end. You see, the difference between you and God is that you don't get to judge. You are not equipped for the job...and neither am I. We see things pretty much only from one perspective.... our own. We don't have the ability to see into the hearts and minds of others, we don't see or hear people pray for forgiveness and know the regret that others feel.

Just remember that...God's laws may be absolute, but his level of forgiveness is beyond what you and I can imagine.

Tsk, tsk. Your lack of biblical comprehension is again coming to the fore.

I am equipped for the job, thanks to the grace of God...and I *get* to by the directive of God.
We are called upon to judge our fellow believers, also to judge non-believers, and, as I said, the bible says we will judge the angels. Perhaps you need to beef up that extensive understanding you claimed to have regarding the bible....
Uh huh.

We were a leader until we went socialist.

Now we such shit, just like you guys do.

Study the economic growth during the 50s and 60s, during the height of new deal liberalism. America had strong labor unions and, as a result, the world's highest-paid middle class. Because wages and benefits were so high, the mother could afford to stay home and raise the kids. That is, the new deal, by protecting and expanding the wages of hard-working American families, ushered in the heyday of American conservativism. The Liberals protected the jobs of American families. However, there was corporate unrest because the wealthy wanted cheaper labor.

After Reagan freed capital to seek cheaper labor in Asia and the developing world, The profits of American corporations skyrocketed, but the wages of American workers remained flat or vanished. Corporations like Nike took advantage of the fact that they could have their sneakers made for pennies a day by workers living in freedom-hating nations beneath dictators. Walmart gets over 50% of its products made in Communist China. By helping corporations ship jobs to cheaper labor markets, Reagan helped corporations cut expensive middle class labor costs out of the loop.

Having lost jobs to China, The American middle-class went on a 30 year borrowing binge just to keep pace. [What else were American families going to do? They needed to provide for their children. So they went deeper and deeper into debt]

Under Reaganomics, credit cards and debt slowly replaced wages. The borrowing got so bad that Americans pawned the last thing they had left with any value: their homes.

Again, compare the thriving economy of the postwar years to the unstable economy of the post-Reagan era, when we had to constantly bailout capital.... and middle-class debt reached Toxic levels.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

You've been lied to.

Thank you... The Reagan Era brought in the unholy alliance between Corporate America and the US Government. Unfortunately... no one seems in a hurry to end that alliance.

At the behest of liberals. I lived it. I wasn't spoon fed lies by socialists, as you were. I watched them let the crazies out. My mother worked at the psych hospital where "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was filmed (now a penitentiary), and I lived through the explosion of homeless people.
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

Stupid is as stupid does.

The US tracks live births different than any other country, so it is perfectly natural that we have more deaths than any other country. Anyone with a brain, and the ability to be honest, would know that, and not make a fool of themselves.

WTF are you talking about? LOL Get some sleep.

They either live or they don't, and when you have a crappe GOP health "system", they're more likely to die...

Did you miss the part where I said live births? If a baby breathes once it is alive in the US, no matter how premature it is, in France a severely premature baby has to breathe for 15 minutes before it is considered alive.
I'm not fond of those who exploit and murder women and children...and I'm even less admiring of the armchair abortionists, who don't like to think about what's going on, but defend the sanctity of abortion with every breath they take.

I think they should be judged harshly, and punished severely.

But I pity them, too, because I know they will. If I'm harsh, it's because I'm fighting for your soul, you poor lost baby killer.

Finally....a decent post....I'll even excuse the baby killer part at the end. You see, the difference between you and God is that you don't get to judge. You are not equipped for the job...and neither am I. We see things pretty much only from one perspective.... our own. We don't have the ability to see into the hearts and minds of others, we don't see or hear people pray for forgiveness and know the regret that others feel.

Just remember that...God's laws may be absolute, but his level of forgiveness is beyond what you and I can imagine.

Tsk, tsk. Your lack of biblical comprehension is again coming to the fore.

I am equipped for the job, thanks to the grace of God...and I *get* to by the directive of God.
We are called upon to judge our fellow believers, also to judge non-believers, and, as I said, the bible says we will judge the angels. Perhaps you need to beef up that extensive understanding you claimed to have regarding the bible....

You're wrong.... judge not, lest ye be judged.... take the log out if your own eye before you point out the mote in hour brother's

But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged
by you or by any*human court.*In fact, I do not even judge myself.
My conscience is clear,*but that does not make me innocent.
It is the Lord who judges me" (1Cor4:3-4)

What about 1 Corinthians 4:5?
"Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time,
before the Lord comes,who will bring to light the things
now hidden in darkness and will disclose the*purposes of
the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.
Thank you for proving my point.

We are to pray, to repent, and then to sit in judgement in a measured time.

I can see why you think if everyone had the biblical comprehension you had, they wouldn't believe...were you the one who said that? Because your comprehension is very, very limited. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and you have a very little knowledge. You're right...if everyone was as limited in their understanding of the Word, they probably would be as misled as you are.
I'm not fond of those who exploit and murder women and children...and I'm even less admiring of the armchair abortionists, who don't like to think about what's going on, but defend the sanctity of abortion with every breath they take.

I think they should be judged harshly, and punished severely.

But I pity them, too, because I know they will. If I'm harsh, it's because I'm fighting for your soul, you poor lost baby killer.

Finally....a decent post....I'll even excuse the baby killer part at the end. You see, the difference between you and God is that you don't get to judge. You are not equipped for the job...and neither am I. We see things pretty much only from one perspective.... our own. We don't have the ability to see into the hearts and minds of others, we don't see or hear people pray for forgiveness and know the regret that others feel.

Just remember that...God's laws may be absolute, but his level of forgiveness is beyond what you and I can imagine.

Tsk, tsk. Your lack of biblical comprehension is again coming to the fore.

I am equipped for the job, thanks to the grace of God...and I *get* to by the directive of God.
We are called upon to judge our fellow believers, also to judge non-believers, and, as I said, the bible says we will judge the angels. Perhaps you need to beef up that extensive understanding you claimed to have regarding the bible....

What a crock of egomaniacal self-righteous bullshit.
Last edited:

Study the economic growth during the 50s and 60s, during the height of new deal liberalism. America had strong labor unions and, as a result, the world's highest-paid middle class. Because wages and benefits were so high, the mother could afford to stay home and raise the kids. That is, the new deal, by protecting and expanding the wages of hard-working American families, ushered in the heyday of American conservativism. The Liberals protected the jobs of American families. However, there was corporate unrest because the wealthy wanted cheaper labor.

After Reagan freed capital to seek cheaper labor in Asia and the developing world, The profits of American corporations skyrocketed, but the wages of American workers remained flat or vanished. Corporations like Nike took advantage of the fact that they could have their sneakers made for pennies a day by workers living in freedom-hating nations beneath dictators. Walmart gets over 50% of its products made in Communist China. By helping corporations ship jobs to cheaper labor markets, Reagan helped corporations cut expensive middle class labor costs out of the loop.

Having lost jobs to China, The American middle-class went on a 30 year borrowing binge just to keep pace. [What else were American families going to do? They needed to provide for their children. So they went deeper and deeper into debt]

Under Reaganomics, credit cards and debt slowly replaced wages. The borrowing got so bad that Americans pawned the last thing they had left with any value: their homes.

Again, compare the thriving economy of the postwar years to the unstable economy of the post-Reagan era, when we had to constantly bailout capital.... and middle-class debt reached Toxic levels.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

You've been lied to.

Thank you... The Reagan Era brought in the unholy alliance between Corporate America and the US Government. Unfortunately... no one seems in a hurry to end that alliance.

At the behest of liberals. I lived it. I wasn't spoon fed lies by socialists, as you were. I watched them let the crazies out. My mother worked at the psych hospital where "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was filmed (now a penitentiary), and I lived through the explosion of homeless people.

Ummm...I lived it too. I'm 48. My mother was a Psych nurse in a Pennsylvania State Hospital.

At the bequest of Liberals? I think you're fooling yourself. OK....prove it to me.
Thank you for proving my point.

We are to pray, to repent, and then to sit in judgement in a measured time.

I can see why you think if everyone had the biblical comprehension you had, they wouldn't believe...were you the one who said that? Because your comprehension is very, very limited. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and you have a very little knowledge. You're right...if everyone was as limited in their understanding of the Word, they probably would be as misled as you are.

No....we are to leave the judgment to God....we are to discern the sins of try to understand and teach when asked....not crap on people you don't like in the name of God.

What you do is play God and judge in his name.

Remember this...

Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. James 3:1
Thank you for proving my point.

We are to pray, to repent, and then to sit in judgement in a measured time.

I can see why you think if everyone had the biblical comprehension you had, they wouldn't believe...were you the one who said that? Because your comprehension is very, very limited. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and you have a very little knowledge. You're right...if everyone was as limited in their understanding of the Word, they probably would be as misled as you are.

Just to didn't read the scripture...only God can judge.... in his time....not yours.
Thank you for proving my point.

We are to pray, to repent, and then to sit in judgement in a measured time.

I can see why you think if everyone had the biblical comprehension you had, they wouldn't believe...were you the one who said that? Because your comprehension is very, very limited. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and you have a very little knowledge. You're right...if everyone was as limited in their understanding of the Word, they probably would be as misled as you are.

Just to didn't read the scripture...only God can judge.... in his time....not yours.

I know the scripture by heart.

And that is not what it says.
Leave god out of the discussion. This is a political forum not a religious theology forum.

Ummm...fuckin' gramps decides to jump into the thread... to add nothing other than to boss people around....pardon me if I tell you to kiss my ass.

This is a PUBLIC POLITICS forum is it not? Ironic that your so called Christian faith has such a short fuse.

Leave god out of the discussion. This is a political forum not a religious theology forum.

Ummm...fuckin' gramps decides to jump into the thread... to add nothing other than to boss people around....pardon me if I tell you to kiss my ass.

This is a PUBLIC POLITICS forum is it not? Ironic that your so called Christian faith has such a short fuse.


Well....who brought up abortion when this thread is about infant mortality? Oh yeah....the same troll that ALWAYS does. But that's OK...because she has an R behind her name.

As far as my short fuse? Treat me with decency and I will return it tenfold. Treat me with disrespect and I will return it in kind. I even let bygones be bygones with KG when she posted with a bare minimum of rationality...and I complimented her on it...after being treated like shit in multiple posts in multiple threads.

So, if your into dissecting people...why don't you point your amazing powers at her?
Ummm...fuckin' gramps decides to jump into the thread... to add nothing other than to boss people around....pardon me if I tell you to kiss my ass.

This is a PUBLIC POLITICS forum is it not? Ironic that your so called Christian faith has such a short fuse.


Well....who brought up abortion when this thread is about infant mortality? Oh yeah....the same troll that ALWAYS does. But that's OK...because she has an R behind her name.

As far as my short fuse? Treat me with decency and I will return it tenfold. Treat me with disrespect and I will return it in kind. I even let bygones be bygones with KG when she posted with a bare minimum of rationality...and I complimented her on it...after being treated like shit in multiple posts in multiple threads.

So, if your into dissecting people...why don't you point your amazing powers at her?

Disrespecting you? Asking a lib AND a rightie to leave god out of the thread is disrespectful? Better tell all your buddies who mock christians regularly.

Disrespecting you lol

Unwad your panties
This is a PUBLIC POLITICS forum is it not? Ironic that your so called Christian faith has such a short fuse.


Well....who brought up abortion when this thread is about infant mortality? Oh yeah....the same troll that ALWAYS does. But that's OK...because she has an R behind her name.

As far as my short fuse? Treat me with decency and I will return it tenfold. Treat me with disrespect and I will return it in kind. I even let bygones be bygones with KG when she posted with a bare minimum of rationality...and I complimented her on it...after being treated like shit in multiple posts in multiple threads.

So, if your into dissecting people...why don't you point your amazing powers at her?

Disrespecting you? Asking a lib AND a rightie to leave god out of the thread is disrespectful? Better tell all your buddies who mock christians regularly.

Disrespecting you lol

Unwad your panties

Did I say you? I'm talking about Cruella DeVille.

My buddies? Who are you talking about? mean Liberals who feel that no one religion should make policy for everyone? The ones that defend people of other faiths from persecution? The ones that have no faith at all?

I find it quite amusing how, when it comes to policy...Conservatives are all about protecting the minority...90% of the people want reasonable measures like background checks? No...we must protect the 10% who don't.

Half the people in this country don't earn enough to raise their families properly without government assistance, and 1% of the country holds most of the wealth? We must protect that 1%.

But....when it comes to religion, that goes out the window....92% of Americans are Christian....and we act like assholes to the other 8%....we demand that they conform to us, and if they complain? They are "persecuting" us.

If we as Christians, would learn to live our lives and let others do the same...we wouldn't have this problem. now the discussion is about whether or not Christians are seeking to establish a theocracy?

I can tell you unequivically we are not.

But don't let that stop you from throwing out that totally unrelated lie. Maybe it will help you, by creating a distraction.

I appreciate a good change of subject. It is indicative that whatever the topic is, I have won.

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