Mitt Is Right: No More Tax Returns

There's gotta be something in there so bad..he's willing to risk his presidential bid to keep it hidden.

Because if that's not the case..the longer he waits..the more it damages him politically.

That must explain why Obama produced a pdf file instead of a photo copy of his original birth certificate.

There must be something in there he wants to hide.

You stick with that.

I hope Mittens sticks with Trump as well. And Cheney.

Trump punked Obama, so most of us could live with that.
:lol: Yeah sure it does... He'll release one more year then it's over. Tax returns are for the IRS not whack jobs like you

I am with you. Romney's taxes are his own business and I certainly hope he has the personal integrity to resist telling the people just what the hell he does with his money.

As Ann has said, "Those people" have gotten all they need.

Now buzz off. Mitt has people to fire and outsourcing to get done before the election.

No she didn't.

She said "You people".


There's gotta be something in there so bad..he's willing to risk his presidential bid to keep it hidden.

Because if that's not the case..the longer he waits..the more it damages him politically.

That must explain why Obama produced a pdf file instead of a photo copy of his original birth certificate.

There must be something in there he wants to hide.

You stick with that.

I hope Mittens sticks with Trump as well. And Cheney.

Seriously? You didn't get his point? Hint, he was mocking you...
There's gotta be something in there so bad..he's willing to risk his presidential bid to keep it hidden.

Because if that's not the case..the longer he waits..the more it damages him politically.

:lol: Yeah sure it does... He'll release one more year then it's over. Tax returns are for the IRS not whack jobs like you

Believe me..I hope he doesn't release any more tax returns.

Or does it after the convention.

Either way it only helps Obama.

Good we are in agreement shit the f up about it...Petty little bullshit. We've got a country to save your messiah isn't working
That's great because if there is one type that the American middle class understands it is the fat cat, tax avoiding rich guy who says he is so concerned for them and the country.

Who gave 15% of his income to charity before he was a public figure compared to Obama who gave $15. Grow up, little one. Obama can't win on the issues or his record, so ad hominem is the way you go.

Your head must be so far up your ass you can't read, hear or see. Romney donated to his church, a church which is returning the favor in the form of giving money anonymously to a super PAC which is running attack ads now as they did against his Republican competitors during the primary battle.
There's gotta be something in there so bad..he's willing to risk his presidential bid to keep it hidden.

Because if that's not the case..the longer he waits..the more it damages him politically.

:lol: Yeah sure it does... He'll release one more year then it's over. Tax returns are for the IRS not whack jobs like you

I am with you. Romney's taxes are his own business and I certainly hope he has the personal integrity to resist telling the people just what the hell he does with his money.

As Ann has said, "Those people" have gotten all they need.

Now buzz off. Mitt has people to fire and outsourcing to get done before the election.

Dah....Clone can you think for yourself? Brain dead talking points not very impressive
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I am with you. Romney's taxes are his own business and I certainly hope he has the personal integrity to resist telling the people just what the hell he does with his money.

As Ann has said, "Those people" have gotten all they need.

Now buzz off. Mitt has people to fire and outsourcing to get done before the election.

No she didn't.

She said "You people".




We've 'given all you people need'
That's great because if there is one type that the American middle class understands it is the fat cat, tax avoiding rich guy who says he is so concerned for them and the country.

Who gave 15% of his income to charity before he was a public figure compared to Obama who gave $15. Grow up, little one. Obama can't win on the issues or his record, so ad hominem is the way you go.

Your head must be so far up your ass you can't read, hear or see. Romney donated to his church, a church which is returning the favor in the form of giving money anonymously to a super PAC which is running attack ads now as they did against his Republican competitors during the primary battle.

OK, so you hate Mormons. Liberals hate everyone who's not one of you, no news. But sorry Homey, he's given far more then to his church. Obama gave squat. You're obviously not doing any research but just parroting your liberal friends.
Who gave 15% of his income to charity before he was a public figure compared to Obama who gave $15. Grow up, little one. Obama can't win on the issues or his record, so ad hominem is the way you go.

Your head must be so far up your ass you can't read, hear or see. Romney donated to his church, a church which is returning the favor in the form of giving money anonymously to a super PAC which is running attack ads now as they did against his Republican competitors during the primary battle.

OK, so you hate Mormons. Liberals hate everyone who's not one of you, no news. But sorry Homey, he's given far more then to his church. Obama gave squat. You're obviously not doing any research but just parroting your liberal friends.

blah, blah, blah
I am with you. Romney's taxes are his own business and I certainly hope he has the personal integrity to resist telling the people just what the hell he does with his money.

As Ann has said, "Those people" have gotten all they need.

Now buzz off. Mitt has people to fire and outsourcing to get done before the election.

No she didn't.

She said "You people".



[ame=]Ann Romney 'We've Given All You People Need To Know - YouTube[/ame]

0.34 you fucking asshole.
What's in the Fast and Furious documents so bad he doesn't want anyone to know? What's in the white house visitor logs so bad, obama is keeping them hidden.

We know why democrats want to see what's in Mitt Romney's tax returns, it might be something like Ann Romney's horse that they can manipulate and lie about.
Your head must be so far up your ass you can't read, hear or see. Romney donated to his church, a church which is returning the favor in the form of giving money anonymously to a super PAC which is running attack ads now as they did against his Republican competitors during the primary battle.

OK, so you hate Mormons. Liberals hate everyone who's not one of you, no news. But sorry Homey, he's given far more then to his church. Obama gave squat. You're obviously not doing any research but just parroting your liberal friends.

blah, blah, blah

Your typical response. I do admit you're getting more pithy in saying it though...
obama no longer goes to church. The church has fulfilled it's purpose which was to give him some kind of legitimacy in the Chicago black community. He doesn't need that anymore. Unless a local church has a muslim speaker. Then he'll go.
obama no longer goes to church. The church has fulfilled it's purpose which was to give him some kind of legitimacy in the Chicago black community. He doesn't need that anymore. Unless a local church has a muslim speaker. Then he'll go.

how many times did Reagan (R) go to church while in office :eusa_eh:
That's great because if there is one type that the American middle class understands it is the fat cat, tax avoiding rich guy who says he is so concerned for them and the country.

Who gave 15% of his income to charity before he was a public figure compared to Obama who gave $15. Grow up, little one. Obama can't win on the issues or his record, so ad hominem is the way you go.

Mittens gave most of his "charitable" donations to the Mormon church. Which, at the very least, is a pretty questionable "organization".

In any case..if you are comparing should compare wealth too.

Obama's got net worth of 11 million..maybe.

From what we know..Romney's worth over 250 million dollars. That's from what we know. Some of what he's "said" puts his net worth at around 6 billion.

You do the math.

ahhhhh 15 percent of 250 million is how much more then 15 percent of 11 million???

What did Obama hide when he hasn't released his college transcripts or how he paid for college???
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