Mitch McConnell asks Harry Reid to bring Obama's new job bill up for a vote.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As we know Obama has been out there on the constant campaign trail--with his "pass this bill"--"pass this bill" rhetoric. Of course blaming Republicans for blocking his bill. Mitch McConnell Republican minority leader in the senate has gotten a little tired of this rhetoric--and finally today--thought he would call Obama's new job bill to task. In the below video you will see Mitch McConnell asking Senate democrat majority leader--Harry Reid to bring Obama's job bill to the floor for a vote. Remember that Democrats are still the majority in the Senate. Harry Reid's reply--"in due time."--:razz:

Can politics get any better than this?---:lol:

Reid Blocks Vote On President's Stimulus Bill - YouTube
Democrats don't vote in a block the way Republicans do. Republicans are 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote together against the rest of the United States. Democrats are everyone else, and some Democrats are actually, Republicans, but they can't stand the Republican Party, so they call themselves Democrats, but vote with Republicans on nearly everything.
Democrats don't vote in a block the way Republicans do. Republicans are 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote together against the rest of the United States. Democrats are everyone else, and some Democrats are actually, Republicans, but they can't stand the Republican Party, so they call themselves Democrats, but vote with Republicans on nearly everything.

YEAH RIGHT--:lol::lol::lol: The so-called FAILED economic stimulus bill wasn't even read by democrats prior to them shoving it down our throats in fire department speed.--along with Obamacare.

What's happened since then is NY9--a district that was held by democrats since 1923 just went republicans. Democrats have basically made Obama a lame duck President 14 months prior to the election. They would prefer that he lose his job--versus them losing theirs.

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