Mitch McConnell opens door for $600.00 Unemployment extension if Trump backs it...... Trump just said he's for it!

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
Looks like the $600 Unemployment Benefits will be extended. Now since Pelosi and Schumer have been wanting it too, will they now try to block it?

If Trump says he'll sign another covid help bill with the $600 a week in it, that means the dems caved on something the repubs want bad. I guarantee Trump didn't cave without getting something in return.

We need to go back to work.

Edit: We as in the United States. I've been back to work ever since they gave me the OK after being sick. Hell, I never stopped working other than that.
Republicans want $1trillion in Covid-19 aid, Democrats want $3.5 trillion. Dems will get most of it and next month they'll want to impeach Trump for running up the debt. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Looks like the $600 Unemployment Benefits will be extended. Now since Pelosi and Schumer have been wanting it too, will they now try to block it?

Socialism hooray!
$600? Child Please...

One iteration of the Covid Relief package was a $377 Million dollar remodeling of the White House. We could literally give every man woman and child in the country over a million dollars for the costs of the remodeling package.

It is doubtful that the remodeling would benefit the blob even if he does win re-election. The remodeling is much needed. However, if the GOP Senate is upset about the costs of the Covid Relief package, perhaps that could be legislated in a separate bill.
If Trump says he'll sign another covid help bill with the $600 a week in it, that means the dems caved on something the repubs want bad. I guarantee Trump didn't cave without getting something in return.

That's the way it's supposed to work. Imagine that, Congress pretending to be adults for a change.
$600? Child Please...

One iteration of the Covid Relief package was a $377 Million dollar remodeling of the White House. We could literally give every man woman and child in the country over a million dollars for the costs of the remodeling package.

It is doubtful that the remodeling would benefit the blob even if he does win re-election. The remodeling is much needed. However, if the GOP Senate is upset about the costs of the Covid Relief package, perhaps that could be legislated in a separate bill.
Math isn't your thing is it?
370 million divided by 330 million residents is about $1.20 each.
$600? Child Please...

One iteration of the Covid Relief package was a $377 Million dollar remodeling of the White House. We could literally give every man woman and child in the country over a million dollars for the costs of the remodeling package.

It is doubtful that the remodeling would benefit the blob even if he does win re-election. The remodeling is much needed. However, if the GOP Senate is upset about the costs of the Covid Relief package, perhaps that could be legislated in a separate bill.
Math isn't your thing is it?
370 million divided by 330 million residents is about $1.20 each.

If Trump says he'll sign another covid help bill with the $600 a week in it, that means the dems caved on something the repubs want bad. I guarantee Trump didn't cave without getting something in return.
I guarantee Trump didn't cave without getting something in return.
oh, and what exactly was that when everyone knows trump will bankrupt the country to get reelected is all he cares about and steping on republicans to do it is no sweat off his ass.

the fact is the democrats have rolled the republicans and everyone knows it.
Looks like the $600 Unemployment Benefits will be extended. Now since Pelosi and Schumer have been wanting it too, will they now try to block it?

I saw that McConnell had caved in utterly on that point. Now they just have to agree to money for testing, money for the states, and money for the schools.

Nancy Pelosi wins again!!!! Damn that woman is good!!!! The nation owes her a huge debt of gratitude for her work on the bailout packages.
Looks like the $600 Unemployment Benefits will be extended. Now since Pelosi and Schumer have been wanting it too, will they now try to block it?

I saw that McConnell had caved in utterly on that point. Now they just have to agree to money for testing, money for the states, and money for the schools.

Nancy Pelosi wins again!!!! Damn that woman is good!!!! The nation owes her a huge debt of gratitude for her work on the bailout packages.
You've got it backwards! Pelosi and Schumer caved.
Looks like the $600 Unemployment Benefits will be extended. Now since Pelosi and Schumer have been wanting it too, will they now try to block it?

And how much will this add to the national debt?
Looks like the $600 Unemployment Benefits will be extended. Now since Pelosi and Schumer have been wanting it too, will they now try to block it?

I saw that McConnell had caved in utterly on that point. Now they just have to agree to money for testing, money for the states, and money for the schools.

Nancy Pelosi wins again!!!! Damn that woman is good!!!! The nation owes her a huge debt of gratitude for her work on the bailout packages.
You've got it backwards! Pelosi and Schumer caved.

What exactly did Democrats cave on? The $600 unemployment top up was already passed by the House in the Heros Act. Trump wanted a deal to extend the top up and extended the eviction moratorium, and negotiate on the rest of the stuff later, and Pelosi and Schumer said no to that without money for testing, the states and schools.

They haven't backed down on any of those things.

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