Mitt Romney backtracks after Trump-hating op-ed attack bombs


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Mitt Romney backtracks after Trump-hating op-ed attack bombs
Arriving in Washington for his new gig as Utah's junior senator, Mitt Romney jumped right in to revert to form, putting out a Washington Post attack op-ed decrying President Trump's lack of "character" and calling on Republicans to reach across the aisle.... Gad, his act is old.... Here Trump has given us the best economy in decades, and Mitt has almost nothing to say about it other than that he agrees with it. Trump also never wavered on the appointment of Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh and has fought like a lion to get more constitutionally minded judges appointed. Trump chipped away at the nightmare of Obamacare, starting with an end to its vile poverty tax slapped onto the Americans who could not afford its costly one-size-fits all offerings. And he's fighting like heck for a wall with which to restore the integrity of U.S. borders. And contrary to Romney's op-ed claims about U.S. allies no longer loving us, a lot of our allies love us – just ask Italy, Hungary, Poland, Israel, or Brazil. As for the ones who don't (and as France shows, it's just the leaders who don't like Trump, not the yellow-vest protesters), why do we want the love of such detested political leaders? These are people who hate us, and who hate their own people, too, allowing Muslim hordes from stone-age cultures to descend upon them, feed at their welfare troughs and sex-harass their women, turning vast swathes of Europe into no-go zones. Meantime, get a load of how friendly things are now with Brazil. Heck, get a load of how civil things are with socialist Mexico. Take a look at the de-fanging of North Korea. Is Trump supposed to have warm, friendly, back-slapping relations with leaders of hellholes such as Cuba and Venezuela?...

Hmm....., Too late, Mitt. You’ve already revealed yourself as the, small person you are.
Strangely Mitt fails to realize that he's the personification of everything about the Republican Party that its voters rejected with their nomination of Trump. Mitt doesn't get this? But, as is now plain for everyone to see having read Mitt's Washington Post op-ed, you just can't fix stupid.
What was he thinking? What poor judgment. Mitt seems to have a severe learning disability. Does anyone really think that he just came up with that Op Ed piece out of the blue and called up the WAPO to see if they would publish it? To think that trump endorsed this guy, and gave him a shot at serving in his administration and this is how he repays trump.
Despite Mitt's supposed squeaky clean appearance, he will stab you (the voter) in the back early and often. And so will every other politician as previously seen like McCain, Flake, or Reid. If you vote for them you are just another sucker they have conned.

dude - this is also making fun of romney for leaving his dogs in crates on top of his car while he drives to vacations.

Comrade Donald is the only real conservative Republican in the whooooooooooooooole world!
Deficit Donald will need to suck Romney's dick to get bills passed. Romney doesn't need anything from him.
Comrade Donald is the only real conservative Republican in the whooooooooooooooole world!
Trump is the only one not paid to change his core beliefs like Romney and Ryan and Pelosi and Schumer etc etc etc......Trump is for us...the people not the dollar...he has those already....
Comrade Donald is the only real conservative Republican in the whooooooooooooooole world!
Trump is the only one not paid to change his core beliefs like Romney and Ryan and Pelosi and Schumer etc etc etc......Trump is for us...the people not the dollar...he has those already....
Yes, Deficit Donald's core beliefs are writing checks for trillions of dollars the taxpayers can't cash, sleeping with hookers while the wife is at home nursing his son, sucking up to a KGB thug, cutting and running from ISIS, using donations to his fake charity to buy paintings of himself and to fund his political campaign, hiring the most corrupt people on earth to work in the swamp, bribing his hookers and lying to the public about it.

Let's put Crooked Donny under oath and ask him about his sex life and business. You we did with Slick Willy. See what shakes out.
Romney unleashed a vicious personal attack against Trump for no reason. Then the idiot discovered nobody in the GOP supported him, he did major damage to himself. GOP leaders are saying he just ruined any chance of landing a top committee post. That's what happens when you behave like a dick.
Romney unleashed a vicious personal attack against Trump for no reason.
Trump was attacked, and you whine about it with no sense of irony whatsoever.


Hey, have you heard Ted Cruz's dad killed Kennedy?
Yes, Deficit Donald's core beliefs are writing checks for trillions of dollars the taxpayers can't cash, sleeping with hookers while the wife is at home nursing his son, sucking up to a KGB thug, cutting and running from ISIS, using donations to his fake charity to buy paintings of himself and to fund his political campaign, hiring the most corrupt people on earth to work in the swamp, bribing his hookers and lying to the public about it.

Let's put Crooked Donny under oath and ask him about his sex life and business. You we did with Slick Willy. See what shakes out.

His core beliefs are defending us at the border and doing good for us....I know......its refreshing....
Poor Twump's widdew feewings were huht. Awwwww...
I hope McBrainTumor is saving a seat in hell for that traitorous pig Romney. Now watch all the liberal psychopaths get on their knees to fellate him because he said bad things about Trump....even though Romney's WAAAAAAYCIST Mormon religion wouldn't allow blacks to have the priesthood until 1978 when the government threatened their tax-exempt status. Then Mormon profit (deliberate misspelling) Spencer Kimball conveniently had a "revelation" that it was time to give the blacks the priesthood after all.
Comrade Donald is the only real conservative Republican in the whooooooooooooooole world!
Trump is the only one not paid to change his core beliefs like Romney and Ryan and Pelosi and Schumer etc etc etc......Trump is for us...the people not the dollar...he has those already....
Yes, Deficit Donald's core beliefs are writing checks for trillions of dollars the taxpayers can't cash, sleeping with hookers while the wife is at home nursing his son, sucking up to a KGB thug, cutting and running from ISIS, using donations to his fake charity to buy paintings of himself and to fund his political campaign, hiring the most corrupt people on earth to work in the swamp, bribing his hookers and lying to the public about it.

Let's put Crooked Donny under oath and ask him about his sex life and business. You we did with Slick Willy. See what shakes out.

Surely that's unlike your messiah BO that spent more than all the presidents combined before him.... DJT has given his salary of the presidency to charity each year and his budgeting for America is below that of BO. You cannot say that of your messiah
Romney should back track. The op Ed was a bad move. Even if it was true, it’s not the time to be creating divisions. It’s time to work together
Romney's attack on Trump is on character. And the need, and Trump's lack of ability, to find civility and worth in all people.

The "Wall" is Trumpspeak for border security, which is a policy ... and a worthwhile one at that. In a sane world, if Trump were actually about effecting policy, we'd see physical borders going out from all of our ports of entry to make it difficult to slip past. And if he could actually show that, he could tell Colter to sit her skinny nut ass down.

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