Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

Here is the 2009 Harvard Study which established that number:

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
1st post
What a chickenshit response. That's like saying "If banks didn't exist, there'd be no bank robbers. So let's blame the banks".

If not for Medicaid, how many of your nation's sick would get regular medical care? You already have the lowest population service rate in the developed work.

Before Obamacare, 45,000 Americans died each year because they couldn't afford healthcare.

Prove it. You show me one person, a specific individual, who couldn't get Obama care, and thus was refused any treatment at a hospital. You people just make up lies, and that's the basis for your whole ideology. Lying-Left. The party of liars. All of you. Every single one. This is why Clinton has so much support from your group of liars. The Clintons lie as much as all of you do.

Another knee jerk response without reading the post. My post specifically said "Before Obamacare, 45,000 people died each year because they could not afford health care". That's not a lie. I don't know what those figures are today.

That's not a lie, that's a fact that even the GOP acknowledged to be true.

You go on about waiting lists for treatment in Canada and the UK but more people die in the US for lack of insurance than die in single payer countries waiting for care.
Idiot, how can you possibly come up with a statistic like that?

It's not entirely her fault. Some scum sucking left-wing think tank, made up a bunch of estimates, used those estimates, to build some educated guesses, that based on assumptions, such and such number of people die every year from lack of ***INSURANCE***.

The problem with these mindless lying idiots is that it is ILLEGAL FOR A HOSPITAL TO NOT TREAT SOMEONE.

But that doesn't stop these lying fools from spewing their puked up sewage, over and over.


i got two heart surgeries without insurance

leftards need to lie

to sell their utopia

Yeah, I knew a guy that got cancer. Zero insurance, zero money. He went to the hospital, and they had him on full treatment.

You may not get reconstructive surgery if you have a mastectomy, but you will most certainly get the mastectomy.

The idea that people without insurance, are just kicked to the curb, and left for dead, is just absolute lying trash, and this DragonLiar knows it. I know she knows it, because we've talked about this before.

They just make broad assumptions, and base estimates on their assumptions, and then make up a number of people who would have died.

Leftist- "Well, he would have gone to the doctor, and the doctor would have know to give him this test, and the cancer would have been discovered 6 years ago, and they would have given him "more" treatment, and then he would have survived it."

There is not the slightest bit of evidence to support any of those assumptions. And they knew it. That's why the report say it is "ESTIMATED" that a bunch of people *MAY* not have died.

But of course the media (which no leftist actually reads the report, they only cite the media outlet), intentionally leaves off the estimates and assumptions, and just says "45,000 people die every year!", because the media knows that the left-wing lemmings are both liars themselves, and completely and utterly DUMB AS ROCKS, and will blindly repeat their lies OVER AND OVER.

The left-wing, is the party of Clintons. They are all liars. All of them. Dishonest scum, each and every single one.
Here is the 2009 Harvard Study which established that number:

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
Moonglow's a communist from Russia.
Prove it. You show me one person, a specific individual, who couldn't get Obama care, and thus was refused any treatment at a hospital. You people just make up lies, and that's the basis for your whole ideology. Lying-Left. The party of liars. All of you. Every single one. This is why Clinton has so much support from your group of liars. The Clintons lie as much as all of you do.

Another knee jerk response without reading the post. My post specifically said "Before Obamacare, 45,000 people died each year because they could not afford health care". That's not a lie. I don't know what those figures are today.

That's not a lie, that's a fact that even the GOP acknowledged to be true.

You go on about waiting lists for treatment in Canada and the UK but more people die in the US for lack of insurance than die in single payer countries waiting for care.
Idiot, how can you possibly come up with a statistic like that?

It's not entirely her fault. Some scum sucking left-wing think tank, made up a bunch of estimates, used those estimates, to build some educated guesses, that based on assumptions, such and such number of people die every year from lack of ***INSURANCE***.

The problem with these mindless lying idiots is that it is ILLEGAL FOR A HOSPITAL TO NOT TREAT SOMEONE.

But that doesn't stop these lying fools from spewing their puked up sewage, over and over.


i got two heart surgeries without insurance

leftards need to lie

to sell their utopia

Yeah, I knew a guy that got cancer. Zero insurance, zero money. He went to the hospital, and they had him on full treatment.

You may not get reconstructive surgery if you have a mastectomy, but you will most certainly get the mastectomy.

The idea that people without insurance, are just kicked to the curb, and left for dead, is just absolute lying trash, and this DragonLiar knows it. I know she knows it, because we've talked about this before.

They just make broad assumptions, and base estimates on their assumptions, and then make up a number of people who would have died.

Leftist- "Well, he would have gone to the doctor, and the doctor would have know to give him this test, and the cancer would have been discovered 6 years ago, and they would have given him "more" treatment, and then he would have survived it."

There is not the slightest bit of evidence to support any of those assumptions. And they knew it. That's why the report say it is "ESTIMATED" that a bunch of people *MAY* not have died.

But of course the media (which no leftist actually reads the report, they only cite the media outlet), intentionally leaves off the estimates and assumptions, and just says "45,000 people die every year!", because the media knows that the left-wing lemmings are both liars themselves, and completely and utterly DUMB AS ROCKS, and will blindly repeat their lies OVER AND OVER.

The left-wing, is the party of Clintons. They are all liars. All of them. Dishonest scum, each and every single one.
And that's how the democrats like their politicians... lying piece of shit scum. Otherwise they don't get their loot.
Prove it. You show me one person, a specific individual, who couldn't get Obama care, and thus was refused any treatment at a hospital. You people just make up lies, and that's the basis for your whole ideology. Lying-Left. The party of liars. All of you. Every single one. This is why Clinton has so much support from your group of liars. The Clintons lie as much as all of you do.

Another knee jerk response without reading the post. My post specifically said "Before Obamacare, 45,000 people died each year because they could not afford health care". That's not a lie. I don't know what those figures are today.

That's not a lie, that's a fact that even the GOP acknowledged to be true.

You go on about waiting lists for treatment in Canada and the UK but more people die in the US for lack of insurance than die in single payer countries waiting for care.
Idiot, how can you possibly come up with a statistic like that?

It's not entirely her fault. Some scum sucking left-wing think tank, made up a bunch of estimates, used those estimates, to build some educated guesses, that based on assumptions, such and such number of people die every year from lack of ***INSURANCE***.

The problem with these mindless lying idiots is that it is ILLEGAL FOR A HOSPITAL TO NOT TREAT SOMEONE.

But that doesn't stop these lying fools from spewing their puked up sewage, over and over.


i got two heart surgeries without insurance

leftards need to lie

to sell their utopia

Yeah, I knew a guy that got cancer. Zero insurance, zero money. He went to the hospital, and they had him on full treatment.

You may not get reconstructive surgery if you have a mastectomy, but you will most certainly get the mastectomy.

The idea that people without insurance, are just kicked to the curb, and left for dead, is just absolute lying trash, and this DragonLiar knows it. I know she knows it, because we've talked about this before.

They just make broad assumptions, and base estimates on their assumptions, and then make up a number of people who would have died.

Leftist- "Well, he would have gone to the doctor, and the doctor would have know to give him this test, and the cancer would have been discovered 6 years ago, and they would have given him "more" treatment, and then he would have survived it."

There is not the slightest bit of evidence to support any of those assumptions. And they knew it. That's why the report say it is "ESTIMATED" that a bunch of people *MAY* not have died.

But of course the media (which no leftist actually reads the report, they only cite the media outlet), intentionally leaves off the estimates and assumptions, and just says "45,000 people die every year!", because the media knows that the left-wing lemmings are both liars themselves, and completely and utterly DUMB AS ROCKS, and will blindly repeat their lies OVER AND OVER.

The left-wing, is the party of Clintons. They are all liars. All of them. Dishonest scum, each and every single one.

They are all liars. All of them. Dishonest scum

from what i see here that is almost certainly the case
Here is the 2009 Harvard Study which established that number:

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
Moonglow's a communist from Russia.
I do the goosestep two step...
Another knee jerk response without reading the post. My post specifically said "Before Obamacare, 45,000 people died each year because they could not afford health care". That's not a lie. I don't know what those figures are today.

That's not a lie, that's a fact that even the GOP acknowledged to be true.

You go on about waiting lists for treatment in Canada and the UK but more people die in the US for lack of insurance than die in single payer countries waiting for care.
Idiot, how can you possibly come up with a statistic like that?

It's not entirely her fault. Some scum sucking left-wing think tank, made up a bunch of estimates, used those estimates, to build some educated guesses, that based on assumptions, such and such number of people die every year from lack of ***INSURANCE***.

The problem with these mindless lying idiots is that it is ILLEGAL FOR A HOSPITAL TO NOT TREAT SOMEONE.

But that doesn't stop these lying fools from spewing their puked up sewage, over and over.


i got two heart surgeries without insurance

leftards need to lie

to sell their utopia

Yeah, I knew a guy that got cancer. Zero insurance, zero money. He went to the hospital, and they had him on full treatment.

You may not get reconstructive surgery if you have a mastectomy, but you will most certainly get the mastectomy.

The idea that people without insurance, are just kicked to the curb, and left for dead, is just absolute lying trash, and this DragonLiar knows it. I know she knows it, because we've talked about this before.

They just make broad assumptions, and base estimates on their assumptions, and then make up a number of people who would have died.

Leftist- "Well, he would have gone to the doctor, and the doctor would have know to give him this test, and the cancer would have been discovered 6 years ago, and they would have given him "more" treatment, and then he would have survived it."

There is not the slightest bit of evidence to support any of those assumptions. And they knew it. That's why the report say it is "ESTIMATED" that a bunch of people *MAY* not have died.

But of course the media (which no leftist actually reads the report, they only cite the media outlet), intentionally leaves off the estimates and assumptions, and just says "45,000 people die every year!", because the media knows that the left-wing lemmings are both liars themselves, and completely and utterly DUMB AS ROCKS, and will blindly repeat their lies OVER AND OVER.

The left-wing, is the party of Clintons. They are all liars. All of them. Dishonest scum, each and every single one.
And that's how the democrats like their politicians... lying piece of shit scum. Otherwise they don't get their loot.
How much do I get?
Another knee jerk response without reading the post. My post specifically said "Before Obamacare, 45,000 people died each year because they could not afford health care". That's not a lie. I don't know what those figures are today.

That's not a lie, that's a fact that even the GOP acknowledged to be true.

You go on about waiting lists for treatment in Canada and the UK but more people die in the US for lack of insurance than die in single payer countries waiting for care.
Idiot, how can you possibly come up with a statistic like that?

It's not entirely her fault. Some scum sucking left-wing think tank, made up a bunch of estimates, used those estimates, to build some educated guesses, that based on assumptions, such and such number of people die every year from lack of ***INSURANCE***.

The problem with these mindless lying idiots is that it is ILLEGAL FOR A HOSPITAL TO NOT TREAT SOMEONE.

But that doesn't stop these lying fools from spewing their puked up sewage, over and over.


i got two heart surgeries without insurance

leftards need to lie

to sell their utopia

Yeah, I knew a guy that got cancer. Zero insurance, zero money. He went to the hospital, and they had him on full treatment.

You may not get reconstructive surgery if you have a mastectomy, but you will most certainly get the mastectomy.

The idea that people without insurance, are just kicked to the curb, and left for dead, is just absolute lying trash, and this DragonLiar knows it. I know she knows it, because we've talked about this before.

They just make broad assumptions, and base estimates on their assumptions, and then make up a number of people who would have died.

Leftist- "Well, he would have gone to the doctor, and the doctor would have know to give him this test, and the cancer would have been discovered 6 years ago, and they would have given him "more" treatment, and then he would have survived it."

There is not the slightest bit of evidence to support any of those assumptions. And they knew it. That's why the report say it is "ESTIMATED" that a bunch of people *MAY* not have died.

But of course the media (which no leftist actually reads the report, they only cite the media outlet), intentionally leaves off the estimates and assumptions, and just says "45,000 people die every year!", because the media knows that the left-wing lemmings are both liars themselves, and completely and utterly DUMB AS ROCKS, and will blindly repeat their lies OVER AND OVER.

The left-wing, is the party of Clintons. They are all liars. All of them. Dishonest scum, each and every single one.

They are all liars. All of them. Dishonest scum

from what i see here that is almost certainly the case
Your lying, again...
Here is the 2009 Harvard Study which established that number:

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
So when I donate to Saint Jude's I will go to welfare heaven?
Here is the 2009 Harvard Study which established that number:

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
So when I donate to Saint Jude's I will go to welfare heaven?

How would I know? That's between you and G-d, not me.
In New York City of the 1930s and 40s there was no "welfare." Public assistance was administered by the Home Relief agency which maintained store-front branch offices in low-income neighborhoods. People who needed assistance would visit one of those offices where they were interviewed and assigned to an Investigator who would verify and evaluate their needs and eligibility. (Citizens only.)

If an individual had a rent problem it would be paid directly to the landlord. Medicines were paid for with a special Home Relief voucher that pharmacies were required to accept. These Home Relief store-front branches maintained a large stock of groceries and people in need of food were issued boxes and bags of nutritional items and baby foods.

My aunt worked for that agency. Her title was "Counselor" but her job was going around to the various branches and teaching cooking classes to food parcel recipients. The parcels contained mainly pasta, oatmeal, beans, canned and powdered sauces, etc. Each approved family was issued one "meat voucher" per week which local butchers would honor for a specified amount.

The Home Relief Investigator's duties included helping recipients to find jobs.

Compare that system with today's "welfare" system and it's obvious why public assistance rolls are so bloated. If one manages to qualify for assistance a monthly check arrives in the mail and one rarely sees an investigator. Food Stamps and other benefits are extras.
Last edited:
Here is the 2009 Harvard Study which established that number:

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
So when I donate to Saint Jude's I will go to welfare heaven?

How would I know? That's between you and G-d, not me.
Which God?
Here is the 2009 Harvard Study which established that number:

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
So when I donate to Saint Jude's I will go to welfare heaven?

How would I know? That's between you and G-d, not me.
Which God?

Whatever 'god' you believe in. Of course, I believe there is only one G-d, the G-d of the Bible, which will have you stand before the great white throne judgement, and you will have to give an account of how you lived your life, just like I will.

But if you believe something else, like the 'god' of the big bang, or whatever fruity beliefs there are out there..... ok... then you answer to your 'god'.

But it's not up to me to determine your fate regardless of 'which god'. I'm not G-d dude. What do you expect me to say? Are you asking what the Bible says? I can tell you what the book says, if you want to know.
Last edited:
These people don't care about it, they have attend church..

Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
So when I donate to Saint Jude's I will go to welfare heaven?

How would I know? That's between you and G-d, not me.
Which God?

Whatever 'god' you believe in. Of course, I believe there is only one G-d, the G-d of the Bible, which will have you stand before the great white throne judgement, and you will have to give an account of how you lived your life, just like I will.

But if you believe something else, like the 'god' of the big bang, or whatever fruity beliefs there are out there..... ok... then you answer to your 'god'.

But it's not up to me to determine your fate regardless of 'which god'. I'm not G-d dude. What do you expect me to say? Are you asking what the Bible says? I can tell you what the book says, if you want to know.
Well at least the Christians have their God that is Jeebus, The Jews, not so much...You seem to think that some how being judged is a scary event to make people worry about nothing....yet your God can't destroy Satan, like he did the humans at one time....
Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
So when I donate to Saint Jude's I will go to welfare heaven?

How would I know? That's between you and G-d, not me.
Which God?

Whatever 'god' you believe in. Of course, I believe there is only one G-d, the G-d of the Bible, which will have you stand before the great white throne judgement, and you will have to give an account of how you lived your life, just like I will.

But if you believe something else, like the 'god' of the big bang, or whatever fruity beliefs there are out there..... ok... then you answer to your 'god'.

But it's not up to me to determine your fate regardless of 'which god'. I'm not G-d dude. What do you expect me to say? Are you asking what the Bible says? I can tell you what the book says, if you want to know.
Well at least the Christians have their God that is Jeebus, The Jews, not so much...You seem to think that some how being judged is a scary event to make people worry about nothing....yet your God can't destroy Satan, like he did the humans at one time....
Thank god for ignore.
Ironic ignorance, given how many health care providers were created by people of faith.

Riverside Methodist Hospital | Columbus, Ohio | OhioHealth
Riverside Methodist Hospital.... Methodist.....

History | Mount Carmel Health
Mount Carmel created by Mother M. Angela and Sister M. Rufina Dunn, of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Notre Dame.

St. Rita's Medical Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Started in 1918 by Sisters of Mercy

About Lutheran Hospital

Bethesda North Hospital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bethesda.... do you know where that name comes from? John 5:2 in the Bible.

About Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton
Good Samaritan Hospital. I assume you know Good Samaritan comes from Luke 10:25

This isn't a list of just 5 hospitals. That's 5 GROUPS of hospitals. There are dozens of Lutheran, dozens of Catholic, dozens of Methodists, dozens of non-denominational Bethesda and Good Samaritan hospitals all across this country, and millions world wide.

All only because of people of faith.

Quite frankly if it wasn't for people of Faith, you wouldn't have any health care system to complain about not getting free.

Oh, and may I mention also that we haven't even attempted to cover the millions, if not billions of dollars that are donated to hospitals by people of Faith.

Even those public hospitals.... if it wasn't for people of faith donating to them, they would barely exist.
So when I donate to Saint Jude's I will go to welfare heaven?

How would I know? That's between you and G-d, not me.
Which God?

Whatever 'god' you believe in. Of course, I believe there is only one G-d, the G-d of the Bible, which will have you stand before the great white throne judgement, and you will have to give an account of how you lived your life, just like I will.

But if you believe something else, like the 'god' of the big bang, or whatever fruity beliefs there are out there..... ok... then you answer to your 'god'.

But it's not up to me to determine your fate regardless of 'which god'. I'm not G-d dude. What do you expect me to say? Are you asking what the Bible says? I can tell you what the book says, if you want to know.
Well at least the Christians have their God that is Jeebus, The Jews, not so much...You seem to think that some how being judged is a scary event to make people worry about nothing....yet your God can't destroy Satan, like he did the humans at one time....

Being judged is the scary event I'm worried about. That's why I believe in Jesus.

Can't destroy Satan? Just because I haven't played the flute yet, doesn't mean I am incapable of it. Revelations says that Satan's time is coming in the future.

Pagans have such odd views of Christianity.
Your middle class isn't getting more wealthy. They're losing ground. Only the wealthy are getting wealthier.

View attachment 45879
Here you can see what is happening to the so-called "middle class."

You won't believe these pies. I don't believe too, but I don't believe yours because there are no independent sources of information. The only truth I know is top 1% get richer and others get poorer. Every day.

I devoutly hope I'm the first to say, "So what?"

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