Mischief Is Important


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......
The Nazi’s are all out of the closet now.
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......

Oh? Sooooooooo lemme see here. Calling out a troll for sabotaging a public health service is a "blight upon creation", is it?

Oh no, please, do go on. Tell us more about this blight. :popcorn:
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......

Oh? Sooooooooo lemme see here. Calling out a troll for sabotaging a public health service is a "blight upon creation", is it?

Oh no, please, do go on. Tell us more about this blight. :popcorn:
Get everything you can now. There may not be as much in the future. Of course the economy can come roaring back and this is nothing. If not, the burial industry is going to be working overtime.
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......

Oh? Sooooooooo lemme see here. Calling out a troll for sabotaging a public health service is a "blight upon creation", is it?

Oh no, please, do go on. Tell us more about this blight. :popcorn:
You are like a boil on The ass of the USA.
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......

Oh? Sooooooooo lemme see here. Calling out a troll for sabotaging a public health service is a "blight upon creation", is it?

Oh no, please, do go on. Tell us more about this blight. :popcorn:
You are like a boil on The ass of the USA.
Yep. The boil AND the pus inside that boil.
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......

hypocrite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

go infect the public - some die some dont ... like babies

Hypocrite? What the fuck does that even mean you mewling pus ball of hatred? What you, and the rest of the democratic party have done to the United States, to the planet itself, is an atrocity, untold crimes against creation and nature herself! You've murdered well over 60 million babies, butchering them up like so much fish, and poultry, then served up their mutilated remains to the highest bidders! You creatures represent pure evil, it is absolutely no mystery why you are such naked cowards yourselves, you have to have some dupe do your killing for you whilst you cower in some basement ingesting drugs.... Well, breathe deep the noxious air you and your CCP allies have crafted for the earth "Mr go and infect the public," if justice truly exists, it will swiftly remove every last one of you foul creatures from creation.... :fu:
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......

hypocrite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

go infect the public - some die some dont ... like babies

Hypocrite? What the fuck does that even mean you mewling pus ball of hatred? What you, and the rest of the democratic party have done to the United States, to the planet itself, is an atrocity, untold crimes against creation and nature herself! You've murdered well over 60 million babies, butchering them up like so much fish, and poultry, then served up their mutilated remains to the highest bidders! You creatures represent pure evil, it is absolutely no mystery why you are such naked cowards yourselves, you have to have some dupe do your killing for you whilst you cower in some basement ingesting drugs.... Well, breathe deep the noxious air you and your CCP allies have crafted for the earth "Mr go and infect the public," if justice truly exists, it will swiftly remove every last one of you foul creatures from creation.... :fu:
Wow, fantastic post, D-N! And your description of the TDS afflicted one, "mewling pus ball of hatred" is SPOT on. Nicely done.
Advocating sabotage of public health efforts now.
Stay classy.
Good Christ, you creatures are a fucking blight upon creation, America has murdered 60 + million babies, but somehow we got stuck with you and your ilk......

hypocrite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

go infect the public - some die some dont ... like babies

Hypocrite? What the fuck does that even mean you mewling pus ball of hatred? What you, and the rest of the democratic party have done to the United States, to the planet itself, is an atrocity, untold crimes against creation and nature herself! You've murdered well over 60 million babies, butchering them up like so much fish, and poultry, then served up their mutilated remains to the highest bidders! You creatures represent pure evil, it is absolutely no mystery why you are such naked cowards yourselves, you have to have some dupe do your killing for you whilst you cower in some basement ingesting drugs.... Well, breathe deep the noxious air you and your CCP allies have crafted for the earth "Mr go and infect the public," if justice truly exists, it will swiftly remove every last one of you foul creatures from creation.... :fu:

Apparently the strongest hallucinogens are in Hayward Wisconsin. Who knew.

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