Minimum wage and socialist fallicy

The idiotic idea that $10.10 an hour would correspond to a living wage for any family is so absurd as to be pure fiction.
Do you listen to yourself? You're saying that $10.10/hr is NOT a living wage? You're saying that $10.10/hr is still not enough for people to live on? Is that what you're saying?

If $10.10/hr isn't enough for people to live on, then how is $7.25?
If a corporation is profiting billions of dollars then that corporation can afford to pay their employees more so that they aren't in need of government assistance.
McDonald's Could Double Wages And Make Less Money - Business Insider

What part of trickle down theory works in your mind?

the part that dribbles down to the stock holders who invest and expect a return.

I kniow lets have knb work for a company that doesn't have stock holders, investers or dividends
If a corporation is profiting billions of dollars then that corporation can afford to pay their employees more so that they aren't in need of government assistance.
McDonald's Could Double Wages And Make Less Money - Business Insider

What part of trickle down theory works in your mind?

the part that dribbles down to the stock holders who invest and expect a return.

I kniow lets have knb work for a company that doesn't have stock holders, investers or dividends
Right. The investors are the ones who get the trickle down wealth, not the employees who work in the restaurants that sell the products which make the corporation so many billions of dollars. That doesn't make any sense, so naturally it makes perfect sense to Teabaggers. Because those hard-working rich investors need to eat, too, right?

You're protecting the rich scum who are hoarding the world's wealth while simultaneously telling minimum-wage workers to go find better jobs.
If a corporation is profiting billions of dollars then that corporation can afford to pay their employees more so that they aren't in need of government assistance.
McDonald's Could Double Wages And Make Less Money - Business Insider

What part of trickle down theory works in your mind?

the part that dribbles down to the stock holders who invest and expect a return.

I kniow lets have knb work for a company that doesn't have stock holders, investers or dividends
Right. The investors are the ones who get the trickle down wealth, not the employees who work in the restaurants that sell the products which make the corporation so many billions of dollars. That doesn't make any sense, so naturally it makes perfect sense to Teabaggers. Because those hard-working rich investors need to eat, too, right?

You're protecting the rich scum who are hoarding the world's wealth while simultaneously telling minimum-wage workers to go find better jobs.

OK, short sentences, little words:
1. Employees get their share, it is called "wages" or "salary".
2. "Wage" and "salary" are the amount each employee contracts to receive from the income their labor generates for the employer.
3. "Wage" and "salary" are negotiated based on the value of the employee's labor.
4. If the employee has the ability to generate greater income for the employer, their labor is more valuable.
5. The more valuable the employee is to the employer, the greater his/her "wage" or "salary" will be.
6. If the employee wants a bigger piece of the pie, they should make some effort to become more valuable.

Oh, yeah, an employer is not in business to become some warped version of your concept of social charity. They are in business to earn money, part of which they share with employees, much of which is used to grow the business (making more jobs, by-the-way). The question that you should be pondering is, if businesses are "hoarding" money, why? "Hoarding" money does not make more money, as it would if business is expanded. So, why are savvy businesses not investing their funds in growth?
If a corporation is profiting billions of dollars then that corporation can afford to pay their employees more so that they aren't in need of government assistance.
McDonald's Could Double Wages And Make Less Money - Business Insider

What part of trickle down theory works in your mind?

the part that dribbles down to the stock holders who invest and expect a return.

I kniow lets have knb work for a company that doesn't have stock holders, investers or dividends
Right. The investors are the ones who get the trickle down wealth, not the employees who work in the restaurants that sell the products which make the corporationo so many billions of dollars. That doesn't make any sense, so naturally it makes perfect sense to Teabaggers. Because those hard-working rich investors need to eat, too, right?

You're protecting the rich scum who are hoarding the world's wealth while simultaneously telling minimum-wage workers to go find better jobs.

lots of us common folk have 401k's that have basket investments that have mcdonalds in it.
to say that only rich folk have stock holdings is disengenous.

On a side note. the price of food will double this year. so less people will be going to mcD's anyhow.
Remember you heard it from me first
the part that dribbles down to the stock holders who invest and expect a return.

I kniow lets have knb work for a company that doesn't have stock holders, investers or dividends
Right. The investors are the ones who get the trickle down wealth, not the employees who work in the restaurants that sell the products which make the corporationo so many billions of dollars. That doesn't make any sense, so naturally it makes perfect sense to Teabaggers. Because those hard-working rich investors need to eat, too, right?

You're protecting the rich scum who are hoarding the world's wealth while simultaneously telling minimum-wage workers to go find better jobs.

lots of us common folk have 401k's that have basket investments that have mcdonalds in it.
to say that only rich folk have stock holdings is disengenous.

On a side note. the price of food will double this year. so less people will be going to mcD's anyhow.
Remember you heard it from me first
To think that broke McDonald's employees have 401ks with basket investments that have McDonald's in it is fucking retarded. The price of everything keeps creeping up while their wages stay the same. Why does this make sense to you?

On a side note, the price of food doubling next year will cripple millions of working families and yet won't even put a slight dent in the fortunes of the 1%. Of course it's all Obama's fault because he's a Socialist Muslim from Kenya.
95% of financial gains to the richest 1% since Obama's been in office, and you mindless ***** keep saying that he's a Liberal Communist.

You don't know what liberal means and you don't know Socialist means, so just stop. Please stop. You make the world stupid. All of this back-and-forth circle-jerk bullshit that you right-wing primates keep repeating is just old and tired like the Republican voting base. We get it. You hate Obama. He's going to destroy America any second now. He's had five years so far and in that time, rich people have made 95% of the progress, so tell us all again how he's a Marxist Fascist who is taking all the money away from hard-working hedge fund managers and giving it to illegal immigrant drug users.

1% job creators aren't creating any jobs so where the fuck do you assholes expect everyone to work? Please learn something or just kill yourselves. Stop dragging humanity down to your level.

You can't create jobs in an environment where the government is eliminating jobs.

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants:
New Regulations to Take 34 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…

So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Institute for Energy Research | Powerplants to be closed as a result of EPA?s regulations

A) It takes about 100 people to run a electric power plant. X 34 .. 3,400 jobs DEFINITELY gone...
B) These power plants use coal.. which without power plants no need for coal miners!
C) Fewer power plants mean higher electric rates:
"Two new EPA pollution regulations will slam the coal industry so hard that hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost, and electric rates will skyrocket 11 percent to over 23 percent, according to a new study based on government data. Overall, the rules aimed at making the air cleaner could cost the coal-fired power plant industry $180 billion.
Coal Regs Would Kill Jobs, Boost Energy Bills - US News
So higher utility rates means HIGHER manufacturing costs which means one of two things.. manufacturers will be laying people off AND with higher utility rates people's living cost skyrocket!
WHICH again our smartest President warned us..
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

Do those 3 events just in electricity rates sound like a conducive environment for "CREATING " JOBS or "DESTROYING" JOBS!!!

And that is just the utilities industry!

How can any person want to destroy a $100 billion a year tax paying industry and put 400,000 people out of work? Does that sound like a "CREATING JOB OR DESTROYING JOBS' position?
1,300 health insurance companies will go out of business that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000... and if Obama had his preferences they'd go out of business.. why?
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -

How can there ever be a "JoB CREATION environment when the President of the United States says:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
"“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
These statements involve "JOB LOSSES" not job creation...
These statements involve LOWER tax revenues because both industries pay billions in Federal/state/local taxes... WHERE will the revenue come from to replace it?
Last edited:
95% of financial gains to the richest 1% since Obama's been in office, and you mindless ***** keep saying that he's a Liberal Communist.

You don't know what liberal means and you don't know Socialist means, so just stop. Please stop. You make the world stupid. All of this back-and-forth circle-jerk bullshit that you right-wing primates keep repeating is just old and tired like the Republican voting base. We get it. You hate Obama. He's going to destroy America any second now. He's had five years so far and in that time, rich people have made 95% of the progress, so tell us all again how he's a Marxist Fascist who is taking all the money away from hard-working hedge fund managers and giving it to illegal immigrant drug users.

1% job creators aren't creating any jobs so where the fuck do you assholes expect everyone to work? Please learn something or just kill yourselves. Stop dragging humanity down to your level.

You can't create jobs in an environment where the government is eliminating jobs.

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants:
New Regulations to Take 34 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…

So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Institute for Energy Research | Powerplants to be closed as a result of EPA?s regulations

A) It takes about 100 people to run a electric power plant. X 34 .. 3,400 jobs DEFINITELY gone...
B) These power plants use coal.. which without power plants no need for coal miners!
C) Fewer power plants mean higher electric rates:
"Two new EPA pollution regulations will slam the coal industry so hard that hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost, and electric rates will skyrocket 11 percent to over 23 percent, according to a new study based on government data. Overall, the rules aimed at making the air cleaner could cost the coal-fired power plant industry $180 billion.
Coal Regs Would Kill Jobs, Boost Energy Bills - US News
So higher utility rates means HIGHER manufacturing costs which means one of two things.. manufacturers will be laying people off AND with higher utility rates people's living cost skyrocket!
WHICH again our smartest President warned us..
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

Do those 3 events just in electricity rates sound like a conducive environment for "CREATING " JOBS or "DESTROYING" JOBS!!!

And that is just the utilities industry!

How can any person want to destroy a $100 billion a year tax paying industry and put 400,000 people out of work? Does that sound like a "CREATING JOB OR DESTROYING JOBS' position?
1,300 health insurance companies will go out of business that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000... and if Obama had his preferences they'd go out of business.. why?
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -

How can there ever be a "JoB CREATION environment when the President of the United States says:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
"“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
These statements involve "JOB LOSSES" not job creation...
These statements involve LOWER tax revenues because both industries pay billions in Federal/state/local taxes... WHERE will the revenue come from to replace it?

But, but...they'll have health insurance! And much more time to tuck their starving, freezing kiddies into bed and read them a fairy tale about a once powerful country. "Once upon a time, there was a kingdom where everyone had freedom, the ability to choose their own destiny..."
Right. The investors are the ones who get the trickle down wealth, not the employees who work in the restaurants that sell the products which make the corporationo so many billions of dollars. That doesn't make any sense, so naturally it makes perfect sense to Teabaggers. Because those hard-working rich investors need to eat, too, right?

You're protecting the rich scum who are hoarding the world's wealth while simultaneously telling minimum-wage workers to go find better jobs.

lots of us common folk have 401k's that have basket investments that have mcdonalds in it.
to say that only rich folk have stock holdings is disengenous.

On a side note. the price of food will double this year. so less people will be going to mcD's anyhow.
Remember you heard it from me first
The price of everything keeps creeping up while their wages stay the same. Why does this make sense to you?
I think ya just answered your own question. Think prices don't go up for the owner as well
95% of financial gains to the richest 1% since Obama's been in office, and you mindless ***** keep saying that he's a Liberal Communist.

You don't know what liberal means and you don't know Socialist means, so just stop. Please stop. You make the world stupid. All of this back-and-forth circle-jerk bullshit that you right-wing primates keep repeating is just old and tired like the Republican voting base. We get it. You hate Obama. He's going to destroy America any second now. He's had five years so far and in that time, rich people have made 95% of the progress, so tell us all again how he's a Marxist Fascist who is taking all the money away from hard-working hedge fund managers and giving it to illegal immigrant drug users.

1% job creators aren't creating any jobs so where the fuck do you assholes expect everyone to work? Please learn something or just kill yourselves. Stop dragging humanity down to your level.

You can't create jobs in an environment where the government is eliminating jobs.

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants:
New Regulations to Take 34 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…

So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Institute for Energy Research | Powerplants to be closed as a result of EPA?s regulations

A) It takes about 100 people to run a electric power plant. X 34 .. 3,400 jobs DEFINITELY gone...
B) These power plants use coal.. which without power plants no need for coal miners!
C) Fewer power plants mean higher electric rates:
"Two new EPA pollution regulations will slam the coal industry so hard that hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost, and electric rates will skyrocket 11 percent to over 23 percent, according to a new study based on government data. Overall, the rules aimed at making the air cleaner could cost the coal-fired power plant industry $180 billion.
Coal Regs Would Kill Jobs, Boost Energy Bills - US News
So higher utility rates means HIGHER manufacturing costs which means one of two things.. manufacturers will be laying people off AND with higher utility rates people's living cost skyrocket!
WHICH again our smartest President warned us..
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

Do those 3 events just in electricity rates sound like a conducive environment for "CREATING " JOBS or "DESTROYING" JOBS!!!

And that is just the utilities industry!

How can any person want to destroy a $100 billion a year tax paying industry and put 400,000 people out of work? Does that sound like a "CREATING JOB OR DESTROYING JOBS' position?
1,300 health insurance companies will go out of business that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 400,000... and if Obama had his preferences they'd go out of business.. why?
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -

How can there ever be a "JoB CREATION environment when the President of the United States says:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
"“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
These statements involve "JOB LOSSES" not job creation...
These statements involve LOWER tax revenues because both industries pay billions in Federal/state/local taxes... WHERE will the revenue come from to replace it?

But, but...they'll have health insurance! And much more time to tuck their starving, freezing kiddies into bed and read them a fairy tale about a once powerful country. "Once upon a time, there was a kingdom where everyone had freedom, the ability to choose their own destiny..."

ya only Nancy Pelosi could use liberty and mandate in the same sentence
Okay, so..... you're saying that coal plants are paying McDonald's employees less than a living wage?

Or are you saying that all of those McDonald's employees could go mine coal if it wasn't for Obama's Marxist EPA regulations? What exactly is your argument?

Billionaires have collected trillions of dollars between themselves while their employees need government assistance. When do those trillions of dollars begin to trickle down?
The price of everything keeps creeping up while their wages stay the same. Why does this make sense to you?
I think ya just answered your own question. Think prices don't go up for the owner as well
What does that mean? "Prices go up for the owner"? Like what? Certainly not wages. Employee wages are stagnant. Are you saying that costs going up will stop corporations from profiting billions of dollars every quarter? If your profits are in the billions of dollars, you can't afford to pay your employees more? Are "costs" really cutting into your multi-billion dollar profits? You're profiting billions. PROFITS. Your employees are the reason your company profits. You can afford to pay them more with those billions of dollars in PROFITS.
The price of everything keeps creeping up while their wages stay the same. Why does this make sense to you?
I think ya just answered your own question. Think prices don't go up for the owner as well
What does that mean? "Prices go up for the owner"? Like what? Certainly not wages. Employee wages are stagnant. Are you saying that costs going up will stop corporations from profiting billions of dollars every quarter? If your profits are in the billions of dollars, you can't afford to pay your employees more? Are "costs" really cutting into your multi-billion dollar profits? You're profiting billions. PROFITS. Your employees are the reason your company profits. You can afford to pay them more with those billions of dollars in PROFITS.

You have obviously never owned or run a business. Here's a newsflash, private business (unlike government) cannot print fiat money, endless expand their debt ceiling, and rob their patrons without consequences. They earn a finite amount, which must be allocated in such a way that the business remains solvent. If there isn't enough money, some things have to cost less. Maybe if your Dear Leader were not so hell bent on destroying power generation, causing energy costs to skyrocket, employers would have more money to spend on labor.
95% of financial gains to the richest 1% since Obama's been in office, and you mindless ***** keep saying that he's a Liberal Communist.

You don't know what liberal means and you don't know Socialist means, so just stop. Please stop. You make the world stupid. All of this back-and-forth circle-jerk bullshit that you right-wing primates keep repeating is just old and tired like the Republican voting base. We get it. You hate Obama. He's going to destroy America any second now. He's had five years so far and in that time, rich people have made 95% of the progress, so tell us all again how he's a Marxist Fascist who is taking all the money away from hard-working hedge fund managers and giving it to illegal immigrant drug users.

1% job creators aren't creating any jobs so where the fuck do you assholes expect everyone to work? Please learn something or just kill yourselves. Stop dragging humanity down to your level.

You are the most arrogant and stupidest poster on this site. Under the Soviet Union the top 1% made all the gains. That's what progressives/commies/socialists do: they pull up the drawbridge to no one else can get in where they are.
How can you say people arent creating jobs when every thread on the economy has Obama-fluffers pointing out all the jobs being created? Get your story straight, puke.
I know quite a few people who own food businesses, retail and wholesale.
Most of them are doing QUITE well, not just kind of OK.
I know quite a few people who own food businesses, retail and wholesale.
Most of them are doing QUITE well, not just kind of OK.

Kewl story, bro.

It's a brutal business for sure.
Probably one of the few businesses where people actually work HARD for their moola.

As opposed to roofers, who get to laze around, right?
You've never worked for yourself a day in your life. Much less managed others. We get it.

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