Mitt Romney is a Shameless, Habitual Liar And He Would Be a Horrible President

There are seven days in a week.

I win.

You win just by showing up. KWO is just that type of opponent. I mean the man actually believe exit polls from half way through an election are more accurate than the actual vote count. You can't make that up.

More dishonest bullshit from a dishonest tea bagger pussy. Did God tell you the exit polls were only from "half way through" the election, tea bagger Jesus freak???

The COMPLETE exit polls showed Kerry defeating Bush in Ohio 54% - 45%. So wrong again, lightweight. Like all Repugs, you just make shit up because you've got no facts, no game, no intellect.

Obviously, there's no shame to your game, dishonest tea bagger pussy.

Wha wha wha....who cares.

The process ran.

Kerry LOST Ohio.

Get over it.
You want me to continue to respond to something Ive responded to multiple times.

Tell me, when did you stop beating your wife?
He isn't being honest, you know? He couldnt debate himself out of a paper bag. That's why he ignores responses to his questions and points. He feels that swearing and being an @$$*#&$ somehow proves him right.

He's wrong, of course.

Hello, dishonest Jesus freak tea bagger pussy! How are you this fine evening? You never addressed my previous point that I've asked you about... oh, I don't know...50 TIMES. Like your butt buddy, Liability, I'm sure this was just a slight oversight on your part.

Let's try again, shall we? --

Idiot Repugs like you have preached over and over that tax cuts for the rich create jobs. However, this has obviously been disproven after 8 years of Bush and the most massive tax cuts for the rich in U.S. history. BUSH HAD THE WORST JOB PERFORMANCE OF ANY PRESIDENT SINCE WWII despite these massive tax cuts for the rich.

Can you please explain why you continue to believe this horseshit, dishonest tea bagger pussy?

Just admit it, dishonest tea bagger pussy -- you KNOW that I'm correct, and everything you've believed about tax cuts your whole miserable Repug existence is obviously not true, but you just CAN'T admit I'm correct. It just hurts too much and you are just TOO MUCH of a dishonest tea bagger pussy to admit you've been wrong all these years. :lol:

Sad, but 100% true.

Yep, I'm vulgar as hell and I truly hate you Repug mother fuckers for ruining this country...but at least I can answer a direct question and I can defend my beliefs, unlike intellectually dishonest pussies such as you and Liability.

Tsk tsk......

Admit what...that the dems have turned this country into a bunch of welfare addicts. That they have continually lied to the American people and helped to create entitlements that are going to burned at least the next two generations with a lot of debt.

That they have ignored the contitution.


I admit it.

Oh, how clever, white trash tea bagger pussy!! You completely ignored my question to your buttfuck lover, Avatar, and you posted your own tea bagger horseshit instead in order to try to change the subject!!

Let's try again...perhaps your unremarkable, unsophisticated white trash self can explain Bush's very poor job creation performance despite his massive tax cuts for the rich, lightweight??

Tsk, obviously can't. Poor white trash tea bagger pussy just ain't got the intellectual guns to explain his bullshit Repug beliefs. Sad, but obviously true.
You want me to continue to respond to something Ive responded to multiple times.

Tell me, when did you stop beating your wife?

Really, dishonest tea bagger pussy??? You've explained why Bush had the worst job creation performance of any President in modern times, DESPITE his massive tax cuts for the rich??? Now, now, let's be careful here...I'm afraid this is more dishonest bullshit from a dishonest tea bagger pussy.

Please, dishonest tea bagger Jesus freak....explain it to me "again". And please don't repeat what God told you 5 minutes ago. :lol:
Last week, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC had a couple of particularly good segments detailing what a shameless, pathological liar Mitt Romney is. Of course, lying is commonplace in American politics, but Romney takes it to a whole new level.

Maddow started off by showing several video clips of Romney on the campaign trail saying over and over "President Obama didn't start this recession, but he made it worse". Then Maddow showed another video clip of a reporter asking Romney why he keeps saying this, when the economy has improved substantially since Obama took office in January 2009, when hundreds of thousands of jobs were being lost each at the beginning of 2009.

Romney replied to the reporter, "I never said that Obama made the economy worse", after Maddow played several clips showing that's EXACTLY what Romney said!!

Maddow also showed a Romney ad in which an audio of Obama's voice is heard saying "if we talk about the economy, we lose the election". However, what the ad fails to explain is this -- Obama said this back in 2008, and OBAMA WAS QUOTING WHAT JOHN MCCAIN HAD SAID about the McCain/Palin campaign for President!! This is as pathetic and dishonest as it gets.

I'm convinced that Romney is a pathological liar and that he would be a particularly bad President, right up there with George W. Bush. The only constant about Etch-A-Scetch Man is that he feels lying is as necessary as breathing and eating. He is an absolute shameless fraud.

Thank God Romney has virtually no chance of defeating Obama.

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is. And taking it from MSNBC owned by General Electric--who's CEO is none other than Jeffrey Immelt--who is Obama's job czar--is a little too far over the top anyway--to be a credible source.


Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true. But I doubt that Romney would have ever denied it.
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Last week, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC had a couple of particularly good segments detailing what a shameless, pathological liar Mitt Romney is. Of course, lying is commonplace in American politics, but Romney takes it to a whole new level.

Maddow started off by showing several video clips of Romney on the campaign trail saying over and over "President Obama didn't start this recession, but he made it worse". Then Maddow showed another video clip of a reporter asking Romney why he keeps saying this, when the economy has improved substantially since Obama took office in January 2009, when hundreds of thousands of jobs were being lost each at the beginning of 2009.

Romney replied to the reporter, "I never said that Obama made the economy worse", after Maddow played several clips showing that's EXACTLY what Romney said!!

Maddow also showed a Romney ad in which an audio of Obama's voice is heard saying "if we talk about the economy, we lose the election". However, what the ad fails to explain is this -- Obama said this back in 2008, and OBAMA WAS QUOTING WHAT JOHN MCCAIN HAD SAID about the McCain/Palin campaign for President!! This is as pathetic and dishonest as it gets.

I'm convinced that Romney is a pathological liar and that he would be a particularly bad President, right up there with George W. Bush. The only constant about Etch-A-Scetch Man is that he feels lying is as necessary as breathing and eating. He is an absolute shameless fraud.

Thank God Romney has virtually no chance of defeating Obama.

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is. And taking it from MSNBC owned by General Electric--who's CEO is none other than Jeffrey Immelt--who is Obama's job czar--is a little too far over the top anyway--to be a credible source.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true--and I doubt that Romney would have ever denied it.

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is.

It was on prime time TV, you hopelessly stupid fuck...seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. And Romney DID deny saying it when a reporter asked him about it because he is a shameless, spineless lying Repug pussy who can't handle confrontation. Do you REALLY want to go here, idiot???

And since you posted this stupid bullshit, I'm not going to post a link for the benefit of an imbecile like you.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true

Let's see....the economy was losing 700,000 jobs per month when that idiot Bush left office in Jan 2009....and the economy gained over 200,000 jobs in March 2012.

That sure doesn't sound like the economy is getting worse to me, you mother fucking idiot.
Last week, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC had a couple of particularly good segments detailing what a shameless, pathological liar Mitt Romney is. Of course, lying is commonplace in American politics, but Romney takes it to a whole new level.

Maddow started off by showing several video clips of Romney on the campaign trail saying over and over "President Obama didn't start this recession, but he made it worse". Then Maddow showed another video clip of a reporter asking Romney why he keeps saying this, when the economy has improved substantially since Obama took office in January 2009, when hundreds of thousands of jobs were being lost each at the beginning of 2009.

Romney replied to the reporter, "I never said that Obama made the economy worse", after Maddow played several clips showing that's EXACTLY what Romney said!!

Maddow also showed a Romney ad in which an audio of Obama's voice is heard saying "if we talk about the economy, we lose the election". However, what the ad fails to explain is this -- Obama said this back in 2008, and OBAMA WAS QUOTING WHAT JOHN MCCAIN HAD SAID about the McCain/Palin campaign for President!! This is as pathetic and dishonest as it gets.

I'm convinced that Romney is a pathological liar and that he would be a particularly bad President, right up there with George W. Bush. The only constant about Etch-A-Scetch Man is that he feels lying is as necessary as breathing and eating. He is an absolute shameless fraud.

Thank God Romney has virtually no chance of defeating Obama.

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is. And taking it from MSNBC owned by General Electric--who's CEO is none other than Jeffrey Immelt--who is Obama's job czar--is a little too far over the top anyway--to be a credible source.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true--and I doubt that Romney would have ever denied it.

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is.

It was on prime time TV, you hopelessly stupid fuck...seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. And Romney DID deny saying it when a reporter asked him about it because he is a shameless, spineless lying Repug pussy who can't handle confrontation. Do you REALLY want to go here, idiot???

Since you posted this stupid bullshit, I'm not going to bother posting a link for the benefit of an imbecile like you.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true

Let's see....the economy was losing 700,000 jobs per month when that idiot Bush left office in Jan 2009....and the economy gained over 200,000 jobs in March 2012.

That sure doesn't sound like the economy is getting worse to me, you mother fucking idiot.
Last week, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC had a couple of particularly good segments detailing what a shameless, pathological liar Mitt Romney is. Of course, lying is commonplace in American politics, but Romney takes it to a whole new level.

Maddow started off by showing several video clips of Romney on the campaign trail saying over and over "President Obama didn't start this recession, but he made it worse". Then Maddow showed another video clip of a reporter asking Romney why he keeps saying this, when the economy has improved substantially since Obama took office in January 2009, when hundreds of thousands of jobs were being lost each at the beginning of 2009.

Romney replied to the reporter, "I never said that Obama made the economy worse", after Maddow played several clips showing that's EXACTLY what Romney said!!

Maddow also showed a Romney ad in which an audio of Obama's voice is heard saying "if we talk about the economy, we lose the election". However, what the ad fails to explain is this -- Obama said this back in 2008, and OBAMA WAS QUOTING WHAT JOHN MCCAIN HAD SAID about the McCain/Palin campaign for President!! This is as pathetic and dishonest as it gets.

I'm convinced that Romney is a pathological liar and that he would be a particularly bad President, right up there with George W. Bush. The only constant about Etch-A-Scetch Man is that he feels lying is as necessary as breathing and eating. He is an absolute shameless fraud.

Thank God Romney has virtually no chance of defeating Obama.

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is. And taking it from MSNBC owned by General Electric--who's CEO is none other than Jeffrey Immelt--who is Obama's job czar--is a little too far over the top anyway--to be a credible source.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true--and I doubt that Romney would have ever denied it.

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is.

It was on prime time TV, you hopelessly stupid fuck...seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. And Romney DID deny saying it when a reporter asked him about it because he is a shameless, spineless lying Repug pussy who can't handle confrontation. Do you REALLY want to go here, idiot???

Since you posted this stupid bullshit, I'm not going to bother posting a link for the benefit of an imbecile like you.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true

Let's see....the economy was losing 700,000 jobs per month when that idiot Bush left office in Jan 2009....and the economy gained over 200,000 jobs in March 2012.

That sure doesn't sound like the economy is getting worse to me, you mother fucking idiot.

If it was on T.V.--then you can probably FIND a LINK to it. Again--we all know the numbers in the unemployment stats do not include those that have run out of unemployment benefits so they are no longer counted in the stats. We also know that the real unemployment rate in this country--is still around 10.4%.--with an additional 25% whom have been displaced into temporary and or part time jobs.
The real unemployment rate? It sure isn’t 8.3% « The Enterprise Blog

To be a "credible" source on this board--you have to have a LINK to all of the above you just claimed--otherwise--people like me just think it's bullshit--which it probably is. And taking it from MSNBC owned by General Electric--who's CEO is none other than Jeffrey Immelt--who is Obama's job czar--is a little too far over the top anyway--to be a credible source.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true--and I doubt that Romney would have ever denied it.

It was on prime time TV, you hopelessly stupid fuck...seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. And Romney DID deny saying it when a reporter asked him about it because he is a shameless, spineless lying Repug pussy who can't handle confrontation. Do you REALLY want to go here, idiot???

Since you posted this stupid bullshit, I'm not going to bother posting a link for the benefit of an imbecile like you.

Romney continually talks about the economy--and YES--Romney has stated repeatedly--that Obama has made it worse--which is true

Let's see....the economy was losing 700,000 jobs per month when that idiot Bush left office in Jan 2009....and the economy gained over 200,000 jobs in March 2012.

That sure doesn't sound like the economy is getting worse to me, you mother fucking idiot.

If it was on T.V.--then you can probably FIND a LINK to it. Again--we all know the numbers in the unemployment stats do not include those that have run out of unemployment benefits so they are no longer counted in the stats. We also know that the real unemployment rate in this country--is still around 10.4%.--with an additional 25% whom have been displaced into temporary and or part time jobs.
The real unemployment rate? It sure isn’t 8.3% « The Enterprise Blog


Link posted above. Not that you'd believe your lying eyes, anyway.

We also know that the real unemployment rate in this country--is still around 10.4%.--with an additional 25% whom have been displaced into temporary and or part time jobs.

What's your point, dumb ass?? None of this changes the fact that we are no longer losing 700,000 jobs per month like we were when Bush left office in Jan 2009 and that Romney is a blatant liar when he says the economy is now worse.

Not that a dishonest piece of shit tea bagger like you cares about this, of course.
It was on prime time TV, you hopelessly stupid fuck...seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. And Romney DID deny saying it when a reporter asked him about it because he is a shameless, spineless lying Repug pussy who can't handle confrontation. Do you REALLY want to go here, idiot???

Since you posted this stupid bullshit, I'm not going to bother posting a link for the benefit of an imbecile like you.

Let's see....the economy was losing 700,000 jobs per month when that idiot Bush left office in Jan 2009....and the economy gained over 200,000 jobs in March 2012.

That sure doesn't sound like the economy is getting worse to me, you mother fucking idiot.

If it was on T.V.--then you can probably FIND a LINK to it. Again--we all know the numbers in the unemployment stats do not include those that have run out of unemployment benefits so they are no longer counted in the stats. We also know that the real unemployment rate in this country--is still around 10.4%.--with an additional 25% whom have been displaced into temporary and or part time jobs.
The real unemployment rate? It sure isn’t 8.3% « The Enterprise Blog


Link posted above. Not that you'd believe your lying eyes, anyway.

We also know that the real unemployment rate in this country--is still around 10.4%.--with an additional 25% whom have been displaced into temporary and or part time jobs.

What's your point, dumb ass?? None of this changes the fact that we are no longer losing 700,000 jobs per month like we were when Bush left office in Jan 2009 and that Romney is a blatant liar when he says the economy is now worse.

Not that a dishonest piece of shit tea bagger like you cares about this, of course.
Kerry LOST Ohio....
So shove that in the closest available orifice.
U-6 unemployment is actually over 15%.
The BLS handed out more fluff ( as told by the White House) that the US created 200,000 jobs last month. Really? SO why is the U-6 number not falling? Simple. Even though ( I do not stipulate to this) the US private sector created those 200k jobs there is still a monthly NET LOSS of jobs. How we can tell this is very easy. Look at the actual numbers of unemployed people. It has not changed even though the BLS has declared 200k jobs were "created" in every months since mid 2010.....
You are just a rotten bitter person who thinks everyone owes you something. You show you hatred and jealousy by calling people names and posting these anger filled rants.
I don't owe you a think except :fu:
If it was on T.V.--then you can probably FIND a LINK to it. Again--we all know the numbers in the unemployment stats do not include those that have run out of unemployment benefits so they are no longer counted in the stats. We also know that the real unemployment rate in this country--is still around 10.4%.--with an additional 25% whom have been displaced into temporary and or part time jobs.
The real unemployment rate? It sure isn’t 8.3% « The Enterprise Blog


Link posted above. Not that you'd believe your lying eyes, anyway.

We also know that the real unemployment rate in this country--is still around 10.4%.--with an additional 25% whom have been displaced into temporary and or part time jobs.

What's your point, dumb ass?? None of this changes the fact that we are no longer losing 700,000 jobs per month like we were when Bush left office in Jan 2009 and that Romney is a blatant liar when he says the economy is now worse.

Not that a dishonest piece of shit tea bagger like you cares about this, of course.
Kerry LOST Ohio....
So shove that in the closest available orifice.
U-6 unemployment is actually over 15%.
The BLS handed out more fluff ( as told by the White House) that the US created 200,000 jobs last month. Really? SO why is the U-6 number not falling? Simple. Even though ( I do not stipulate to this) the US private sector created those 200k jobs there is still a monthly NET LOSS of jobs. How we can tell this is very easy. Look at the actual numbers of unemployed people. It has not changed even though the BLS has declared 200k jobs were "created" in every months since mid 2010.....
You are just a rotten bitter person who thinks everyone owes you something. You show you hatred and jealousy by calling people names and posting these anger filled rants.
I don't owe you a think except :fu:

Sigh....more irrelevant bullshit. You fuckers keep trying to change the subject because you can't admit I'm right.

It's a simple question, you unremarkable lightweight -- is our economy CURRENTLY losing 700,000 jobs per month like we were in Jan 2009 when Obama took office?? A simple yes or no will do, fuckhole.

You KNOW that the economy is not nearly as bad as it was in Jan 2009, but you are simply too much of a dishonest tea bagger PUSSY to admit that I'm right and that Romney is a shameless liar about this. Sad, but 100% true.
Hello, dishonest Jesus freak tea bagger pussy! How are you this fine evening? You never addressed my previous point that I've asked you about... oh, I don't know...50 TIMES. Like your butt buddy, Liability, I'm sure this was just a slight oversight on your part.

Let's try again, shall we? --

Idiot Repugs like you have preached over and over that tax cuts for the rich create jobs. However, this has obviously been disproven after 8 years of Bush and the most massive tax cuts for the rich in U.S. history. BUSH HAD THE WORST JOB PERFORMANCE OF ANY PRESIDENT SINCE WWII despite these massive tax cuts for the rich.

Can you please explain why you continue to believe this horseshit, dishonest tea bagger pussy?

Just admit it, dishonest tea bagger pussy -- you KNOW that I'm correct, and everything you've believed about tax cuts your whole miserable Repug existence is obviously not true, but you just CAN'T admit I'm correct. It just hurts too much and you are just TOO MUCH of a dishonest tea bagger pussy to admit you've been wrong all these years. :lol:

Sad, but 100% true.

Yep, I'm vulgar as hell and I truly hate you Repug mother fuckers for ruining this country...but at least I can answer a direct question and I can defend my beliefs, unlike intellectually dishonest pussies such as you and Liability.

Tsk tsk......

Admit what...that the dems have turned this country into a bunch of welfare addicts. That they have continually lied to the American people and helped to create entitlements that are going to burned at least the next two generations with a lot of debt.

That they have ignored the contitution.


I admit it.

Oh, how clever, white trash tea bagger pussy!! You completely ignored my question to your buttfuck lover, Avatar, and you posted your own tea bagger horseshit instead in order to try to change the subject!!

Let's try again...perhaps your unremarkable, unsophisticated white trash self can explain Bush's very poor job creation performance despite his massive tax cuts for the rich, lightweight??

Tsk, obviously can't. Poor white trash tea bagger pussy just ain't got the intellectual guns to explain his bullshit Repug beliefs. Sad, but obviously true.

No loser-boy,

Your the one who has an admiration for a good corn-holeing. Please stop projecting.

I really don't care about Bush's record. Bush was almos as big a loser as you are and Obama is an even bigger loser. Massive tax cuts for the rich. Did you give yours back ?
Didn't think probably don't even pay taxes...probably some kind of welfare addict.

So go stick your tounge in an outlet and get yourself all charged up because it's gonna take more than your sorry name calling to get anyone's attention.

Kerry lost Ohio.

Gore lost Florida.

Long live Gover Norquist.

Link posted above. Not that you'd believe your lying eyes, anyway.

What's your point, dumb ass?? None of this changes the fact that we are no longer losing 700,000 jobs per month like we were when Bush left office in Jan 2009 and that Romney is a blatant liar when he says the economy is now worse.

Not that a dishonest piece of shit tea bagger like you cares about this, of course.
Kerry LOST Ohio....
So shove that in the closest available orifice.
U-6 unemployment is actually over 15%.
The BLS handed out more fluff ( as told by the White House) that the US created 200,000 jobs last month. Really? SO why is the U-6 number not falling? Simple. Even though ( I do not stipulate to this) the US private sector created those 200k jobs there is still a monthly NET LOSS of jobs. How we can tell this is very easy. Look at the actual numbers of unemployed people. It has not changed even though the BLS has declared 200k jobs were "created" in every months since mid 2010.....
You are just a rotten bitter person who thinks everyone owes you something. You show you hatred and jealousy by calling people names and posting these anger filled rants.
I don't owe you a think except :fu:

Sigh....more irrelevant bullshit. You fuckers keep trying to change the subject because you can't admit I'm right.

It's a simple question, you unremarkable lightweight -- is our economy CURRENTLY losing 700,000 jobs per month like we were in Jan 2009 when Obama took office?? A simple yes or no will do, fuckhole.

You KNOW that the economy is not nearly as bad as it was in Jan 2009, but you are simply too much of a dishonest tea bagger PUSSY to admit that I'm right and that Romney is a shameless liar about this. Sad, but 100% true.

The economy still sucks. YOU don't get to set the standard junior.

Dems lost the house.

Read it and weep.

Yes, Mr. Etch-a-Sketch is a pathological liar.

The facts vs. Mitt Romney

PolitiFact has awarded Romney its “Pants on Fire” or “False” ratings for 32 claims. Among them are these: that Obama “didn’t even mention the deficit or debt” in his State of the Union address, that “our Navy is smaller than it’s been since 1917,” that Obama “never worked in the private sector,” that Obama “gave” the automakers “to the UAW,” and that “we’re only inches away from no longer being a free economy.”

Wednesday’s speech alone had more than a dozen distortions, including allegations that: Obama “has failed to even pass a budget” (Congress passes budget resolutions, which the president doesn’t sign); Obama created a panel empowered to deny treatments under Medicare (the board can only make recommendations, and only if Congress fails to find Medicare cuts), Obama “has added regulations at a staggering rate” (the Business Roundtable just said it “lauded” the administration’s attempt at regulatory reform).
Yes, they all lie....


10 Big Obama Lies

Obama's claim that the Healthcare Reform Bill would cost $800 billion and not increase the national debt or tax the middle class, while the actual cost is projected to be $1-2 trillion and includes many new taxes on the middle class that would start immediately while the healthcare changes will not be realized for many years.
Obama claimed the economy would recover if only congress passed his $787 stimulus package, actual cost including Fed accounting tricks, multiple stimulus housing packages, bank bailouts and indefinite funding of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae together put the bill at $4 trillion and growing.
Obama's stimulus package was to create 2-3 million jobs, actual jobs created 300-600k
Obama claimed that the government would not take over the automotive business, actual ownership of GM is over 60 percent and 80 percent of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Obama claimed that he would bring the wars to an end and bring the troops home, actual size of troop deployment has increased by 20-30k
Obama claimed unemployment would not go above 8 percent, actual unemployment over 10 percent and 17 percent if you were to use the old unemployment calculations
Obama's claim to create an energy plan to reduce energy costs, resulted in his Cap-and-Trade bill that will increase the average family energy costs by $100-$1000
Obama's claim to reduce the tax on the middle class, has resulted in the largest increase in taxes in a generation through the coming wave of inflation, energy, health care and major increased in Federal Tax that speaker Pelosi has already virtually guaranteed tremendous tax increases
Obama's claim to improve education by increasing the Federal Education budget and increasing the student loan program, has result in a decrease in grade school education while increasing the average college tuition
Obama's claim that Bush created the recession and that he has no choice but to borrow trillions of dollars for the next 8-10 years, when he voted for many of the policies in Congress that have expanded the government and created a welfare state.


And the song has no ending....
Could the contrast be any greater between Romney, who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas, only pays taxes at a 13% rate, stashes his money in the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes, and President Obama, who saved GM and created 23 straight months of private sector job growth?
Could the contrast be any greater between Romney, who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas, only pays taxes at a 13% rate, stashes his money in the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes, and President Obama, who saved GM and created 23 straight months of private sector job growth?

It is difficult to imagine how you could reconcile Obama, who has never held a job in his life, is a consitutional scholar but does not know the constitution, threw away a golden opportunity to cement the liberal mentality in Washington D.C. because he is arrogant and aloof and does not understand how systems work, not to mention he had no clue of what liberty means with Romeny who has successfully run companies, saved the Olympics, does not pretend to teach people things he knows nothing about, and is running on a platform of keeping government out of your life.

Yes, the difference is great.

When you finally move out of your mothers house, you'll understand how you've been duped.

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