Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

by Christopher S. Rugaber - Jul. 2, 2012 06:22 PM
AP Economics Writer

WASHINGTON -- U.S. manufacturing shrank in June for the first time in nearly three years, adding to signs that economic growth is weakening.

Production and exports declined, and the number of new orders plunged, according to a monthly report released Monday by the Institute for Supply Management.

The slowdown comes as U.S. employers have scaled back hiring, consumers have turned more cautious, Europe faces a recession and manufacturing has slowed in big countries like China.

The trade group of purchasing managers said its index of manufacturing activity fell to 49.7. That's down from 53.5 in May. And it's the lowest reading since July 2009, a month after the Great Recession officially ended. Readings below 50 indicate contraction.

Economists said the manufacturing figures were consistent with growth at an annual rate of 1.5 percent or less. That would be down from the January-March quarter's tepid annual pace of 1.9 percent.

"Our forecast that the U.S. will grow by around 2 percent this year is now looking a bit optimistic," said Paul Dales, an economist at Capital Economics.

Read more: Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

Read more: Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

Stocks rally on strong auto sales, factory orders - Jul. 3, 2012
[ame=]Ben Franklin is the Devil!.flv - YouTube[/ame]
This administration is horrible for the country

They though passing another Government program to make you a slave to them was more important than jobs or the economy

vote them out in November

The Republicasn in Congress have not done a damn thing but stifle the recovery in their ongoing effort to achieve their number one stated goal.

Vote them out in November.
For the record, all I want you to do is use your brain and be honest.

Done and done from the start. Now you.

One step ahead of you buddy. If we were being honest, you would admit that you knew what I meant by health. I'm sorry you prefer to play semantics games rather than be honest.

I little word of advice kid. If you want to be taken seriously, say what you mean and mean what you say. It might help you concentrate better if conservaderp takes his wet nose out of your ass.
Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

by Christopher S. Rugaber - Jul. 2, 2012 06:22 PM
AP Economics Writer

WASHINGTON -- U.S. manufacturing shrank in June for the first time in nearly three years, adding to signs that economic growth is weakening.

Production and exports declined, and the number of new orders plunged, according to a monthly report released Monday by the Institute for Supply Management.

The slowdown comes as U.S. employers have scaled back hiring, consumers have turned more cautious, Europe faces a recession and manufacturing has slowed in big countries like China.

The trade group of purchasing managers said its index of manufacturing activity fell to 49.7. That's down from 53.5 in May. And it's the lowest reading since July 2009, a month after the Great Recession officially ended. Readings below 50 indicate contraction.

Economists said the manufacturing figures were consistent with growth at an annual rate of 1.5 percent or less. That would be down from the January-March quarter's tepid annual pace of 1.9 percent.

"Our forecast that the U.S. will grow by around 2 percent this year is now looking a bit optimistic," said Paul Dales, an economist at Capital Economics.

Read more: Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

Read more: Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

Stocks rally on strong auto sales, factory orders - Jul. 3, 2012

General Motors Stock At 2012 Low, Lifting Loss Taxpayer Losses To Nearly $35 Billion by Andrew Malcolm -
Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

by Christopher S. Rugaber - Jul. 2, 2012 06:22 PM
AP Economics Writer

WASHINGTON -- U.S. manufacturing shrank in June for the first time in nearly three years, adding to signs that economic growth is weakening.

Production and exports declined, and the number of new orders plunged, according to a monthly report released Monday by the Institute for Supply Management.

The slowdown comes as U.S. employers have scaled back hiring, consumers have turned more cautious, Europe faces a recession and manufacturing has slowed in big countries like China.

The trade group of purchasing managers said its index of manufacturing activity fell to 49.7. That's down from 53.5 in May. And it's the lowest reading since July 2009, a month after the Great Recession officially ended. Readings below 50 indicate contraction.

Economists said the manufacturing figures were consistent with growth at an annual rate of 1.5 percent or less. That would be down from the January-March quarter's tepid annual pace of 1.9 percent.

"Our forecast that the U.S. will grow by around 2 percent this year is now looking a bit optimistic," said Paul Dales, an economist at Capital Economics.

Read more: Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

Read more: Manufacturing down first time in 3 years

Stocks rally on strong auto sales, factory orders - Jul. 3, 2012

General Motors Stock At 2012 Low, Lifting Loss Taxpayer Losses To Nearly $35 Billion by Andrew Malcolm -

General Motors' US sales up 16 pct in June - National Business -
We're already borrowing 1.3 trillion dollars a year, genius. We've gone way beyond discussing what the federal government is spending our tax dollars on and into the realm of when they will stop borrowing money from China and printing it out of no where to fund the programs that you want to see put into effect.

Not that you would know head from ass when it comes to fiscal reality.

And that concludes todays economic lesson from the broke financial wizard. :clap2:

I hope you paid attention and learned something, but I seriously doubt that you did. Facts are so confusing to a dumbass.
We're already borrowing 1.3 trillion dollars a year, genius. We've gone way beyond discussing what the federal government is spending our tax dollars on and into the realm of when they will stop borrowing money from China and printing it out of no where to fund the programs that you want to see put into effect.

Not that you would know head from ass when it comes to fiscal reality.

And that concludes todays economic lesson from the broke financial wizard. :clap2:

I hope you paid attention and learned something, but I seriously doubt that you did. Facts are so confusing to a dumbass.

So, how much better a position do you think we'd be in if we hadn't lost 1.3 trillion dollars to the Bush Tax Cuts?
I got no wounds, retard. I'm laughing at what a tax raiser Saint Ronnie was. :lol:

You don't even know that Reagan was a net tax cutter, then?


In Reagan’s eight years, the United States also went from being the world’s largest international creditor to being the world’s largest debtor. In 1981, the deficit was $74 billion and the national debt was $930 billion. Within two years (because of the 1981 tax cut), the deficit was $208 billion. By the end of Reagan’s presidency, the Gipper had allowed the national debt to spiral to $2.6 trillion.

He was the worst modern day president.

A small price to pay for defeating the Soviet Union. They were prepared to nuke us, and went broke because of Reagan.

Hint, $1.7 Trillion added in 8 years as compared to $5 Trillion in 3 years under Obama. I'll take Reagan every damned time.
And that concludes todays economic lesson from the broke financial wizard. :clap2:

I hope you paid attention and learned something, but I seriously doubt that you did. Facts are so confusing to a dumbass.

So, how much better a position do you think we'd be in if we hadn't lost 1.3 trillion dollars to the Bush Tax Cuts?
You do realize the bush tax cuts was for everybody not just the rich, if they are repealed not only will that raise taxes again you'll have the addition tax of obamacare.
And that concludes todays economic lesson from the broke financial wizard. :clap2:

I hope you paid attention and learned something, but I seriously doubt that you did. Facts are so confusing to a dumbass.

So, how much better a position do you think we'd be in if we hadn't lost 1.3 trillion dollars to the Bush Tax Cuts?

The Bush tax cuts kept the economy going after the dot com bust, Katrina and 911. If your #1.3 trillion figure over 7 year is correct, which I seriously doubt, how much better off would we be if we didn't have $1.3 trillion a freaking year for the last three years.
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I hope you paid attention and learned something, but I seriously doubt that you did. Facts are so confusing to a dumbass.

So, how much better a position do you think we'd be in if we hadn't lost 1.3 trillion dollars to the Bush Tax Cuts?
You do realize the bush tax cuts was for everybody not just the rich, if they are repealed not only will that raise taxes again you'll have the addition tax of obamacare.

You're misinformed. Again. The burden that the BTC put on the American economy is precisely the tax cuts for the rich.

Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts - The Washington Post
I hope you paid attention and learned something, but I seriously doubt that you did. Facts are so confusing to a dumbass.

So, how much better a position do you think we'd be in if we hadn't lost 1.3 trillion dollars to the Bush Tax Cuts?

The Bush tax cuts kept the economy going after the dot com bust, Katrina and 911. If your #1.3 trillion figure over 7 year iis correct, which I seriously doubt, how much better off would we be if we didn't have $1.3 trillion a freaking year for the last three years.

I completely disagree with you that the dot com burst was mitigated by the Bush Tax cut, but I'm going to concede it because that's not what I think the big issue is. The problem is that the recession of 2008 should have been a clear signal to drop the tax cut. Our GDP shrank so much that the government's deficit exploded by that same amount, and not raising the rates on the upper tier earners, like Reagan did, for example, just compounded the issue even further.

The bottom line is that most economists are pinning the lion share of our deficit, which is hurting our ability to further invest in our future through infrastructure, research and development, you know, like we did in the Space Race, is the Bush Tax Cuts and the two unfunded wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's not spin; that's not rhetoric. That's cold, hard numbers.
so, how much better a position do you think we'd be in if we hadn't lost 1.3 trillion dollars to the bush tax cuts?
you do realize the bush tax cuts was for everybody not just the rich, if they are repealed not only will that raise taxes again you'll have the addition tax of obamacare.

you're misinformed. Again. The burden that the btc put on the american economy is precisely the tax cuts for the rich.

revisiting the cost of the bush tax cuts - the washington post

your always wrong why should this time be any different?
And that concludes todays economic lesson from the broke financial wizard. :clap2:

I hope you paid attention and learned something, but I seriously doubt that you did. Facts are so confusing to a dumbass.

So, how much better a position do you think we'd be in if we hadn't lost 1.3 trillion dollars to the Bush Tax Cuts?

Allowing Americans to keep more of their hard earned money is considered a loss?

That says it all about liberals today, doesn't it?

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