Mitch "Moscow" McConnell Caves on Stimulus


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

I’m prepared to support even if I have some problems with certain parts of it,” he told reporters after the weekly Senate Republican policy lunch, which White House negotiators Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and chief of staff Mark Meadows attended.

Actually I have some sympathy for him. Although it is his fault the deal wasn't done weeks ago because he refused to bring it up in the Senate, his only option really is to let Munchkin and McCarthy (not THAT RED SCARE ONE) work it out with the dems, because he's never going to negotiate something again that Trump can disavow at the last minute.
"....when Democrats and the White House reach one."

There's doozy of a conditional criteria.

Piglosi has said that her non-negotiable number is $3 trillion, while Trump is at $1TT...McTurtle is irrelevant at this point.
McConnell is not irrelevant. He could negotiate some bill. A lot of times legislators have to vote for bills that include things they don't want in them, just to get something.

We should have the virus controlled right now, but we never got numbers down into the 5% or so growth, and we didn't have the testing to track those infected even if we had. We have no choice but to continue to rack up debt just to keep the economy from contracting AGAIN at 30% plus in the second two quarters of 2020, and we have to pray (literally) that infection rates hold more or less steady until there's a vaccine. This is a more serious threat than anything since WWII. The cold war threatened annihilation but PEOPLE could actually prevent that. We can't do anything now, given how Trump's fucked this up, but wear masks and try to distance.
We have no choice but to continue to rack up debt
We have a choice

its called reopening and going back to work
Yes, and that will allow the virus to spread. And because Trump fucked up containing the virus as the rest of the developed world contained it … we have no fucking choice.
Most people are in no danger from the chinese disease

but we all have to eat

and if the helicopter money leads to complete collapse someday food could be in short supply

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